Kingly Son-in-law

C6 Invite Godly Doctor Qin to Dinner!

C6 Invite Godly Doctor Qin to Dinner!



Zhang Yim's words made the whole villa explode. Zhang Yushu got even angrier after hearing it, he went up to Zhang Yim and snatched the paper from her hands. When he saw the words that were clearly written on the paper, Zhang Yushu took a deep breath and looked at Wu Tie.    


"Mr. Jessie, what's going on?"    


Before Jessie could say anything, Jiang Wenbinn stood up and sneered: "This Qin Tian must have done it on purpose. He knew that Mr. Jessie could cure the old man, so he deliberately created such a panic!"    


After Jiang Wenbinn said this, everyone seemed to feel that it made sense. They all nodded and whispered.    


Although Jiang Chen did not think much of his son-in-law, he could not let the situation turn one-sided in this situation. After all, he had completely offended Secretary Zhang.    


Wen Bin, you can't put it like that. Since Qin Tian was able to write the same prescription, it's enough to prove that Qin Tian was truly talented, so how can you be sure that Qin Tian was bluffing, causing panic, and missed the best opportunity to treat Old Master Zhang?    


Jiang Chen's words directly made Jiang Wenbinn choke. He sneered as he sat on the chair: "Second Uncle, are you really confident in that piece of trash's character?"    


This was also the sore spot in Jiang Chen's heart. That's right, even though his son-in-law is trash, I still have all kinds of support here, but I don't have any confidence at all.    


"I'll take it."    


While Jiang Chen and Jiang Wenbinn were arguing, Jessie slowly spoke up, "I've met the old man's illness abroad before. There's absolutely no problem with this recipe."    


Secretary Zhang fell into a dilemma. However, when he saw the confidence in Jessie's eyes, he finally believed Jessie. It wasn't because he trusted Jessie too much; after all, Qin Tian was not here, so he didn't have a choice.    


Secretary Zhang signaled Secretary Suen with his eyes. Secretary Suen nodded his head, took the prescription and went out to get the medicine.    


Ten minutes later, Secretary Suen came back with a bowl of Chinese medicine. When he arrived in front of Secretary Zhang, Secretary Suen lowered his head and whispered, "I've asked the doctor. I said there's nothing wrong with the prescription itself.    


Secretary Suen was a meticulous person, so when he said this, Secretary Zhang let out a sigh of relief, carried the medicine into the room and fed it to the old man.    


After drinking a bowl of medicine, the old man's face began to turn a bit red.    


Secretary Zhang was overjoyed. The surrounding doctors were also praising Jessie endlessly, praising him.    


However, at this moment, the old man's face turned increasingly red. In the end, his face turned a deep shade of purple as he coughed out a mouthful of blood. His pulse was extremely weak.    


"What's going on?" Secretary Zhang turned around and shouted at Jessie.    


Jessie was also a bit confused at this moment. He walked up to check the old man's pulse. When he found Old Master Zhang's pulse was weak to the point where it was almost empty, his face turned pale. He stood on the spot at a loss: "H-how is this possible?"    


In an instant, the entire room was thrown into chaos. No one dared to touch the old tutor, fearing that the old tutor would pass away and implicate them.    


Zhang Yim was so frightened that her body went limp. She lay paralyzed on the ground and wailed, "Daddy only has half an hour left …"    


Secretary Zhang took a deep breath and covered his chest with one hand. After taking a few deep breaths, he walked in front of Jiang Chen and said, "Brother Jiang, can you give that son-in-law of yours a call and ask him to save my father?"    


Jiang Chen was very flattered. Before this, whenever Secretary Zhang called him "Brother Jiang", Secretary Zhang quickly nodded and promised, "Alright, alright, alright. I'll call Qin Tian right away."    


At this moment, Qin Tian and Jiang Rann didn't walk too far away. From the moment they left the Zhang Family villa, Qin Tian knew that they still had to go back. Sure enough, while they were shopping in the mall, Qin Tian's phone rang.    


