Sacred Martial Divine Sovereign

C64 Red Fiery Has Made a Great Contribution

C64 Red Fiery Has Made a Great Contribution

0Violent Yuan Qi surged wildly, and the aura on the four-colored ball became increasingly chaotic. A sharp gust of wind swept over, causing Ao Lingchen's expression to become more and more serious. Yuan Qi was crazily pouring into his body, and numerous illusionary figures that looked like real beasts were jumping around crazily. They crazily rushed into the four-colored energy ball.    


However, even though the Yuan Qi in Ao Lingchen's body was crazily rolling out of his body, the three people in front of him were not any weaker than him. The light ball that contained the power of everyone was pressing down on his body bit by bit.    


This force was very terrifying. Ao Lingchen could feel the pressure from it that was as heavy as a mountain. He understood that once this energy ball that contained a violent aura hit him, he was afraid that he wouldn't even have the chance to react. Even if he didn't die, he would still be severely injured!    


"Let's see who can't hold on first!"    


Ao Lingchen's expression was firm and cold like iron. The power of the joint attack of these three men was definitely stronger than his. If he wanted to solve the current situation, he must not use any ordinary means, unless there were some special and extreme methods.    


It just so happened that Ao Lingchen had recently obtained such an unusual method, it was the Flame Explosion!    


"Let's see who can withstand this force!"    


Ao Lingchen's expression was cold, and there was no emotion in his eyes. His eyes were fixed on the four-colored light ball in front of him. Suddenly, a strange fiery light burst out from his palm. The flame swayed along with the wind and rushed into the sphere of light.    


The flame that suddenly appeared was like a catalyst. It was unusually violent. The moment it entered the four-colored energy ball, the four people who were fighting had a premonition that a balance had been broken.    


At the moment of uneasiness, the three of them, who were focused on destroying Ao Lingchen with the energy sphere, didn't have time to react. Their eyes lit up and a strong light that made them unable to open their eyes flashed!    


Boom! Boom! The strong light came, and an explosion that temporarily made them deaf resounded throughout the entire square. A frightening mushroom cloud soared into the sky, and a violent gust of wind swept across the square with the mushroom cloud as the center.    


The faces of the four men turned pale, and a powerful wave of air rushed over like a wild horse, blowing them away!    


Under the impact of the enormous airwave, the four people were like sandbags that were thrown into the air. They fiercely smashed onto the ground, causing gravel to fly everywhere. A few stone pits directly appeared out of thin air.    


Ao Lingchen was still alright. This was his plan, even if the power was beyond his expectation. However, he had already predicted it in advance, so he had to prepare a way to defend himself at the first possible moment. Almost at the moment when the Qi waves exploded, he had already circulated the Creation Spell in his body crazily. He circulated the Yuan Qi in his body, and guarded his heart. Then, he directly unleashed the Brutal Beast Fist. He used the powerful fist force to offset part of the impact on his body.    


However, the other three martial artists that had been schemed against were not so lucky. Almost at the moment when they felt uneasy and wanted to react, that powerful wave of air had already pressed down on them, directly blowing them off their feet. The blood and Qi in their bodies were tumbling abnormally. The Yuan Qi in their dantian was like a wild, uncontrollable force that crashed in all directions. It was a symptom of Qi deviation.    


The moment his body fell to the ground, Ao Lingchen's body trembled violently as he stood up. He immediately circulated the Creation Spell to stabilize the Yuan Qi and blood Qi in his body.    


"Looks like my life is still better!"    


Ao Lingchen stood on the bumpy floor tiles, staring at the three men who had been thrown off their feet. A fierce and fierce look flashed across his eyes. These three men had joined hands to deal with him, and that was to cut off his path to fame. In this way, he didn't need to show them any mercy.    


One step, two steps, three steps!    




Dragging his heavy steps, Ao Lingchen walked step by step towards the three people lying on the ground screaming. When he arrived in front of one of them, Ao Lingchen's expression was calm. He suddenly kicked out with his right leg, and a powerful force followed!    






A dull sound rang out, followed by a miserable cry. A figure that was bent like a prawn flew out of the arena and directly landed outside the arena!    


The same sound rang out, and another figure flew out of the arena!    


His gaze landed on the only opponent present. At this moment, he had already stood up with great difficulty, as if he was hurriedly circulating the Yuan Qi in his body to heal himself!    


"Not good!"    


Sensing Ao Lingchen's gaze, the face of the man who was recuperating changed, and a strong sense of danger surged out from his heart. Goosebumps instantly stood on his body, and his scalp went numb. All the pores on his body kept absorbing the surrounding cold air.    


Although he was confident in his own strength, he was the only one left after the collision with Ao Lingchen. It could be seen how terrifying he was. If he was allowed to get close to Ao Lingchen, he was afraid that he wouldn't be able to escape his fate either!    


"It's your turn!"    


A powerful Yuan Qi burst out from Ao Lingchen's feet. He was like a horse charging at the last opponent at an astonishing speed.    


"Damn it!"    


His mind tightened. There was no time to think. In a split second, the man with blood on his body leaped to the side. He knew that once he was hit, he would lose all hope today. It might be possible to escape this attack!    


However, the moment he rushed out, the martial artist who was being chased by Ao Lingchen felt a chill behind his back. Despair flashed in his eyes. He knew that his speed was too slow.    


Almost at the same time, a kick that contained powerful brute force directly kicked at his chest. The violent leg force was like a tornado sweeping across his chest.    




A dull sound was heard along with a flying figure, ending with the figure landing on the ground.    


Ao Lingchen quietly looked at the few people outside the arena, and swept his eyes over the scene of no one in the eighth arena. He secretly heaved a sigh of relief. He had finally succeeded!    


The square was silent. Everyone was dumbfounded when they saw this scene. They had never thought that the battle would be so changeable. In an instant, the tables had turned, and the battle had ended in an instant!    


Mo Yunfeng, who had been paying attention to Ao Lingchen, had a flash of surprise in his eyes. With his cultivation base, he could see more things than the others. He knew what the turning point of Ao Lingchen's reversal was. He also knew why there was such a huge turnaround.    


"What an interesting guy. But what is that violent flame? It doesn't seem to be a martial skill of our Tianwu Academy. Could it be a martial skill left behind by Peerless King?"    


Mo Yunfeng's eyes had been fixed on Ao Lingchen. He was very curious about what kind of martial skill that flame was. The wild and violent Qi on it seemed to be very powerful. Otherwise, it would be like this. It was impossible for the latter to break the balance of the energy ball, let alone use the flame as the medium. Directly controlling it to explode on the other side of the light ball!    


Ao Lingchen had done a lot of things in secret, but none of them could escape the powerful Eye of the Dean. He could only observe from a distance, and he could easily see through most of the details. However, he was still very curious as to what kind of flame martial skill Ao Lingchen had used just now. It was actually such a violent and violent martial skill.    


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