Peerless Sovereign



0In the forest, Gu Yuankai was sitting cross-legged on the ground as he slowly breathed in and out heaven and earth origin energy. Washing the injuries in his body, he quickly recovered with the help of the pill Su Lie gave him.    


But even so, Su Lie still felt that it was a little too slow.    


He walked around the forest. Ye Han, Wu Yan, and the rest were all confused when they saw Su Lie's anxious expression.    


"Su Lie, there's no need to be so anxious. We've already gathered so many people from the very beginning and are already walking in front of them. We should still have some time."    


Ye Xuanyue said.    


Luo Yu softly consoled him, saying, "Don't be anxious, it's okay. Even if it's a bit late, we'll just fight them head on. There's definitely a way."    


Su Lie nodded his head, his face still showing signs of impatience. How could he not know about this? But if he wanted to pass this selection easily, rushing to the center area was the only way.    


Although he knew he couldn't rush it, he couldn't help but feel anxious when he thought about how those people were all rushing towards the central region.    


An hour passed quickly, but Gu Yuankai was still unfazed.    


Su Lie couldn't help but wake up Gu Yuankai and directly set off. However, if he interrupted Gu Yuankai's recovery, it might damage his potential. To Gu Yuankai, it was definitely an unbearable injury.    


"Whew ~"    


After almost two hours, Gu Yuankai let out a long breath and opened his eyes.    


At this moment, most of the wounds on his body had been healed, leaving behind only shallow streaks of blood. His face was also flushed red and his eyes shone brightly.    


Although it had not reached its peak, it had at least recovered about seventy to eighty percent.    


"Let's go!"    


He looked around, then stood up and spoke out.    


"You've finally recovered!"    


Su Lie also let out a sigh of relief before waving his hand: "Let's go!"    


The dozen or so people instantly moved. With the cultivation of the Earth Origin Stage Realm, their speed was naturally extremely fast. In the blink of an eye, they disappeared into the distance.    


Su Lie led the way in front. Not even sparing the consumption of his Origin Energy, he used his movement technique to move forward. The people behind could feel Su Lie's urgency. Although they did not understand, they still did their best to follow behind.    


The group of people moved as fast as lightning through the forest, rushing towards the central area.    


In just half an hour, they had travelled over a hundred kilometers.    


"Su Lie!"    


Behind him, Ye Han suddenly spoke up.    


Su Lie's footsteps slowed down. He turned his head and looked at Ye Han. Following his gaze, he turned to his left.    


There were also seven or eight people who were hurrying along. Judging from their clothes, they were most likely rogue cultivators.    


When those people saw Su Lie's group, their expressions all changed slightly as their expressions instantly became tense.    


They could tell that Su Lie's group was not to be trifled with. Furthermore, their numbers were even higher than theirs. If they were to fight, they would definitely suffer a loss.    


"Let's go, don't waste time."    


But Su Lie shook his head slightly and waved his hand.    




Even Ye Xuanyue's face revealed a hint of doubt.    


While flying, Su Lie opened his mouth and said: "The selection has only just begun, even if we snatch the imprinted primeval stone from their bodies, it's still not enough. Furthermore, if we stay here for too long, once we wait for the rest of the people to gather in the center and finish, it'll be very difficult for us to make a move, and we might become the prey of others."    


Although everyone was puzzled, they still had a lot of trust in Su Lie. Seeing that Su Lie did not stop, Ye Han and the others did not persist and followed behind Su Lie.    


"Relax, in the end, they all have to rush to the central area and will not be able to escape."    


Su Lie smiled and said.    


Luo Yu followed beside Su Lie. She said while looking at Su Lie, "You want to rush to the center area and wait for me?"    


"It's very appropriate. However, this is only one of them!"    


Su Lie smiled slightly and then said: "We need to firmly occupy the center area and disperse the rest so that they won't gather together."    


"This is impossible!"    


Ye Xuanyan slightly shook her head and said, "First, let's not talk about the fact that the central region is very vast, and just with the rest of us, we cannot disperse the people that have already gathered in the central region. If we were to forcefully take action, our energy consumption would be shocking as well.    


Su Lie smiled and said, "It is indeed impossible for us to do that. However, don't forget that Gu Yuankai and I are both array masters. As long as we arrive a step earlier, we will be able to create many plans."    


Ye Xuanyue was slightly stunned for a moment before nodding her head. A hint of a smile also appeared on her face before she said, "In that case, only we can choose a few small powers that are left alone to deal with."    


"Right, swallow the smaller ones first, then sit back and watch the fight while we clean up the mess."    


Su Lie said.    


Everyone finally understood Su Lie's thoughts. There was no longer a need for him to urge them on as they all quickened their pace.    




However, after just a few miles, a muffled sound of impact could be heard from the front.    


