My Cold CEO Fiancee

C634 His Heart Can be Destroyed

C634 His Heart Can be Destroyed

0Actually, if she had not heard from Xiao Qing that Ye Lingtian was willing to help, even if she beat Yuv Xue to death, she would not dare to hand over the Yuv Family industry report to her.    


Yuv Xue had paid the bill in her heart, and Avril's heart was entirely on Ye Lingtian. If Ye Lingtian was determined to help her, Avril would definitely not scam him. If he wasn't, it would be tantamount to luring a wolf into the den. It wasn't that Yuv Xue doubted Avril's character, but that she was forced into a corner by Shang Hai.    


Even if the main product of the Yuanshen Pharmaceutical Industry was a windfall, the profits it brought were still rather considerable. After all, the industry was single, so in order to develop in the long run, Avril had to bloom in all aspects. Therefore, to Avril, Yuv Family right now was like a piece of delicious, fat meat. If Avril didn't want to eat it, then she wouldn't be Avril.    


"Avril didn't seem too complicated after she received it. She should have already answered, right?" Ye Lingtian had no doubt about Avril's personal ability. She was a godly person who could see through an enterprise with just a glance. The title of a top professional manager in the world was definitely not something that could be casually found.     


"I came back last night. Let me show you." Yuv Xue brought the laptop over and put it in front of Ye Lingtian.    


Avril's answer was simple and imposing — Yuv Family could not be saved anymore, they could only wait for their deaths, or invest in foreign investment to take over and clean up all the high-ranking managers! From the current perspective, with the Yuanshen Medicine Industry and Qin Family Group allying together, they would have the remaining funds to buy into the Yuv Family Industry! You think about it. Also, I won't make a move until I get the first move, but I can't guarantee that no one else will make a move.    


"If even she says that, I'm afraid that's the only way." "Yuv Xue, you're not an immortal. This burden is too heavy for you to bear, so don't think about throwing the business of White Wolf Gang into the Yuv Family. Let me tell you, that small business of yours is like a cup of water in a burning cart of firewood."    


Yuv Xue bit her red lips and shook her head weakly: "How is that possible? Those businesses are all Yuv Lei's, I have no reason to inject my brother's assets into the old Yuv Family. "    


As she said this, Yuv Xue suddenly smiled sweetly and looked at Ye Lingtian, "You came all the way from Tianhai to chat, you can't possibly be here to idly stand by and do nothing, can you? Tell me what you think. "    


Ye Lingtian lit up his cigarette, stared into Yuv Xue's eyes and said: "My plan is to combine the Yuv Family industry and my industry that I am about to restructure, and form a huge industrial management body. "As per the circumstances!"    


Yuv Xue's eyes sparkled as she listened. "How much did you prepare to invest in the early stage?"    


"Four billion euros, isn't it?" Ye Lingtian blinked, thinking that Yuv Xue had too little money, so he quickly added, "If it's not enough, it's 6 billion euros!"    


If it wasn't enough, it would be 6 billion euros. Heavens, she knew that Ye Lingtian was rich, but she didn't expect him to be so … So fierce!    


"Six billion is all real money?"    


Ye Lingtian glanced at Yuv Xue and muttered in a low voice, "You know what I did in the past. It's not like I don't know what I'm doing. Is it real or not?"    


Yuv Xue rubbed her temples and laughed unnaturally. "Do you know the meaning of six billion euros, no, four billion euros?"    


"I'm not sure. I said I'm only responsible for the direction of the situation. I'll give the details to the people under my command." Ye Lingtian said boldly, "I want to build a genuine business empire. I want every industry to be at the forefront of the industry!"    


Yuv Xue's smile became brighter and brighter, "Mr Ye, there is no such thing as free lunch. Tell me the details of the cooperation. Who is in charge and how are the powers divided?"    


"Didn't I already say that? Power? Just with the people from Yuv Family, do I dare to give them the authority to manage them? " Ye Lingtian twitched his mouth, and said powerfully, "The newly established Huaxia Holding Group will reorganize all the resources, including personnel and finances. At that time, Yuv Family will become a minority shareholder of Huaxia Holding Group, and you just need to lie down and collect the money, don't ask anything else, it will be for the best."    


Yuv Xue sneered, "Mr Ye, are you really here to help?"    


"Nonsense, if I didn't come over to help, would I play with your foster grandfather? Last night, my life was almost finished, don't tell me you didn't see it. " Ye Lingtian said in annoyance.    


"Don't talk about useless things! Mr Ye, based on what you said just now, I think you came to rob us! " Yuv Xue looked at Ye Lingtian with a smile, the words that popped out of her cherry lips unrestrainedly, "You want to swallow my Yuv Family?! "A hundred percent chance of robbing it while it's still burning, his heart can be destroyed!"    


