Godly Matrilocal Son-in-law



0Facing such an opponent, the Azure Dragon's usual words would have already thought of breaking through, because such an opponent was impossible to fight!    


But today was different, because he had a trump card in his team, and that was Lee Chuntian!    


Therefore, Green Dragon Town decided to chat with the masked guy, wanting to gather information on this group of people.    


When Wang Yirong saw the people pouring in from the outside after the explosion, he knew that things were not going well. He quickly tightened the encirclement and waited for the signal from the inside of the two-story building.    


"You people are not worthy of knowing our organization's name. Azure Dragon, there are only two choices placed in front of you today. Either surrender and follow me, or die!" The masked guy, Yu Ke, said with a hoarse voice.    


"What a joke, you've already been surrounded by me. As long as I send the signal, we'll attack you from both inside and out. Do you guys have any chance of winning?" The Azure Dragon said loudly on purpose.    


"Azure Dragon, do you believe that we will be able to take you guys down in an instant?" The masked man's voice was full of disdain.    


"You must be dreaming …"    


But before he could finish his words, he stopped abruptly because another four people came down from the second floor. They wore masks and their auras were exactly the same as the masked guy, Yu Ke!    


The green dragon was stunned, these four people were clearly Level 8 Martial Cultivator!    


Now, the Azure Dragon believed that if these people were to make a move, the people that the Azure Dragon had brought with him would be instantly destroyed!    


If these people wanted to leave, the troops led by Wang Yiran would not be able to stop them!    


The Azure Dragon gave Lee Chuntian a subtle look, seeking his opinion.    


The green dragon instantly understood and went up to provoke him: "Yu Ke, last time we didn't have enough fun. Since the situation is settled, the two of us will go all out, and if you win, I will lead my brothers to surrender, and if you lose, you immediately retreat, what do you think?"    


The green dragon looked at Yu Ke with a smile, his face full of disdain and disdain.    


"Hahaha, good! "Azure Dragon, come on. I know you're stalling for time for the military to rescue you, but I don't mind telling you that before I defeat you, no one will come to save you!" Yu Ke walked forward a few steps without any hesitation and stood in front of the green dragon.    


"I left in a hurry last time, I'll teach you a lesson this time!" He twisted his neck to move his muscles and bones. His entire body began to emit creaking sounds!    




Just as Yu Ke was stretching his muscles, the Azure Dragon punched Yu Ke's chest!    


Yu Ke was pushed back a few steps by the powerful force, but his body was completely unharmed!    


"Humph!" I knew that you were sneaky and did a sneak attack, but I have to say, your attacks are just like a woman scratching her itch. Yu Ke's hoarse laughter came out from under the mask. It was extremely unpleasant to listen to!    


The Azure Dragon ignored Yu Ke's sarcasm and went up to attack.    


Lee Chuntian, who was at the side, saw that Yu Ke's fighting style was extremely simple. Punch after punch, leg after leg. Such an unreasonable fighting style!    


The Azure Dragon, however, relied on its movement technique to wander in front of Yu Ke.    


As expected, not long after, the green dragon was pushed back by Yu Ke's punch!    


Although the Azure Dragon had attacked Yu Ke, the other side only took a few steps back. Yu Ke's punch had caused the Azure Dragon to bleed from the corner of his mouth and receive internal injuries!    


Lee Chuntian observed for a while. Although the Azure Dragon's attack didn't deal too much damage to Yu Ke, Lee Chuntian felt that Yu Ke's body wasn't comfortable because his flexibility and mobility became slower along with Lee Chuntian's attack!    


Lee Chuntian understood that Yu Ke was only barely invincible when he was at the same level, but once he was one level higher, there was no chance for them to win!    


Thus, Lee Chuntian gave the green dragon a look.    


"F * ck, shameless, you want to compare physical strength with me? I have a little brother, and he's also a body refiner. Compete with him. If you win, we will immediately surrender!" The Azure Dragon waved at Lee Chuntian as he spoke.    


Lee Chuntian walked out and carelessly glanced at Yu Ke. Then, he turned his gaze towards the Azure Dragon, "Big Brother Azure Dragon, you are too dishonest. Leave the things that you can't even do to me?"    


After Yu Ke heard Lee Chuntian's words, he burst out into laughter. From the conversation between the two just now, he could tell that this person who had just stood out to train his body did not seem to be a match for the Azure Dragon!    


"Big Brother Azure Dragon, I'll block this person. Quickly go out and call for reinforcements!" Lee Chuntian purposely shouted.    


The Azure Dragon was also very cooperative. It assumed a posture of wanting to rush out!    


Lee Chuntian and the green dragon's coordination was very good. Yu Ke believed it and prepared to stop the green dragon from breaking out of the encirclement.    


However, Lee Chuntian suddenly appeared in front of Yu Ke and blocked his path.    


"Scram!" Yu Ke did not put Lee Chuntian in his eyes at all as he knew that Lee Chuntian was now on the same level. In the entire capital, only a handful of people could injure him, and even fewer could kill him!    


Therefore, Yu Ke did not stop his body from moving forward. At the same time, he threw a punch towards Lee Chuntian. He wanted to finish Lee Chuntian off with one punch!    


Yu Ke had no intention of dodging Lee Chuntian at all. He punched directly towards Lee Chuntian's face.    


Lee Chuntian sneered. He easily dodged Yu Ke's punch, but Lee Chuntian's punch actually hit Yu Ke!    




Lee Chuntian's fist directly pierced through Yu Ke's chest, revealing Yu Ke's back!    


Yu Ke looked down at his own chest in disbelief and saw an arm piercing through it, blood flowing out from it. It was a very joyful scene. At the same time, Lee Chuntian casually pulled out Yu Ke's heart!    


Yu Ke's eyes slowly spread out and lost focus!    


Lee Chuntian did not stop there. He rushed towards the other masked men!    


The other masked men thought that Yu Ke would be able to kill Lee Chuntian with one punch, but they never expected that Lee Chuntian, who was nothing special, would actually kill Yu Ke with one punch!    


While they were still stunned, Lee Chuntian's ghostly figure appeared in front of them!    


"Bang, bang, bang!"    


Lee Chuntian punched the three masked men's chests three times in a row. The three of them were sent flying and crashed onto the stairs behind them.    


This time, Lee Chuntian did not go all out because he wanted to keep him alive.    


Therefore, before the three masked men could stand up, Lee Chuntian attacked again and kicked their legs. Kacha kacha, the crisp sound of bones breaking sounded under Lee Chuntian's feet.    



Although their legs were broken, the masked men did not cry out in pain. They still struggled to stand up, as if their legs were not theirs!    




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