Super Decomposition System

C211 Nine Great Ice Jade Needles Great Yin Yang Needle Technique Show Its Power Again

C211 Nine Great Ice Jade Needles Great Yin Yang Needle Technique Show Its Power Again

0Jiang Hao stared at Fourth Uncle's leg and frowned, then he comforted him.    


"Fourth Uncle, Fourth Aunt, don't panic. I will cure Fourth Uncle!"    


Jiang Zixuan also comforted them softly.    


"My brother said he will. Fourth Uncle, Fourth Aunt, don't panic. Listen to my brother!"    


"Okay, okay, I will listen to Hao Hao!"    


Fourth Uncle and Fourth Aunt nodded when she heard him.    


At this moment, Jiang Hao said.    


"Fourth Aunt, go to the sanitation center and buy a few bone plasters. Zixuan, go and get a basin of clear water. Swash Fourth Uncle's legs gently. I'll go and get something from the car!"    


After the division of labor was clear, Jiang Hao looked at Fourth Uncle, whose face was full of worry, and comforted him.    


"Fourth Uncle, don't be afraid. This small injury is a small matter to me!"    


"Later, I will help you cure your swelling first, then I will help you heal your bones, and then put on my unique medicine. It won't be long before you can stand up again!"    


After Fourth Uncle heard this, he forced a smile.    


"Okay, I will listen to Hao Hao!"    


Fourth Aunt quickly went out to buy things, while Jiang Hao went out and pretended to look for something in the car. He then took out his Icy Jade Needle from the System Space!    


Jiang Zixuan was cleaning Fourth Uncle's injured leg.    


When her grandparents heard the noise, they also quickly came over!    


When she saw Jiang Hao come in, her grandmother quickly asked.    


"Hao Hao, can you really cure Fourth Uncle's leg?"    


Jiang Hao looked at his grandma who was anxious and his grandpa who was listening with his ears perked up. He then smiled.    


"Grandpa, grandma, don't worry!"    


"No matter how much of a bastard I am, I can't possibly joke around with Fourth Uncle's legs, right?"    


Jiang Hao's words instantly made her grandfather and grandmother feel relieved.    




"Grandma believes in you!"    




Soon, his sister Jiang Zixuan cleaned Fourth Uncle's injured leg. Jiang Hao took out nine Icy Jade Needle and used the Great Five Elemental Yin Yang Needle Technique!    


He used this to reduce the swelling on Fourth Uncle's leg!    


Under everyone's watchful eyes, Jiang Hao used an extremely fast technique to stab the nine Icy Jade Needles into Fourth Uncle's injured area.    


As the nine Icy Jade Needles were inserted, a cold feeling made Fourth Uncle feel comfortable.    


"Fourth Uncle, how do you feel?"    


Jiang Hao pinched the Icy Jade Needle in his hand as he injected the five elements into the Icy Jade Needle. At the same time, he asked!    


Jiang Hao's question instantly made everyone's eyes focus on Fourth Uncle's face.    


Fourth Uncle felt the swelling. A cool feeling came from his swollen calf, which was in pain as if it was being burned by fire. He opened his mouth and said!    


"I feel a cool feeling in my leg bone, the swelling from before. It's swollen. The pain that felt like it was being roasted has disappeared! "    


"Now I feel very comfortable!"    


Even people who did not know medicine could tell what Fourth Uncle was talking about.    


This was the effect of Jiang Hao's acupuncture!    


Instantly, everyone revealed a trace of joy on their faces.    


Jiang Hao nodded.    


"This feeling is right. Look, your leg is already swelling!"    


Jiang Hao's words instantly attracted everyone's attention.    


Everyone looked at Jiang Hao's leg. Sure enough, Fourth Uncle's leg was originally swollen. His leg, which was swollen like a drumstick, was no longer as swollen as before!    


Seeing this effect, everyone was even more delighted. Their grandparents were finally relieved of Jiang Hao's medical skills!    


Very soon, Fourth Aunt bought a bone paste. Jiang Hao's swelling reduction work was almost done!    


Fourth Uncle's wound was swollen. The edema had already been removed. At this time, Jiang Hao took the bone paste that Fourth Aunt had just bought.    


"You guys look at me first, Fourth Uncle. I'll go to the door and pick a few stalks of grass that can revive blood and use it to drug you. I'll be right there!"    


Fourth Aunt and Jiang Zixuan wanted to help, but Jiang Hao refused!    


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