Unparalleled War God

C98 Pretending to be Rich?

C98 Pretending to be Rich?

0Chu Tianyang smiled coldly. He didn't say anything, but the other party had already called him a liar?!    


"There aren't so many liars in the world."    


Little Juan smiled, then returned to Chu Tianyang. "I'm sorry to keep you waiting, sir."    


"It's okay." Chu Tianyang nodded.    


"Humph, a young girl who has yet to enter the world." Sister Jiang sighed.    


Little Juan nodded apologetically at Chu Tianyang and said, "Sir, what else do you want to know? Let me tell you more."    


Chu Tianyang smiled. "Nothing else."    


Then he pointed at one of the villas in the miniaturized building and said, "I want this one. Prepare the procedures."    




Little Juan was stunned. Was she dreaming?    


The other party actually directly asked to buy a villa? This wasn't a joke, was it?    


She had never met such a straightforward customer before. In the past, those customers would ask all sorts of questions, but in the end, they still chose to consider it.    


But this gentleman was actually going to order directly!    


It had only been less than ten minutes!    


Little Juan still found it hard to believe. She asked with an affirmative tone, "Sir, have you thought it through? This villa you're referring to is the second most expensive villa among all of us. It costs eight million yuan!"    


The villa that Chu Tianyang was referring to was known as House King No. 2!    


Chu Tianyang frowned slightly, but Little Juan seemed to be relieved and let out a sigh of relief.    


As expected, after this gentleman heard the price, he had to consider it.    


However, what Chu Tianyang said next made her dumbfounded.    


"Isn't it the most expensive? I told you I would buy the most expensive and scenic Lou King."    


Little Juan's entire body shook. She couldn't believe her ears!    


This gentleman actually wants to buy the most expensive House King!    


She immediately said apologetically, "I'm sorry, sir. Our House Master No.1 is under the chairman's personal name. It's not for sale."    


Not for sale? That was a bit of a pity.    


Chu Tianyang pointed at Lou Wang Number Two and smiled. "This one, then. It's a good location."    


"Okay, I'll go and prepare the procedures for you right away." Little Juan was delighted.    


She had received a huge order!    


Little Juan ran off happily to get the paperwork done.    


Chu Tianyang continued to look at the miniature building in boredom.    


"I'm still buying a property lord. I really don't know where my confidence comes from."    


Chu Tianyang was looking at it when he heard the mocking voice of a woman called Sister Jiang.    


He looked up and realized that she was looking at him with disdain.    


Sister Jiang was very unhappy. She felt sour.    


This was because she had worked in sales for so many years, but she had never met such a tycoon. She had casually bought a building king.    


And Little Juan had only worked for a few days, yet she was able to meet such a big customer?    


Sister Jiang was unwilling to believe it.    


She was more willing to believe that Chu Tianyang was here to pretend to be a big client to provoke her. After all, this kind of person wasn't rare.    


Hence, she wanted to expose the other party's disguise!    


If she could catch him before he escaped, that would be the best!    


This way, she could let Little Juan take a good look at what kind of fake customer she had met.    


"Money is my confidence in buying the House King. What do you want to say?" Chu Tianyang said calmly.    


Sister Jiang shook her head. "Nothing. I'm just afraid that you will run away when the handover ceremony is paid."    


Chu Tianyang sneered. "Don't worry. I won't run away."    


"Maybe." Sister Jiang rolled her eyes.    


Chu Tianyang frowned. How could this woman be a salesman? How many customers would she offend?    


The owner of Tianjing Villa was really not good at judging people.    


Not long after, Little Juan came over with the contract materials.    


"Sir, take a look. This is the property transfer contract. If there's no problem, go to the counter to pay and sign it." Little Juan smiled sweetly.    


"Thank you." Chu Tianyang nodded politely.    


He was going to have his own house soon. He was still a little excited!    


He suddenly recalls River Song's Silken Villa. That is his and Xiao Qingqing's marriage room but now he is living in an outsider.    


If he has the time, he must go and snatch back the Silken Villa!    


Chu Tianyang simply looked at the contract a few times. After discovering that there is no problem, he walked towards the counter.    


Sister Jiang was shocked. Could it be that this person was really a hidden rich man?!    


She was nervous. She shouldn't have misjudged him!    


But looking at Chu Tianyang's calm and steady steps, he didn't seem to be flustered.    


Little Juan followed behind Chu Tianyang. She was so excited.    


If this order was completed, then she would get hundreds of thousands of commission!    


Not only could it solve the problem of tuition fees, but it could also subsidize the household expenses!    


Sister Jiang's expression was gloomy, and the flames of jealousy in her heart burned fiercely.    


She was so angry that she gnashed her teeth. She had really been taken advantage of by this little girl, Little Juan!    


She had actually met such an invisible nouveau riche!    


She even felt some regret. How nice would it be if she had gone to receive this customer!    


Chu Tianyang walked to the counter. There was also a beautiful young woman with a professional smile on her face.    


