Godly Matrilocal Son-in-law



0Hearing the news of Hu Wande's death and now hearing Hu Wansha's voluntary recommendation, the voices of opposition in the hall were surprisingly quiet. Only the few people under Hu Naizhi's command retorted and mocked.    


The Hu Wanli camp began to waver. Since the Patriarch was no longer around, they had to reconsider their future and stand.    


"We support Lord Hu!"    


"Yes!" Elder Hu has contributed greatly to our Hu Family, so the position of Patriarch should belong to Elder Hu! "    


"No one in our Hu Family is older than this Hu old man!"    


"Grandpa Hu is the most suitable candidate to be the family head!"    




The Hu Wansha faction started to support Hu Wansha.    


Listening to the clamor from the crowd, Hu Wansha revealed a proud smile.    


Hu Wansha pressed his hands together and his voice immediately became quiet.    


Hu Wansha smiled and said, "Everyone, regardless of the vote or the approval rate, I will be a well-deserved candidate to be the Patriarch, so I would like to invite everyone to witness that from today onwards, I, Hu Wansha, will be the current Patriarch of Hu Family!"    


"You're the Patriarch, then what do you want me to do? "I was still full of energy and got killed by a few words of yours, Hu Wansha?"    


At that moment, a strange voice was heard in the meeting hall.    


This voice was not loud, but it resounded in everyone's heart. This was because they were very familiar with this voice. This was because this voice belonged to their current Patriarch, Hu Wande!    


The meeting hall instantly quietened down. Everyone quietly looked at the door of the meeting room, waiting for the owner of the voice.    


Soon, Hu Naixuan pushed a person into the meeting hall with a wheelchair!    


And this person was Hu Wande!    


Hu Wande swept a cold glance at everyone in the meeting hall. His calm gaze made everyone turn silent!    


Finally, Hu Wande's gaze fell on Hu Wansha.    


If Hu Wansha's face was full of shock, he would have never thought that not only did Hu Wande not die, but he seemed to have recovered a lot!    


"Aren't you very ill? Aren't you dead? " Hu Wansha said in disbelief.    


At this time, in Hu Wansha's camp, Zhao Xihe's legs were shaking violently, like sifting mud!    


Because his misinformation would cause Hu Wansha to be doomed forever!    


Actually, he had found the wrong information. He couldn't blame Zhao Xi He for not being able to do it because Lee Chuntian had deliberately set up a death-faking situation and allowed Zhao Xi He to learn about it!    


Lee Chuntian faked his death because of Hu Wansha's ambition to become the family head! Let everyone in Hu Family see Hu Wansha's ugliness!    


And the ice that arrived this morning was used to reduce the activity of the brain-eating Gu in Hu Wande's body, because this morning, Lee Chuntian had injected all of the braineating Gu onto Hu Wande's arms, and the ice was used to prevent the braineating Gu's activity and prevent them from counterattacking.    


At this moment, Hu Wande's arms were in the ice on the armrest of the wheelchair, his arms were dark, it was the brain-eating Gu!    


"Hu Wansha, are you disappointed to see me? If I were to die, you would be able to take over the position of Patriarch, right? "    


Hu Wande said in a weird tone.    


Hu Wansha's facial expression changed drastically. He never thought that Hu Wande would be able to recover so well!    


Back then, when Hu Wande was poisoned, he fainted several times. In the end, he was the one who saw it with his own eyes, so when he heard the news of his death, he did not doubt it at all!    


Hu Wansha knew that if he couldn't become the family head this time, he wouldn't have another chance in the future!    


The arrow was already on the bowstring. He had no choice but to fire!    


Hu Wansha gritted his teeth and sneered. He was ready to snatch power by force!    


"Brother Wande, we were very worried during the days when you were sick! Now that you are about to recover, we are very pleased! "    


Hu Wansha's expression changed again. He was filled with joy.    


Hu Wansha's attitude surprised Hu Naizhi. He didn't know what Hu Wansha was up to.    


Lee Chuntian looked at Hu Wansha's performance coldly. He did not believe that Hu Wansha would give up this rare opportunity!    


"Really? Don't some people want me to die? " Hu Wande didn't believe Hu Wansha's words either.    


Hu Wansha did not pay attention to Hu Wande's words, but instead smiled and said, "Brother Wande, you are seriously ill, and our Hu Family is in the midst of many things, your body is basically unable to bear the burden, and can not help us out with our Hu Family at all. So, it is better for you to pass on the position of Patriarch to me, this way you can rest in peace, and I can lead my family through all the difficulties justifiably!"    


"Hahaha!" "You finally revealed your fox tail. Hu Wansha, you and I have known each other for so many years, how could I not understand your thoughts?" You have coveted for so long for the position of Patriarch, just wait for today? " Hu Wande directly revealed Hu Wansha's little trick.    


"Brother Wande, you can't say that. There are many capable people, and right now I have more ability than you, so the position of Patriarch is more suitable for me. You should understand this point!" Right now, all of the shareholders and leaders of the middle and above in our Hu's Group are all here, so we can use this opportunity to completely vote on the Patriarch's candidate! "    


After Hu Wansha said this, he swept his eyes across everyone in the chamber, "Everyone, those who support me as the current family head, you can express your support!"    


"My father has worked hard for our Hu Family all these years without holding back, selflessly contributing for so many years. Now that the Patriarch is so sick, his Hee Family is eyeing us covetously, which can be said to be a scheme for both internal and external troubles. And at this time, my father stepped out to take charge of the situation, which is enough to bear witness to my father's loyalty to the Hu Family, so I feel that as the Patriarch, my father is fully deserving of the title!"    


Hu Naiyi stood up and said what he said from the bottom of his heart.    


"I, Hee Liang, also support my master as the head of the family!"    


"Our Zhao Family supports Hu Wansha as the head of the family!"    


"I represent Hu's and the dining industry to support Hu Wansha and his family!"    


"I represent the Hu's Real Estate Industry to support Hu Wansha as Patriarch!"    


"I represent the entire Hu's and all the stores also approve Hu Wansha as Patriarch!"    





After Hu Naiyi's words, most of the higher ups of Hu's expressed their support for Hu Wansha, as two-thirds of the powerful factions expressed their support for him!    


Hu Wande's face turned gloomy as he listened to the list of names. He never thought that Hu Wansha would win over so many people in the month that he was poisoned. It could be said that he had deliberately planned this out!    


"Wande, your body isn't good. Why don't you take care of your body first!"    


Suddenly, Hu Wanli stood up and said, with a helpless and embarrassed look on his face!    


Hu Wanli's words had undoubtedly made it clear that he stood on Hu Wansha's side!    


All along, Hu Wanli had been firmly standing behind Hu Wande. However, he never expected that at this crucial moment, he would actually turn traitor!    


Hu Wande looked at Hu Wanli in disbelief. The person he trusted the most was actually running away from him!    


Hu Wanli's aged face was full of helplessness and embarrassment. All of this could only be vented with a heavy sigh.    


"Brother Wande, since the situation has turned out the way it should be, you should speak up. Don't worry, after you abdicate, I will definitely treat your family well!" Hu Wansha was beaming with happiness!    




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