Super Cultivating Farmer

C635 Red Pit

C635 Red Pit

0After eating instant noodles for a while, he took out his phone and made a call.    


"Ann Tuo, do you have any more of those black stones that you gave me last time? It's the kind of ore that's a little long and doesn't show anything when you put on the light. "    


He felt like it was a good item, or else he wouldn't have spent six hundred dollars on it. The more he thought about it, the more he felt that something was off, so he asked.    


"There's a lot more?" Hundreds? Where did you find it? Red pit? "Got it, wait for me a moment."    


When the stall owner heard that there were a few hundred more, he immediately understood that these weren't good things. However, if he could sell them for some money, he wouldn't refuse.    


Several hundred, even if it was a hundred dollars each, it could still be exchanged for several tens of thousands of dollars! The stall owner's eyes lit up, he immediately shouted at the stall owner beside him, and quickly rushed towards Bai Xiaobei.    


Bai Xiaobei was trying to disseminate some of Wu Ziyi's knowledge. Seeing that the boss had rushed over, he asked curiously, "What's the matter?"    


The owner grinned, revealing yellow teeth. He rolled his eyes and said, "Boss, do you still want that black wool?"    


Seeing Bai Xiaobei being so generous, he felt that he could earn quite a bit.    


"You still have more?" Bai Xiaobei's heart filled with joy. He looked at Wu Ziyi and nodded: "I still don't know what this is, where are your things? Let me choose a few. I won't take all of them. "    


If there really was one, then he would buy it all. Bai Xiaobei could feel that this person was not lying.    


It would take a long time for a Black Rock Root to grow one, but if there was a batch, with the Spirit Plant Arts, it would be possible to grow a whole piece of spirit plant in a short period of time.    


Once the Black Rock Root had enough spiritual energy, it could quickly reproduce. Obviously, these Black Rock Root could not get enough spiritual energy.    


"Yes, but the price …" The stall owner felt that he should first talk about the price. Otherwise, if the other party saw something, they would go back on their word. If not, they could just bring it back and sell it to him one by one.    


"The price isn't a problem. If there's anything strange, you can give it to me. I'm not short on money." Bai Xiaobei acted as if he was rich, directly taking out a stack of US dollars and passing it over: "Five thousand dollars, deposit, lead the way."    


The stall owner's eyes turned green as he prepared a set of explanations. He decisively kept the money and led the way. At the same time, he took out his phone and started contacting his friends.    


"My friend found this. He said where else would there be, and we can discuss the price when the time comes. I can bring you guys there directly."    


After making the call, the stall owner felt that he had earned enough money to buy five thousand dollars. It didn't matter even if he gave all of it to the stall owner since it was not a good thing at all.    


Bai Xiaobei nodded. "Alright."    


"Boss, where are the items that we just bought?" The stall owner waited for his friend Ann Tuo to come over, but when he saw that Bai Xiaobei did not have any of the items he bought before, he curiously looked around.    


"In the car, I still have a friend. Why would I hold such a heavy thing in my hands?"    


Naturally, it was put into his storage bag, but he was sure that he wouldn't say anything. Bai Xiaobei pointed to the streets outside, where there were a lot of cars.    


"Oh, right!" The stall owner nodded and laughed dryly, "That's right, it's too ugly to hold in your hand, and it's still too heavy. Boss, what are you here to buy? I'm from here, if you need help, I can help."    


This old man was very smart, he knew that Bai Xiaobei was generous and would definitely earn more than him selling things.    


With just a few words, he had already given her five thousand dollars. If she met a black-hearted person, she would immediately take the money and run away. Seeing that he didn't change his expression, she didn't care about the money at all.    


Whether Bai Xiaobei was lying to him or not, he could feel it immediately.    


Soon, a 1.5 meter tall black man arrived. When he saw the stall owner, he immediately waved his hand and said, "Brother Cheng!"    


The booth owner went up to him and said, "Bring us to the place. This is considered the information fee."    


Almost five hundred dollars, the stall owner passed the short Ann Tuo a sum that could not believe.    


But he didn't know what to say. He just needed to get the thing.    


After receiving the money, he was very excited. It was obvious that five hundred dollars was not a small number as he said happily, "I will be bringing you guys to the Red Pit now. There is no way only I know where it is."    


The red pit was a place where the Jadeite Plains came out from. However, there were very few things here. Even after being dug 20 meters deep, there were still a lot of people digging for the ores.    


"Where are we going?" Wu Ziyi asked Bai Xiaobei in a low voice.    


"It should be where the ore came from. Let's go take a look." Bai Xiaobei pulled her along and followed along. They would definitely follow after his in the future if they saw his.    


