Godly Matrilocal Son-in-law



0But very quickly, Hu Naizhi's expression changed because there was no Niu Zhongyong in the room!    


"What do you want?"    


Although the entire room was filled with unfamiliar faces, this was Hu Family's territory after all. Hu Naizhi pretended to be calm as he asked.    


"Who are you to her?" Jin Bujiao asked with an unfriendly expression.    


"I'm his brother. Let go of my sister and tell her how much she wants. I'll pay!" Hu Naizhi wanted to use the money to get out first and then solve the problem.    


"Are you his brother? Your sister is preparing to follow me into the capital to develop, so I'm telling you, don't look for her in the future. I'll take good care of her! " Jin Bujiao said to Hu Naizhi with a smile.    


"Bullshit!" Why would my sister go to the capital with you! Are you bullying my sister! "F * ck, I'll kill you!"    


The moment Hu Naizhi heard Jin Bujiao's words, he immediately went mad. Hu Naixuan had always been their family's darling. Now that she was bullied to tears, he could no longer hold himself back!    


Now that Jin Bujiao said he would take Hu Naixuan to Beijing and not let her go, isn't that trafficking in human beings!?    


With that, Hu Naizhi rushed towards Jin Bujiao.    


However, the moment he rushed in front of Jin Bujiao, he was kicked back by Jin Bujiao!    


Hu Naizhi laid on the ground for a long time before he finally stood up.    


Hu Naizhi was not even a Martial Cultivator, how could he contend against a Level 6 Martial Cultivator like Jin Bujiao?    


Hu Naixuan looked at Hu Naizhi, who had a pained expression on his face. Tears were dripping down her face!    


"Humph!" If it wasn't for your sister, you would already be dead! Do you know? " Jin Bujiao said to Hu Naizhi coldly.    


"You bunch of animals, if you dare to touch one of our fingers, I will make you want to die!" Hu Naizhi Qiang pointed at Jin Bujiao and said while gritting his teeth while enduring the pain.    


Jin Bujiao completely ignored Hu Naizhi's words, because in their eyes, life was like picking grass!    


"Miss Hu, he only needs to ask for death to decide his life and death. Follow me and I will spare his life. Otherwise, he will die for sure!" Jin Bujiao used Hu Naizhi's life to threaten Hu Naixuan!    


Hu Naixuan's face was filled with despair. She originally thought that Hu Naizhi would lead someone to save her, but who would've thought that Hu Naizhi would come alone. Not only was he unable to save anyone, he even managed to catch Hu Naizhi!    


At this moment, Hu Naixuan had a dying wish in her heart. If she agreed to let Jin Bujiao go to the capital, it would be a life worse than death!    


But if she didn't agree to him, then her big brother would die because of her. Even if she lived in the future, she would still live in guilt!    


So for a moment, she didn't know what to choose!    


"Miss Hu, you don't have much time left. Hurry up, I have more important things to do!"    


Jin Bujiao felt for Hu Naixuan's face with his hands. Feeling the delicate skin, he became even more determined to take Hu Naixuan as his forbidden master!    




While Jin Bujiao was immersed in his ecstasy, Hu Naixuan slapped him again without any hesitation. "You bastards will die a horrible death!"    


After getting beaten up by Hu Naixuan, not only did Jin Bujiao not get angry, he also laughed. I like little chilies like you. I just don't know if you're still so spicy in bed! "    


Jin Bujiao was smiling at Hu Naixuan, but he turned around and gave Hu Naizhi a big slap on the face!    


Hu Naizhi was beaten until he was dizzy, stars appeared in his eyes, and blood flowed out of the corner of his mouth!    


"Miss Hu, hitting me is the same as hitting your brother. As long as you're happy, you can do it!" Jin Bujiao laughed, which was especially sinister and cunning!    


"You guys aren't people …" Hu Naixuan was so angry that she couldn't even utter a word.    


It was only then that Hu Naixuan understood why Niu Zhongyong kept winking at her. He was hinting her to leave quickly!    


But it was too late to figure it out now!    


Therefore, while business opportunities were important, the most important thing was still to see if he had the ability to control them!    


If Lee Chuntian knew I was trapped here, would he come and save me? Suddenly, Lee Chuntian's figure appeared in Hu Naixuan's mind. Would that rebellious man come to save her?    


"Xuan, don't agree to him!" "Die, we must not let this bunch of bastards succeed, even if you promised them, none of us will have a good ending!"    


Hu Naizhi knew that once Hu Naixuan followed him to the capital, she would be like a canary in a cage and would no longer have any freedom!    


Such a dark and gloomy life was truly worse than death!    


Therefore, even if Hu Naizhi risked his life, he still wanted to save Hu Naixuan!    




Peng Bailu, who was sitting on the side, couldn't stand Hu Naizhi being so stubborn, so he directly kicked Hu Naizhi to the side of the window.    


"Your sister was lucky to be able to marry Jin Bujiao in eight lifetimes. Don't not know what's good for you!" Peng Bailu was worried that he might have missed out on something big, so he quickly helped Jin Bujiao deal with this woman's matter so that no unnecessary trouble would arise.    


"You old bastard, why didn't your sister marry this bastard? That way, you can also be stained with immortal qi! " Hu Naizhi pointed at the white haired Peng Bai Tu and cursed loudly.    


This sentence angered Peng Baodi to death. He pulled Hu Naizhi and pushed him in front of the window, giving him a tight slap!    


Instantly, Hu Naizhi's face swelled up and changed shape.    


"I promise you! I promise you! As long as you let my brother go, I'll promise you all! " Hu Naixuan's heart felt like it was being cut by a knife as she looked at the abused Hu Naizhi!    


Unable to bear watching her own brother being abused, Hu Naixuan finally compromised!    


"Old Peng, stop hitting me. I'm my brother-in-law after all. How am I going to meet my mother-in-law if I get crippled?"    


Jin Bujiao's words caused a wave of laughter!    


"Xuan, what are you talking about? "Don't follow these beasts to the capital. Remember, don't go!"    


Hu Naizhi said loudly to Hu Naixuan, then abruptly climbed up to the windowsill. "Xuan, you have to survive. I'll go call reinforcements for you!"    



After Hu Naizhi finished his sentence, he hit his head on the glass!    


With the shattering of the glass, Hu Naizhi also fell down from the top of the building!    


At this moment, Hu Naizhi was betting his life!    


Because once Hu Naizhi falls from the top floor, regardless of whether he lives or dies, it will definitely attract a lot of attention. At that time, those people in the room will not be able to escape!    




When Hu Naixuan saw her own brother jump down from the stairs without hesitation, she was at a complete loss. She could only shout loudly and watch Hu Naizhi suddenly disappear from her sight!    


All that was left was the messy window!    




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