Godly Pet Evolution System

C2970 The Cycle of Civilization

C2970 The Cycle of Civilization

0"We will be careful," Feng Yixiu said, nodding. "Can we go to Qing Qiu now?"    


"There's no hurry, could it be that you have forgotten your purpose? All of your actions were to provoke a war between the Witchcraft Tribe and the Witchcraft Tribe, but you are unable to prove that you are from the Witch Tribe." Bai Ze sized up Feng Yixiu and the rest and spoke in a deep voice.    


"I have overlooked this problem. However, how can I prove that I have already sided with the Witchcraft Tribe?" Feng Yixiu stroked his chin and muttered.    


"It is not difficult!"    


As he spoke, Bai Ze slowly opened his palm and a stack of ancient looking bone plates appeared in his palm. "This is the Wizard Tribe token, and it is also the only proof of identity for the Wizard Tribe. With this item, you can prove that you're a Shaman. "    


Feng Yixiu's divine sense moved slightly, and several bone tokens flew into everyone's hands. He observed them carefully for a while, then put them on his waist.    


"We are humans. Will the demons believe that we have already joined the Wizard Tribe?" Gu Yuan frowned slightly and said with concern.    


"Don't worry about that. As trial-takers, it's normal for you to join either side. It's not a rare thing." Bai Ze explained patiently.    


"I wonder how the Witchcraft Tribe and Witchcraft Tribe in the ruins of the Mountains and Seas view trial-takers like us who barge into the ruins of the Mountains and Seas?" Feng Yixiu frowned slightly and said in a serious voice.    


"Trial challengers like you are not a rare thing in the Mountains and Seas. Every once in a while, Huaxia people from different planets will come here. You're just a few people, but you're just a drop in the ocean in the vast Mountain and Sea Realm, so most of you won't attract too much attention. " Bai Ze explained with a smile.    


"In that case, the Witchcraft Tribe and the Witchcraft Tribe know who we are?" Feng Yixiu rubbed his nose and whispered.    


"Of course. We are not fools. You are dressed in strange clothes and you are running around. Who can't tell?" Bai Ze retorted bluntly.    


"That's true..." Feng Yixiu smiled awkwardly and continued to ask, "Actually, what I want to ask is the attitude of the Witchcraft Tribe and the Witchcraft Tribe towards the challengers. Are they hostile or friendly?"    


"This situation is a little complicated. The Witchcraft Tribe and the Witchcraft Tribe have polarized attitudes towards the challengers who broke into the remains of the Mountains and Seas. As most trial-takers hunt and kill exotic beasts on a large scale, most of the exotic beasts hate the trial-takers. However, for those Demon Kings and Senior Magi who have a higher understanding of the world, their attitude towards the challengers is rather friendly. " Bai Ze pondered for a while, then answered with a serious look on his face.    


"Oh? Why is that..." Feng Yixiu was also interested and asked curiously.    


"Although the Witchcraft Tribe and Witchcraft Tribe in the remains of the Mountains and Seas lose their memories every time they die, it is not the same time. Therefore, over time, there will be some rumors about the trial challengers. Many of them have good relationships with the trial challengers. After the trial challengers successfully ascend to the Divine Realm and gain a foothold in the Primordial Chaos Realm, some of them will also think of repaying their debts. There were also many cases of successful ascension to the Upper Realm from this. Therefore, many strange beasts are very friendly to cultivators in order to obtain the opportunity to ascend into the Upper Realm... " Bai Ze explained patiently.    


The Witchcraft Tribe and the Witchcraft Tribe that lived in the ruins of the Mountains and Seas did not have the concept of being imprisoned. Instead, they treated this place as their home that they relied on to survive.    


When they saw some of the mutated beasts successfully ascend, they were naturally very envious. Naturally, their impression of the trial takers would change greatly.    


The reason why such a situation occurred was that after the trial challengers ascended to the Grandmist God Realm and became gods, they rescued the exotic beasts that had helped them in the ruins of the Mountains and Seas.    


However, this was still a matter with a small probability. After all, there weren't many trial challengers who could ascend to the Primordial Chaos Divine Realm, and those who could be put in an important position in the Primordial Chaos Divine Realm were even rarer.    


Even if the trial challengers fulfilled all the conditions, he might not necessarily be grateful to them. After all, the process of releasing exotic beasts was not only extremely cumbersome, but it would also cause him some trouble. Hence, the number of exotic beasts that could return to the Primordial Chaos Divine Realm could be counted on one's fingers.    


