Infinite Dimensions Chat Group

C603 Desert Zone

C603 Desert Zone

0Valoran Continent, in a desert.    


"Shoo! Shoo! Shoo!"    


Beams of white light flashed past. Soon, Su Chen and the others appeared in the desert.    


"Desert? Are we coming to Rima? "    


Su Chen looked around and said with a smile as he saw the endless desert scenery.    


The sun was high in the sky and the surrounding air was very dry.    


If an ordinary person were to come here, it would be very difficult for them to leave this desert.    


However, they were not ordinary people. Even Xu Xuan had become a Third Order cultivator through hard work during this period of time.    


Although he did not participate in any group quests, Tony and the others usually made a bet or had a happy occasion and liked to give out little red packets in the group.    


To them, it was just a small red packet, but to Xu Xuan, it might be a "windfall".    


Plus, he had some understanding of astronomical gossip, so with the help of his points, he was able to progress very quickly.    


If Xu Xuan was given some time, he might be able to break through the bottleneck of the Fourth Rank.    


However, Xu Xuan still chose to participate in this mission because he got more points from participating in the group mission!    


The love of humans and demons was forbidden in their world.    


Of course, in places he didn't know of, there were many successful cases of the love between humans and demons. However, those people were definitely not ordinary people.    


He was too weak to resist the so-called rules.    


However, there was still a way to resolve all of this. As long as he could increase his strength and crush everything, then when the time came, who would dare to restrict him with rules?    


Aren't the rules set by the strong?    


When he was stronger than everyone else, what kind of shitty rules would there be?    


"Lord Administrator, should we take a photo of Yasuo and let him know where we are?"    


Limru asked as he touched the scabbard on his waist.    


"Of course, we came to the Valoran Continent, this is Yasuo's territory, how can we not let him pay a huge price?"    


Su Chen burst out laughing, flipped his hand and said, "But Yasuo is going to be in the future, we don't need to wait here for him."    


"The desert regions of every world have different wonders. Although we are here on a mission this time, there is no need to be that nervous. It's better to look at the beautiful scenery that we should see."    


"After all, developing one's vision is very helpful for raising one's cultivation level."    


Hearing that, no one objected, they also wanted to see, just what kind of scenery was Valoran Continent's desert.    


It might seem dangerous to the others, but to them, it was a beautiful sight!    


Wonders always exist where crises spread!    




Yasuo had mentioned this place in the group before. Speaking of which, isn't there a crocodile and a Cynocephali here?    


Tsk tsk … Seeing him and taking a look was always good.    


Limru's world also had Kobolds, but were the Kobolds in that world comparable to this Kobold from the Valoran Continent?    


"… …"    


Tony had no money: "Yasuo, we are already at the Valoran Continent."    


Tony didn't have any money. "But this time, it was really unexpected. The communication group actually sent us to the desert." "Desert Photograph)"    


Tony had no money: "Looks like we will have to choose this desert as our base this time. But it's fine. Limru has a sharp nose, so he'll have to find an oasis to play with. When you come, I think we've found the oasis. "Slime, funny face)"    


Limru. Tempest: "You bastard, can you get me involved in everything?"    


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