Personal Doctor King

C755 Roadblock Beggar

C755 Roadblock Beggar

0"Yes, team one, follow me." Several men in black followed him and chased in the direction where Yu Jingzhe and Chen Yunzhu had disappeared.    


"Where are we going?" Chen Yunzhu was slightly out of breath as she was dragged forward by Yu Jingzhe. However, with her high heels, she couldn't catch up to him in terms of speed.    


"The police station." Yu Jingzhe ran forward as he tried to get Su Yun's number, but her phone was always busy.    


"I'm going to the company." Chen Yunzhu suddenly stopped.    


"In this situation, do you think you can still go to the company?" Yu Jingzhe came back.    


"Even if you can't, you still have to. This is my first battle with Yan Clan, if you don't, Chen's Technology's plan will be postponed indefinitely, and my first battle with Yan Clan will end in defeat." Chen Yunzhu said stubbornly.    


"There will be a long time in the future." Yu Jingzhe said patiently, "It's very dangerous to go to Lady Yan now."    


"Even if it's dangerous, I still need to go. My grandfather was under a lot of pressure, so he pushed me to this position. It can be said that the moment of life and death for the current Chen's is now. If I lose this battle, what I lose will be the entire Chen's. " Chen Yunzhu looked at Yu Jingzhe and said, "Help me."    


"Well, you're a stubborn woman." Yu Jingzhe said speechlessly. He grabbed Chen Yunzhu's hand, rushed forward, and dialed Koo Shao's number.    


"Brother Yu, what's the matter?" Koo Shao asked.    


"Where are you?" Yu Jingzhe asked.    


"At home." Koo Shao answered.    


"Take your bus and come here to pick me up." Yu Jingzhe said.    


"Huh?" Koo Shao's mind went blank.    


"Do it." With that, Yu Jingzhe hung up the phone. He opened the map and sent his location to Koo Shao.    


"Halt." A cold voice sounded.    


The man who had checked Chen Yunzhu's car just now appeared with a few people.    


"Yu Dong." Chen Yunzhu's expression gradually turned cold.    


"Know him?" "An acquaintance?" Yu Jingzhe asked in surprise.    


"The leader of the Chen Family Inner Guard." She stared at Yu Dong and said: "You are the internal guard of the Chen Family, the person my grandfather trusts the most. Are you sure you want to do this?"    


"Miss, I don't want to say much. I just hope that you can cooperate a little bit." Yu Dong pointed at Chen Yunzhu.    


"What if he doesn't cooperate?" Yu Jingzhe suddenly asked.    


"You have no right to speak." Yu Dong pointed at Yu Jingzhe.    


At this moment, Yu Jingzhe suddenly moved. He gathered his energy and leaped towards Yu Dong.    


"You're courting death." Yu Dong pulled the trigger without any hesitation.    


Puff … - The dull sound of a silencer rang out. At the same time as the sound, Yu Jingzhe's figure suddenly leaned forward, his entire body practically sticking to the ground as he rushed forward.    


The bullet missed and Yu Jingzhe's body bounced up abruptly. He jumped as if he had a spring installed in his body. At the same time, he raised his hand and a series of whooshing sounds could be heard.    


Yu Dong's right hand went numb and he fell to the ground.    


Before the bodyguard behind him could react, Yu Jingzhe had already rushed in front of them.    


These men in black stood motionlessly on the spot, a golden needle sticking out of their necks. These people's bodies were stiff, unable to move at all.    


Yu Dong glared at Yu Jingzhe and disappeared into a corner. As he ran, he shouted, "Carry out the second plan."    


"Let's go." Yu Jingzhe ignored the five or six men in black who were frozen on the spot. He pulled Chen Yunzhu and quickly walked forward.    


"Ouch!" Chen Yunzhu suddenly cried out in pain. Her body tilted to the side. Just as she was about to fall to the ground.    


"What's wrong?" Yu Jingzhe immediately supported her.    


"My foot is twisted." Chen Yunzhu frowned. The heels on her right foot were broken.    


Yu Jingzhe picked her up and held her waist tightly with his right arm. Then, he walked forward quickly.    


"Ahh …" Chen Yunzhu was shocked. She did not expect Yu Jingzhe to be so simple and crude. However, the situation was critical, so she could only put her arms around Yu Jingzhe's neck.    


She suddenly fell in love with this feeling. Yu Jingzhe's thin and weak figure became her support at that moment.    


This area was the old city district and the buildings looked a little messy. Yu Jingzhe walked among the messy buildings quickly while holding Chen Yunzhu in one hand.    


Suddenly, several people rushed out from a corner on the right. They raised their right hands and a high-pressure baton flashed out towards Yu Jingzhe.    


Yu Jingzhe twisted forward with his left hand and used an incredible position to grab onto the other party's neck. After releasing his inner breath, he directly threw the guy out.    


Bam, the guy's head made a close contact with the brick wall, then he fell to the ground and stopped moving.    


Immediately after, more people rushed out from the corner. Yu Jingzhe stepped forward slightly and calmly patted and poked with his right hand like a roaming dragon.    


Pah pah pah pah! The sounds continued. A moment later, the weapons in these eight people's hands all fell to the ground. They were all frozen on the spot, not moving an inch.    


Yu Jingzhe no longer cared about the situation behind him. He put his arm around Chen Yunzhu and continued to walk forward.    


A white-haired beggar blocked their path. He was in his sixties and had wrinkles on his face.    


He held a broken bowl in his hand and raised it towards Yu Jingzhe. There were a few crumpled bills in the broken bowl.    


Yu Jingzhe fished out a large bill and threw it in. Then, he turned around and left. However, the beggar did not open up a path because of this. He slightly jumped to the right and blocked Yu Jingzhe's path once again.    


"You may need to come down." Yu Jingzhe said to Chen Yunzhu.    


"Alright." Chen Yunzhu felt as though she was trapped in Yu Jingzhe's firm arms. This kind of man was a real man. Bringing her along by herself and rampaging about made her seem like she was unstoppable.    


Women all have a heroic complex. Without a doubt, Yu Jingzhe had become the hero in Chen Yunzhu's heart. Her heart was like still water, beating incessantly. She unwillingly got down from Yu Jingzhe's body and backed up against the wall.    



The beggar reached out his broken bowl towards Yu Jingzhe. The hundred-dollar bill was already gone. Obviously, he had put it away.    


Yu Jingzhe didn't say anything. He took out another big bill and threw it into the bowl. The beggar put the bowl away and then lifted it up again. His tiny action was very fast. When he lifted the bowl, the hundred yuan bill had already disappeared.    


"Are you doing magic?" Yu Jingzhe couldn't help but frown.    


The beggar remained silent. He resolutely raised the broken bowl in his hand, just like the beggars at the subway or train station.    


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