Personal Doctor King

C1080 Lei Ba Feng's Stings

C1080 Lei Ba Feng's Stings

0At this moment, Yu Jingzhe was cultivating in the middle of the mountain. He was surrounded by bamboo forest. Occasionally, there would be a breeze and leaves would rustle when they collided with each other.    


Just as the spiritual energy was about to be released, the dart was shot towards them and stabbed into the bamboo next to them. Yu Jingzhe sighed deeply.    


It was a surprise, but not a danger.    


He had already sensed that someone had arrived, but he was still at the peak of his cultivation, only missing the last step. He did not want to waste all of his previous efforts, not to mention that if he were to forcefully withdraw from the training and continue with his cultivation, then his cultivation would be greatly reduced as well. After all, he still had a good grasp of the other party's background, so it was better for him to first observe the situation.    


However, the other party was still pestering him. The darts were flung over and over again. Although none of the darts hit Yu Jingzhe's vitals and almost all of them got stuck in the bamboo, a dart still stabbed into his leg. The blood gradually spilled out. A few drops of blood had already solidified on the leg of his pants.    


Yu Jingzhe frowned. Of course, this small injury was nothing to him. Just by listening to the footsteps, he could tell that there were a lot of people on the other side. Helpless, he could only circulate his energy to defend himself. The golden circle of light gradually surrounded him, and in the end resembled a huge round ball.    


The footsteps got closer and closer. The assassins and Zhang Yu Jingzhe were already very close. The assassin's impatient voice sounded in Yu Jingzhe's ears, "F * * k, where did that brat Yu Jingzhe run off to? laozi is still waiting to go home and get heated up with my wife, what the hell is this!"    


Yu Jingzhe forcefully pulled the corner of his mouth, thinking that this assassin was too unprofessional.    


F * ck, bro, you're already doomed, but you're still calling me disrespectful! Yu Jingzhe warned himself angrily in his heart. Although the Golden Steel Cover could avoid enemies for a while, it still had a time limit. He would be done in less than an hour.    


Helpless, Yu Jingzhe could only speed up his training. He could vaguely hear the sound of swords clashing. It seemed to be quite intense.    


Eh? This assassin was clearly here to kill him. If they couldn't even see him, then why would they fight him?    


Did someone come to save him?    


From the sound of it, it seemed to be Lei Batian.    


"I'll kill you all!" The moment Lei Bengfeng's voice sounded, Yu Jingzhe also finished cultivating. He fiercely jumped out of the halo, and a cluster of blue flames immediately rose from his palm, smashing towards the few assassins in succession.    


At this moment, the tip of an assassin's blade was only a foot away from Lei Bafeng's chest. The assassin's blade did not pierce through as his arm hung in the air, seemingly waiting for someone's command. Finally, Lei Bafeng gave him a look, indicating for him to stay put. After all, hearing was believing, and seeing was believing. If he waited for Yu Jingzhe to come before stabbing again, would he not believe it?    


Sure enough, not long after, Yu Jingzhe hurried over. After all, Lei Bafeng was here to save him. Regardless of whether it was true or not, he couldn't leave him alone.    


The assassin took the opportunity before Yu Jingzhe could launch his attack to stab Lei Batian in the chest and then ran away. Yu Jingzhe wanted to chase after the assassin, but seeing Lei Batian's appearance, he could only give up on this idea.    


At this moment, Lei Batian's lips were pale and his body was trembling non-stop. His face was twisted due to the extreme pain.    


He also wanted to make a fake wound, but then he thought, Yu Jingzhe isn't stupid, that kind of stupid trick to scare a three year old kid is more like it! However, he couldn't possibly lose his life in order to gain Yu Jingzhe's trust, not to mention that he acted on his own, the real power was in his hands, so he let the assassin choose a spot a few centimeters away from his heart first. However, the pain was like being stabbed by a thousand blades!    


Yu Jingzhe was a bit embarrassed. Although he didn't know what Lu Li's intentions were, Yu Jingzhe was injured to save him.    


Thus, he knelt on one knee beside Lei Batian and examined his wounds. Because the wound was not treated immediately, the blood had congealed on the skin, and the material was tightly stuck on it. The only thing that could be done was to cut the clothes with scissors, but a piece of flesh was still torn off.    


Lei Batian clenched his teeth tightly, trying his best to not let himself make a sound. However, bits and pieces of pain still flowed out from the corner of his mouth.    


"I haven't even treated your wounds properly and you're already in such pain. It's better for you to bite this." Yu Jingzhe looked at Lei Batian desperately enduring the pain and handed a towel to him.    


Lei Batian didn't refuse and took the towel and bit into it. Yu Jingzhe started to treat Yu Jingzhe's wound. On the way, Lei Batian nearly fainted from the pain. Fortunately, the wound was bandaged, so Yu Jingzhe also felt relieved.    


After Lei Batian had recovered some of his strength, Yu Jingzhe asked, "Why are you helping me? Thank you so much!" He did not have any relationship with Lei Batian, so no matter how he thought about it, he could not think of Lei Ba's reason for saving him.    


"I don't know why, but when I saw you standing alone and helpless at that time, you suddenly charged forward. Maybe this is what they call being young and reckless." Lei Batian knew that Yu Jingzhe wouldn't believe anything that was said in deep love, so he chose a plausible and ambiguous reason.    


Yu Jingzhe revealed a grateful smile as he bowed towards Lei Batian with both of his fists clenched.    


On the surface, Lei Batian said it didn't matter, but in his heart, he was very proud. This time, he successfully got Yu Jingzhe's trust, and in the future, anything that the higher-ups told him would be easier to deal with.    


Just then, the Heavenly Sect disciples rushed over, Yu Jingzhe sent them to send Lei Batian back to rest. Then he left himself.    


After Yu Jingzhe returned to the Dojo of Limits, not long after, a Heavenly Sect disciple rushed over.    


"Reporting to Sect Master, not long after you returned, there were a few people who came to provoke you, and they were even disdainfully cursing you for something. However, at that time, the people were too noisy, so this disciple did not hear it clearly." The voice of this small/disciple trembled a bit. It was obvious from one look that she was someone who hadn't experienced any big scenes.    


Yu Jingzhe nodded to indicate for him to leave. After that, he didn't pay much attention to this matter. It was probably because a few people came over to find trouble out of boredom. However, he and Lei Batian had been going back and forth for the past few days.    


Until he was provoked more and more frequently.    


"Reporting to the Sect Master, Zhang Ye has provoked you."    


"Reporting to Sect Master, Wu X has provoked you."    


"Reporting to Sect Master …"    




Yu Jingzhe finally felt that something was wrong. He had been involved in a lot of conflicts before, so he always kept the big issues to be taken care of and the small ones to be taken care of. He had never offended anyone, but why was there suddenly so many people opposing him?    


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