Supreme Son-in-law

C7 Jealousy

C7 Jealousy

0"Me, grandma, I'm willing to go!"    


"Let me do it, Grandma, I have a rich experience in negotiations!"    


"I'm willing to go too!"    


Whether they could negotiate or not, whether it was or wasn't appropriate, everyone present raised their hands.    


Only Su Miao did not raise her hand. She knew that even if she did, the opportunity to negotiate and cooperate would not be hers.    


Old Madame Su looked at the proactive crowd and nodded, smiling. She pointed to Su Hai, who was standing aside, and said, "I think I'll give Hai this opportunity."    


"Hai, you can go to Huanyu Group tomorrow and talk to them."    


"Thank you, grandma."    


Su Hai ran over and helped Old Madame Su off the stage. He was very happy.    


After Chen Yang returned home, he went to bed early. He felt good about what had happened in the last two days. In the past, he was so poor, but now that he had money, there will be no more problems.    


Having money gave him a lot of confidence, so he slept soundly that night.    


The next day, he woke up early in the morning and prepared breakfast. After cleaning, he took the electric scooter to the Huanyu Group headquarters.    


Earlier, he received a message from his second uncle saying that Huanyu Group Secretary, Mi Xue, was already waiting for him at the company.    


Chen Yang was in a very good mood. He whistled as he headed there.    


Huanyu Group was located in the most prosperous area of     


Xichuan city. The building was also developed by a real estate company of the Chen family.    


Among the rows of luxury cars at the entrance, Chen Yang found a parking spot, locked his scooter, and went to the door.    


"It is not good! No matter what, I am now a president. In the future, I can no longer ride an electric bike to work. How embarrassing would that be? What if the company's artists saw this? Wouldn't that be a joke?"    


That's what Chen Yang thought as he walked. Not long after he left, he heard behind him the screeching of tires rubbing against the ground, followed by a loud bang.    


He turned and saw a Mercedes-Benz Big G colliding with his electric bike.    


The huge Big G inertially passed over the electric bike, crushing it under its heavy body.    


The bike could not support the weight and was smashed directly into two pieces.    


Chen Yang had just bought this bike! This time, it was scrapped directly! There was no way to fix it.    


It's been a terrible year for his electric bikes. Why was everything going against them?    


The loud noise attracted passers-by. They gathered in a circle around the perimeter, waiting to watch the show.    


At this moment, the door of the Mercedes-Benz Big G opened and a tall woman, wearing sunglasses, got out of the car.    


"This parking lot isn't for electric bikes. Don't you know?"    


"Wow, what a beautiful, cool woman."    


"This beauty is bold enough to drive a Big G."    


Such remarks were made incessantly. Especially after the beauty took off her sunglasses, the exclamations reached their peak.    


"Liu Rui?"    


Chen Yang frowned. He did not expect her to really come to the company and sign a contract. He wanted to hold her accountable, but then he thought about how she wanted to become an artist and didn't want to cause her trouble at this time. After all, the image was very important for an artist.    


Before Chen Yang could say anything, Liu Rui spoke first. "How did you park this lousy bike here? If my tires are damaged, can you compensate me?"    


Liu Rui was distressed. This Big G cost more than $ 2 million. She had been using it for less than a week, and it was already damaged. Especially since the electric bike was pressed under the tires. Changing a broken tire would take a lot of money.    


"My scooter didn't move. You were the one who hit it." Chen Yang shrugged helplessly. "Why are you unjustly accusing me?"    


"What's going on here?" At this point, a group of security guards approached.    


The security chief squeezed through the crowd and saw the electric scooter pressed under the Big G. He was stunned. Could it be that the scooter had crashed into this Big G? This woman was so beautiful and drove a car worth over two million. Obviously, she was someone he couldn't afford to offend.    


So he made his decision.    


"Where did you come from? Don't you know that this type of vehicle can't park here?" The captain pointed to Chen Yang's nose, shouting, "You better clean up this mess, or I'll take action."    


"You're so mighty. Who said electric bikes couldn't park here?" Chen Yang's eyes grew cold. He looked at the captain and said, "I'm standing right here, so what will you do?"    


"I say you can't! The security captain said arrogantly." If you don't cooperate, don't blame me for what will happen."    


