I'm Tycoon

C692 On the Island

C692 On the Island

0After hearing this news, Lu Yuan was enraged. His eyes were filled with hatred, and he wished that he could tear this guy in front of him to shreds. But the director didn't care about Lu Yuan's opinion at all. He looked at Lu Yuan's armor like crazy and even touched Lu Yuan's shoulder.    


"Kristen is too capable! But he actually gave you the set of armor for safekeeping. This is the biggest mistake he ever made! " The Superintendent's eyes were bloodshot as he shouted with bloodshot eyes.    


The Superintendent really didn't like Kristen's way of handling things. Because as long as Kristen handed the most core technology to him, he would be able to expand this armor completely in his lifetime. He might even be able to create a very powerful armoured team.    


"Do you know why Kristen didn't give you the armor? That's because you have no morality in your heart! If Kristen had given this to a black-hearted scientist like you, the world might not have become as crazy as it seems! " Lu Yuan said angrily.    


The current Lu Yuan didn't care about wasting words with him. The reason Lu Yuan came was to save Huang Jingjing, so he had to quickly find out where Huang Jingjing was from the director.    


"Hurry up and tell me, where did you hide Huang Jingjing?" Lu Yuan grabbed the director's collar and questioned loudly.    


The director's eyes were empty. Since his wish had been fulfilled, he did not care about Lu Yuan's question at all. The director didn't even think about telling Lu Yuan about Huang Jingjing's position, and he wasn't afraid of any threat from Lu Yuan at all.    


"Didn't I already say that I traded Huang Jingjing to someone else? That rich person specifically gave me a lot of money to develop the remaining sets of armor." I have to thank your girlfriend. If it wasn't for your girlfriend, I might have put off this plan for a long time. " The Superintendent put his hands together in a nonchalant pose and said loudly with a smile.    


When Lu Yuan heard what the director said and his cynical tone, the anger in his heart rose involuntarily. Lu Yuan had always regarded Huang Jingjing as the treasure in his palm, but he didn't expect that when the director said it, he would treat Huang Jingjing as a tradable item.    


"She is my girlfriend, she is the person closest to me, she is not an item that you are selling at all. "You only have one chance now, hurry up and tell me where Huang Jingjing is!" Lu Yuan asked anxiously while shaking the director's body.    


The Superintendent was speechless. His eyes were dull, and he looked as if he had gone stupid. Lu Yuan, in his extreme rage, threw the Superintendent onto the ground, then saw a semi-suit of armor in a research pod on the side.    


When Lu Yuan slowly walked to the research cabin, the director's eyes immediately became excited.    


"Don't touch that thing. This is the blood and sweat of my life. I haven't finished researching it! When I finish developing this set of armor, I will be able to completely surpass Kristen! " The Superintendent shouted loudly and quickly crawled towards Lu Yuan.    


Lu Yuan directly kicked the director onto the ground. The director's face was covered in blood, but he still shouted for Lu Yuan to attack him.    


Lu Yuan could be said to have caught the Superintendent's weakness. He raised his right fist and aimed at the suit of armor in the research cabin.    


"If you keep your mouth shut, it may end up in pieces." Lu Yuan clenched his fist and threatened.    


The director obviously knew that Lu Yuan was someone who dared to act as he said it, not to mention that Lu Yuan was in a state of extreme anger right now. In order to protect himself for the rest of his life, the Superintendent immediately gave in.    


"Don't, I beg you, don't touch it! What do you want to know? I'll tell you everything. I can write Huang Jingjing's location for you right now! " The Superintendent cried loudly, tears streaming down his face.    


After Lu Yuan heard what the director said, he bitterly lowered his fist. Then, Lu Yuan raised his right hand and a holographic map immediately appeared in his palm.    


"Hurry up and give me Huang Jingjing's location and point it out on this map. If you don't know what to do, you should be clear about the consequences." Lu Yuan said coldly. Then, he slowly walked to the supervisor's side, squatted down and reached out his hand.    


The director immediately grabbed Lu Yuan's right arm and pointed out a small dot on the holographic map. Then, he looked at Lu Yuan in panic and nodded.    


"The person you are looking for is in that place, but I heard that they are about to get married. I advise you to hurry over and not waste any more time here." The Superintendent said with fear and trepidation. He couldn't wait for Lu Yuan to leave this place.    


What the Superintendent said just now was just to get Lu Yuan to get out of here. If Lu Yuan stayed here for even a moment longer, the armor that Lu Yuan worked hard to create would be even more dangerous.    


Lu Yuan looked at the map carefully. The spot the director drew just now was in the southwest corner of T. There was a small dot there that looked like an island.    


"Who is in charge of this island now?" Lu Yuan asked curiously.    


The Superintendent blankly shook his head.    


"This island belongs to a place that doesn't care. The person who bought this island is a rich man and no country has the right to rule this island. He is the master of this island. If you have anything to say, go find him. Don't waste your time here! " The Superintendent said anxiously.    


Lu Yuan snorted and slowly stood up. He then raised his right hand in front of the Superintendent, and the gauntlet in his right hand flew towards the research cabin. In an instant, the glass shattered, and the armor he was studying was also destroyed, emitting sparks from time to time.    


"No!" The Superintendent spoke hoarsely, almost in despair. However, the fact was that his life's work had already been completely wasted in front of him.    


Lu Yuan did this because he had his own thoughts. Because Lu Yuan knew clearly in his heart that the director was definitely not a good person. If the director could figure out the latest armor, it could cause a serious disaster to the entire world's situation.    


"I advise you to leave now, for I have completely destroyed this place." Lu Yuan said coldly.    


If he didn't destroy this place, Lu Yuan wouldn't be able to calm down.    


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