Peerless Sovereign



0"Mm …" "Humph!"    


After an unknown amount of time, Su Lie slowly opened his eyes. A dazzling light shone into his eyes, causing him to be unable to resist closing them once again.    


After a few breaths of time, Su Lie finally opened his eyes.    


He rolled over and stood up, patting his head that was still faintly hurting. He raised his head and looked around.    


"Where is this?"    


Su Lie's eyes swept over them slightly, and his face couldn't help but reveal a trace of doubt.    


Right now, he felt as if he was inside a glowing tube. The four walls were smooth, round, and radiating light. There was nothing in the tunnel; one could not see the end of it.    


He still remembered that before he lost consciousness, he was lying next to a formation in a room. When he woke up, his surroundings had completely changed.    


"I brought you here."    


Tian Zi suddenly said, speaking in Su Lie's mind.    


"Then what is this place?"    


The doubt in Su Lie's heart immediately disappeared as he asked.    


Tian Zi's dragon soul was within his body. Once he lost consciousness and lost consciousness, Tian Zi could truly control his body without any obstruction.    


"This place is interesting!"    


Tian Zi laughed maliciously, and then said: "This place looks like a passage, but in reality, it's a formation called the sedative array."    


"Can you solve it?"    


Su Lie could not help but ask.    


Tian Zi shook her head. "This formation is at the peak of the seventh step. If I had been at my peak, I might have been able to give it a try, but I don't think about it anymore."    


"Then what should I do?"    


Su Lie could not help but frown.    


"You can only follow the intentions of the owner of this relic and complete this test."    


Tian Zi laughed.    




Su Lie was slightly more clear-headed as he said, "What is the use of this formation? What is the test?"    


"In this formation, you will only feel loneliness. You will feel the passage of time and you will become old. However, as long as you walk out, everything will be like a dream. Everything will recover."    


Tian Zi laughed, then continued: "This sedative array, is used by the top families to help the disciples train their wills, it's not dangerous, as long as their wills are strong enough, it's not hard to pass."    


"However, this is a hard labor, I don't know how much will you need to be able to meet the standards of the owner of the relic, so you just need to keep moving forward."    


"Which way?"    


Su Lie looked around and could not help but frown and ask.    


It was the same from beginning to end. It was impossible to tell which side was the exit.    


"It doesn't matter if I walk over there. I can walk over there."    


Tian Zi said.    


Su Lie could not help but nod his head as his heart relaxed. He believed that his will was not weak, and now he clearly knew that this was the sedative array, so his heart was not affected by the formation.    


"There's no need to rush. Let's have a good night's sleep first and continue on our journey after our spirit power recovers."    


Su Lie pondered in his heart and then directly laid down with his back against the passageway.    


Tian Zi saw Su Lie's calmness and was slightly surprised.    


"Looks like this guy still doesn't understand how terrifying the sedative array is."    


He could not help but chuckle.    


He still remembered when he was young, when he was forced into the sedative array by his clan's elders, to repeatedly temper his will. Within the formation, there seemed to be no end to it, and it was absolutely lonely.    


Fortunately, it wasn't me!    


Tian Zi looked at the soundly asleep Su Lie and slightly shook her head. There was a trace of a gloating smile at Su Lie's misfortune at the corner of her mouth.    


Su Lie slept for an entire two days and two nights before waking up. His mind had completely recovered and his entire body was brimming with energy once again.    


"My spiritual force seems to have increased a lot!"    


Su Lie was in an even better mood as he sensed the powerful mental energy within the Niwan Palace.    




Su Lie directly walked forward with large strides. Gradually, he started sprinting, almost turning into a figure of light as he flew through the passageway.    


"I advise you to not waste any more effort. This spirit formation is a test of a person's willpower, not their speed. No matter how fast you run, it is useless."    


Tian Zi lazily said as she laid within the ancient cauldron in Su Lie's Dantian.    


"Didn't you say that all I have to do is walk out? How can running faster be useless?"    


Su Lie slightly relaxed his footsteps as he asked puzzledly.    


"Why are you running so fast when there's no end to this tunnel?"    


Tian Zi laughed.    


"No end?"    


Su Lie couldn't help but be stunned, then said: "Since there isn't an end, how would I be able to get out?"    


"This formation will detect the spiritual fluctuations in your sea of consciousness and challenge the limits of your will again and again. As long as you meet the requirements set by the relic master, you can leave by yourself."    


Tian Zi said.    


"Some of the stronger sedative array can be arranged in a square inch. You might think that you have already traversed a thousand kilometers, but you have actually just been walking around in your original place. Don't waste your time, slowly walk away."    


Su Lie was slightly stunned and then nodded his head. He slowed down his speed and walked forward at a steady pace.    


