I'm Tycoon

C779 Arrange Assistants

C779 Arrange Assistants

0After hearing about this weird event, Lu Yuan immediately reacted to the matter of an alien. It was because of the sudden occurrence and the intense development of the situation that Lu Yuan was able to connect the two.    


Since Lu Yuan didn't think this was ridiculous, he was even more confident and boldly described the various news that came from the other side.    


"A few days ago, a strange thing happened in Flower Child Town. Someone was attacked by some unknown creature, and there was a very large bloody mark on their neck. The point is that after the attack, the person's blood was drained, so everyone thought it was a vampire doing it. " Datian Banncheng said slowly.    


When Datian Banncheng was describing these things to Lu Yuan, Lu Yuan drew the scene in his mind. As for the current Lu Yuan, he was like a person in the act. He was also gradually using the A.I. Chip in his brain to construct a blueprint of what was going on in his mind.    


"The most frightening thing right now is that after the corpses of the dead residents were delivered to the funeral home, they all disappeared in the night. At that time, the townspeople started to check the surveillance and found that the surveillance that night had been disturbed. There was no clue. " Datian Banncheng sighed and said sadly.    


Lu Yuan, who had been quietly listening on the side, suddenly spoke up.    


"Then can you tell me why you want to bring this matter to us?" Lu Yuan asked softly.    


Now, Lu Yuan needed to consider whether this was a conspiracy or not. Maybe the other party already knew that he was in this school, so he let Datian Banncheng be the guide and lure him over. Lu Yuan asked this not because he was afraid of being timid, but because he wanted to make good preparations in the future.    


Datian Banncheng had a troubled expression on his face. It seemed that as the principal he really needed to consider a lot of things.    


"Because the higher-ups have sent the notice, and our school is also the best medical school in Syto, the seniors at the higher-ups told me to check if this is a new virus or not. "The point is, I don't know. Furthermore, I am very afraid of this kind of stuff, so I thought of you and wanted you to go over there and investigate." Datian Banncheng explained with a bit of grievance.    


However, when he saw Lu Yuan's gaze, he immediately showed a very innocent look.    


"Actually, I didn't do this to send you to your death, because I feel that your medical skills are definitely above mine. Perhaps, I will be able to investigate the root cause of this." Datian Banncheng said in a serious tone.    


Lu Yuan, who was sitting on the side, fell into deep thought. Actually, he was also considering whether he should go over or not.    


"If I go there, I might be in danger. But if I was caught off guard, I wouldn't be able to tell if it had anything to do with the alien incident. "Aiya, this matter is a bit difficult." Lu Yuan touched his chin as he made a very difficult choice.    


Datian Banncheng was also staring at Lu Yuan's expression. Datian Banncheng was very concerned about this decision of his. If Lu Yuan chose not to go, then the person who went to investigate would fall on Datian Banncheng's shoulders. Every time Datian Banncheng thought of this, he would feel a burst of nervousness and fear.    


Suddenly, Lu Yuan snapped his fingers and finally pulled Datian Banncheng's messy thoughts back.    


"Fine, even if I have to help you this time, I also want to see what that monster looks like. Maybe it can bring about new contributions to the world's medicine." Lu Yuan said very easily.    


With Lu Yuan's reply, Datian Banncheng instantly felt extremely comfortable in his heart. Datian Banncheng stood up with tears in his eyes. He wanted to give Lu Yuan a hug, but he nimbly dodged it.    


"You're all men, don't play this game with me, then how do I have to go over?" Lu Yuan quickly changed the topic.    


After hearing that, Datian Banncheng rubbed his chin and thought about it.    


"You can come to the school tomorrow. The school will arrange for a car to take you there, and you will have a nameplate representing your identity. You are the research doctor sent by our school. "With this nameplate, it will be much more convenient for you to work there." Datian Banncheng waved at him with a smile.    


After leaving Datian Banncheng's office, Lu Yuan's mind was filled with thoughts about what he would need to bring with him if he were to go there. In any case, he had to bring the Tarsal Bone Armor, and the rest were only equipped with some high grade items from the People of Pegasus Star.    


"Sigh, forget it. Let's properly clean up after we go back." Lu Yuan let out a heavy sigh and sped up his pace.    


Considering that there was going to be a tough battle waiting for him tomorrow, Lu Yuan had packed up a lot of stuff that night in order to make sure that everything was ready for him. Huang Jingjing already knew Lu Yuan was going to be busy again when she saw him clean up.    


Huang Jingjing had become very calm. She could understand even without Lu Yuan's explanation.    


Fortunately, Lu Yuan told her everything that he had to do tomorrow. However, he always avoided saying what was important and didn't tell her how dangerous it was. Otherwise, it would definitely cause Huang Jingjing to worry, and this was not the result Lu Yuan wanted to see.    


After a night, Lu Yuan came to the school gate with a suitcase in his hand. Datian Banncheng was waiting for him at the entrance. Beside Datian Banncheng was an off-road vehicle with steel bars welded onto it.    


Datian Banncheng walked over enthusiastically and said a few words to Lu Yuan.    


"In order to ensure your safety and the completion of your business, I've even specially arranged for an assistant for you." Datian Banncheng said to Lu Yuan happily.    


After hearing this news, Lu Yuan frowned.    


"What kind of assistant can you arrange for me?" Lu Yuan asked in confusion. To him, since he was already so strong, he didn't care if he used an assistant or not.    


Datian Banncheng revealed a demonic smile and looked at him mysteriously.    


"The assistant is waiting for you in the car. If you want to know who he is, go take a look." Datian Banncheng said in a mysterious tone and then gestured a 'please' pose for Lu Yuan.    


Lu Yuan walked to the front of the SUV. Through the thick glass window, he saw a familiar figure.    


"Lingmei Huizi, why are you here?" Lu Yuan asked in surprise.    


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