Godly Matrilocal Son-in-law



0Very soon, Wang Qinghua was led out of the old man's small courtyard by Jin. At this moment, Wang Xianda's small courtyard was guarded by a few people.    


The guards were still unaware of what was happening in the front yard, and even stopped Wang Qinghua's group from entering.    


Jin Bujiao didn't say a word and quickly crippled the guard. Then, he kicked the door open and led Wang Qinghua into the small courtyard!    


As soon as they entered the small courtyard, Wang Qinghua was attracted by a large tree with lush branches and leaves. In his memory, there was no such tree!    


"Third Young Master?"    


When Wang Qinghua entered the yard, a trembling voice came from the corner of the yard.    


Wang Qinghua turned around and saw a ragged old man standing under a tree in the corner. His clothes were in tatters and even one of his shoes was missing.    


At this moment, he was holding the grass that he just pulled out from the ground and there were still some grass fragments at the corner of his mouth. He was looking at Wang Qinghua with tears flowing down his face!    


For a moment, Wang Qinghua didn't recognize this person. He was sure that this person wasn't his old man, Wang Xianda!    


"Zhao Shanshui? How did you become like this? "    


Just when Wang Qinghua was confused, Jin Bujiao, who was beside him, suddenly shouted.    


The last time Jin Bujiao came here with the fake Taoist Lee Chuntian, he saw Zhao Shanshui. At that time, he was not like that at all.    


"Zhao Shanshui?"    


Hearing Jin Bujiao's words, Wang Qinghua instantly thought of this person. He couldn't believe that the old man in front of him, who was trembling like a mountain, was actually Zhao Shanshui, who was following beside his father, Wang Xianda!    


Zhao Shanshui had followed Wang Xianda very early on, and when Wang Qinghua was young, he was often taken out by Zhao Shanshui to catch birds in the mountains, to fish in the water.    


If it wasn't for Jin Bujiao, Wang Qinghua wouldn't even put this old man, who was trembling in front of him, together with Wu Tie from before!    


Wang Qinghua quickly ran over and supported Zhao Shanshui!    


When he stood beside Zhao Shanshui, Wang Qinghua noticed that there were different kinds of scars on his body. Some of them were already scarred, while some were even stained with blood. He was skinny and had long scars on his legs that seeped out thick water!    


Seeing Zhao Shanshui, who used to be omnipotent, become like this, Wang Qinghua's eyes were filled with tears and he was choked with sobs!    


He hated himself in his heart, he should have made up his mind long ago, and returned to the Wang Family long ago!    


"Third Young Master, it's good that you're back! The old master has finally looked forward to your return! Quickly go and take a look at the old master. The old master will definitely be very happy to see you! "    


Zhao Shanshui threw away the grass in his hand and pushed, urging Wang Qinghua to go to the house to see Wang Xianda.    


Wang Qinghua nodded and helped Zhao Shanshui into the house.    


Wang Qinghua looked around the living room of the main house. It was empty except for a chair and a broken table with a broken porcelain bowl on top.    


Wang Qinghua was in a daze as he looked at the scene in front of him. Was this where his father had always lived?    


"Third Young Master …" Everything in the room had been moved away by the Second Young Master's men! "I'm only three feet away from digging!" Zhao Shanshui whispered into Lee Chuntian's ear.    


Wang Qinghua's face was full of self-blame.    


Zhao Shanshui led Wang Qinghua into Wang Xianda's bedroom.    


At this moment, Wang Xianda's bedroom was similar to the living room. Other than a bed, there was basically nothing else!    


However, at this moment, Wang Qinghua's gaze was completely attracted by the person on the bed.    


Wang Qinghua walked a few steps and stood in front of the bed.    


The father and son duo had been apart for more than twenty years, and they had finally met again!    


However, Wang Xianda was lying on the bed with his eyes closed, unaware of Wang Qinghua's arrival.    


"Ever since Master was woken up by Li Yao, he had been awake for a few days. But within a few days, Master began to fall asleep again. It's just like before, the only difference is when Master woke up he was very awake!"    


"I wanted to secretly go find Daoist Master Li and let him take a look, but every time, he would be stopped by Second Young Master's people and then beat him up. Later on, he would just lock up the courtyard!"    


"In the past, the people from Wang Family had given me some face, but after Li Zhenren left, the people who were watching over the house and protecting the house in Wang Family were swapped over and over again with Second Young Master. Many people who were opposed to Second Young Master have gradually disappeared!"    


"Even when the old master is awake, the guards outside won't listen to him. Every time the old master scolds them, they'll blame it on me. When the old master sleeps, they'll come in and beat me up …"    


Wang Xianda lay there quietly. His thin face carried a faint dignity. His hair and beard were all neatly tidied up. Obviously, this was all due to Zhao Shanshui!    


Wang Qinghua's eyes were already filled with tears as he listened to Zhao Shanshui's intermittent narration!    


He knew that the reason why Wang Qingquan deliberately framed his own father was because he wanted to control the Wang Family!    


But Wang Xianda did not want to pass the Wang Family position to Wang Qingquan, but had already reserved it for Wang Qinghua!    


That's why the ambitious Wang Qingquan was playing tricks on his bro, father!    


From Zhao Shanshui's mouth, he found out that Wang Qingquan had only given Wang Xianda and Liu Tie one steamed bun a day after locking them up. Zhao Shanshui had left all of the steamed bun to Wang Xianda while Wang Qingquan had lived off the weeds in the yard!    


"Uncle Sanshui, thank you!" If it weren't for you, my father might not be alive right now! " Wang Qinghua immediately wanted to kneel and thank Zhao Shanshui, but he was stopped by Zhao Shanshui.    


"Third Young Master, it's good that you're back. Quickly go and find that Daoist Master Li from Mount Wudang. His Tao technique is profound, and he can definitely cure the old master!" Zhao Shanshui said anxiously to Wang Qinghua.    


"Daoist Master Li?" Wang Qinghua's heart was filled with questions. Today, he had already heard of the name, Li, several times!    


"Wang Dong, there's no need to look for Daoist Master Li. That Daoist Master Li is Young Master!" Jin Bujiao quickly explained.    


"Young Master?" Which Young Master? " Wang Qinghua asked again.    


"The Young Master is the Young Master!"    


"Chuntian?" Wang Qinghua asked in surprise.    


"Yes!" The last time I came here with Young Master, Young Master is indeed Spiritual Master Li! " Jin Bujiao explained.    



"Then what are you still standing there for? Hurry up and call Chuntian in. Let the old man take a look!" Wang Qinghua immediately instructed.    


"Dad, I'm here!"    


Before Jin Bujiao could turn around, Lee Chuntian walked in from outside.    


Lee Chuntian didn't need Wang Qinghua's instructions to walk in front of Wang Xianda. He took out his arm from under the blanket and took his pulse.    


After a moment of silence, Lee Chuntian put Wang Xianda's arm back into the blanket and said lightly to Wang Qinghua, "Dad, the old man is fine, his bodily functions are all good!"    


"Ole Gold, go out and chop down that tree in the yard. Find some fresh leaves to make soup for the old man. The old man will be fine within three days!" Lee Chuntian instructed.    


"Chuntian, why did you cut down that big tree?" Wang Qinghua asked in confusion.    




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