I'm Tycoon

C723 What Was Calling?

C723 What Was Calling?

0Chen Zhiyun's boat quickly arrived at the shore of the island. Regarding the matters of the island, Chen Zhiyun had heard most of the news, but he didn't know what was going on inside either.    


"Do you see the three ships ahead? It was the ship that our men had left behind when they came here. I came here this time to find them, because at noon yesterday, there was suddenly no news of them. " Lu Yuan frowned and said worriedly.    


Lu Yuan jumped down from the ship and walked to the side of the three ships slowly. The boats were just lying there peacefully, with no traces of hitting them. The symbol on the three ships was the symbol of Lu Yuan's company. He would not be wrong about this.    


However, there was not a single Scientific Researcher on the boat. The boat was empty. Lu Yuan was very curious, where did all these people go? The most important thing was that there were no signs of fighting around the boat, which made Lu Yuan's head hurt.    


"Why don't you come with me to take a look around the island? If you're left alone here, I won't feel at ease." But if you stay by my side, you'll be safe and sound, and I'll protect you with all my might. " Lu Yuan raised his eyebrows and said tentatively. Then, he patted his suitcase.    


Although Chen Zhiyun didn't know what was inside the phone box, he always felt that it was a very amazing thing. Otherwise, Lu Yuan wouldn't be hanging on his body like this. Especially after seeing Lu Yuan like that just now, Chen Zhiyun's heart instantly became a lot more comforting.    


"Since we're already here, I can take a look around this island. Previously, I only heard about it, so I really want to see what that man-eating monster looks like". Chen Zhiyun smiled and said seriously.    


Just like that, the two of them got off the boat. Chen Zhiyun tied his boat to the shore. The environment on the island was pretty good, exactly the same as the pictures that Wu had seen on the big screen at the time. After Lu Yuan climbed onto the island, he simply circled around the island and found that the place was really big.    


The two of them had been walking for a long time, but they still hadn't been able to move the entire island. Along the way, Lu Yuan still kept asking Chen Zhiyun some questions. Chen Zhiyun wasn't clear about them so his answer was a bit sloppy.    


There are many coconut trees on this island, and every tree grows very tall. If there were monsters on this island, they would definitely eat some kind of living creature. However, until now, Lu Yuan had yet to see any large living organisms. Furthermore, the coconuts on the coconut tree had never been moved before, so Lu Yuan was very curious.    


"Maybe it's just a rumor that there are monsters on this island. If there really are monsters, then his appetite must be huge. But there aren't any living animals on the island, and the coconuts aren't eaten. It can't be that the monster was raised by the wind, right? " Lu Yuan spread his hands and asked helplessly.    


Chen Zhiyun, who was walking beside Lu Yuan, kept kicking the pebbles on the road. After hearing Lu Yuan's question, he smiled in embarrassment. Actually, coming over with Lu Yuan this time was also to fulfill Chen Zhiyun's wish. Previously, he had always been stopped by his family several times, and this time, it could be said to be perfectly justified.    


The entire island was like a small mountain. Lu Yuan planned to climb directly to the top of the mountain to take a look at the island's general topography. The journey was quite long. Fortunately, the two of them had good stamina, and after walking for about half a day, they finally reached the mountainside.    


Lu Yuan stood on the mountainside and overlooked the entire island from a relatively spacious area. Suddenly, Lu Yuan saw a surprise. There were freshwater resources on the island because he saw a central lake.    


An island like this usually did not have any fresh water resources. However, Caldonia was different. From afar, Lu Yuan could see that the lake was quite big. With fresh water, it could be used to supply the island's various ecosystems. If Lu Yuan wanted to build a house here in the future, he would have to travel a long way to get water.    


"Aiya, we went around in a circle, but we didn't find anything? I still don't understand, where did my exploration team go? " Lu Yuan said in a bored manner after the two of them had walked a circle back to their original place.    


After saying that, Lu Yuan threw a stone into the sea. The stone fell into the sea and stirred up a series of beautiful waves.    


Chen Zhiyun, who was sitting on the side, didn't know how to comfort him, so he could only lower his head in silence. Originally, their plan was to see if there was any danger on this island. After going around in a circle, they planned to go back.    


However, Lu Yuan did not discover any exploration teams on the island, so he wanted to stay on the island for the night to see if there was any danger. When Lu Yuan told Chen Zhiyun of this news, Chen Zhiyun also planned to sacrifice his life to accompany Lu Yuan for the night.    


"Why don't you go back first? I still have three boats here. When I want to go back, I can start the boat myself." Lu Yuan said to Chen Zhiyun with a smile. He didn't want to cause trouble for Chen Zhiyun either.    


However, Chen Zhiyun shook his head. It seemed like he also wanted to know if there would be any danger after nightfall. He still wanted to participate in more of these exciting things.    


"Even if you have a boat, you might not be able to find the direction. After all, I'm quite familiar with this place, so it's better for you to stay. "Besides, you can also spend the night in my boat. That place is much safer than camping out in the open." Chen Zhiyun explained very honestly.    


Since Chen Zhiyun also wanted to stay here for a little longer, Lu Yuan didn't continue to chase him away. In the evening, Chen Zhiyun brought two dried fish from the boat. The two of them simply ate a feast of seafood in the boat.    


After dinner, Lu Yuan lay in the cabin, wondering where his men had gone to. While he was pondering over these thoughts, a sharp scream suddenly came from outside. Lu Yuan thought that Chen Zhiyun was in trouble, so he quickly got up and jumped out of the cabin.    


At that moment, Chen Zhiyun was still standing on the deck and staring at the sky.    


"What was that scream just now?" Lu Yuan asked nervously.    


"Catacia, God's messenger, must be talking about the birds!" Chen Zhiyun pointed to the sky and said loudly.    


There were a few huge figures in the sky. They circled the ship that Lu Yuan and the others were on and made a sharp sound.    


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