Super Cultivating Farmer

C22 Mo Yunqing's Internal Martial Arts

C22 Mo Yunqing's Internal Martial Arts

0In the morning, Bai Xiaobei raised his hand to pinch the Small Pangolin away, then rubbed his eyes.    


The sky was just starting to brighten, suddenly, Bai Xiaobei's ears twitched, and from the back of the house, the sound of a battle could be heard.    


Bai Xiaobei hurriedly put on his clothes and headed towards the fish pond at the back. Very quickly, he saw the gentle and beautiful Mo Yunqing practicing fist boxing at the side of the pond.    


He was dressed in a white tracksuit and had a neat ponytail. His movements were not fast, but it wasn't tai chi. It was as if he had the same appearance as Zhen Zidan in the movie.    


The sports uniform was Bai Xiaobei's, there was blood on Mo Yunqing's clothes, it had already been washed.    


After staring at it for a while, Bai Xiaobei felt that Mo Yunqing's Tai Chi was obviously different from the old man who fought at Tai Chi. Naturally, it was probably the difference between a beauty and an old man.    


Mo Yunqing's body was soft, but every time he felt it, it was as if there was a force contained in his body, causing a leaf to float in the air, and when it landed beside Mo Yunqing, it instantly exploded into pieces.    


Bai Xiaobei, who was watching this scene quietly from a distance, almost gasped in shock. He saw clearly, his eyes were not shortsighted, nor were they far-sighted. He could clearly see that this piece of bamboo leaf was torn apart by an invisible force.    


As if he didn't sense it, Mo Yunqing continued to practice and watched. Bai Xiaobei felt a little disgusted, as if he was in the middle of the ocean and was swaying non-stop.    


Strangely, as if he couldn't escape, he couldn't help but shake his head.    


Mo Yunqing who was sparring looked at Bai Xiaobei strangely, but he ignored him and continued to fight.    


Not knowing how much time had passed, Bai Xiaobei finally recovered and happened to retract his fist as he gently exhaled a long breath of white air.    




Bai Xiaobei was shocked. How was this possible? It had to be known that this was summer, how could it be possible to spit out white air currents? Bai Xiaobei immediately mimicked and threw up a few mouthfuls of blood, but in the end, he could not see a single thing.    


Mo Yunqing walked over with a smile, looked at Bai Xiaobei and asked: "You woke up so early?"    


It is indeed early, but you are already up. Bai Xiaobei nodded awkwardly, then immediately pointed at the fish pond and said, "I'll feed the ball of fish."    


"Fishes?" Mo Yunqing curiously looked at the group of small things on the shore, and asked: "These little turtles are called fish?"    


Bai Xiaobei immediately nodded: "That's right, a fish is a turtle, it can also be called a turtle."    


Mo Yunqing laughed, then looked around curiously: "Strange, why do I feel that the surrounding Spirit Qi is more abundant? This is a nice place. "    


"Nonsense, this is my territory. How can I not have enough spiritual energy?"    


Not far away, the little violet bamboo expressed its dissatisfaction. Its roots were rooted in the ground and it was absorbing the spiritual energy unceasingly. The surrounding spiritual energy was naturally sufficient.    


Also, Bai Xiaobei had used the Spirit Rain Arts on the fish pond several times, causing the water in the pond to be filled with spirit energy.    


Bai Xiaobei glared at the Small Demon Bamboo, then looked at Mo Yunqing and said, "We are in a rural area, the air is a little better, so we don't have any other advantages."    


Mo Yunqing shook his head: "It's good to be in the countryside, it's suitable for cultivation and it's good to be in the mood. There are too few places in the city where I can cultivate.    


Seeing that Mo Yunqing had run away, and was swinging his ponytail back and forth, Bai Xiaobei smiled, looked at the Small Demon Bamboo and said: "The mountain has not been peaceful recently, you should be more vigilant. The Dragon Pulse have all moved to another place, do not be careless."    


No matter what, he was a lesser demon who succeeded in transcending tribulation. He should have some tricks up his sleeves.    


The Small Demon Bamboo shook its bamboo leaves and said: "I know, I felt the change in the Dragon Pulse yesterday and it scared me. But I'm powerless, it's too far away."    


Formidable, you could even feel it from several kilometers away? Bai Xiaobei felt that he had underestimated the Small Demon Bamboo.    


On the second day, a series of minute punches sounded out from the pond, causing Bai Xiaobei to immediately open his eyes.    


Bai Xiaobei immediately donned his clothes and ran behind him in a hurry. He had too many doubts in his heart, and wanted to confirm it a little.    


Sure enough, this Mo Yunqing had already arrived early, and was practicing his techniques, each move, and looking soft and smooth. But after looking for a while, Bai Xiaobei started to show signs of dizziness and nausea, and immediately closed his eyes, feeling better.    


Bai Xiaobei was now certain that this was not Wu Chun, nor was it Tai Chi, much less Xing Yi.    


Bai Xiaobei immediately adjusted his breathing and had a bright idea. He looked towards the ocean to see what was happening, and sure enough, Mo Yunqing's fists were able to stop him from feeling dizzy or nauseous.    


But very quickly, Bai Xiaobei was already shocked. It was as if he saw Mo Yunqing standing atop a reef and his surroundings were filled with the undulating sea water, as if Mo Yunqing was being submerged at any moment.    


A leaf, just like yesterday, gently fell into Mo Yunqing's surroundings. Bai Xiaobei once again saw a miraculous scene, as though he was being strangled by the ocean water.    


"Qi Force!"    


Bai Xiaobei suddenly had a flash of inspiration, he finally knew that what he saw was not an illusion, but true qi.    


