Ice King

C1153 Giant General

C1153 Giant General

0After countless large rocks were removed, this enormous being that was over a hundred feet tall finally stood up.    


Ye Feii gave it a good look and was stunned for a moment. He couldn't tell if it was a human or a beast.    


He saw that this giant was over a hundred feet tall. It had the body of a human, head, limbs, and torso of a human. It wore the uniform of a human general, and held a huge sword in his hand.    


This huge sword was not something that a sword like Ye Feii could compare with. It was at least 60 feet long and only half a meter short of General Giant's height.    


However, what was strange was that General Giant's four limbs were so huge. That did not have all the characteristics of a human, and even the legendary Giant Human Clan would never have such a body. The tower-like body was no longer a human's existence.    


"I hope it's not me!" At this point, Ye Feii could only pray in his heart. Even 10 Wu steelmakers would be no match for General Giant, let alone one Wu steel.'    


There was no way to fight him. The difference in their physiques was too great.    




At this moment, General Giant suddenly let out a beast roar, this roar was clearly from a Giant Beast, causing the surrounding stones to jump up. Ye Feii also immediately covered his ears, but he still felt a piercing pain in his eardrums, causing his blood and Qi to boil.    


This feeling was extremely difficult to bear.    


Judging from this alone, Ye Feii was definitely not General Giant's opponent. If General Giant stood there and roared, it would be unbearable for Ye Feii. If Ye Feii roared, General Giant probably wouldn't even be able to hear it.    


Of course, General Giant's hearing was also very sharp.    


After General Giant roared, he immediately looked around. He was obviously looking for something in the rubble. As he looked around, General Giant even sniffed with his huge nose, trying his best to smell something.    


"He's obviously looking for me. I'm finished. What should I do?" Ye Feii immediately became confused.    


To think that there was such a powerful existence that was extremely abnormal like this. The dwarf old man from before had already shocked Ye Feii, and this General Giant was clearly not someone that could be compared to the dwarf old man.    


BOOM! "Boom!    


General Giant's body was probably at least a hundred thousand jin. With every step he took, the stones under his feet would shatter and shatter. At the same time, it would cause a huge earthquake and send countless rocks flying.    


It was just like when a warrior was walking on sand, a lot of dust could be blown up.    


"When do I strike? Wasn't it a bit too early to start attacking now? But if I don't attack, do I have to wait until General Giant attacks me before I fight back? Isn't this making me more passive? "    


Ye Feii widened his eyes as he looked at General Giant's every movement and expression. He was also rapidly calculating in his mind.    


"The first strike is the best, the second strike is the worst!" When General Giant is 300 feet away from me, I can make my move! " Ye Feii immediately made a decision in his heart.    


A distance of 300 feet was a distance of 100 meters. For General Giant who had an oversized body, a distance of 300 feet was too short. It was just two or three steps away, which was equivalent to appearing under his feet.    


Thinking like this, Ye Feii quietly waited and prepared the Thunder Power Steel Claw ahead of time.    


Right now, Ye Feii's most powerful weapon was this Steel Claw. If the lightning energy contained within the Steel Claw was unable to do anything to General Giant, then Ye Feii would really be helpless.    


Ye Feii also believed that his luck wasn't that bad and that the time of his death wouldn't come just like that.    


BOOM! "Boom!    


Following Ye Feii's gaze, General Giant walked over step by step. The strong murderous aura he was emitting could simply be seen and felt.    


General Giant was dozens of feet away with each step. He was getting closer and closer to Ye Feii with just three steps and two steps.    


"800 feet!" 500 feet! 300 feet! Do it! "    


Ye Feii was not an indecisive person. When he saw that General Giant was only 300 feet away, he immediately rushed towards General Giant like a big, nimble bird.    


General Giant was not only extremely huge, but as Ye Feii expected, his senses were also very sensitive. Separated by a distance of 300 feet, the moment Wu Tie flew up, General Giant noticed him.    




Seeing Ye Feii rushing towards him like a meteor chasing the moon, General Giant stopped where he was. He opened his mouth that was the size of a cave and immediately shouted!    


This roar not only shook the air and caused the air to clash, but also brought up a strong wind that blew against Ye Feii in the air.    


With a single breath and a tremble, this roar contained these two different types of attacks. They were indeed very powerful.    


"What a powerful fellow!"    


