Sacred Martial Divine Sovereign

C3516 The Blood-sealing Formation!

C3516 The Blood-sealing Formation!

0The blood fog intertwined, and the dense number of soul shadows rushed towards Ao Lingchen with blood blades in their hands.    


Under the assault of so many soul shadows, Ao Lingchen was in an extremely difficult situation.    


If he had the Good Fortune Heavenly Cauldron in his hands, Ao Lingchen might have been able to rely on this Good Fortune Divine Weapon to fight against these blood blades.    


However, the Good Fortune Heavenly Cauldron had already been blasted away by the Evil Demon experts when he was saving himself just now, and there was no movement at all now.    


After Ao Lingchen came out of seclusion, he did not have the time to retrieve the Good Fortune Heavenly Cauldron because the situation in front of the great formation was too dangerous. He directly rushed over to participate in the battle.    


This also caused Ao Lingchen to not have any divine weapons in his hands, making it difficult for him to suppress these blood blades in front of him.    


Of course, Ao Lingchen was not an iron man. The two long rods in his hands were also existences of the Immortal Divine Weapon.    


These Immortal Divine Weapons were something he had picked up at the waist of the mountain not long ago. Now, they could be used to fight against these Monster in front of him.    


"Your current strength is far from enough to block the killing of the Original Body!"    


The Bloodthirsty Demon looked at Ao Lingchen waving his long rod and blocking his killing moves, and revealed a sinister smile.    


In front of Ao Lingchen's many killing techniques, Ao Lingchen was forced to retreat in defeat.    


How could such an Ao Lingchen be a match for him? How could he withstand such a berserk attack from him?    


Seeing the figure who was dodging in a sorry state and continuously being hacked by the blood blades, the Bloodthirsty Demon also revealed a greedy cold smile.    


The Bloodthirsty Devil seemed to have already seen the scene of him devouring Ao Lingchen, and the scene of him plucking this portion of fortune.    


With such a mentality, the Bloodthirsty Devil's killing aura became even more violent. The devil's claw swept across the sky, and the destructive sharpness that erupted from it covered the sky and the earth, terrifying everyone.    


Countless Devil Souls roared. The Bloodthirsty Devil was like an invincible fiend, standing in the heavens and the earth, and forcefully unleashing a world-destroying fierce light at Ao Lingchen.    


The dense bloody aura surged, and the void in front of Ao Lingchen continuously shattered!    


With the terrifying might of the Bloodthirsty Devil, the space in front of him was obviously unable to withstand it. This kind of power was simply too terrifying, so powerful that it made people feel suffocated.    


The desire to devour Ao Lingchen made the Bloodthirsty Devil unable to control himself at all. His mind was filled with the desire to devour and destroy Ao Lingchen.    


The violent energy surged, and the bloody aura filled the sky. One after another, sinister soul shadows rushed out and slashed at Ao Lingchen.    


One after another, the soul shadows appeared in the void. They roared towards the sky, their voices shaking the entire Third Realm. The slashes of the devil's blade were ruthless as they slashed towards Ao Lingchen. The momentum was extremely great.    


Under the bloody light, a destructive aura enveloped the entire area.    


The charge of these Devil Souls was simply too powerful, possessing a world-destroying might.    


After all, these Devil Souls were killed by the Bloodthirsty Devil, and before they were refined into Devil Souls, they were all Immortal True Gods, possessing extremely powerful killing power.    


Now that they had been refined into Devil Souls, they had an additional characteristic of not being afraid of death, making it even more difficult to kill.    


How could such a Devil Soul charge be so easily resisted?    


The berserk Devil Fiend swept over, and Ao Lingchen stubbornly waved the long staff in his hand to block it. His body was also cut by the Devil Souls, leaving horrifying bloody marks on his body.    


Under such a charge, even with Ao Lingchen's powerful strength, it was still difficult for him to withstand the attacks of these monsters.    


Although Ao Lingchen had mastered two types of supreme Great Daos, he had not completely mastered the Great Dao of Reincarnation. Right now, he could only be said to have a combat strength comparable to a Supreme Dao Paragon who had achieved the Dao of God. There was still a huge gap between him and a true Supreme Dao Paragon.    


Now that Ao Lingchen had been attacked by the Bloodthirsty Devil, how could he possibly defend against it?    


Facing the Bloodthirsty Devil and the many Devil Souls, Ao Lingchen also tried to form a formation in the air in an attempt to create a formation to resist the attacks of the Bloodthirsty Devil and the others.    


However, the Bloodthirsty Devil's charge with these Devil Souls was simply too berserk. They possessed extremely terrifying killing power, and every strike was accompanied by an extremely terrifying fierceness. It was not something that he could easily resist, let alone forming a formation in the air in such a berserk battle.    


It had to be said that such an astonishing battle had unleashed an extremely terrifying aura. The Bloodthirsty Devil led many Devil Souls and forced Ao Lingchen to retreat step by step. His entire body was covered in blood, making it difficult for him to fight back.    


In this intense battle, even with Ao Lingchen's powerful strength, he was in a big trouble at this moment. He was unable to resist the attacks of these Devil Souls.    


The Devil Souls swung their blades and charged forward. Their eyes were filled with endless killing intent. All of their actions were carried out by the will of the Bloodthirsty Devil. The combination of the charging formation made them erupt with a killing force that could destroy the world.    


It had to be said that the Bloodthirsty Devil was indeed worthy of being a Supreme expert of the Divine Path. He was worthy of being the Devil God that had shocked the world for thousands of years. The killing force that he unleashed made even Heavenly Pride descendants like Ao Lingchen find it difficult to deal with him.    


The corner of Ao Lingchen's mouth was spitting out blood as he retreated explosively.    


