Peerless Divine Sovereign



0As for Ye Xuan, when he reached the door, he directly opened it and said, "If you're back, then come back. Why are you sneaking around on the roof …"    




Before he even finished his sentence, a sound of wind breaking suddenly rang out. A cold light flashed and a killing intent attacked him. Ye Xuan basically didn't even think or look at who it was as he hastily tilted his head backwards.    


In the next second, Liu Ming saw a sharp sword that was glowing with a ghostly light close to the tip of his nose. Liu Ming's expression changed as he frowned and tried to guess what was going on.    


Before giving him too much time to think, the sharp sword that was originally close to his nose turned over after realising that it didn't hit its target. It then continued to hack at Ye Xuan.    


Ye Xuan's reaction and speed was pretty fast. When the sword came down, Ye Xuan directly laid down on the ground. During this time, the sword was still almost right in front of his face. The distance between Ye Xuan and the sword was barely two centimeters.    




Along with a muffled sound, Ye Xuan's body finally came into close contact with the ground. However, the moment he landed, he quickly tilted his head to the side.    




A metallic sound rang out. At the same time, it was accompanied by a spark. The sharp sword accurately hacked onto the ground beside Ye Xuan's head, creating a slash across the ground.    


Just as the sharp sword was about to pierce the ground, Ye Xuan's feet kicked at the doorstep and he was like a mud fish, scurrying backwards. Knowing that he was in the living room, Ye Xuan flipped over on the floor.    


Just as he got up, the sharp sword attacked again, still aiming at his face. But this time, Ye Xuan was prepared, so when the sharp sword stabbed over, he quickly spun around and the sharp sword passed by him.    


The sword went through another shadow. When Ye Xuan was able to stand firm, the shadow had already run into the living room. At this moment, Ye Xuan could finally see the other party's face, or to be exact, the other party's appearance.    


The other party was mostly dressed in black and even his face was covered by a black mask. It was difficult to see his appearance clearly. However, from her protruding chest, one could tell that she was indeed a girl.    


However, Ye Xuan was sure that he didn't know the girl in front of him. The only thing he was sure of was that she sneaked into his room in the middle of the night dressed in a black suit and black pants, directly stabbing at him. She was simply here to assassinate him.    


Assassinate him? Thinking about that, Ye Xuan secretly frowned, but on the surface, there was no good change. He looked at the girl in black and smiled, "Miss, this assassination game isn't fun."    


"Hmph, do you think I'm joking?" The woman said angrily. Then, without another word, she continued to wield her sword and charged at Ye Xuan. The two of them started fighting again.    


While he was fighting with the girl in black, Ye Xuan's eyebrows creased even more. It was for no other reason but the viciousness of the woman in black's attacks. They were almost all aimed at his vitals.    


Every move was fatal! No matter how he looked at it, such a ruthless method did not seem like a joke to him. It was obvious that Ye Xuan came because he wanted to finish him off. Thus, the more Ye Xuan fought, the uglier his expression became.    




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