Ye Lingtian frowned, "If I don't merge with the Huaxia Stock Holding Group, do you want me to throw billions of euros into the Yuv Family industry and not even take any interest? Ask yourself, would you have done it? "    


Yuv Xue was stunned. The smile on her face disappeared as she replied with a cold face, "No! But Yuv Family must have a certain say! Your suggestion can't even be passed by me, so it's even more impossible to pass the elder's meeting! "    


Ye Lingtian had already expected Yuv Xue's attitude, and said: "When you're a friend, I'll give Yuv Family a chance, otherwise, if you want to join Huaxia Holdings, you won't even have a chance!"    


Yuv Xue picked up the cup, poured half a cup of water into her stomach, calmed down, and said to Ye Lingtian, "Are you that confident?"    


"Yuv Xue, you have to remember that I, Ye Lingtian, do things either way. If I want to do something big, I have to do it. Ever since I've started my career, I've never made a loss in my business!" Ye Lingtian stretched out his index finger, and said with a straight face, "The Yuv Family's business is either bankrupt or acquired. From the current situation, there is no other way! And the reason why Yuv Family worked so hard in the business, was basically for money! Huaxia Holdings will use its shares to pay Yuv Family back, you guys don't need to put in any effort, and you can even share the results, how can you find such a good thing! "    


"The feeling of existence, the feeling of existence of our Yuv Family!" Yuv Xue said coldly, "The existence of industry is not just a matter of money, it also involves many aspects, such as influence, such as social status!"    


"Huaxia Holdings can still grant Yuv Family with these, I will use my credibility to guarantee it." Ye Lingtian stared into Yuv Xue's eyes and said word by word.    


Yuv Xue was silent as she leaned back in her office chair. After pondering for a long time, she finally muttered to herself, "Is there really no other way?"    


Ye Lingtian was a bit annoyed, he knocked on the table, turned around and said to Yuv Xue: "Boss, don't look so sad! I think you should be happy that you're able to join Huaxia Holdings. "    


Yuv Xue felt that Ye Lingtian was too unreasonable. It would be a good thing if Ye Lingtian was directly eaten by others. If she were to say this, how many people would use a brick to hit you?    


"Say something …" It would really be infuriating! " Yuv Xue bitterly smiled and said, "If we were to merge with Huaxia Holdings, how much shares would we get?"    


Wu Junyi shook his head like a rattle as he spread out his hands and said, "My specialty is not this. How can I explain it so clearly?" If everything goes on smoothly at Tian Hai's side, after a while, Cannavaro will come to Tianjing, and you can talk to him. If everything goes on smoothly at Tian Hai's side, after a while, Cannavaro will come to Tianjing, and after you talk to him, you can talk to him.    


Look at what you're saying, it's like you've been swallowed up, and all of you are looking at me with respect. Yuv Xue felt a bit helpless. In fact, she regretted getting mad at Ye Lingtian.    


Rather than letting others swallow it, it was better to let Ye Lingtian eat it. Firstly, his strength was strong enough, based on his past performance, if the shares that Yuv Family obtained were the right ones, then maybe the profits from it would be acceptable. Secondly, there was a personal relationship between them, so Ye Lingtian would not look too bad eating it.    


"Introduce me to the Huaxia Holding Group." Yuv Xue took up the lighter and lit Ye Lingtian's cigarette. With a bitter smile, she said, "I need to know the details in order to convince father and those stubborn elders."    


Ye Lingtian did not beat around the bush. He took out the green badge and slapped it on the table, "Do you know what this is?"    


Yuv Xue looked at the badge and knew that posturing was Ye Lingtian's specialty, so she smiled: "How would I know? "Alright, stop beating around the bush and be direct."    


"Deputy leader badge!" Ye Lingtian said arrogantly, "The adjudication of all subsidiary industries is under the jurisdiction of the vice leader. The current Huaxia holding company is the adjudication of all subsidiary industries!"    


What?! Yuv Xue suddenly stood up and looked at Ye Lingtian in surprise. The words that came out of her mouth didn't have much to do with mergers and acquisitions. "When did you join the adjudication?"    


F * ck, why are you asking this? Ye Lingtian blinked and replied: "Since the day that Jinghai left, what happened?"    


"You've never been in contact with them before?" Yuv Xue's pretty face started to quiver slightly.    


"Nonsense!" Honestly, now that I think about it, my little heart is beating like a drum now. If I were to offend a force that I shouldn't have offended, do you think I would be able to sit here unscathed? " Ye Lingtian thought of his arrogant attitude from before. If he said he wasn't afraid, he would be bragging.    


The heck! It hadn't even been two months since he entered the adjudication and he had already become the vice leader? Yuv Xue blinked her eyes and slowly sat down, muttering to herself, "I sometimes suspect that you are not human. No one would believe it if word of this spread, but the Vice Leader of the Judgement, that was equivalent to a! Are they crazy to give you such a big title right from the start? "    


If they don't give me the position of vice leader, they're the real lunatics! The current state of the adjudication industry was not much better than Yuv Family! Ye Lingtian felt that he was quite unlucky. Regardless of whether it was the adjudication or the industry in Yuv Family, they were both f * cking crappy people.    


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