Unparalleled War God

C42 Provoke

C42 Provoke

0"I found it. There are many ways to kill someone without being noticed, but there are spells, Gu spells, insect spells, potions and Head Subduing Arts spells..."    


Chu Tianyang raised his eyebrows. "Head Subduing Arts?"    


Chu Tianyang frowned. "That's right. It's the Head Subduing Arts!"    


Back when he was on a mission in Southeast Asia, he had seen this kind of strange method.    


The headhunter used the hair-lowering doll as a magic tool. He only needed a hair, a fingernail, or even a photo of the spellcaster to cast the spell.    


Usually, the spellcaster would be hit by the Head Subduing Arts without being detected by the spellcaster.    


According to the current situation, Chu Tianyang believed that Xiao Qingqing was the most likely to be hit by the Head Subduing Arts.    


He had confidence in Su Xuan's strength and had Su Xuan by her side. Unless it was someone with the strength of a war god, it was impossible for them to get close to Xiao Qingqing's side!    


But who exactly lowered Xiao Qingqing's head?    


Chu Tianyang's brows were tightly knitted. After pondering for a while, he dialed a number.    


"Mr. Zhong Nan, I have something to trouble you with."    


Su Xuan's body shook when she heard Chu Tianyang's words. She looked shocked.    


The Mr. Zhong Nan mentioned by the Yang God, could it be that person?!    


Chu Tianyang hung up the phone. He was a little annoyed.    


Mr. Zhongnan was far away in Africa. Even if he got up now and rushed over, it would still take him three days.    


This was a very dangerous time.    


Before Mr. Zhong Nan arrived, Chu Tianyang needed to use his own warlord level strength to suppress this power.    


Fortunately, the person who used the Head Subduing Arts wasn't strong. Chu Tianyang used an hour to finally suppress this strange power.    


He wiped the sweat off his forehead and exhaled, "At least there won't be any problems for one day. One day later, I still need to help her suppress the power in her body."    


Xiao Qingqing indeed calmed down and her furrowed brows relaxed.    


She quietly fell asleep and her body temperature also slowly dropped.    


"Su Xuan, the matter that I asked you to investigate, do you have any clues?"    


Su Xuan nodded and her fingers quickly moved on the computer.    


"I have found out. All the relevant information has been sent to your phone."    


Chu Tianyang nodded in relief. "As expected of our little witch. Her efficiency is high."    


Su Xuan playfully stuck her tongue out.    


"Yang God, I want to remind you that you have to catch them as soon as possible. Otherwise, when they hear that Qi Dongqiang is dead, they might run away."    


"I understand."    


Chu Tianyang gently covered Xiao Qingqing with the blanket and said, "Take care of her. I will be back soon."    


After Chu Tianyang finished his instructions, he left the house.    


His eyes gradually turned cold. Daring to provoke Chu Tianyang, how could he let those people get away with it?    


At the same time, in the overseas battlefield.    


The Heavenly God Temple captured people and escorted them to the center of the overseas battlefield, which was also the most chaotic area.    


This was the grandest capture operation in the history of the Temple of Heaven.    


The nine Heavenly Kings of the Temple of Heaven arrived at the same time!    


This attracted the interest and attention of many powerful organizations in the overseas battlefield.    


Which powerful organization could attract such attention from the Heavenly God Shrine?    


One must know that even the strongest Eternal Night Organization had never received such treatment before!    


The nine Heavenly Kings stood in a straight line, their bodies upright and imposing!    


Everyone only dared to watch from afar, but they did not dare to take a step closer.    


It was because the Heavenly Shrine was too powerful, the nine Heavenly Kings working together could even fight against wargod level experts.    


Besides, the Heavenly God Shrine was too powerful. The Heavenly God Shrine did not only have Heavenly Kings, there was also a mysterious and powerful palace master.    


A real warlord!    


Just the word 'War God' alone was enough to make many people tremble in fear.    


"Guess who these people are, to actually have all the members of the Heavenly God Hall send out to detain them?"    


"I know most of the members of the organizations in the overseas battlefield, but I've never seen these few experts before. Could it be another powerful organization that has just risen up?"    


"That's not right. Not all the members of Heavenly King Hall have moved out. Their palace master is not here."    


Everyone was whispering and discussing among themselves.    


"Speaking of which, it seems like the palace master of Heavenly King Hall has not heard anything from him for a long time."    


"Do you all think that the Palace Chief of Heavenly King Hall has already been killed?"    


"How is this possible? He is a war god!"    


"So what if he is the War God? He is too powerful. If he dares to provoke those ancient and hidden powers, he will definitely die!"    


Everyone's suspicions were not without reason. After all, after the Heavenly King Hall Lord annihilated the Eternal Night Organization, he disappeared without a trace.    


During this period of time, many people speculated that the Palace Master had been seriously injured and was in seclusion to treat his injuries. Some also said that he had died because he was seriously injured!    


There were many speculations, but no one dared to investigate the truth.    


However, there were also many people whose ambitions quietly rose.    


If the Heavenly King Hall Lord really died, In that case, the current Heavenly King Hall was nothing to be afraid of!    


"The power of Heavenly King Hall is not to be trampled upon!"    


The voices of the nine Heavenly Kings were loud and clear, their voices shook the entire world.    


Long Ya took a step forward. His elite eyes swept across the crowd.    


Currently, most of the forces in the overseas battlefield had arrived, and there were people everywhere.    