Other than this method of getting rid of the Mountain and Sea Cage, there was also another way to get rid of it, which was through the spatial rift.    


Every time a desolate star needed to spread the Seed of Civilization, and when it was about to reach the age of apotheosis, the spatial rift would begin to appear at the critical point of the origin and end of civilization.    


The spatial rift that appeared in China corresponded to the historical remains of the Mountains and Seas, and the spatial rift that appeared in the other regions corresponded to the historical remains of various gods. However, the dimensional crack that appeared in the Origin and the end of the rank were very different. First, it was to spread the fire of civilization. Second, it was to filter outstanding talents into the Divine Realm.    


The first cycle of civilization in the Celestial Land of Earth Star was the distant era of the Three Sovereigns and Five Emperors. Spatial rifts also appeared in the other regions. At the same time, the various Celestial territories would also send their own Preachers to spread the fire of civilization. For example, the Three Sovereigns and Five Emperors of Celestial Empire were the Preachers sent by the Celestial domain. After completing the Preacher mission, they could return to the Primordial Chaos Divine Realm.    


The few important battles that were famous in ancient times were essentially the Wizard Tribe's resistance battles. However, the result was needless to say. Naturally, they ended in failure.    


Therefore, theoretically speaking, the Witchcraft Tribe and the Witchcraft Tribe that were locked up in the ruins of the Mountains and Seas also had a chance to defeat the Missionary. After becoming the new Preacher and completing the Preacher mission, they could return to the Primordial Chaos Divine Realm. However, in reality, due to the favoritism of the Divine Realm, it was impossible for the Witchcraft Tribe to win.    


And from 300 years ago, spatial cracks began to appear all over the world. The Demon Beast wreaked havoc throughout the world as a sign, officially stepping into the God Sealing Era that lasted for several hundred years.    


However, the strange beasts released from the spatial cracks were only aimed at those below the Witch Ancestor and the Demon Emperor. Just like them, who were supreme existences at the class, the Hong Meng Divine Realm would never release them no matter what...    


"So that's how it is!" Feng Yixiu nodded thoughtfully, then said with a smile, "Brother Bai, since there are so many ways to get out of the cage... With your ability, if you want to get out of the Mountain and Sea Cage... It shouldn't be difficult, right?"    


"This isn't difficult for me, but it's precisely because I have memories of the primeval era. That's why I don't want to do this. I'll just be a puppet once I return to the Grandmist Divine Realm. I might even be reduced to a mount. I won't do something as humiliating as this! " Bai Ze frowned slightly and gritted his teeth as he spoke.    


"As expected of the leader of the Demon Saint, you have a backbone!" Feng Yixiu patted Bai Ze's shoulder heavily and looked at him with respect.    


In the Hong Meng Divine Realm, the status of the Demon Race was so low that it was like dust. Most people who wanted to survive in the open could only become the mounts of the gods and buddhas. Otherwise, they were monstrous geniuses who could be killed at will.    


Those exotic beasts that were rescued by the trial-takers from the sea ruins, or the demons that had successfully returned to the Divine Realm, their fates would probably not be any better. Most of them would also be reduced to the mounts or slaves of the gods.    


"Alright... I've already explained everything that needs to be said. As for the other matters, let's talk about them as we walk!"    


As he spoke, Bai Ze transformed back into his beast form. He stepped on a white cloud and ran towards the entrance of the cave.    


Feng Yixiu, Hu Jiu'er and the rest immediately followed. However, just as they were about to exit the cave, Bai Ze suddenly stopped in his tracks.    


"Brother Bai, why did you suddenly stop? Is something wrong?" Feng Yixiu also stopped and asked.    


"We can't go out at the same time to avoid being noticed by those who have ulterior motives. I'll go out first, and you guys can go out later." Bai Ze turned his head slightly and explained with a serious expression.    


"But how can we find you?" Feng Yixiu immediately asked.    


"Don't you have that little white mouse? Its nose is very sensitive. Even if it's thousands of miles away, it can still know my precise location."    


After saying that, Bai Ze left the abandoned cave without waiting for Feng Yixiu and the others to respond.    


"This fellow is really powerful. It seems like nothing can be hidden from him..." Hu Jiu'er looked at Bai Ze's back that was gradually disappearing into the distance and muttered softly.    


When Bai Ze came in earlier, the small pudding had never been shown. However, Bai Ze knew about its existence and even its ability. This was very magical.    


"It's about time. Let's go!"    


About an hour later, the sky gradually darkened. Feng Yixiu led the group out of the abandoned cave.    


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