Jiang Rann was trying on a pair of high-heeled shoes when she heard Qin Tian talk. She raised her head and asked in puzzlement, "Why did Dad call you?"    


"I think Old Master Zhang is going to catch a cold." With that, Qin Tian picked up the phone. It was exactly as he had expected. He hung up after a few words of agreement. He shrugged at Jiang Rann and said, "It's time to go back."    


"Did they really come to find you?" But what's the use of going back? Can it be that so many famous doctors with Songshan City can't even rely on your medical skills that were read in books? "    


"Who knows. Let's go and take a look, we can't just deny Secretary Zhang face. But we have to hurry, the old man only has half an hour."    


Jiang Rann nodded and handed over her high heels to the front desk to swipe the card before leaving. Qin Tian glanced at the numbers on the tickets. It was five digits.    


F * ck, it's great to be rich. Even when using a 5 digit card, his eyes still wouldn't blink.    


After Jiang Chen hung up the phone, he said to Secretary Zhang, "He's coming!"    


Secretary Zhang nodded and patted Jiang Chen's shoulder. He then turned around to Jessie and said darkly, "If anything happens to my dad today, you will be buried with me!"    


Secretary Zhang's words scared Jiang Wenbinn and Jessie so much that they trembled.    


These words also gave Jiang Chen a fright. Qin Tian was about to arrive, but whether Qin Tian could do it or not, Jiang Chen had no idea.    


Qin Tian and Jiang Rann got into a car accident when they were driving. Originally, the three minute drive took 15 minutes. Fifteen minutes later, the mansion's door opened again and Qin Tian walked in holding Jiang Rann's hand.    


Secretary Zhang hurriedly went forward to welcome him. "Brother Qin, I was disrespectful to you just now. I am now certain that the Godly Doctor is treating my father!"    


As the saying goes, don't hit a smiling person. Since Secretary Zhang's attitude is so good, Qin Tian also laughed, "Rest assured Secretary, I told you that the old man will not be able to be saved in 30 minutes, there's still time!"    


"That's good, that's good, Godly Doctor, please come inside!"    


On the other hand, the doctor outside deliberately stood forward, wanting to see what kind of medical skill Qin Tian used to save people. The silver needle room was already prepared, so Qin Tian picked up three silver needles and inserted it directly into the central nervous system beside the old man's brain.    


Everyone present knew how to use acupuncture and moxibustion. However, Qin Tian said that only he could cure it, it was no different from ordinary acupuncture. He needed to instill spiritual energy in it in order to awaken the old man's dead nerves.    


This time, Qin Tian had used the lost hundred years old ultimate skill, the Divine Needle of Thunderfire!    


In the eyes of outsiders, when Qin Tian was applying acupuncture, he seemed to be able to see a flame appearing out of thin air on Qin Tian's palm, which made people praise him endlessly.    


Qin Tian also felt that the Zhang family really owed him. It took a lot of physical strength for them to use their spiritual energy for this day. About half an hour later, Qin Tian let out a sigh of relief, pulled out the silver needle, and covered the old man with a blanket.    


Seeing Qin Tian walk out, Secretary Zhang was still worried: "Godly Doctor, is there no problem with that?"    


After all, Old Master Zhang didn't react at all, and Secretary Zhang was a bit worried.    


Qin Tian wiped the sweat from his forehead and nodded, "We can find a doctor to check his pulse."    


A moment later, an old man volunteered and walked into the room. He picked up Old Master Zhang's wrist and started walking boldly, then his eyes lit up: "Powerful, short, strong, regular balance, this young man is really a healthy person."    


"No, impossible!"    


Jessie obviously did not believe him and also rushed forward to check his pulse. When he found out that it was exactly like the old man had said, he sat down on the floor and mumbled to himself as if his strength had not been drained.    


When Secretary Zhang heard this, he was overjoyed and immediately covered Qin Tian's hands, "Divine Doctor Qin, it's all thanks to you today. Thank you for the money immediately. I'll be heading over tonight and invite Divine Doctor Qin to the banquet!"    



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