War God Returns

C681 Start the War Seek Life!

C681 Start the War Seek Life!

0Dragon Country wanted to ally with Rat Country, and both sides continued to negotiate.    


From the surface, it seemed like the alliance between Dragon Country and Rat Country had become a matter of certainty. Everything was just a matter of time.    


To Bear and Hawk Countries, they didn't want to see Rat and Dragon Country working together to form a unified camp.    


Because if Dragon Country and Country of Rats were to work together, they would form a very powerful group.    


The Dragon Country and the Rat Kingdom were the same. Although they were not as strong as the Bear and the Eagle Kingdom, if they joined forces, they would be able to compete with the Bear and Eagle Kingdom and become the third super strong country in this world.    


That kind of situation wasn't what the Bear Country and the Eagle Country wanted to see.    


Therefore, no matter what, the Bear and Hawk Countries would stop the Dragon Country and the Rat Countries from joining forces.    


Currently, the Dragon Country and the Rat Countries were negotiating and increasing their cooperation.    


Surprisingly, the Bear and Hawk Countries took advantage of the fact that the Dragon Country and Rat Countries had not fully joined forces to interfere.    


"If your Kingdom of Rat dares to ally with the Country of Dragon, it will also be punished and fall into a difficult situation. You must think this through clearly!"    


At this time, everyone knew that Dragon Country was forced into a corner, which was why they sought to ally with the Rat Kingdom.    


The Bear Kingdom and the Eagle Kingdom constantly pressured the Rat Kingdom, whether it was in terms of words or other actions.    


The Kingdom of Bear and the Kingdom of Eagle increased the sanctions of the Kingdom of Mouse, and the two countries sent out their navy to cause trouble in the territory of the Kingdom of Mouse, thereby threatening and threatening the Kingdom of Mouse.    


Faced with the suppression and punishment of the two super strong countries, Rat Country was under tremendous pressure. However, this did not make Rat Country shrink back.    


Because these things had been prepared for a long time. Moreover, these things would happen sooner or later. It was only a matter of time now. It was not a big deal.    


The Rat Kingdom did not stop negotiating and negotiating with Dragon Country just because of the suppression and punishment of the Bear Kingdom and Hawk Kingdom. Instead, they sped up the negotiation process.    


After all, at this moment, be it Dragon Country or the Rat Kingdom, they had to work together as soon as possible to resist the suppression and punishment from the Bear and Hawk Countries. Only then could they reduce the pressure that the two countries were bearing.    


Of course, because the Dragon Country wanted to ally with the Rat Kingdom, the Bear and Hawk Countries had exerted their greatest strength on the Dragon Country and the Rat Countries. This caused the Dragon Country and the Rat Countries to bear unprecedented pressure.    


Whether it was the Dragon Country or the Rat Kingdom, the situation had become unprecedentedly bad.    


The Bear Kingdom and the Eagle Kingdom did not start a hot war, but they started the most intense economic war. This caused the economic system of the Dragon Country and the Rat Kingdom to be on the verge of collapse.    


As time passed, the economic systems of Dragon Country and Rat Country could not escape the outcome of the collapse. If the economic systems of the two countries were to collapse, the consequences would be unimaginable!    


Both Dragon Country and Rat Country were under great pressure.    


Of course, Dragon Country and Rat Country were doing their best to resist. They would not allow Bear and Eagle Country to destroy their economic systems.    


However, both the Dragon Country and the Rat Countries could not find any good countermeasures or countermeasures.    


The leaders of the two countries convened parliament to discuss countermeasures, but they could not find any good solutions. This made the leaders of the two countries very anxious and uneasy.    


Due to the lack of a good solution, the situation of Dragon Country and Rat Country became worse and worse.    


This time, not only did the leadership become more and more anxious, but it also caused the panic and anxiety of the people. Both countries were in a state of panic.    


If this continued, Dragon Country and Rat Kingdom would both give people the feeling that they were going to break down without attacking.    


Of course, if they were to punish and suppress Dragon Country and Rat Kingdom, Bear Kingdom and Hawk Kingdom would also have to pay a big price.    


In this kind of economic war, it could be said that they would kill a thousand enemies and lose eight hundred of their own.    


The reason why the Bear and Hawk Countries did this was because they could afford to waste their resources because of their huge business.    


The Bear and Hawk Countries had already made up their minds to exhaust the Dragon Country and the Rat Countries to death.    


The Dragon Country and the Rat Countries that had been forced into a desperate situation could only join forces as soon as possible to resist the pressure from the outside together.    


Of course, if the Dragon Country and Rat Countries did this, they would suffer even more severe retaliation from the Bear and Eagle Countries.    


"The current situation is already very critical. We must think of a way to break out of this situation. Otherwise, the Dragon Country and Rat Countries will not be able to afford to waste time. In the end, they will only be exhausted to death!"    


"Bear Kingdom and Eagle Kingdom have exerted all their strength to deal with Dragon Country and Rat Kingdom. The two countries are unable to defend themselves now!"    


"From the looks of it, no matter what the Dragon Country and the Rat Countries do, they won't be able to resist the suppression and sanctions from the Bear and Eagle Countries."    


"If the economic systems of the Dragon Country and Rat Countries are destroyed by the Bear and Hawk Countries, then the Dragon Country and Rat Countries won't have a chance to turn the tables."    


"Xiong and Ying are trying to suppress Dragon Country and Rat Kingdom until they die. They won't give Dragon Country and Rat Kingdom any more chances."    


"No matter what, if the Dragon Country and Rat Countries don't want to be destroyed by the Bear and Hawk Countries, they must think of a way to break out of this situation."    


"I don't think there's any good way to break out of this situation. We can only go all out and make some ruthless moves!"    


"What ruthless move? What kind of ruthless move can Dragon Country and Rat Kingdom use now?"    


"I think it's better to start a war with Bear Country and Eagle Country. Bear Country and Eagle Kingdom only fight economics, so we will fight against them. We will fight a heated war with them. They don't want to fight a heated war, so we will fight a heated war with them."    


Perhaps because they had been suppressed and punished for a long time, their days had become tough. The people of Dragon Country who had accumulated a lot of resentment in their hearts had become more radical and had the intention to start a war.    


Of course, there was still a sense of helplessness in the change of their thoughts.    


After all, their country was about to be destroyed. They could only try their best to find peace and stability.    


If it was possible, no one wanted to start a war. After all, when war broke out, there would be bloodshed and sacrifices. It would also cause a huge consumption, enough to drag down a country.    


If they were not forced to do so, who would be willing to start a war?    


Unlike the radical change in the thinking of the people of Dragon Country, the people of Rat Kingdom were full of resentment.    


"Is there something wrong with the brains of the leaders of Rat Kingdom? Why do they want to cooperate with Dragon Country? If our Rat Kingdom doesn't cooperate with Dragon Country, Bear Kingdom and Eagle Kingdom won't target us. Our Rat Kingdom won't fall into such a bad situation!"    


"The leaders are really stupid. Dragon Country is our enemy. The Kingdom of Bear and the Kingdom of Eagle suppressed and sanctioned the Dragon Country. " This is something the Rat Kingdom should be happy to see. Why do we still need to help the Dragon Country when the Dragon Country is in danger? I don't understand the leadership's decision at all! "    



"Our leadership is a bunch of pig's brains. We have to do something that we don't want to ingratiate ourselves with!"    


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