I'm Tycoon

C747 Handling of Post-mortem Matters

C747 Handling of Post-mortem Matters

0Lu Yuan felt as if he was inside a container. The things that surrounded him in this container were all high technology blueprints. Amidst his amazement, all he could think about was how to get out of this place.    


The surrounding environment was completely dark. Lu Yuan was in it, and from time to time, there would be something floating in front of him. All these things that floated over were instantly sucked into Lu Yuan's brain. This made him curious and also made him feel a lot of fear.    


"What on earth are these?" Lu Yuan waved his body and wanted to escape this place.    


However, when Lu Yuan waved his body, he found that he seemed to be floating in the air and couldn't exert any strength. No matter how hard he tried, he found that the lower half of his body was still in place.    


Since he knew that his struggles were futile, Lu Yuan became more obedient. He let the data stream into his brain, but he did not know when this process would end. Because this kind of feeling was really a bit too annoying.    


After a while, the pictures in front of him suddenly disappeared. The stream of data disappeared along with them. Only now did Lu Yuan realize that what happened just now was probably over.    


Suddenly, a huge whirlpool appeared behind him, causing Lu Yuan to be shocked. Lu Yuan was about to run away, but he couldn't do anything about this huge attraction. Lu Yuan's body was sucked into the whirlpool. He felt the world spinning around him. Just as he was about to faint, he suddenly opened his eyes.    


And this time, in this eye, he had returned to reality. Lu Yuan was sitting in the middle of the research facility, and the surrounding lights were very eye-catching. What happened just now was just like yesterday, like a dream. However, Lu Yuan was very clear that it had indeed happened.    


Thinking of this, Lu Yuan stood up and touched the back of his head. Even when he returned to the real world, Lu Yuan still felt dizzy. He frowned as he took two steps forward, almost falling back to the ground.    


"What the hell is this? Why is it so scary? " Lu Yuan said to himself as he touched the back of his head. Because at this moment, he could clearly feel a wave of itchiness at the back of his head.    


Unbeknownst to him, when he touched the back of his head with his hand, a trace of golden light appeared.    


Just as Lu Yuan was about to walk out of the lab, his mind suddenly went blank. His eyes widened and he froze on the spot, as if he was a fool. A strong stream of data flowed back and forth in Lu Yuan's mind, making him feel the pain of his mind being confused.    


After a moment, everything became quiet. It was as if the turbulence had been comforted, and it became abnormally calm.    


A voice came out from Lu Yuan's mind, and this voice was the same voice that played the last words in the black box. Thinking of this, Lu Yuan listened attentively with his only consciousness, wanting to see if he could hear more important news.    


"When we escaped to Earth, there was another group that was after us. Now we're completely finished, but the infection in our bodies is still spreading. That's why I advise you to burn all of our corpses in the night after three days. Otherwise, this infectious disease will spread to all parts of the Earth, and this will be a disaster. "    


A voice gradually sounded, causing Lu Yuan's heart to be filled with doubts. He actually rushed to such a dangerous situation. Suddenly, Lu Yuan felt as if his hand was holding the fate of mankind. This kind of pressure and tension was unprecedented.    


"We just planted a computer chip in your brain. With this computer chip, you will be able to master all the science and technology on our planet. But I would advise you not to show it in front of others, or you will be placed in a museum as an exhibit. " That voice was very persuasive.    


After hearing this news, Lu Yuan naturally understood. It was impossible to say such things out loud. Otherwise, he would be placed in the museum just like the man had said. After all, the knowledge he had in his brain exceeded that of Earth's 2000 years.    


"This A.I. Chip has already identified you as its master. As long as you do not die, he will forever remain on your body. You can now say that you know everything and understand everything. I hope that you can make good use of it. That's all I have to tell you, and I hope you'll remember it in your heart. Farewell, my friend. " The voice disappeared as it spoke.    


The scene between heaven and earth immediately returned to Lu Yuan's eyes. He blinked his eyes in disbelief. Lu Yuan held his brain, unable to believe that a chip had been implanted into his brain. At the beginning, he didn't do so because he felt it was dangerous, but now that things had come to this point, he really didn't know what to say.    


"What the hell is going on?" Lu Yuan hugged his head painfully and kneeled on the ground, while feeling extremely depressed in his heart.    


At this moment, he suddenly felt that his brain seemed to know a lot of things. A large amount of information was being stored in his brain, and the key was that his brain could store it. This knowledge was very messy. Not only did it contain all the knowledge that he had learned over the years, there were also many things that he did not want to know.    


What Lu Yuan didn't know was that his brain had already become a super computer. With this chip, he knew everything. At the beginning, Lu Yuan still had a small barrier against the chip. However, after feeling the benefits of the chip, he felt that his luck was too good.    


The headache began to lessen as the A.I. Chip slowly fused with Lu Yuan's brain. The A.I. Chip imbued all the knowledge it had into Lu Yuan's brain, and Lu Yuan's intelligence was developed to an unprecedented level. Even if it was the whole world, no one would be able to surpass such knowledge in Lu Yuan's mind.    


However, there was an even more important problem in front of Lu Yuan right now, and that was keeping this information a secret before dealing with the corpse.    


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