Relying on the Space Great Dao that he controlled, Ao Lingchen unleashed an astonishing movement technique and dodged the attacks from the Bloodthirsty Devil. He tried to escape from the attacks of the Devil Souls.    


The intense collision just now and the berserk fighting also made Ao Lingchen deeply feel the power of the Bloodthirsty Devil.    


He knew that with his own strength, it was impossible for him to face the attacks of so many Devil Souls at the same time. He also could not withstand the powerful attacks of the Bloodthirsty Devil.    


Facing the Bloodthirsty Devil whose body was filled with blood and devilish energy, Ao Lingchen could only think of ways to dodge it and not face it head-on.    


Ao Lingchen understood that if he wanted to survive in this kind of violent killing, he absolutely could not take the attacks head on.    


This battle also made Ao Lingchen understand that what he needed to do now was not to kill this kind of powerful bloodthirsty devil, but to survive from the other side's massacre. If he did not cause trouble for the other Divine Dao Paragons of the Origin World, then it would be his greatest contribution.    


As long as he could restrain the bloodthirsty devil and make this terrifying Devil God unable to attack the other people of the Origin World, it would already be the greatest help to them.    


At the moment, he had to rely on the profoundness of the Spatial Great Dao to survive from the bloodthirsty devil's brutal killing methods.    


Relying on the Spatial Great Dao, Ao Lingchen's figure quickly retreated. Boundless spatial fluctuations circulated around his body as he continuously stepped on the void, dodging the attacks of the Devil Soul.    


Relying on the profoundness of Spatial Great Dao, Ao Lingchen also escaped death many times from the bloodthirsty devil's fatal attacks.    


Seeing Ao Lingchen escape from his fatal attacks time and time again, the bloodthirsty devil also frowned, and his eyes were filled with raging flames.    


On the bloodthirsty devil's body, endless blood-colored fiendishness was rolling. Its expression became incomparably sinister.    


"Just like a loach, so annoying!"    


The bloodthirsty devil gritted his teeth and was very dissatisfied with Ao Lingchen's actions.    



His own strength was clearly superior to Ao Lingchen's, and he had the ability to kill him.    


However, Ao Lingchen had an amazing control over space. He used the Great Way of Space to dodge his attacks time and time again, causing his fatal attacks to miss.    


This result made the bloodthirsty devil, who wanted to refine Ao Lingchen and devour him, feel very irritated.    


"Do you really think you can avoid my attacks by borrowing the Great Way of Space?"    


"Don't you think you underestimate the strength of the Original Body?"    


The bloodthirsty devil suddenly let out a wild roar, and a violent fiendish aura began to intertwine around his body.    


The Devil Souls that were charging out of the void were actually scattered in all directions by the bloodthirsty devil's angry roar.    


In the next second, the Devil Souls actually intertwined into a huge devil formation.    


One after another, the Blood Light rose from the bodies of the Devil Souls, condensing into a huge Blood Barrier around Ao Lingchen.    


In order to restrict Ao Lingchen's Great Way of Space, the bloodthirsty devil had the Devil Souls guard the surroundings, forming a huge blood formation.    


This blood formation only had one purpose, which was to freeze space, turning the space within the blood formation into a special space that could not be torn apart.    


The bloodthirsty devil only had one purpose, which was to seal the Great Way of Space of the bloodthirsty devil, preventing him from using the Great Way of Space to dodge his own attacks.    


The Bloodthirsty Devil naturally paid a heavy price for this. All of the Devil Souls had turned into a part of the formation and could no longer listen to his orders. They charged towards Ao Lingchen.    


It was equivalent to the Bloodthirsty Devil using this powerful killing method to seal off the Bloodthirsty Devil's spatial path.    


The Bloodthirsty Devil was naturally very unhappy with this choice, but in order to kill Ao Lingchen as soon as possible, he could only do this.    


Otherwise, even if Ao Lingchen used the spatial path, the Bloodthirsty Devil would not be able to kill him in a short period of time, even with the Devil Souls surrounding him.    


Unless Ao Lingchen's strength was exhausted and he could no longer use the spatial path to dodge, he would be able to kill him.    


This way, the Bloodthirsty Devil would need to spend a lot of time. He could not accept this.    


For this reason, the Bloodthirsty Devil would rather let these Devil Souls evolve the formation and seal off Ao Lingchen's spatial path. He would personally attack and kill him.    


Looking at the blood formation, Ao Lingchen's expression became even uglier.    


The moment the blood formation was formed, Ao Lingchen could feel that the space around him seemed to have been frozen. Even if he controlled the spatial path, it was difficult for him to tear open space and walk through it.    


This blood formation was like a huge cage that trapped him.    


"I have underestimated these Monsters. As expected of an old monster who has lived for several eras, they have many techniques."    


Ao Lingchen's eyes swept over the blood formation with a serious expression. With his attainments in array formations, he could naturally see how exquisite and powerful this blood formation was.    


Even if Ao Lingchen wanted to break through this blood formation, he would still need to spend some time and effort.    


However, at this moment, Ao Lingchen lacked the most time.    


The Bloodthirsty Fiend had gone to great lengths to create such a grand spectacle, so how could it possibly help him resolve this blood formation?    


What he would have to face next would probably be the Bloodthirsty Fiend's thunderous killing.    


Compared to destroying this blood formation, Ao Lingchen felt that what he needed to do now was to survive the Bloodthirsty Fiend's berserk slaughter.    


Thinking of this, Ao Lingchen's eyes focused on the Bloodthirsty Fiend that was filled with blood mist.    


He knew that the most dangerous moment had arrived.    


Chapter 18 – The Bloodthirsty Fiend's Killing Intent    


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