Everyone's footsteps couldn't help but slow down as they looked towards Su Lie and Ye Xuanyue, who were standing in front of them.    


"Continue on your way!"    


Su Lie said directly.    



However, as they continued to move forward, the sounds of battle grew clearer and clearer. Furthermore, the distance between them was quickly shortening, as though they were heading straight for each other.    


Su Lie slightly frowned, but his steps did not stop as he continued to rush forward.    


A few minutes later, after they passed through a small hill, the situation in front of them finally appeared in their line of sight.    


"Spider Tattooed Tiger?"    


Gu Yuankai was slightly shocked.    


Not far in front of them was an enormous tiger with gray stripes that were several tens of feet tall. It was following the shadows of several people as it flew towards Su Lie's direction.    


If Su Lie and the others wanted to continue on their journey, they could not avoid running into the Spider Tattooed Tiger. Otherwise, they could only take a detour.    




The Spider Tattooed Tiger's enormous figure suddenly grabbed forward, and its incomparably thick tiger claw slapped out, as that enormous mouth instantly opened, pouncing towards the other person's head.    


Those people were all rogue cultivators, so when they gathered together, they would have nothing to say. Otherwise, with their strength, even if they could not kill the Spider Tattooed Tiger, it would not be a problem for them to fight back.    


However, these people only cared about escaping, and had no intention of fighting.    




As the tiger claw struck down, the last person saw that he could not escape and had no choice but to stop. Gritting his teeth, he pushed out his palms to block the tiger claw.    


However, an adult Spider Tattooed Tiger at least had a cultivation of the seventh or eighth level of the Innate realm, how could he resist with his cultivation of the fourth level of the Earth Origin Stage. He was instantly sent flying by the claw.    


On the other side, the person clenched his fists and punched out. Scarlet flames surrounded his fists and a pair of giant fire fists flew out from them and into the Spider Tiger's mouth.    


"Roar ~"    


With regards to Spider Tattooed Tiger, their mouths were definitely weak. When they were attacked together, they let out a painful roar as their large mouths closed abruptly and two black flames sprayed out from its thick nose. As if instinctively, the tiger tail behind it was like a giant rod as it smashed down.    




The speed of the tail was too fast. That person had no time to dodge at all and was directly hit on the shoulder. The force exploded and that person instantly paled as he staggered backwards.    


Before he could stabilize himself, the other tiger claw of the Spider Tattooed Tiger had already reached him.    


Bang!" With a muffled explosion, the man almost answered before a crack appeared on his head and a red and white substance spurted out. He didn't even make a sound before falling to the ground.    


"That powerful?"    


Xu Kun was slightly speechless. His strength was only comparable to that rogue cultivator. If he was hit by that claw, he probably wouldn't end up that way.    


In the blink of an eye, the two of them had fallen to the ground and the bodies of the rogue cultivators became even more anxious. However, when they saw Su Lie's group, they only hesitated for a brief moment before turning around and rushing towards the small hill they were on.    


"These bastards!"    


Wu Yan's face turned ashen.    


Those rogue cultivators clearly wanted to draw the fire onto their bodies.    


Su Lie just frowned and then let go of Yu Wei and said: "Yu Wei, you and Gu Yuankai call for these people. Leave the Spider Tattooed Tiger to me and Senior Sister and finish the battle quickly. Don't waste any time."    


Su Lie and Ye Xuanyin exchanged a glance before their figures flashed out, passing by those rogue cultivators without even sparing them a glance.    




Seeing that there was someone who dared to block in front of him, as if he felt that his dignity had been challenged, the Spider Tattooed Tiger roared and with a stomp of its four legs, it instantly pounced forward.    


The Spider Tattooed Tiger was at least twenty to thirty feet tall, flying through the air towards them. The momentum was extremely astonishing, as if a small mountain was smashing down on them.    


"Be careful, I'll face it head-on. You must find an opportunity!"    


Liu Xuanyue clenched her fist, and the long sword appeared in her hand. With a tap of her feet, she leapt into the air and slashed towards the head of the Spider Tattooed Tiger.    


When Su Lie saw Liu Xuanyue rush to attack in front of him, he couldn't help but rub his nose. Su Lie saw Liu Xuanyue rush to attack in front of him, he couldn't help but rub his nose.    


When the rogue cultivators saw that Su Lie and Liu Xuanyue had blocked the Spider Tattooed Tiger, they instantly let out a sigh of relief. They slightly swept their gaze behind them and confirmed that the Spider Tattooed Tiger was not chasing them.    


"Everyone, we saved your lives. Shouldn't you all express your intentions?"    


At that moment, a voice slowly came from behind them.    


The two of them were shocked and immediately turned around to find that they had unknowingly fallen into the encirclement. They were surrounded in the middle and those people raised their heads to look at Luo Xianyu, Gu Yuankai, and the others, revealing expressions of panic.    


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