I'm Tycoon

C7 Beautiful Girls Go Shopping Together

C7 Beautiful Girls Go Shopping Together

0Hearing that, Manager Lee was stunned for a moment.    


However, seeing that his family's VIP had spoken, Manager Lee no longer had any intention of asking more. He told the beautiful waitress beside him, Huang Jingjing, and instructed the kitchen to serve the dishes.    


Soon, the dishes were served.    


A bowl of white rice, a bowl of caviar, and a small side dish.    


The style was simple.    


Chen Yuqing had been sitting on the edge of the bed, feeling uneasy.    


However, when she saw the food on the table, she couldn't hold it in any longer and burst into laughter.    


"Haha, Lu Yuan, I thought you were some kind of VIP. Is this what you eat? Is this your employee meal? Isn't this way too sparing? Was the most expensive one this caviar? The kind that costs twenty dollars a bottle in the supermarket? "    


This was too funny.    


Earlier, when the middle-aged manager personally spoke up for Lu Yuan, her heart was still beating fast.    


Could it be that Lu Yuan really was some VIP guest?    


However, when she saw the dishes on the table, Chen Yuqing's worries disappeared.    


A bumpkin was a bumpkin. In a high class restaurant like Girl Private Home Cuisine, which was renowned throughout the country, he actually ordered white rice to eat. If this wasn't a bumpkin, then what was?    


Chen Yuqing couldn't wait to see Lu Yuan's expression.    


However, right after she said those words, she discovered that countless people's gazes were fixed on her face. Their gazes were filled with contempt and they did not hesitate to act as though they were looking at a clown. They were extremely complicated.    


"You … "Shut up!"    


Chung Binn gritted his teeth as he glared at Chen Yuqing and said angrily.    


"What are you yelling at me for? Lu Yuan only eats this in such a high-class restaurant. How is it considered VIP treatment?" Look at the exquisite dishes on the table, what's he worth? "    


Chen Yuqing pouted as she muttered.    


"Miss, you might not know that this is a classic version of our Girl Private Home Cuisine. Although our restaurant is a main Chinese restaurant, but in terms of integration between China and the West, it has also been well done and has been recognized by Michelin's Samsung. "    


"This serving of rice is the world's most sophisticated pearl rice. The grains are crystal clear and very precious. The caviar will be laid from the imported white sturgeon and the side dish will be white truffle. "    


Huang Jingjing explained in detail by the side.    


Chen Yuqing didn't know anything about pearl rice and white sturgeon caviar, but the name Matsumoto was like a thunderclap in her ears. It was said that truffles were very precious. A rich second generation from their dorm had eaten Black Pine Dew several times, and they were full of praises.    


"White truffle?" Is it more expensive than Black Pine Dew? "    


Chen Yuqing was stunned.    


"Lady, you must be joking. The Black Pine Dew is indeed precious, but the value of the White Pine Dew is several times greater than the Black Pine Dew." At current market prices, the highest quality white truffle costs $35 thousand a kilogram. "    


Huang Jingjing grinned.    


When Chen Yuqing heard this, she was stunned for a moment and then stunned.    


35 thousand dollars a kilo, how much would a small bowl cost?    


Ten thousand or twenty thousand?    


How could it be possible, with the pearl rice and the caviar of the white sturgeon?    


No matter what Chen Yuqing thought, Chung Binn couldn't sit still.    


Chen Yuqing was a bumpkin, but that didn't mean that he was also a bumpkin. Chung Binn already knew that he might have acted rashly when the first bowl of rice was placed in front of him.    


He could put on an act, but he could not fake his spending power.    


When he thought about how he had made things difficult for the other party time and time again, he felt like a clown.    


"Lu Yuan, why are you so rich?"    


Chen Yuqing angrily walked in front of Lu Yuan's table and asked.    


"If I win the lottery, do you believe me?"    


Lu Yuan shook his head. He looked at his ex-girlfriend and sneered.    


Winning the lottery?    


Chen Yuqing was taken aback. She was about to ask something when she heard the sound of a heavy object landing on the ground.    


Chung Binn's face was gloomy. He angrily threw the teacup in front of him onto the table, stood up and said coldly to Lu Yuan.    