Forward, keep moving forward... No matter how far he walked, the people around him would always remain the same, without any changes.    


One day. Two days. Three days … Su Lie kept on walking.    


He didn't know how long he walked for, but he gradually became numb. He couldn't even feel the passage of time. His consciousness began to turn chaotic, and even his thoughts turned extremely slow.    


"Tianzi, did we go in the wrong direction?"    


Su Lie had nothing to say as he continued to chat with Tian Zi. He was more or less able to resolve that feeling of loneliness.    


"It's begun …"    


Seeing Su Lie's state, Tian Zi couldn't help but smile.    


Su Lie himself may not have realized that his own will had begun to waver, but at this time, the test of his will had truly begun.    


Actually, Su Lie knew in his heart that this was only a test. His consciousness remained clear the entire time and could only let the time of this test lengthen. It would not be of any help to him.    


He had to reach the limit of his willpower before the real test would occur.    


Su Lie continued to walk. One day, one year … Tian Zi knew that Su Lie was undergoing a test of will. Not only was she unable to help him, but it would only make his test more difficult. Thus, no matter what Su Lie said to him, he just remained silent and did not respond.    


Su Lie felt lonely, as if he had been abandoned by the entire world.    


Even though Tian Zi had told him that she would choose the same direction, he had still wondered more than once if he had chosen the wrong direction, and if it would be easier to take the other side. Perhaps he had already left long ago.    


His heart wavered. A few times, he wanted to turn back and try his luck in another direction, but he had already walked for so long. Perhaps, he would soon reach the end.    


"Just how long is this tunnel? Am I really going to be trapped in here?"    


"If I die here, will anyone know, will anyone grieve for me?"    


As he walked mechanically, countless thoughts appeared in his mind, all of which naturally carried a depressing feeling.    


As more and more distracting thoughts arose in his mind, a few of the main distracting thoughts started to haunt him, and he was on the verge of going crazy.    


His will was collapsing!    


As the days passed, Su Lie discovered that he was getting old, his Qi and blood were beginning to weaken, his skin was beginning to wrinkle, and his hair was gradually turning white.    


He felt as if he had passed through a long period of time, one year at a time.    


"Will I die of old age here?"    


Su Lie looked at his wrinkled skin and new distracting thoughts sprouted in his heart.    


"If I go out, can I really recover to the past?"    


He even started to doubt Tian Zi's words.    


His previously young self seemed to be extremely far away from him.    


"Too tired to walk …"    


Su Lie's will wavered. He wanted to lie down right here. Whether he was alive or dead, he didn't want to leave anymore. However, a voice from the bottom of his heart told him that he had to persevere.    


Two voices continuously crossed each other in his heart.    


As he walked further and further, his body began to weaken. He was like an old man whose body was overflowing with twilight and his consciousness began to sink.    


I can't do it anymore … In the end, Su Lie could not hold on any longer. His legs went soft and his body slanted to the ground.    


"I'll just die here. So what if it's a test? So what if I pass? So what if I've obtained the inheritance …"    


At this moment, Su Lie wanted to give up everything. He only wanted to close his eyes and lie down comfortably for a while. He didn't want to go any further.    


Just as he was about to close his eyes, he caught a glimpse of sunlight from the corner of his eye.    


That light was different from the cold white light in the tunnel. Su Lie seemed to be able to feel warmth from the light. It was completely different from the cold and desolate light in the tunnel.    


"Are we at the exit?"    


Su Lie stood up and stared at the ray of sunlight as he walked over unsteadily.    


Day after day, year after year … That ray of sunlight was still not far in front of him. It seemed to be within reach, but it seemed to never reach him.    


"Why can't we get there …"    


Su Lie roared in his heart. His eyes were bloodshot, and his lips were dry and split open. It seemed that he had lost all sense of reason.    


He fell again.    


However, the moment he fell down, he saw an exit appear clearly in front of him, as if it was only tens of feet away.    


He did not have the strength to stand up, so he slowly crawled forward with his arms on the ground.    



His clothes were torn and his elbows were bleeding... He was no longer in pain, he was numb.    


After an unknown amount of time, the exit gradually closed in. Su Lie saw hope, but the distance was constantly shrinking. However, he was unable to get all the way there.    


"Is this a joke?"    


Su Lie looked at his arms that were so worn out that their bones were exposed. He rolled over and laid on the ground, not wanting to look forward again.    


"Su Lie ~ Su Lie …"    


In his mind, the sounds of shouts rang out one after another. Within that voice, was a rich sense of worry and sadness that caused Su Lie's heart to throb.    


Su Lie's tightly shut eyes trembled. He slowly opened them and looked towards the direction of the voice.    


Luo Xiaoyu stood outside the exit, her eyes teared up as she looked at him.    


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