Ice King

C532 Head-on Impact

C532 Head-on Impact

0If he wanted to defeat Wolf King, he could only fight head on with him!    


Thinking of this, Ye Feii held the Ice Blade horizontally and chopped towards the full moon.    


He did not feel as head-on as he had imagined when he chopped steel.    


The moment the Ice Blade and the full moon made contact, Ye Feii felt as if the blade in his hand fell into a quagmire, and was tightly entangled. For a time, he was unable to advance or retreat.    


The full moon emitted a biting cold splendor, as if it was a star that had formed from the heavens, noble and indifferent.    


However, such a beautiful full moon made Ye Feii feel a chill in his heart.    


Not only did the full moon adsorb the Ice Blade in his hand, it also faintly seemed to want to melt it.    


The veins in Ye Feii's hands bulged, and he firmly grabbed onto the handle of the Ice Blade's blade.    


The coldness of the full moon and the chilliness of the flames both seemed to share the same aura, causing the entire scene to look as cold as the Nine Moons Palace.    


Zi zi zi …    


The flame and the full moon blended and eroded each other.    


In an instant, Ye Feii felt that the originally attractive force had disappeared without a trace.    


He pulled out his blade and turned around. Ye Feii's movements could be said to be extremely clean and clean, and he immediately escaped from the attacks of the Silver Moon Demonic Wolf King.    


At this moment, Noah also came to Ye Feii's side.    


"Have you guys finished dealing with it?"    


At this moment, Ye Feii finally had time to ask him while breathing heavily.    


"Yes!" Noah nodded, "It's about time..."    


"What do you mean it's about time?" Ye Feii pointed his mouth and frowned. He looked a little dissatisfied.    


"It's about time..." Noah was also dissatisfied, as he saw it, the group of Demonic Wolf were all lured over by Ye Feii. In order to protect them, many of the mercenaries under his command had already suffered casualties. This debt should all be borne by Ye Feii.    


However, thinking about it, he could clearly distinguish the situation in front of him, so he paused for a moment and continued, "These beasts have become smarter. Other than those that we killed earlier, the rest of the Demonic Wolf, seeing that they were injured, turned around and ran, not willing to fight us to the death at all. Therefore, this battle is between you and the Demon Wolf King. Whoever won would have the final victory in this battle. "That's why I came over to help you in such a hurry …"    


"So that's how it is!"    


Ye Feii scratched his chin and thought in his heart.    


He knew that the Silvermoon Demonic Wolf was very united. In addition to the strict internal hierarchy within the Beastmen Tribe, these normal Silvermoon Demonic Wolf would definitely not abandon their king and flee on their own.    


Therefore, if they wanted to beat back this group of Demonic Wolf, they could only kill the Silver Moon Demonic Wolf King in front of them, or even beat them back. Otherwise, the normal Silver Moon Demonic Wolf would come pouring in endlessly, until they killed all the mercenaries.    


"Is this what it means to capture the thief and the king?"    


Ye Feii instantly understood Noah's thoughts.    


"Alright, since that's the case, let's fight together!" If you attack until the Wolf King gets scared, he will leave! "    


Ye Feii roared at Noah.    


The Wolf King in front of his eyes was unfathomably strong. Although Ye Feii and Noah had both been promoted to the Middle Class Divine Spirit realm, he still wasn't confident. So he didn't seek to kill Wolf King, only hoping to pummel him and force him to retreat.    


After all, his group had already reached the periphery of the Frozen Forest. They only needed a day's worth of time to leave.    


Thinking about it this way, he really didn't need to fight to the death with Wolf King!    




Noah nodded and didn't say anything else.    


After that, Ye Feii felt a strong fluctuation of earth element from his body.    


Seeing that, Ye Feii no longer hesitated. With a "chi chi" sound, a cold flame came out of his body.    




Noah shouted and was the first to attack.    


A shocking gigantic axe that was two people long appeared in his hands, following that, he gripped it tightly, and with a sudden wave, the gigantic axe swung down towards the Silver Moon Demonic Wolf King, chopping down right on its head.    




Ye Feii's movements were not slow either. The moment the flame left his body, he triggered the God Power in his dantian and the Law Energy instantly descended.    


"Domain, Twin Heavens of Ice and Fire!"    


The flames appeared again, emitting a cold aura as they slowly floated towards the Wolf King.    




Seeing the two of them offending his dignity again and again, Wolf King was angry!    


With a roar, he moved.    


A violent gust of astral wind appeared around his body, and then he stood up straight like a human, with a pair of wolf claws close to his chest.    


As the wolf claws slowly separated, it seemed as if they had an invisible suction power, the astral winds quickly converged towards the claws.    




After another roar from the Wolf King, a crescent moon appeared from within his claws.    


"This is the Demonic Wolf Slash!"    


Noah looked at Wolf King in surprise.    


The reason why the Silvermoon Demonic Wolf were called this way was naturally because they had the ability to join hands and attack with the silver moon.    


As a Wolf King, he naturally knew the Profound Technique. But the Demonic Wolf Slash was another type of mystical technique.    


