Godly Matrilocal Son-in-law



0"Mr Lee, as long as you can save my father, I, Hu Naixuan, am willing to listen to Mr Lee's orders!"    


Seeing no reaction from Lee Chuntian, Hu Naixuan repeated it again!    


"Miss Hu, your words are too serious. Your brother and I are good brothers. Just based on this, I will definitely cure uncle's illness. As long as you believe me, I can rest assured!"    


Of course, Lee Chuntian wouldn't agree to let Hu Naixuan stay by his side. If Wang Yujia knew about this, it would be terrible!    


Back then, when he and Tang Shengnan had a Western meal, Wang Yujia had knocked the jealousy out of him. If there was suddenly a beautiful girl by his side, who knows what Wang Yujia would think!    


When Hu Naixuan heard Lee Chuntian reject her, she felt a little disappointed in her heart. She was so good-looking, how could a small doctor like her?    


Hu Naixuan glanced at Lee Chuntian. She was a little more curious about this average looking kid!    


"Mr Hu, do you have any silver needles here?" Lee Chuntian suddenly asked.    


"Silver needles?" Hu Naizhi asked curiously.    


"Yes!" It should be called Black Mandara Flower, this kind of poison is extremely poisonous, ordinary medical equipment cannot detect it, and the body of a person who was infected with this poison will gradually decline, in a year or so, the body of the infected person will already be hollow, at that time, even the Da Lou Golden Immortal would not be able to save him! " Lee Chuntian said in a deep voice.    


"Bro, this doesn't quite match my father's condition?" Hu Naizhi asked uncertainly.    


Hu Naixuan, who was at the side, was also curious. The characteristic of the illness described by Lee Chuntian and Hu Wande were a bit strange.    


"Mr Hu, if that charlatan did not appear, uncle will suddenly die a year later, and there is absolutely no possibility of treatment! However, there are people who are not in a hurry and want your uncle to leave faster. Thus, the purpose of the acupuncture is to infect your uncle's body with a Gu! " Lee Chuntian said slowly.    


"Gu?" Hu Naizhi was a little surprised, he had only read about the Gu poison in books, he didn't expect there to be such a poison!    


"The brain-eating Gu that the swindler planted in his uncle's body, this kind of Gu would like to eat the red mandala, and now that the red mandala has invaded his brain, the brain-eating Gu quickly invaded his uncle's brain, this kind of brain-eating Gu can block the brain's nerves and stop all commands from being transmitted to his uncle. Once the brain eating Gu finishes absorbing the red mandala, his brain will become their last meal, and then his uncle will become a vegetable forever, unable to clear his mind for the rest of his life!"    


Lee Chuntian explained Hu Wande's condition in a clear and organized manner. In fact, Lee Chuntian had seen such cases in the medical books of the mysterious old man in Mount Kunlun, so when Lee Chuntian saw Hu Wande's external characteristics, he was 100% sure that Hu Wande's illness could be cured!    


Lee Chuntian's words shocked Hu Naizhi and Hu Naixuan!    


They seemed to have overlooked a problem just now, and that was that Hu Wande was poisoned!    


This meant that someone was trying to harm their father! However, this person's heart was extremely vicious. He didn't even want to wait another year!    


"Bro, did you say that my father was poisoned?" Hu Naizhi asked again carefully.    


"Yes!" I am one hundred percent sure about that! " Lee Chuntian pointed out.    


"Who is it? Could it be Hee Family? But my father and the people from Hee Family have always been very careful, so they shouldn't have any chance! " Hu Naizhi frowned as he thought about who wanted to harm his father.    


"Liu Tie, we can talk about the killer later. Send someone to find the silver needles, I will first control uncle's condition and prevent it from getting worse, then I will slowly force the brain devouring Gu out!" Lee Chuntian reminded Hu Naizhi!    


"Right!" Naixuan, stay here and chat with Chuntian. I'll go find a silver needle! "    


Hu Naizhi knew that his father was poisoned, so he had to be careful of everything. Before finding the culprit, everyone would be suspected, so Hu Naizhi felt that he had to go personally to deal with the matter of the silver needles!    


Actually, Hu Naizhi still had his own selfish motives. He would create a separate space for Lee Chuntian and Hu Naixuan to interact with each other. Perhaps, the two of them would have a spark of love between them!    


"Mr Lee, I'm really sorry. My attitude was a little extreme just now. I hope you can forgive me!" Hu Naixuan apologized to Lee Chuntian again.    


"Miss Hu, I know you're anxious to save your father, that's why you acted like that. I didn't mean to blame you at all, I understand!" Lee Chuntian said with a smile.    


"Mr Lee, wait a moment, I'll go make you some tea!"    


Hu Naixuan stood up and took out an exquisite tea set from the side. She then began to cook the tea.    


"Mr Lee, this tea was personally picked by me. It was made by one of the top stir-fried tea masters in our Hu Family and was specially given to my father to drink. Even my brother doesn't have the qualifications to drink this tea!" Hu Naixuan said with a smile.    


"It is truly Uncle's fortune to have a daughter like Miss Hu!" It is my honor to be able to taste the tea leaves that Miss Hu has personally picked! " Lee Chuntian said with a smile.    


"Mr Lee, my brother said that you are an important person in our Hu Family. You should call me Xuan!" Hu Naixuan said to Lee Chuntian while she was making tea.    


"Good!" "Xuan, since I'm older than you by a few years, I'll have to thank you for that. You can just call me Mr Tian!" Since Hu Naixuan had already expressed her goodwill, Lee Chuntian naturally could not put on airs.    


"Mr Tian, since your medical skills are so good, you must be very busy normally, right? There are a lot of people looking for you, right?" Hu Naixuan suddenly asked.    


Hearing Hu Naixuan's words, Lee Chuntian was stunned for a moment. Hu Naixuan thought of him as a doctor!    


"Miss Hu …" Xuan, actually, I'm not a doctor. Before I started treating Uncle, I've never treated anyone else! " Lee Chuntian said awkwardly.    


"Eh …" It is Hu Naixuan's turn to be shocked. You are not a doctor, how can you tell about my father's condition? And he even needed to treat my father's illness?    


Although Hu Naixuan was full of questions, she didn't ask them on the spot. She knew that people who could make Hu Naizhi act like an honored guest were definitely not simple characters. She still trusted Hu Naizhi's way of doing things!    


"Xuan, don't worry. I've read about Uncle's condition in a book. Both of them are the same. I remember the treatment for this illness by heart, so I'm 100% sure of Uncle's condition!" Lee Chuntian did not hide anything and directly told them what his confidence was!    


"Mr Tian, drink some tea!" Hearing Lee Chuntian's 100% confidence in being able to cure the illness, Hu Naixuan was very excited. After all, her father, who loved her the most, was finally saved!    




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