Godly Auxiliary System

C520 No More Pain

C520 No More Pain

0The crooked neck man recalled that before this, there was indeed a disease that was difficult to talk about.    


"Roughly half a year ago, I had a disease called 'big gland hypertrophy.' Before I developed leukemia, that was my biggest problem. I didn't expect that the blow to my life would come so soon …" The crooked neck man laughed bitterly.    


"Hypertrophy of the prostate …"    


Ye Lee nodded his head, then it was no wonder, the man's disease was a frequent ailment of the middle-aged man, although many people might not know about it, but when it came to the prostate, everyone would definitely understand, getting this disease could lead to excretion disorder, which was quite painful for normal people.    


"Then did you use something last year? Can you show it to me?" Ye Lee asked.    


The man with the crooked neck nodded. He still had the pill with him right now, but it was because he hadn't been able to recover at all. He could only take the medicine to maintain his condition.    


He took out a bottle full of medicine in English. Ye Lee took it, and saw that the name of the medicine was "FLOMAX", which should be the imported medicine, and the raw materials written on it. Ye Lee did not look at it, but directly took out a piece and threw it into his mouth.    


"This …" The crooked neck man was startled.    


Ye Lee chewed for a while, frowned, and after carefully tasting the ingredients inside, he said: "I was wondering earlier, your cause should have been caused by some other reason, and now that the reason is found, it's inside this bottle of medicine."    


"In this bottle of medicine? "Are you saying I got leukemia by taking this medicine?" The crooked neck man said in surprise.    


"That's right, there are some components that are in conflict with your physique, causing leukemia." Ye Lee slowly said. Actually, to this day, he still hadn't come to a definite conclusion regarding the cause of leukemia, he only knew that common chemical factors, such as the decorations that produced such as benzene and formaldehyde, that would cause leukemia. Of course, these two were also recognized as carcinogenic substances.    


In addition, there are genetic and radiological factors, but these cannot be confirmed with certainty, and in Chinese medicine, men's sperm residue normally follows the meridian up to the chin and grows into a beard, so men also have menstrual periods, it is correct to say that men have menstrual periods, the system is dominated by the heart, once the heart is damaged, the sperm residue is unable to reach the chin, so after following the meridian to the Giant Que, it reverses into the sixth acupoint of the Du meridian, where, after obtaining this undeserved nutritional residue, the white blood cell rises.    


"Then what you mean is that this medicine is actually harmful?" The crooked neck man was shocked. He had never thought about how his leukemia came about.    


"You can't say that, it's just that your physique just so happens to be in conflict with it. This medicine can cure the problem of hypertrophy of the prostate, but it can also cause other harm." After all, the human body was a complicated system, including the growth of each person's physique, as well as their genes that were different. So the reason why one was sick was also very strange, and it was possible that there were people who, just because they had taken a little cold medicine, had triggered a greater number of patients, and this was not something that had never happened before.    


"Then what should I do now?" The man with the crooked neck asked.    


Ye Lee, "Give me your right hand. I'll give you a few needles to solve the pain on your neck."    


"Alright." The man then reached over with his right hand. He was still wondering why this expert was giving him a stab even though his neck was hurting.    


Ye Lee took out two silver needles and injected them, following that, something miraculous happened.    


The nerve that had been aching at the man's neck suddenly fell like a stone to the ground. His entire body relaxed. "Hey, it's not painful anymore!"    


After all, the man's neck was no longer crooked. He touched his own neck in disbelief and found that it really did not hurt anymore. Not only was it no longer painful, his oppressed nerves had suddenly relaxed.    


From what he knew, this man's neck pain was caused by the proliferation of a large number of leukemic cells in the bone marrow cavity of a patient with leukemia. As a result, the pressure inside the bone marrow cavity increased, causing the pain to occur, just like when a pipe of yours suddenly increased the water flow by ten times, it would be strange if it did not hurt, so if he wanted to resolve this pain, he could only treat it by reducing the number of white blood cells inside the neck. He could not understand.    


Ye Lee wrote another prescription, "Go to the pharmacy and get the medicine according to this, I have learned the dosage and things that you need to pay attention to, if one day your neck is no longer painful and your chin and beard will grow back normally, then it will be almost ready."    


"In addition, this is my contact number. If you have any other problems during this period of time, you can also come and find me." Ye Lee said. This was a serious illness after all, and although the man was still in the early and middle stages of recovery, there was no guarantee that anything bad would happen.    


"Thank you, expert. Thank you, expert." At this moment, the man could not find any other way to express his gratitude other than by saying thank you. Therefore, he reached into his pocket and prepared to take out his wallet. No matter how much money he wanted, as long as he had a reason, he wouldn't.    


Ye Lee obviously saw this action, laughing, he pointed to the plate on his finger, "There's no need to pay for it, look at the board, today is a free clinic, oh right, there's one thing I'm curious about, why did you insist on rejecting chemotherapy before?"    


The man said, "Sigh, Expert, you're right. My personal opinion is wrong, right? Refusing chemotherapy is just for the sake of less pain. I'm a chemistry teacher myself, so I know how harmful chemotherapy is to the body. If it really comes to that, I might as well just die."    


Ye Lee nodded his head. Actually, including chemotherapy, a series of anti-cancer methods were all the last struggle between modern medicine and cancer, injecting drugs into the body through injection, allowing the drugs to travel within the body, in order to kill or suppress the development of cancer cells. However, this would cause damage to other organs of the body, and the pain from chemotherapy was almost permanent.    


Ye Lee only hoped that science and technology could continue to improve. If only he could see a world where there were no more cancers to cure in the future.    


However, this thought was just a thought. After all, it was too illusory. Even he himself would not be able to cure all the cancers in the world.    


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