This kind of Profound Technique called "Demonic Wolf Slash" was not rare, and many mercenaries could learn it.    


But now, he was using it in the hands of the Wolf King.    


A Demonic Wolf knowing two types of profound arts, it wasn't like he hadn't seen this type of profound art before in the Frozen Forest.    


However, this kind of existence was extremely rare.    


At least, this was the first time Noah had ever led his Jackal Mercenary Group to meet this kind of Demonic Wolf.    


How could he not be shocked?    


Despite being shocked, Noah's reaction did not slow down. Instead, he added a hidden force to the axe, making it dance even more ferociously.    




The clash of two Profound Technique s was simple and brutal.    


Although they were prepared, the power of the Wolf King was too great. Noah still staggered a few steps.    


Shaking his numb hands, he couldn't help but gasp.    




This Wolf King's power is too terrifying!    


Although he had already expected that the Wolf King would not be an existence that he could fight against, he hadn't thought that this would be the result.    


It had to be known that the Earth God Power represented absolute strength and defense. But under the situation where he was going all out, was it still suppressed by the Wolf King?    


Thinking of this, a hint of disbelief flashed across Noah's face.    


Yet in the blink of an eye, that look disappeared and was replaced with an absolute fanaticism!    


Noah was a standard mercenary. Deep down, he had the characteristics of a mercenary, such as a mercenary's fanaticism for money, or a mercenary's guts.    


It was precisely because of this that Noah did not reveal any fear, but an even stronger fighting intent when he saw Wolf King knocking him back with a single strike!    


On the other side, Ye Feii's Heavenly Flame was slowly floating towards Wolf King.    


Ever since Wolf King suffered from this wondrous flame, he naturally did not use his physical body to make a knot again. Instead, he chose to use the Profound Technique.    




With an angry roar, a huge full moon rose from behind him, slowly rising into the sky.    


Compared to the previous ferocious Demonic Wolf Slash, the full moon was much more gentle, like a strange flame. The speed at which the two moved was much slower.    


If one did not pay attention to sense them, they would not even be able to sense their movements.    


Zi zi zi …    


Even though it was slow, the two met in the air and then gradually melted into the air, never to be seen again.    


Seeing that the Heavenly Flame had disappeared and the threat was gone, Wolf King suddenly made his move.    


Like a thunderbolt, the Wolf King carried a fierce gale and flew towards Ye Feii.    




Wolf King extended his sharp claws that emitted a cold light, leaving an afterimage in the air, and then suddenly slammed towards Ye Feii.    


"Come at me!"    


Ye Feii was not afraid and welcomed it with his fists.    




The fist and the wolf claw collided, and a stalemate occurred in the air, as if neither of them could do anything to the other.    


This was a battle of absolute strength.    


All the veins on Ye Feii's body were popping out and his face was flushed red.    


From his fist came a sound that made one's teeth ache.    




After all, Ye Feii was still not his match. After spitting out a mouthful of blood, he was smacked away by the Wolf King's huge force and instantly fell towards a huge tree.    


Wolf King stepped forward, wanting to take advantage of the victory to pursue and kill Ye Feii.    


Then, he could clearly feel a sound of something breaking through the air behind him. A sense of danger instantly assaulted his heart.    


It was Noah. Seeing Ye Feii sent flying, Noah's attack finally arrived in front of Wolf King.    


Fallen leaves flew in the air, Noah's moment brought with it an unstoppable momentum as he ruthlessly slashed towards Wolf King.    


Without any hesitation, Wolf King turned around and placed his gigantic wolf claws in front of his chest.    


With a "dang" sound, Wolf Claw and Noah's giant axe made a sound of jade colliding. Then, a spark flashed and Wolf King actually blocked Noah's attack.    


However, Noah's attack wasn't over yet.    


As an experienced mercenary, his years of roaming about in the Frozen Forest had also given him a lot of chances to fight with the magical beasts.    



Therefore, he could be said to be experienced.    


When he had clashed with Wolf King earlier, he had clearly felt the true power of the latter. The sheer force of that blow made him realize that he was no match for it.    


With great strength, his movements were also exceptionally agile. The Wolf King looked invincible.    


But Noah knew that the Wolf King had a common weakness with ordinary demon beasts. That was, compared to humans, their IQs were still inferior.    


Their fighting skills were far inferior to the countless hidden attacks of humans.    


Just as the Silver Moon Demonic Wolf King used its two sharp claws to block Noah's attack, suddenly, Noah laughed.    


It revealed a mouthful of white teeth and gave a brilliant smile.    


"Earth magic, Flying Sand!"    


Suddenly, a weak fluctuation of earth element spread out from Noah's body.    


Without waiting for Wolf King to react, he saw a cloud of sand suddenly shoot out from the human body in front of him.    


The sand condensed into a column and shot towards his face like water.    


The Wolf King was unable to react in time to the sudden turn of events.    




Sand hit Wolf King's face and he cried out.    


It was not because the attack was too powerful that it made him feel pain. It was because the sand had seeped into his eyes, causing him so much pain that he couldn't even open his eyes.    


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