My Cold CEO Fiancee

C143 Tens of Thousands of Cuts

C143 Tens of Thousands of Cuts

0On the top floor of the moving zone, a bright moon hung high in the sky.    


Ye Lingtian took out his phone and looked at it before realizing he had been negligent. His phone was not that high, so it was a pity that it didn't have any effect. He patted Zhang Menghao's shoulder and asked, "Did you bring your phone?"    


"Yes!" Zhang Menghao quickly handed the Apple 6 phone to Zhang Menghao. He was afraid that Zhang Menghao wouldn't have the chance to grab it if he was too slow.    


Ye Lingtian played with the apple for a long time and then gave it back to him. His tone was filled with indignation: "What age is this, for you to use such an ancient item? I feel embarrassed for you. Hurry up and change your phone to your cameraman state. "    


Holy shit, is that what you said human language? This is the newly released Apple 6, your Huawei is the real antiques, and it's already out of f * cking production. However, he silently cursed. After all, he definitely could not afford to offend the person in front of him. Even if the other party said his fart was fragrant, he still had to go on.    


He took the phone and adjusted his angle. Ye Lingtian held Zhang Menghao's shoulder and took a picture. Those who didn't know what was going on would think that their relationship was good.    


"Why aren't you laughing?" Ye Lingtian looked at his phone and was very dissatisfied with Zhang Menghao's reaction in the video.    


"Hero, I can't laugh." Zhang Menghao cried.    


"Hey, I said that in advance. If you don't laugh now, you won't have the chance to do so after a while." Ye Lingtian said seriously.    


No chance to laugh? Zhang Menghao obviously understood the meaning of Ye Lingtian's words wrongly. Facing the camera, he forced a very ugly smile.    


Ye Lingtian waved his hand and said snappily: "Your acting skills are too bad. Such a beautiful moonlight, leaving behind a brilliant smile to cherish, how good! You can't even grasp a chance with good intentions, how disappointing! Alright, alright, I won't dawdle with you. I will directly get to the main point. Come, take off your clothes. "    


Do you want to undress when you see the moon? Zhang Menghao's mouth was wide open. He was stunned for a long time before he exclaimed, "Hero, what did you say?"    


"Take off your clothes!" Ye Lingtian stared at him and said, "Are you deaf?"    


"I understand, I understand." Zhang Menghao slowly took off his shirt. His expression was even uglier than his dad's.    


The heck, how is this looking at the moon? This is clearly using force! Why didn't I see that he had such a disgusting hobby? Like most women facing humiliation, Wu's mood was complex. It would be great if he could avoid disaster, but was the man in front of him someone who could go against his will? Since he couldn't resist, he had to learn to accept it. He clenched his teeth and looked at Ye Lingtian pitifully, then said softly, "Hero, this is my first time. Can you lower your voice later? I'm afraid that when the time comes... "Um, I've caused you to be unhappy, I …"    


"Can this matter be taken lightly? "Don't worry, I'll definitely enjoy myself to my heart's content." Ye Lingtian replied casually.    


Zhang Menghao was on the verge of tears. F * ck, the taste is too strong. Whether I can withstand it later is completely unknown! When Zhang Menghao was left with only one piece of clothing, he hesitated a little. He covered his chest with both hands and looked at the silent Ye Lingtian. He weakly lied on the ground and mustered up his courage to say: "Hero, come …"    


Ye Lingtian was dumbstruck. Black clouds covered his uncertain face. Anger attacked his heart as he kicked Zhang Menghao viciously, cursing, "Who told you to lie on the ground?"    


With a reddened face, Zhang Menghao crawled up and kneeled on the ground. He looked back at Ye Lingtian and said, "Hero, this should be fine, right?"    


"I say, you brat, why are you so evil? Open your eyes wide and take a good look, does laozi look like I'm playing with Broken Back Mountain?" Ye Lingtian pulled the disgusting thing up and threw it to the side, "Stay there. Don't move."    


"Hero, aren't you trying to violate me?" Zhang Menghao's eyes lit up as he asked happily.    


Ye Lingtian didn't want to continue with such an unappetizing topic. He looked around, found a few ropes, and tied Zhang Menghao to the railings with a "big" character.    


You still say that you don't want to violate me? Laozi knows how to drive easily. The problem is that I'm a man, if I want to live that life, I have to lie on my stomach. Otherwise, if my angle isn't right, I might get hurt.    


Ye Lingtian looked at his phone. It was still in the middle of the camera and the angle was good. The pixel was indeed not low. He lit up a cigarette and sat beside Zhang Menghao.    


Is it about to begin? Zhang Menghao was shocked.    


Ye Lingtian took a long drag on his cigarette and asked lightly, "Do you know Zhuo Hui?"    


Zhu Zhuo Hui? Zhang Menghao was stunned. This name sounded so familiar. Suddenly, he remembered that girl who was as pure as a flower.    


When Ye Lingtian heard his breathing start to quicken, he frowned and smiled: "Looks like this question is superfluous. You must have known about it."    


Zhang Menghao quickly walked out of the enchanting memories. The man in front of him had mentioned Zhu Zhuo Hui, so he obviously knew what was going on, and when he thought about this person's personality, he definitely hated evil. If he admitted to it, then he would skin himself alive, so he immediately denied, "Hero, I don't understand what you're saying, but I've never even heard about this person."    


"Oh?" Ye Lingtian stared into his eyes and smiled, "It's not that I don't know him, but I did too many bad things and forgot."    


"Hero, I really don't know you …" "AHH!" As Zhang Menghao said this, he suddenly let out a long and mournful howl, shaking the dark night.    