The red pit was a place that not many excavators were willing to go. Before, it was dug more than ten meters deep, but after an earthquake, it sank more than twenty meters deep. The bottom was covered with yellow muddy water like a lake.    


After Bai Xiaobei went there, he saw a cliff face that looked like a red pit that was digging for ores. The surroundings were as steep as a cliff, the people that went down were as big as ants, each of them had a long rope tied to them, holding onto various tools as they dug.    


If he fell down, the muddy water below him wouldn't be able to climb out.    


"Do they want to die?" Wu Ziyi had never seen people digging for money so desperately. These people were insane, hanging onto a safety belt in the middle of a cliff, or even deeper, if they fell down, there was no chance of them surviving.    


"There are a lot of ores here that no one dared to dig out. Once a few good ones are dug out, they will be able to make a month's worth of income. That's why many people would dig out here."    


The stall owner explained to Bai Xiaobei and the others. He was also a stonecutter, but he did not dare to provoke them.    


Bai Xiaobei looked at Ann Tuo and asked, "You found it here?"    


"Yes." Ann Tuo nodded his head: "I have been digging here for over a year, it can be said that I am an old man, there are many places that no one dares to go, I have taken risks, but have obtained a lot of things, today's weather is good, there are more people coming, normally the weather is not good, no one dares go down."    


The weather wasn't good. If it was like this, then it was possible for the next rain to fall down. If that happened, then the Digger wouldn't be able to come out before it was too late.    


The red pit was called the red pit because the stone dust around it was a light red.    


Bai Xiaobei understood what he meant, glanced below, and nodded: "It's not easy."    


But how many people are easy to live with? One by one, they handed their lives over to a rope. They could not change the rope every day, and once the rope was broken, they would fall down.    


Some of them dug out some places to stand, while the others dug around and wiped the ores. Some of them took out their flashlights to check, as the ore was usually sold at a very low price.    


After all, he wasn't someone from the old pit.    


"The things are down there. Do you want to come down together?" "It's a bit dangerous." Ann Tuo pointed to a relatively remote but astonishingly steep place.    


"No, no. You can just go down and help us get them. We don't dare to go down there."    


The stall owner was terrified. Why would he risk his life for money? If he dared to risk his life, he would have already been searching for ores here. After all, wasn't there someone here who would find many treasures?    



"Then I'm going down. My son is over there. Let's go over first."    


Ann Tuo pointed over to the side. Bai Xiaobei's eyesight was good, and in the distance, he saw a little boy of about seven or eight years old who was washing the ores with a bucket of water.    


After following him, the little boy saw that the stranger was immediately hiding behind Ann Tuo, not daring to even look at him.    


"The little kids were frightened when they were young, and the strangers were scared. Man Man, watch the rope, Daddy will go down for a while."    


Ann Tuo rubbed the little boy's head. The little boy was as short as him and looked very thin and weak.    


The little boy nodded and quickly ran over to check the rope. Apparently, he had followed his father here many times.    


When Ann Tuo went down, Bai Xiaobei finally understood what it meant to be vigorous and agile. He crawled down with a swoosh, causing him to suspect that Ann Tuo was a Internal Martial Boxing Expert.    


"Ann Tuo is very famous on our side, and no one is willing to be with him. Before, he had a partner who collapsed when we went mining together, and someone said that Ann Tuo was greedy.    


The stall owner took out a bag of snacks from nowhere. Bai Xiaobei looked at it and realised it was an egg made from brine.    


The little boy was very familiar with the stall owner. He slowly walked over and extended his hand to take it. A trace of a happy smile appeared on his face, and he quickly tore open the bag to eat.    


"Brother Bai, are we going to go down as well?" Wu Ziyi pointed downwards, she did not care about this height at all.    


Bai Xiaobei glanced at it and said: "Just a single rope. Let's wait for that Ann Tuo to come up and then we can go down. Otherwise it's too dangerous."    


If it was because of them going down, even if Ann Tuo fell, they wouldn't be able to save him even if they had the ability.    


"Yes." Wu Ziyi quickly shifted her gaze, looking at the few stones on the ground, she picked up the flashlight and shone it around.    


Bai Xiaobei squatted down and laughed: "They are all average, very tender, and at most soft and sticky, I don't think they would sell for much money? What is it used for? "    


Even if this item was made, it would have no processing value. What was made was very ugly, moreover, it was very tender and thick meat. It was not the material used to make the pendant.    


The stall owner gave a thumbs up and said, "That's right, most of the materials that come out here are very average. However, the materials here are suitable for making a bag, and they look pretty good."    


knew that the blindfold was sold directly because it was wrapped in tape and the price was usually one kilogram and two hundred yuan. It was sold to the Stone Gambling people because China was the biggest market for Stone Gambling s.    


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