"You won the lottery right? I told you, how could a bumpkin like you eat in such a high-end restaurant? Lu Yuan, you can set me up. We'll see in the future. "    


Chung Binn snorted coldly. He didn't care about Chen Yuqing, who stood dumbly on the spot, as he turned around and walked away.    


"Your new boyfriend left, and you're not going with him? "Chen Yuqing, if there's nothing else, please don't disturb my meal."    


Lu Yuan said lightly.    


From the beginning till the end, he had not even glanced at Chen Yuqing. The latter's previous performance had completely disappointed Lu Yuan.    


When Chen Yuqing saw this expression, she felt a burst of awkwardness.    


But then, he got angry.    


She and Lu Yuan had been in love for three whole years and had been through a lot of hardships.    


He never thought that right after she kicked Lu Yuan, the latter had already transformed. Not only did she become a VIP in Girl Private Home Cuisine, she even enjoyed such high-end delicacies. How could Chen Yuqing accept that?    



"Lu Yuan, I don't care. You have to explain it to me today. "Just how many lottery tickets did you win? I, Chen Yuqing, followed you for three whole years, and that's how you treat me?"    


"It's been three years. I've suffered bitterly after following you. I haven't even eaten a good meal. You want to dump me just because you have money? "    


Chen Yuqing said sharply.    


Hearing that, Lu Yuan smiled, but the warmth in his eyes disappeared and was replaced with coldness.    


"Is this how I treat you? Chen Yuqing, do you still have a little bit of conscience in your heart? "    


"You can't be clearer than what I do to you. I've worked hard for a few jobs, so I can hope for you to get a little better. I will help you get what you want even if I am as tired as a dog. "Because I feel that it's worth it, but unfortunately, my sacrifice is nothing in your eyes."    


"I have put in a lot of effort, I cherish this relationship, and I even intend to spend the rest of my life with you. But Chen Yuqing, what about you? "    


Lu Yuan stood up. He looked into Chen Yuqing's eyes and sneered.    


"You like money. For money, you can be together with a playboy like Chung Binn. You can give it up to me for money. "    


"I know I'm an orphan and you despise me. But I sincerely for you, in exchange for your contempt and contempt. "Forget it, Chen Yuqing. Like you said, it's a good gathering and a good leaving."    


Lu Yuan spoke extremely quickly.    


His words were sincere, but at the same time, they were filled with joy.    


Given three years of love, how could he not feel heartache when Lu Yuan gave it his all?    


"I just want to try you, Lu Yuan. Can we get back together? "I didn't mean to separate from you. Lu Yuan, I'm Yu Qing." Chen Yuqing pleaded with a weak voice.    


She knew that every time she showed such a pitiful expression, Lu Yuan would instantly become her captive again.    


But now.    


Lu Yuan snorted and shook his head.    


"Forget it, Chen Yuqing, you should go chase after Chung Binn." I am completely disappointed in you. From today onwards, you will walk the path of your men, and I will walk my own path. "    


"I have money, but I don't want to share it with you. Chen Yuqing, I've had enough."    


Lu Yuan's voice was resolute, but no one in the restaurant thought he was being excessive.    


A snobbish girl friend who could abandon her boyfriend of three years' love for money and wanted nothing more than to stomp him into the mud and humiliate him, such a woman was someone that no one would even set their eyes on.    


"Alright, Lu Yuan, this is what you said."    


"You just wait and see. So what if you got lucky and won the lottery? With just a bit of money, you can still go to heaven? No matter how rich you are, how could you compare to Lin Bin? "He has tens of millions of dollars. With just you alone, how much can he win in the lottery?"    


"Several million is the limit. Without me, you won't be able to find a woman as good as me."    


Chen Yuqing screamed in exasperation.    


"Is that so?"    


Lu Yuan snorted. Of course he knew that Chung Binn's family background was not cheap, but tens of millions? Laozi has 100 million in his bank card right now. If it's cash, you can be killed.    


However, Lu Yuan did not have such superficial thoughts.    


He ignored the screaming Chen Yuqing, turned his head towards the beautiful waiter, and made a gesture of invitation.    


"Miss Huang, can I take you for a stroll?"    


His words were shocking!    


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