"Hello, sir. Please choose the payment method."    


Chu Tianyang took out a black card and handed it to her. "Take this card."    


The woman at the counter took the card with both hands respectfully and swiped it on the POS machine.    


The machine made two beeps. The woman's smile froze and she handed the black card back to Chu Tianyang.    


"Sir, I'm sorry. I can't take your card." The woman apologized.    


"How is that possible?" Chu Tianyang frowned deeply.    


Hearing the woman's words, Little Juan's excited expression froze. Her restless heart immediately calmed down.    


It was as if someone had poured a bucket of cold water over a vigorous flame.    


Sister Jiang's fire of jealousy vanished in an instant. She burst into laughter. "I thought it was a big deal, but it turned out to be an act."    


She laughed out loud. She was glad that it was not Chu Tianyang whom she had received.    


Otherwise, she would have been laughed at by her peers.    


She walked to Little Juan's side and patted her on the shoulder. She said earnestly, "Little Juan, I reminded you before. Now you understand. He doesn't have money. He's here to find excitement."    


After saying that, Sister Jiang walked to Chu Tianyang's side complacently and snatched the black card away.    


"What are you doing?!" Chu Tianyang's eyes were filled with anger.    


He did not expect that he would not be able to clear his card here.    


Sister Jiang played with Chu Tianyang's black card and said with disdain, "This is not a shoddy card you bought from the shopping platform, is it? You can't understand what's written on it. You want to pretend to be a black card to earn money? Tch ~"    


Chu Tianyang ignored him and asked the lady at the counter, "Can't you get an international black card here?"    


The lady at the counter smiled awkwardly. "We can get a black card," she said. However, this card cannot be swiped."    


She had never even seen a black card like this before. Could it be that Jiang Chen had bought a fake black card from the shopping platform to pretend to be rich?    


Chu Tianyang shook his head. He was really speechless.    


Such a large Tianjing Villa could not farm his black card.    


"Forget it. I'll get my other cards when I get back." Chu Tianyang returned the contract to Little Juan and said.    


"Oh, I didn't manage to get the money. Are I running away?" Sister Jiang sneered.    


Chu Tianyang frowned. "I'm going back to get other cards. Don't you understand what I mean? Also, give me back my black card!"    


Sister Jiang shook her head and said with disdain, "You can just buy a bunch of these garbage cards that cost nine yuan and nine yuan."    


"Give them back to me. Otherwise, don't blame me for being impolite!" Chu Tianyang's eyes were cold.    


This woman was challenging his patience.    


Sister Jiang twisted her waist and waved the black card in her hand. "I just won't give it to you. What can you do to me? I still need to call security and arrest you, the troublemaker."    


Little Juan couldn't stand it any longer. She quickly tried to dissuade him. "Sister Jiang, alright, don't be like this. No matter what, he's still a customer."    


"He's also a customer?"    


Sister Jiang sneered, "I'm afraid that even the security guards of our villa earn more money than him!"    


"I guess he doesn't even have a job. That's why he came here to show off and seek comfort!"    


"Sister Jiang ~" Little Juan really couldn't bear for Sister Jiang to insult Chu Tianyang.    


"Little Juan! You have to learn. You can't get used to people like this!" Sister Jiang lectured.    


As soon as she finished speaking, she took the black card and threw it out.    


"Aiya, I'm sorry. My hand is slippery and I can't hold it properly. Go and pick it up yourself."    


Sister Jiang crossed her arms and looked at Chu Tianyang coldly and mockingly. She did it on purpose.    



Chu Tianyang took a deep breath. He had never been provoked like this before.    


This woman had succeeded in making him have killing intent!    


"What's going on? It's so noisy!"    


At this moment, a calm voice sounded.    


Chu Tianyang felt it was familiar. He looked up and saw it was Song Yi and Song Lei.    


Song Yi frowned. He had just entered when he heard the noise. He thought something had happened.    


He didn't see Chu Tianyang because Sister Jiang and Little Juan blocked his line of sight. There happened to be a rockery on Chu Tianyang's side, completely blocking his body.    




All the sales ladies walked over and bowed in unison to welcome him.    


Chu Tianyang was slightly surprised. This old man was the chairman of Tianjing Villa.    


In other words, the company behind Tianjing Villa, Tianjing Group, was his?    


Tian Jing Group was not small. It was built in Songjiang and could be ranked in the top position in the huge Songjiang.    


"Chairman, it is because there is a person who pretends to be a big money buying building king and was seen through by me!"    


Sister Jiang immediately walks over and says as if she wants to take credit.    




Song Yi was slightly surprised. There was actually such a thing!    


Song Lei also did not understand. Who would actually go to the sales office to pretend to be rich and lie?    


Wasn't that an act of being satiated!    


"Lead me over to take a look." Song Yi said.    


Since he had come, he was interested in taking a look.    


"It's actually you!" Song Yi and Song Lei were both surprised.    


Chu Tianyang smiled. "I didn't expect you two to be the chairmen of Tianjing Group."    


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