He looked down and saw the dagger wiggling in his thigh.    


Ye Lingtian raised his eyelids and asked, "Do you remember now?"    


"Ying..." Hero, I remember now... I know him... She's my high school classmate... Please let me go, I was young and ignorant and made a big mistake, but I didn't expect her to die, and I also made compensation for it. I've been very good to her family all these years, and I really liked her at the time. " Zhang Menghao trembled. The pain that he felt made him break out in a cold sweat.    


"She told me yesterday that she didn't want compensation, so she wanted your life." Ye Lingtian smiled strangely and slashed a piece of meat from his thigh with his dagger before stuffing it into Zhang Menghao's mouth.    


Zhang Menghao kept twisting and spasming, his eyes were wide open, and his nose made creepy sounds that would make people's hair stand on end.    


"She also told me that she was in pain and that her body also hurt and her heart hurt. She told me not to kill you so quickly and to let you taste what she felt at that time." Ye Lingtian cut off another piece of flesh from Zhang Menghao's thigh. He held it with his fingers and shook it in front of Zhang Menghao as he slowly said, "But I was wondering, you are a man, how can you experience the pain of a woman? "Therefore, I came up with an idea. In ancient times, there was a type of punishment called 'Lingchi'. I wonder if you've heard of it?"    


Zhang Menghao shook his head as his whole body trembled, while tears and snot flowed down his face.    


"Looks like you haven't heard, alright, I'll give you some general knowledge, I'll let you learn a lot, and cut all the meat from your body into a thousand pieces, of course you won't die in this process, if you die, then it'll mean that the execution was a failure, the scoundrel will be punished," Ye Lingtian smiled confidently, "I know you're a good person, but you can rest assured, I've never made a mistake in my life, and I promise you, with my means, I won't use any medicine to aid you, even if you are half dead, you won't die."    


As he said this, Ye Lingtian cut another six pieces of meat and put them on the side. He smiled as he looked at the struggling Zhang Menghao. His eyes didn't seem like he was looking at a person at all. It was clearly an animal waiting to be slaughtered. During this process, his hands didn't tremble in the slightest. They were steady and smooth, wanting to do an extremely ordinary job.    


Zhang Menghao's tears almost dried up. In just ten minutes, who knows how many pieces of flesh had fallen off his body. How could he endure that kind of heart-wrenching pain? But for some reason, just as he was about to faint, a scorching power woke him up. Gradually, all the energy in his body was gone, and the pain seemed to have forced its way into his heart. It was unbearable for him.    


What Ye Lingtian wanted was this effect. He wanted to pull out the piece of flesh that had been torn to shreds by Ye Lingtian's teeth.    


Ah!" "AHH!" "AHH!    


The shrill howls were continuous. For Zhang Menghao, it was a gift to be able to vent his pain to his heart's content.    


Sighing lightly, Ye Lingtian looked at him blandly and the corner of his mouth drew a beautiful arc as he said: "Is it done?" "Now, let's continue..."    


"Please, please, let me go, I know I was wrong, after I go back, I will kneel in front of Zhuo Hui's grave for three days and three nights, begging her. Her forgiveness... "Wu, wu."    


Still hoping to live, didn't your mother give you brains when she gave birth to you? Ye Lingtian casually stuffed a few pieces of meat into his mouth and said, "Today, even if the deities came, they wouldn't be able to save you, but anyone I have set my eyes on has never been able to escape. Because my nickname is Death God, and I might not know much about this, but after you die, you can ask below and you will know how lucky you are, and how glorious it is for you to be killed by me."    


The god of death had no nameless devil under his command, and the Killer Realm was so expensive that it was shocking, so what Ye Lingtian said was true. If it was a few years ago, Ye Lingtian would have been too lazy to make a move on someone like Zhang Menghao. But now, Ye Lingtian had to admit that his personality was slowly changing.    


If there was a medicine for regret, it was unknown how many pieces Zhang Menghao had taken. Five minutes later, when Ye Lingtian pulled the meat out of his mouth again, Zhang Menghao already realized that he was dead for sure.    


If he was going to die anyway, he might as well die happily. But in his current state, he was simply suffering from a fate worse than death.    


Perhaps it was only now that he finally realized how much pain and helplessness Zhuo Hui had felt in the past.    



"Please …" "Give me a quick death!" Zhang Menghao looked at Ye Lingtian powerlessly. Out of the corner of his eyes, he glanced at Ye Lingtian's thigh and the left side of his body.    


"Sure, but you always fight for the opportunity yourself. Let me ask you, was Hong Wang one of the participants in the incident eight years ago?" Ye Lingtian asked lightly.    


Since it's like this, there's nothing more to say. Zhang Menghao nodded.    


This was what Ye Lingtian wanted. As for the details, he didn't want to know. He cut off the ropes binding his hands and feet. Ye Lingtian said coldly, "Three seconds. If you can die immediately, then don't execute the punishment. If not, then double the punishment..."    


Before Ye Lingtian could finish his sentence, Zhang Menghao found some strength in his hands and grabbed the railing. With a flip of his body, his bloody body quickly fell from the roof.    


Putong, a muffled sound rang out. A sinful life experiences extreme torture and then perished in the night.    


Ye Lingtian picked up the phone and gave Zhang Menghao the last shot. Then, he revealed a brilliant smile towards the phone, stretched out his cutting hand and said, "Ms. Zhu Zhuo Hui, the commission was successfully completed. If you are very satisfied with my work, please give a good review to 5-star."    


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