Many of them were the mortal enemies of Heavenly King Hall. They glared at each other like tigers eyeing their prey. They looked like they were going to eat someone alive.    


However, the nine of them weren't afraid at all. In fact, they even felt like they wished they could fight against each other.    


However, they weren't here to fight today.    


"Everyone, do you know who they are?" Long Ya asked loudly.    


The members of the various influences looked at each other, but all of them saw through each other's doubts.    


They really didn't know which powerful organization Heavenly King Hall had captured.    


Dragon Fang smiled and said, "They don't belong to the overseas battlefield. They are rats that don't even dare to set foot in the overseas battlefield."    


What? An organization that didn't even dare to step foot into the overseas battlefield?    


Everyone had a strange expression on their faces. They thought that Heavenly King Hall had dealt with another powerful enemy.    


Why did they capture someone who didn't belong to the overseas battlefield this time?    


Everyone decided to observe quietly. What was the Heavenly King Hall trying to do?    


"However, they also have the title of an organization, and they are very similar to some of the organizations among all of you."    


Long Ya's eyes narrowed slightly. "Their organization is called - Nine Assassin Groups!"    




Hearing this name, many of the powerhouses of the organizations looked towards a certain place.    


That was the place for the first and second group of killers.    


The people from the first and second group of killers were stunned for a moment. Then, they knitted their brows tightly and were filled with confusion.    


"Our team has always only had Team One and Team Two. We have never seen Team Nine appear before!"    


This was not to get rid of their relationship. It was because that was the truth.    


Dragon Fang smiled and said, "Don't be nervous. I only said that it was very similar. I didn't say that it was someone from your organization."    


The team leader of the first group of killers coldly snorted. "Who's nervous!?"    


His mouth was tough, but his expression was a little fearful.    


It was because the Heavenly King Hall was too strong, so powerful that it made many people tremble in fear.    


"What have they done?" Someone asked.    


The Heavenly King Hall was powerful, but they had strict rules.    


That is, if you don't offend me, you won't offend me!    


Therefore, everyone knew that Heavenly King Hall would not randomly arrest people. They were afraid that something had happened.    


Long Ya looked at the leader of the Nine Assassin Crew kneeling in front of him and said with a cold smile: "Because, they recklessly offended the power of Heavenly King Hall, and even more so, the power of the War God!"    


"The purpose of bringing them here is very clear."    


Dragon Fang looked around and shouted, "Although our Heavenly King Hall has kept a low profile, we can't allow others to trample on us!"    


"We are here to convey the will of the Palace Master."    


The nine of them raised their arms and shouted, "The might of the Heavenly King Hall cannot be trampled upon!"    


"The power of the Divine God of Battle is not to be challenged!"    


The nine of them attacked at the same time, and the Ninth Assassin Squad disappeared from this place!    


Looking at the blood flowing all over the ground, everyone was trembling with fear.    


The Heavenly King Hall had once again proven its strength.    


Even though they had disappeared for such a long time, it was still the peak of the Heavenly King Hall!    


Those who could live in the overseas battlefield were all smart people.    


Heavenly King Hall did this to show off.    


The nine of them were surrounded by thousands of men and horses and were fearless in the face of danger.    



Obviously, their demonstration had succeeded.    


The nine men from Heavenly King Hall had left, and no one dared to stop them.    




Chu Tianyang turned off his phone. Just now, he had received a message from Dragon Fang.    


All members of the Nine Assassin Crew had been destroyed, and they had successfully intimidated the overseas battlefield.    


This was the good news he had heard recently, but Chu Tianyang had already expected it to be like this.    


Because he believed in Dragon Fang and his brothers.    


Chu Tianyang walked into an alley.    


This was an old alley surrounded by old houses.    


Although the shallow pond was developing at a high speed, there were still many places like this that had a sense of age.    


Walking on the streets of the alley, Chu Tianyang seemed to be able to see Long Xia from decades ago.    


Chu Tianyang's arrival also attracted the attention of many people.    


It was because he was too different from the others.    


His tall and straight body. He gave off the aura of a king.    


He gave off the feeling that he was a super CEO!    


How could such a person come to their old street?    


Chu Tianyang ignored the curious gazes of the crowd and walked straight into the depths of the alley.    


There were two old apartment buildings built opposite of each other. The walls were weathered and the paint had been corroded clean.    


Chu Tianyang took out his phone and looked at the documents Xiao Qingqing sent him. He walked straight into the apartment building on the left.    


Because it was an old apartment building, it was only six floors high, so there was no elevator installed.    


The stairs were dark and old, and the corridor was filled with a musty smell.    


This place was really too shabby, and very few young people lived here.    


Chu Tianyang went up to the fifth floor and stood in front of the door of room 501.    


He moved his ears and clearly heard the movement inside the door.    


Someone was packing up.    


Chu Tianyang's expression was cold. If there was no problem with the information Su Xuan gave him.    


Then the people living in room 501 were Xu Qin and Zhu Lyi who had disappeared for no reason!    


Dong dong.    


Chu Tianyang knocked on the door.    


The sound of packing stopped abruptly.    


After a long silence, Chu Tianyang heard someone approaching the door.    


"Who is it?"    


The person inside the door deliberately lowered his voice.    


"You're crazy! If you ask, won't you expose our whereabouts?!"    


"But so many people have seen us here. If we pretend not to be at home, it will instead arouse suspicion."    


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