Naruto: One-click Upgrade

C296 I Come from the Country of Money

C296 I Come from the Country of Money

0"I'm sorry. Recently, our Akatsuki has been in a difficult situation, so..." Konan looked around and a trace of unnatural expression appeared on her face.    


"If there is nothing else, perhaps I can still help you!" Qinyu smiled and patted Konan's shoulder.    


As soon as he said that, she was stunned. Soon, she heard Tie Mu's voice.    


"Master Konan, it's Duo Suo and the others..." Tie Mu's face showed hesitation as he could not help but mention.    


Duo Suo?    


Konan and the others' faces changed drastically. Following the sound, they saw a middle-aged man with a square face walking over.    


"Doso, where are you guys going?" Konan hurried forward and asked.    


Doso was nearly two meters tall. He had a square face and muscles all over his body. He looked like an iron tower.    


Behind him, there were more than ten people walking over in a grandiose manner.    


"Master Konan, we haven't eaten for almost two days. Not long ago, Kusagakure sent people to recruit us. We want to temporarily go over and earn some commission." Suo Duo said neither servile nor overbearing.    


You guys are going to Kusagakure? When did you guys come back? Did Yahiko and the others agree?" Konan's expression changed.    


They were united because of the common idea. However, after experiencing the feeling of reality, everything began to change.    


Going hungry together?    




This was absolutely impossible!    


At the very least, when a great disaster was about to befall them, they would fly on their own. This principle existed everywhere.    


"We don't know when we will return. Perhaps we will return after solving the problem in front of us, or perhaps we will never return!" Doso looked at Qinyu and the others indifferently. "I don't mind if I say something else."    


"Peace is indeed very important and very attractive, but an organization that doesn't even have the most basic food and drink solution is worthy of being investigated. The ability of the leader..."    


Speaking up to here, Duo Suo looked at Konan and said, "It is not that we are cruel, it is that you are incompetent. If you know your own limits, you should abdicate and give up your position to a sage!"    


"You!" Tie Mu immediately became anxious, but he was quickly stopped by Konan's hand. Her pretty face became a little paler. She bit her red lips and wanted to say something, but when she wanted to say something, she was patted on the shoulder by Qinyu.    


"A good bird chooses a tree to live on. They want to soar and prosper. We should send them off happily. Hurry up and make a path for them!" Qinyu smiled and took the lead to move aside.    


The sudden scene stunned Doso and the others.    


This time, they had gathered together because they wanted to go to the Kusagakure.    


However, their main goal was to overthrow the position of the leader of the Akatsuki and then occupy it.    


After all, peace could not be treated as a meal. The wandering Akatsukis that joined the Akatsuki were not completely united, but more so to make a living.    


Right now, there was no other way to make a living. Other than leaving, it was also the idea of letting me lead.    


However, Qinyu's current situation did not develop according to the script at all.    


In Doso's eyes, now that the Sansho Hanzo's envoy came to recruit him, he only needed to bring everyone to cause trouble and threaten them in public.    


Under such circumstances, Konan should try her best to keep him. She might even have the qualifications to become the fourth leader.    


However, now, she was pushed to a dead end by Qinyu with a single sentence.    


Seeing all of them retreat, even Konan looked at Qinyu one more time before biting her red lips and retreating to the side.    


This undoubtedly caused Doso's face to be unable to hold on any longer and he could not help but twitch.    


"What's wrong? You changed your mind so quickly?" Qinyu smiled warmly.    


"You!" Duo Suo was angry. He stared at Qinyu for a moment and said sternly, "Boy, don't be too arrogant."    


"You have no idea how poor this organization is. After you enter, you will starve. Don't cry and leave. I am waiting to hear your joke!"    


"Of course, if you're interested, I can show mercy and take you away with me. Kusagakure was attacked not long ago, and the village's strength was greatly damaged. They recruited many wandering Ninjas. If you follow me, I can make you a Under the forbearance warrior. It's better than staying here."    


Konan's face turned green when she heard these tempting words.    


After all, she was one of the three great leaders of the Akatsuki. Although Qinyu was not a member of the Akatsuki, she was still one of the three great leaders of the Akatsuki.    


But being poached in public was like being air to her.    


"Are you going to tell me that the Akatsuki is poor?" Qinyu looked at Duo Suo and said with a smile. "I'm sorry. I like to generate electricity for love."    


"Furthermore, we don't have much medicinal Ninjas from the Country of Money. It's just that we have the most money!"    


As he spoke, Qinyu took out a stack of notes from his cloak and waved it.    


"Ten thousand taels?" Tie Mu couldn't help but exclaim. Looking at the denominations on the banknotes, his eyes almost popped out.    


"These are still the circulating banknotes of the five great countries. They can definitely be exchanged successfully..."    


"Qin... I cannot accept this money..." Konan was stunned. Her eyes were slightly red as she stubbornly pushed the money back to Qinyu.    


"Haha, Konan, you are looking down on our Qian Kingdom's medicinal Ninjas. Our Young Master doesn't have much. No matter how much money we have, if you don't help him spend a bit, how can our Qian Kingdom hire your Akatsuki without worry as our Qian Kingdom's ninja power!" Kosuke suddenly laughed out loud.    


Looking at his stance, he had completely taken his place.    


"Yes, yes. If you join our country of money, you can give us three sets of ventilation for free. There are also super tight combat suits with super good linear properties! "" Yes, yes, yes, if you join our country of money, you will also be able to give us three sets of ventilation thermal clothing for free. " Might Duy quickly agreed.    


However, as soon as he took out the watermelon-skin suit, it was immediately blocked by Kosuke.    


This sense of beauty was a disgrace!    


Since he came from the Country of Money, he should have used rich gold!    



"Country of Money? Is there such a country in the ninja world?" A Ninja that was closely following behind Doso said with a confused expression.    


Doso and the others were no exception as they looked at Konan suspiciously.    


Facing everyone's gazes, Konan opened her mouth but could not say anything. She could only give Qinyu a pleading look.    


"Haha, of course you don't know the origin of our country of money. Have you heard of the underground black market?" Qinyu smiled and put the banknotes into Konan's hands. "Our country is a country formed by the underground black market's big merchant alliance. There are all big businessmen in it."    


"Yes, our young master's background and reputation. Once he is released, I'm afraid even the Leaders of nations of the five big countries will have to stand aside. In our young master's eyes, your Kusagakure is a big piece of trash. You even let our young master follow you. Idiot!" Kosuke instantly took over the conversation.    


He looked at Kosuke, who was boasting about not making drafts. Qinyu couldn't help but roll his eyes.    


As expected of an old fox. Even when he bragged, he still had a sense of propriety.    


"Alright, let's not get in the way of this Doso. He brought everyone to get rich. Hurry up and send them off!" Qinyu smiled and retreated to the side. He looked at the leader, Dosso.    


For a moment, everyone's eyes fell on him, making Dosso's face twitch uncontrollably.    


The members of the Akatsuki behind him also had a hesitant look on their faces.    


After all, these Ninjas from the Country of Money were too extravagant. Ten million silver notes in exchange for a coin would be enough to crush you to death.    


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