Ye Feii was no pushover. Since he used this method to attack General Giant, he naturally thought of the method General Giant would use to retaliate. He immediately shut his senses, refusing to receive the loud rumbling in the air as he dodged General Giant's shock attack.    


At the same time, Ye Feii also used the heavy weight of a thousand jin to stabilize his body in the air. When he was only thirty to fifty feet away from General Giant, he continuously swung the Thunder Steel Claw.    


Chi chi!    


Chi chi!    


Streams of lightning shot out from the lightning Steel Claw on Ye Feii's hands. Since the distance was not far and General Giant's body was too huge, all of the lightning bolts, without exception, struck General Giant's body.    


"Good, this is good!" "How can you withstand this lightning energy?"    


After Ye Feii's strike, he did not continue to fight in midair and immediately fell to the ground. At the same time, he paid close attention to General Giant's current situation. If General Giant was very afraid of the power of thunder, then things would be much easier.    


Unexpectedly, the situation was exactly the opposite of what Ye Feii expected.    


Chi chi!    


A few bolts of lightning shot out from the Thunder Steel Claw on Ye Feii's arm. Although they all landed on General Giant's body, they did not have any effect and did not cause any effective damage to him.    




General Giant let out a sound that sounded like a human or a beast after being attacked. It sounded weird, but he was clearly mad.    


"This is bad, the only good weapon is this Thunder Steel Claw. The thunder energy emitted from the Thunder Steel Claw is actually useless against General Giant?"    


Ye Feii was also very shocked in his heart. He thought to himself, looks like this General Giant is an existence that he cannot defeat.    


After Ye Feii landed on the ground, General Giant immediately followed up with his own attack. He opened his hand and his five fingers, like a small hill, shot down towards Ye Feii's head.    



"So berserk!"    


Ye Feii couldn't help but be shocked in his heart. He thought that he was worth General Giant using his sword, but he didn't expect General Giant to not use his sword, and instead stretched out his fingers to grab his sword.    


Although the sword was powerful, it was only for a second. If Ye Feii missed, it would give him a chance to dodge. However, the palm was different, it could follow Ye Feii like a shadow and attack him closely.    


At that moment, General Giant's huge palm was like a mountain. It felt both heavy and heavy, like a mountain. At the same time, it was also like a cloud as it followed behind Ye Feii.    


At this point, Ye Feii no longer wanted to fight back. If he could dodge General Giant's attack and not get crushed to death by him, then he would be considered lucky.    


This General Giant was a battle machine, and he didn't seem to know how to speak human words. Ye Feii was also unable to communicate with him effectively, otherwise, he would be able to catch his breath by using a strategy of delaying the battle.    


What was worse was that not only was General Giant's palm very nimble, his feet were also moving at the same time as he locked onto Ye Feii's figure.    


"I'll rise!"    


Ye Feii was also forced to the point where he had nowhere else to go. He could only shout loudly and shot straight to General Giant's face. As it flew, Ye Feii did not forget to swing the lightning Steel Claw in his hands and attack it with lightning.    


Although the lightning attack from the Steel Claw had no effect on General Giant, but Lei Li had only attacked General Giant's legs and chest, and not his eyes. Otherwise, Ye Feii felt that even if General Giant didn't die, he could at least injure him.    


No matter what, he had to give it a try. He couldn't give up on his attack on General Giant just because one of his moves didn't work, right?    


General Giant, on the other hand, did not seem to take Ye Feii's lightning attack seriously at all. Facing Ye Feii's aggressive attack, he actually welcomed it with a smile and opened his mouth wide.    


Ye Feii never thought that General Giant would actually smile. Moreover, his smile was so ugly that it could be said to be ugly.    


"What are you laughing for!"    


Ye Feii's anger also rose. He waved his hand towards General Giant's eyes a few more times and then towards the front, which was General Giant's mouth.    


Ye Feii thought that even if it couldn't cause any effective damage to General Giant, it would at least be better than not harming him at all! Perhaps his carelessness had really been ruined by his own hands?    


With this thought, Ye Feii charged straight at General Giant's mouth.    


What Ye Feii did not expect was that General Giant's big mouth was not only big, but also had a very strong attracting power. It could create a strong wind, like a wind tunnel, which could pull him inside with all its might!    


This phenomenon was truly frightening. Because it completely went against Ye Feii's will.    


Ye Feii originally wanted to escape immediately after a single strike.    


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