Infinite Dimensions Chat Group

C734 My Sincerity

C734 My Sincerity

0"Brother, look, even you can't break through the defense of my pagoda."    


pioneer's voice came from inside the pagoda, "I can tell you a piece of news. I have asked my companions for help, and five of them are rushing over."    


"If you don't leave now, I will have five companions soon. When that happens …" You can't even leave if you want to. "    


Speaking here, pioneer suddenly paused, then continued, "I'm not afraid to tell you, as usual, you are my enemy and my allies are coming. I should drag you down, wait for your allies to come, and cooperate with your allies to kill you!"    


"It's better to kill the enemy. But honestly speaking, this pagoda of mine is very precious and can be considered as my trump card, so I don't want those friends of mine to know about it in case something happens. You should understand what I mean, right? "    


Namikaze Minato didn't seem to hear pioneer's words. His face remained unchanged as he continued to maintain his intense attack.    


He could not break through the defense of the pagoda, but he did not think that the pagoda would be able to hold its own forever.    


And what was that … His five companions were rushing over?    


Limru had already said it in the group chat, only two pioneer members left. The two pioneer said that they were five, it seemed like they were really trying to trick him!    


It seemed that pioneer was worried that the two pioneer wouldn't be able to stop him even if they came.    


As for saying that the pagoda was precious and he didn't want to reveal his trump card?    


Was he an idiot?    


[You are going to die, and you are worried about your trump card being exposed?    


Do you really think that pioneer is a member of my big group, can he be revived if he dies?    


Taking a step back, even if pioneer didn't trick him, this pagoda was really precious, he didn't want to be seen by those so-called allies.    


But as an enemy, he didn't want to be exposed. Should she expose him more?    


As a human, aren't you very skilled in internal conflict?    


It just so happened that pioneer's internal strife was a good thing for them.    


"Friend, you should know my identity, right?"    


"I am pioneer, I came here via a Spoon Of Spacetime. Therefore, to us, a Spoon Of Spacetime is the most important thing, there is no other."    


"But I'm swearing on the Spoon Of Spacetime now, what I said earlier definitely did not mean to lie to you. If there is, then let my cultivation level not progress at all, my heart is filled with demons, and I will be destroyed in body and spirit!"    


"I believe that my friends can tell that this oath is already a venomous oath. This way … You can see my sincerity? "    


pioneer refused to give up and kept talking, hoping to slow down Namikaze Minato's attack frequency and intensity with his own words.    


After all, he was a member of the family and knew his own business. It was true that the defensive power of the golden pagoda was very strong, but it was not without a price for him to use it.    


He used the power of his soul to activate the golden pagoda.    


Thus, every second, he would lose a large amount of soul power. If he could recover the golden pagoda earlier, he would lose a bit less.    


His already injured soul had to endure the devouring process of the golden pagoda. Thinking about it, he felt that he was in such a miserable state.    


If not for this, he would have activated the golden pagoda to defend himself in the early morning.    


"We are not friends. Your sincerity is useless to me."    


Before he finished his sentence, the corner of Namikaze Minato's mouth raised and a smile appeared on his face.    


Because he received Old Marquis's message, Old Marquis … Around.    


It seemed like Old Marquis's speed was quite fast, at least much faster than pioneer's.    


The next moment, a loud and hard laugh was heard from the outside.    




"Watergate, quickly open up this spatial domain and let me in."    


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