Bai Xiaobei immediately looked over, he had a feeling that Mo Yunqing's body was becoming faster and faster.    


However, when Bai Xiaobei closed his eyes and watched again, he was shocked. Mo Yunqing's movements was still extremely slow, but after looking carefully for a while, Bai Xiaobei once again felt Mo Yunqing's punches that were like a torrential storm.    


After observing for an unknown amount of time, Bai Xiaobei suddenly woke up. At this time, Mo Yunqing had already retracted his fist, holding his hand, he placed his hand on his abdomen, relaxed, and breathed out.    


A long white aura once again appeared in front of Bai Xiaobei.    


Mo Yunqing smiled and came to Bai Xiaobei's side.    


Bai Xiaobei only felt a delicate fragrance transmitted over, following that, Mo Yunqing's beautiful face that was as smooth as jade was already not even half a meter away from Bai Xiaobei's.    


After thinking for a moment, Mo Yunqing asked in shock, "You can see it clearly?"    


Bai Xiaobei was too close, blushing red, he nodded immediately. After thinking about it, he shook his head, not knowing if he himself could understand it or not.    


Mo Yunqing nodded his head: "Be careful!"    


Bai Xiaobei looked at Mo Yunqing blankly. Was Mo Yunqing really a so-called martial arts expert?    


Looking at Bai Xiaobei, Mo Yunqing suddenly raised his hand, and instantly chopped down in front of Bai Xiaobei. Bai Xiaobei felt goosebumps rise all over his body, a wave of cold air rushed forth, and instantly forced him to take a step back.    


Looking at Bai Xiaobei who looked like a frightened tiger, Mo Yunqing nodded his head and said: "Sure enough, you have good talent in martial arts, I will go and run."    


After he finished speaking, Mo Yunqing floated away, leaving only Bai Xiaobei gasping for breath, as beads of cold sweat dripped from his forehead.    


Naturally, early in the morning on the second day, Bai Xiaobei heard a slight sound and immediately woke up.    



Mo Yunqing had already changed into his own clean clothes. Maybe it was because Bai Xiaobei woke up early today, so Mo Yunqing had not practiced his fist arts.    


"Qi Refining!"    


Bai Xiaobei was overjoyed. Seeing Mo Yunqing continuously spitting out weak white streams of air, he couldn't help but exclaim in his heart.    


As Mo Yunqing continuously breathed, Bai Xiaobei even heard a sound of rumbling thunder coming from Mo Yunqing's stomach. The sound was definitely not from the human body's digestive system, but instead was produced by the swelling of the air flow.    


Bai Xiaobei immediately imitated Mo Yunqing's breathing rhythm, but it did not have any effect at all. It was just like normal breathing, which was not as shocking as Mo Yunqing's.    


started to move, his movements still as slow as before, his fists as gentle as ever, but Bai Xiaobei quickly felt a different feeling from the two days ago, the smell of the ocean around Mo Yunqing's body became stronger and stronger.    


It was as if he was in a small boat in the ocean. Huge waves continuously swept at Bai Xiaobei with the attitude of trying something, but in the end, Bai Xiaobei discovered to his horror that it was as if he was dragged into the ocean, unable to wake up.    


The ocean waves grew bigger, more urgent, and the boat looked like it was about to collapse at any moment. Even though Bai Xiaobei knew that he was in an illusory state, he was still scared to the point that his face turned white, and his whole body couldn't help but tremble.    


The waves grew bigger and bigger, and the sound of the boat breaking continuously sounded out. Waves of fierce wind roared, and huge waves swept out. The boat in the middle could no longer take it any longer and directly collapsed.    


Bai Xiaobei felt dizzy. When he opened his eyes again, he found that he was already sitting on the ground, and the dizziness was extremely unbearable.    


Only after an unknown amount of time had passed did Bai Xiaobei slowly recover some of his strength. Looking around, Mo Yunqing had already left, leaving behind only himself who was sitting there dizzily.    


As usual, Bai Xiaobei woke up before dawn.    


At around four-thirty in the morning, Mo Yunqing punctually arrived. After breathing for half an hour, he would practice martial arts for an hour. Every time he finished practicing, he would casually chat with Bai Xiaobei for a while before heading off for a jog.    


This continued for a week. After Mo Yunqing finished his morning practice, he smiled and started to chat with Bai Xiaobei.    


The sky slowly brightened. The bamboo leaves were covered in crystal clear dew, and traces of dew could be seen on some of the fresh and tender pearls.    


"I have to go. It's time to go back."    


Mo Yunqing smiled as he greeted Bai Xiaobei, informing him that he was about to go on a long journey. He had already recuperated from his injuries after half a month here, and it was only because she found that his cultivation here was extremely beneficial, coupled with Bai Xiaobei, that he had delayed until now.    


Bai Xiaobei was a little disappointed. He nodded and agreed, "Oh …"    


Mo Yunqing nodded his head: "Little brother Bai, I have come to see that you have talent and perseverance for the past half month, I will pass on a set of chants to you, you should try to cultivate on your own, if you are able to release your Qi, it means that we are destined for each other, at that time I will find you."    


Originally, Bai Xiaobei thought that they would end up together and would never meet again, but who knew that such a sudden change would occur? Bai Xiaobei immediately replied: Okay, okay, thank you Sister Yunqing!    


Mo Yunqing nodded his head: "This is a notebook for you, remember, do not let anyone see it, in front is a cultivation technique, behind it is my comprehension."    


Bai Xiaobei immediately understood that Mo Yunqing had already prepared something for him in the past few days, and immediately took the notebook that Mo Yunqing had passed to him.    


Curious, Bai Xiaobei immediately opened up his notebook.    


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