Already, the guard behind him was holding the electric baton in his hand. Looking at the situation, if Chen Yang did not cooperate, he could be beaten by them.    


"I came to Huanyu to sign a contract, but I did not expect to hit my car on the first day. If this is the company's security, I will report this issue when the contract is signed." Liu Rui folded her arms and said lightly.    


The head of security trembled. He did not expect the person in front of him to be a new artist of the company. If he didn't satisfy her requirements, wouldn't his position as security captain be in jeopardy?    


Thinking about it, he strode forward to Liu Rui. He bowed and said, "I'm sorry, beautiful lady. This problem was my negligence, but I will solve it. Don't be angry."    


"Okay," Liu Rui said softly. With her arms folded across her chest, she waited to see how he would deal with it.    


Erasing the big smile on his face, the security chief looked at Chen Yang and shouted, "You! I order you to apologize immediately to this beautiful lady. Otherwise, I will teach you a lesson!"    


"It's not my fault. Why should I apologize to her?" Chen Yang sneered and said, "Besides, I am also an employee of Huanyu Group. What right do you have to order me around?"    


"Are you also an employee of the company?" The chief was taken aback. He looked Chen Yang up and down. He didn't remember this person.    


"Chen Yang, that's enough. To protect your ridiculous dignity as a man, you can even lie that you are an employee of Huanyu Group. I feel ashamed for you." Liu Rui looked at Chen Yang with disdain and said, "Alright, let's say you are an employee of Huanyu. He doesn't have the right to order you around, but what about the deputy director of the company?"    


With that, Liu Rui took out her phone and made a call. After saying a few words, she hung up.    



Not long after, a woman wearing a business suit and high heels came out of the company.    


This woman was in her early thirties, but she maintained herself very well, and her skin was very white. If it weren't for the faint crow's feet at the corners of her eyes exposing her age, Chen Yang would have thought that she was only in her twenties.    


"Director Xu."    


Seeing Xu Fang come out, the guards were stunned. They did not expect this newly promoted artist to know the deputy director of Huanyu Group.    


The security chief thought he was lucky. "Fortunately, I was not wrong. This woman has a good relationship with Director Xu. If she said anything to Director Xu... I would lose my position as security captain in a few minutes, wouldn't I?"    


"Cousin. Seeing Xu Fang, Liu Rui quickly went to her. Thanks to her cousin, Xu Fang, she managed to sign the contract with Huanyu Group. Without this relationship, it would not be so easy for her to enter Huanyu. Although her beauty was her main capital, there were many beauties in the entertainment industry. Compared to those people, she was nothing.    


Xu Fang nodded and said, "Who is Chen Yang?"    


"It's him." Liu Rui pointed at Chen Yang, who was standing aside.    


Xu Fang looked at Chen Yang. "Apologize to Rui now."    


What? You want me to apologize to her?    


Are you trying to be funny?    


Although Chen Yang laughed again, his eyes grew colder. "Do you understand the cause and effect of this matter? If you do not understand, think better before you say those words."    


"This guy is amazing. He dares to talk to Director Xu like that." The guard watching from the side muttered softly.    


"Idiot, you better not offend Xu Fang, who is a big shot in Huanyu. These words are not for nothing."    


Xu Fang frowned. She pointed to Chen Yang and said, "I don't care what department you are from, and I don't care who you are. But I can tell you that, from now on, you are no longer a member of the Huanyu Group. You were fired! Quickly apologize to Liu Rui and leave."    




You want me to leave?    


This was definitely the funniest joke Chen Yang had heard today. He couldn't help but laugh out loud.    


"He's crazy." Liu Rui looked at Chen Yang, who was laughing hard, as if she had seen a fly. She said in disgust, "Today is a good day for me to sign a contract with Huanyu Group. What bad luck to meet a madman like you. I won't bother with you anymore. Disappear from my sight immediately."    


Xu Fang glanced at the security chief. He understood immediately and waved his hand. "Detain Chen Yang and bring him to the security room."    


The guards surrounded Chen Yang, staring him down.    


At that moment, a loud horn sounded behind them.    


A Rolls-Royce came to a halt in front of them.    


Then a beautiful woman in her twenties, dressed in black professional attire, got out of the car. She pushed the guard in front of her and came to Chen Yang. She said respectfully, "Director Chen, I'm sorry I'm late."    


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