Transmigration: Why I Suddenly Become A Female Cultivator

C309 A Symbiotic Spell

C309 A Symbiotic Spell

0"Master! The trees here were very interesting. I have never seen any other First Layer trees before! " Yanli's movement technique was good. After walking for a long time, she wasn't too tired. "What kind of tree is this?"    


When she asked this question, Bai Yi's eyebrows were about to wrinkle into her nostrils!    


How would I know what kind of tree this is!    


"Cough cough, First Layer is so big, you have never seen so many strange things, you feel that everything is unfamiliar..." Before he could finish his words, he hurriedly looked towards Zhiyan.    


Brother, I'm counting on you!    


I'm not very talented. At a time like this where I'm showing off my knowledge, I still need to be the top student, Zhiyan!    


"This is a thorn, a symbiotic plant..." Zhiyan took over the words, "So, we have to leave quickly. I don't know what other plants are coexisting here. If it's a fierce symbiosis, I'm afraid it will be difficult to deal with."    


"Symbiotic plant? What do you mean?" Yali continued to ask.    


"A type of wood-type spell commonly used in machine-type spells, under certain circumstances... will trigger the coexisting plants of the Thorny Thorns. If you're lucky, it might just be some kind of ornamental plant or flower. If you're unlucky, you'll be in danger." Zhiyan explained plainly.    


The three disciples were dumbfounded. Wu Huilan quickly moved his broad back away from the thorny trunk and turned around to stare at the tree bark in horror.    


"How can we trigger it?" Wu Huilan asked in a daze.    


"It depends on luck." Su Jin vigilantly looked around and impatiently said, "It's all because of the mood of the spellcaster of this wood spell. Maybe, if you fart, it will trigger."    


"Miss Su Jin, you... are joking, right?" Peng Qingran asked uncertainly.    


"I never joke." Su Jin's face was serious as she urged, "So, this place is very unsafe. Have you guys rested enough? Hurry up and leave!"    


Damn it...    


This brat must be single!    


'This is simply a straight woman! ' She was not gentle at all, and she was not a lady at all! There was still so much nonsense to say!    


Bai Yi muttered in her heart.    


She hated being urged! Urge! He had just rested for a while and was about to leave...    


Linyuan kept walking at the back of the group and did not say anything along the way. Bai Yi almost forgot about this person's existence, but the moment she got up, he glanced at Linyuan's face from the corner of his eye.    


He was very serious!    


What? Was there really danger?    


Linyuan's expression was serious, his eyes were firm and alert, but he was different from Su Jin. He did not look around, but stared intently...    


Su Jin?    


Why was he staring at the girl?    


What? Could it be that he still felt that something was wrong with this girl?    


Bai Yi stood up. Her legs had already recovered and the soreness was becoming clearer and clearer. However, in order to quickly find the east, she had no choice but to endure the pain and move forward.    


"Let's go. There is no time to lose. After we leave this forest, we will..."    


Before Bai Yi could finish speaking, suddenly...    


"What - Ah!" Yanli suddenly shouted loudly!    


What followed was the violent trembling of the earth!    


In an instant, Bai Yi mistakenly thought that the entire forest had come to life! The tree trunk twisted crazily and swayed in the dark forest!    


On the tall thorns, vines as thick as an arm suddenly shot out and headed straight for everyone!    


Yanli was the first to be hit. She was already swept into the air, screaming at the top of her lungs!    


"What's going on!? Who... F * ck! Who triggered the spell!" Bai Yi cursed as she dodged the vine's attack.    


Countless black vines drilled out of the soil like tentacles. In an instant, pieces of soil flew in the air, and gravel flew everywhere!    


Whiz, whiz, whiz -    


Rays of light flashed past. Zhiyan and Linyuan were protecting everyone, blocking the wood elemental spell that suddenly attacked them!    


Linyuan's body emitted a purple light, and a powerful shield instantly surrounded everyone!    


At this time, they still had to rely on Linyuan... but in this pure Spiritual Sense state, if they forcefully used a spell, Linyuan's Spiritual Force would definitely be consumed very quickly...    


Who knew how many dangers were ahead, how could they let him take such a huge risk?    


"How can I break this magic technique?" Bai Yi frowned and anxiously asked.    


Everyone leaned against their backs and stared at the huge vines that were crazily twisting outside the shield. For a moment, they did not know how to break through...    


"What bad luck." Su Jin said agitatedly, "I have walked here countless times, but I have never triggered this spell! But I ran into you guys. Why are you so unlucky? "    


"Hurry up and think of a way, we've never seen this symbiotic monster before!" Bai Yi urged.    


Su Jin narrowed her eyes and looked at the most conspicuous tree not far away...    


"There! Did you see it? The Spiritual Force fluctuations are the strongest there." Su Jin stretched out her hand and pointed over, "On the thickest tree, near the root of the tree, there is an array eye!"    


Zhiyan turned his head and helped Linyuan to support the shield. He nodded and said, "Yes, it is indeed the eye of the formation. Damn! "    


As he spoke, he was about to charge out of the shield!    


"Wait! Zhiyan!" Bai Yi quickly followed him.    


The two of them rushed forward, one in front and one behind. The vines finally felt the fresh Spiritual Sense and instantly rushed towards the two of them at the same time!    



Dust filled the sky as the cunning vines twisted their bodies in the air. The sharp tips of the vines were like sharp spears that stabbed into the hard ground behind the two of them!    


As long as their movement technique was slightly slower... if they were not careful, they would immediately be skewered by the candied fruits!    


Linyuan seemed to be shouting something behind them, but Bai Yi did not have the time to be distracted!    


The two of them used a strange movement technique and ran towards the eye of the formation. But suddenly, the vines seemed to understand their purpose. One vine after another drilled out of the ground and gave them a sudden and painful blow!    


A thick and solid wall of vines actually protected the eye of the formation!    


"No way!" Zhiyan dodged and dodged the attack of the two vines. He said loudly, "I will attract them here. You go around the back!"    


Bai Yi nodded and dodged. "Be careful!"    


The fog around them became thicker and thicker. The tall tree trunk was faintly visible in the fog.    


The vines that came out from everywhere occupied most of the space. Bai Yi's mind was tense!    


"Symbiosis... What exactly is this Cold Thorns Symbiosis for!" Bai Yi cursed as she walked towards the back of the formation eye.    


Zhiyan's movement technique was top-notch. Adding the fact that he had been cultivating in Nine-floored Immortal Devil Tower for a long time, his cultivation base had advanced by leaps and bounds!    


Combined with the unique heart technique of Tianji Pavilion, he could be considered a top First Layer expert.    


Although he was only an Avatar Stage, with the addition of the mental cultivation method and cultivation method of the Tianji Pavilion, his strength was not much weaker than the Late Period of Void Refinement Stage Bai Yi!    


It was not too difficult to deal with these vines!    


However, Bai Yi could not take it anymore!    


The further they went, the thicker the fog became! They were about to lose their direction!    


Suddenly, a huge pink peach faintly appeared behind the eye of the formation!    


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