Godly Pet Evolution System

C2778 Endless Prison of Bones

C2778 Endless Prison of Bones



With the help of Shen Ruyu, Dongfang Xiamo and the others, the power of the nine-colored lotus pond could be seen expanding several times at a speed visible to the naked eye. The terrifying elemental ripples made the surrounding space sink into a temporary void.    


The Great Prison Pill had lost the protection of the mysterious earth, and its powerful regenerative ability was suppressed by the Godslayer Domain. Even as a legendary Demon Beast, he could only hate Yellow Springs.    


"Everything is over..."    


Feng Yixiu could feel that the Qi of the Great Prison Pill had become incomparably weak, like a candle in the wind. Death was only a matter of time.    


"I never thought that you little ghosts could force me to this extent!"    


Just as everyone thought that the Great Prison Pill was going to die, a cold and sinister laughter sounded from all directions. A terrifying blood red pressure filled the entire Hundred Ghost Capital as it said, "Today, even if I die, I'll make all of you die with me!"    


"Blood Sacrifice, Endless Bone Prison!"    


As soon as it finished speaking, the shriveled body of the Great Prison Pill began to expand crazily. The blood-colored dense ghost patterns became more and more dazzling, and the sound of an explosion that shook the heavens and earth could be heard.    


The Great Prison Pill, which had expanded to its limit, exploded like fireworks. The strange scarlet demonic blood covered almost every corner of the core formation.    


Fortunately, Feng Yixiu's psychokinesis barrier was able to block the scattered devil blood in time, so the blood was not splashed all over his body.    


"What is this guy doing?"    


Feng Yixiu looked around vigilantly, but he didn't see anything unusual happening. The life force of the Great Prison Pill had been completely cut off.    


It seemed like the Great Prison was going to perish together with them. No matter how he thought about it, it shouldn't be a bluff. Feng Yixiu didn't let his guard down.    


"Wind Sovereign, get away from the low altitude!"    


All of a sudden, Huo Buyu and Qing Lanxing shouted at the same time. Both of their faces were filled with fear, as if something terrible was about to happen.    


Feng Yixiu saw how nervous the two of them were, so he didn't dare to stay at the low altitude any longer. Instead, he flapped his wings and flew towards the high altitude.    




In an instant, a strange sound that sounded like a furious beast was heard from the ground below. A strange small dirt mound appeared where the blood was tainted by the Great Prison Pill, as if something was about to break out of the ground.    


Feng Yixiu turned his head and took a look. An ominous feeling surged in his heart, but he didn't dare take a closer look. He waved the wings of the Winged Tiger with all his might and flew towards the sky at the fastest speed possible.    


"Crack crack crack crack..."    


A blood-red bone tree grew out of the small dirt mound below. It was growing at a speed that was even faster than Feng Yixiu's flying speed.    


These branches of the Hell Bone Tree looked messy and disorderly, without any pattern to speak of. Each branch was like an incomparably sharp sword.    


In just a few seconds, the entire core of the grand formation was filled up by the blood red Hell Bone Tree. These strange Hell Bone Trees seemed to be able to grow endlessly.    


All the solid ancient buildings were as fragile as a thin piece of paper in front of the blood colored Caged Bone Tree, and were crushed into powder almost instantly.    


These Caged Bone Trees seemed to have no life force, but they were actually like ferocious beasts that chose to devour people. They specialized in expanding and growing towards places with life aura.    


Or perhaps it was the resentment the Hell Bone Tree had for Feng Yixiu when it inherited the Great Hell Pill. Almost all the sharp trees were madly chasing after where Feng Yixiu was flying.    




A tree trunk as sharp as a knife pierced through Feng Yixiu's foot. Before he could feel the unforgettable pain, his whole foot had become numb, and then he could see that his foot had turned into a fragile stone.    


Without a doubt, every bone technique in the Endless Prison of Bones had a terrifying petrification power. Its petrification speed was even more terrifying than the Demon Weapon in the Big Prison Pill!    




Without any hesitation, Feng Yixiu cut off his right calf, which had been stabbed, to prevent his entire body from being completely petrified.    


Before he could care about the pain of his legs being broken, Feng Yixiu waved the Sky Cloud Sword in his hand and cut off the few blood trees that were closest to him.    


However, this was only a temporary measure. Those blood red trees that were cut off continued to grow crazily. Even though Feng Yixiu had flown nearly three hundred meters into the sky, he still could not get rid of them completely.    


However, this was only the beginning of the endless bone prison. A huge blood magic formation suddenly appeared thousands of meters in the sky, and its range was almost the same as the bone prison forest below.    


Apart from that, a circle of blood red bone trees had also appeared at the border of the Hundred Ghost Capital. Although the speed of their growth wasn't as fast as the core formation, it still blocked everyone's path of retreat.    


This was the trump card that the Big Prison Pill had left behind in advance. It could be seen that he was prepared to perish together with them before the great battle began!    


"Crack crack crack crack..."    


In the core area of the great formation, the strange blood red grand formation actually began to surge out endlessly. The bright blood color was like an invitation letter to hell, making people shiver with fear.    


Originally, the area of this forest of bones only affected the entire core formation. Once it did not devour enough life, its growth would gradually slow down.    


However, don't forget that the core area of the formation was the gathering place of the Hundred Ghost leaders. After devouring a few Hundred Ghost leaders who could not escape in time, the Endless Prison of Bones actually began to crazily expand horizontally.    


The Hundred Ghost leaders' deaths were also extremely miserable. Their entire bodies were almost pierced by the sharp bone trees, and they were immediately turned into life-like white stone statues.    


This white stone statue did not last for long. Immediately, strange blood colored patterns appeared on the stone statue, and it quickly turned into a blood coloured Hell Bone Tree that expanded endlessly, crazily harvesting all life around it.    


Those Hundred Ghost leaders near the core formation were a few fanatical believers, and they actually chose to voluntarily sacrifice themselves. Most of them did not have the time to escape and were swept into it.    


In less than ten seconds, the range of the Endless Prison of Bones had already spread to several kilometers away, and it did not seem to slow down at all.    


If it was not restrained, it would probably only take ten minutes to affect the entire Hundred Ghost Capital. At that time, all life would become nutrients for the Endless Prison of Bones.    


However, this only affected the entire Hundred Ghost Capital. Feng Yixiu, Shen Ruyu, and the others were at the center of the Endless Prison of Bones. They were afraid that before the Hundred Ghost Capital completely fell, they would have already been devoured by the Endless Prison of Bones.    


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