The Ancient Sovereign



0Other cultivators might not understand the words of the mountain spirit, but Han Yan was different. After he gained his dao heart, he comprehended a portion of the mysteries of all things, so he naturally understood the words of the mountain spirit. After hearing the words of the mountain spirit, Han Yan's mouth moved a few times, explaining the reason to him. After the mountain spirit heard, it transformed into the appearance of a child, and appeared in front of Han Yan in a flash.    


Han Yan's eyes flashed, he continued to refine the mountains, and then continued to practice on them.    


The huge mountain range was being refined at an extremely fast speed. As the temperature of the flames increased, the refining speed also increased. After a short while, the flames on the mountain range flickered and turned into a huge red rock. Han Yan's brows twitched as he completely released his divine sense. It enveloped the stone and quickly changed its shape according to what he wanted to do.    


An hour later, a huge stone tablet appeared in everyone's line of sight.    


The stone tablet was completely white like white jade. As the sunlight shined on it, it emitted a faint light. Not only that, but the stone tablet was shockingly large. It was over 100,000 feet high, and as it pierced through the clouds, everyone within 5,000 li could clearly see it.    


Han Yan's consciousness moved, and under his control, the stone tablet flew towards the ground. The moment it fell, the ground shook. Some of the old men who were not in good health staggered and almost fell to the ground. Even so, these people still did not leave, and looked at the god-like miracle from afar.    


After everything was done, Han Yan said to the mountain spirit: From now on, this monolith is your original body.    


Sensing that the spirit energy in the stone tablet was much denser than before, the mountain spirit did not even think about it, and immediately nodded, then flew inside the stone tablet.    


At this moment, whether it was mortals or cultivators, they all kneeled down and kowtowed toward the stone tablet.    


Han Yan patted the storage bag on his waist, took it out and rushed towards the stone tablet. When the Deicide Sword arrived in front of the monument, there was a flash of light and three big words appeared on the front of the monument. The three words were like a golden hook and silver, releasing a domineering aura that swept across the entire world. If one took a closer look, they would be able to see that this tyrannical Qi contained a killing intent. This killing intent did not take the initiative to attack, but if anyone dared to make a move against the stone tablet, as long as they did not have Deity Stage, the killing intent would be released from the stone tablet and kill them.    


The Tianming Star was the word Han Yan carved on the stone tablet, and was also the name of this planet.    


The reason why Han Yan chose this name was very simple. He was born in the Ming Empire, so he naturally had to add the word "bright" to the local planet. Regarding this word of light, Han Yan himself also liked it a lot. The word of light contained the sun and moon; The meaning of the word "heaven" was even simpler. Regardless of whether one was a cultivator or a mortal, they were all fighting the heavens.    


Daybreak. Destiny. To see the sun and the moon at the same time, it was equivalent to seeing hope.    


After finishing all of these, Han Yan took a deep breath, the Deicide Sword moved again, and a ray of light shone from the back of the stone tablet, and line after line of him appeared on it. These words were all about reaching the Soul Formation stage, so most people wouldn't understand it. But once one reaches the first transition, they will be able to understand the mysteries of the Soul Formation from these words.    


Since Han Yan was born on this planet, he naturally had to contribute a little to the cultivators on this planet. From Ba Te's words, he could clearly hear that he was extremely disdainful towards this planet, which was also the Tianming Star. Maybe it was just as Ba Te had said, this planet was half abandoned and the spirit energy on it was too thin. But the root of it all was still that there were too few Rankers on this planet. If the Tianming Star was like the ancient times, with Expert of Spirit Transformation Stage everywhere, so what if it was a half-abandoned planet? No matter how arrogant Ba Te was, he would not dare to reveal his disdain.    


There was a saying in Taoism: "Master Fu will enter the door, and practice by yourself."    


Han Yan agreed to their actions. This was all he could do. Whether or not Expert of Spirit Transformation Stage could appear in the future would depend on their luck. Looking at the Bluestone Mountain Range and the gigantic stone tablet outside the mountain range, Han Yan felt a myriad of emotions. Just as he was about to break through the air and leave, a figure quickly approached at an astonishing speed, and arrived in front of him in the blink of an eye.    


The person in the lead, Han Yan, was no stranger to him.    


Behind Cao Li were over ten elders, some of their auras were huge, and some could not be felt. But one thing was certain, these people were all Rank four and above experts, and they all had a certain level of comprehension towards the Soul Formation stage. Of course, there was one exception, and that was Zhou Yang. Although he had succeeded in his first transition, he was still quite a distance away from the realm of Cao Li and the others.    


Everyone stopped in front of Han Yan and clasped their hands at him.    


The meaning behind his gesture was simple, everyone already treated Han Yan as their senior.    


Han Yan's gaze became serious and he hurriedly said: "Seniors, how could this junior receive such a great courtesy." As he spoke, he moved to the side.    


Cao Li laughed bitterly and said: "Younger Brother Han, I really did not think that your cultivation would actually reach such a realm." As he spoke, he glanced at the stone tablet and continued, "I'm afraid that you are the only person in this world that can refine such a huge stone tablet by yourself." Suddenly, his eyes fell on the words on the back of the monument. His pupils shrank as he said in shock: "H-th-how is this possible..."    


Seeing Cao Li's shocked expression, everyone immediately looked at the stone tablet and revealed the same expression.    


After a long while, everyone finally recovered from their shock. Cao Li shook his head and laughed bitterly: "Younger Brother Han, if I did not see it with my own eyes, I would not have believed that you could comprehend the Soul Formation to such a degree. We had all taken a detour in the past." As he said that, he cupped his hands towards Han Yan once again. He could naturally tell that Han Yan did this so that all of the Elemental Infant-changing Stage cultivators in the world could turn into gods.    


Whether it was the sects or the families, they all treated the mysteries of the Soul Formation stage as treasures. To be able to find someone like Han Yan, he probably wouldn't be able to find another person in the world. Ordinary people could simply not compare their courage and courage. Even experts like them didn't want to share what they had comprehended with outsiders.    


Han Yan smiled slightly, then said: "Senior, back then you were able to pass a few techniques to me, why can't I share the techniques I have comprehended with the world?" As he said that, he took out a jade slip from the storage bag and imbued his divine sense into it. After leaving behind a few words, he handed it over to Cao Li and said: "Senior, the comprehension of Spirit Transformation on the stone tablet is only a simple description. I also have a copy of the more detailed cultivation method."    


When he said that, everyone's eyes lit up, Cao Li was even more excited. Just by thinking about the value of this piece of jade slip, it was obvious how important it was, and Han Yan had actually given it to him. Thinking that the jade slip was too valuable, Cao Li did not accept it, but said: "Younger Brother Han, I have already called you brother. If you were to gift me such a precious thing, wouldn't that be a loss?"    


Han Yan understood in his heart that with Cao Li's personality, he would definitely not easily take anything from others. After thinking for a moment, Han Yan opened his mouth and said: "Senior, this little sister of yours did not give it away for free.    


Cao Li was startled, he truly could not think of any other thing the other party could not do, so he actually asked for his help. He could not help but ask: "Younger Brother Han, please speak, as long as I, Cao Li can do it, I will not decline."    


Han Yan turned around, looked towards the Eastern Ocean, and sent a sound transmission to him, "Senior, I have a wife located in the Eastern Ocean. Now that I'm leaving, I may not be able to come back for a long time, or I may never be able to. I will never be able to interfere in Ten Directions Continent's matters again. I hope that when Murlocs is in trouble, Senior can help to resolve the crisis. "    


Even if Han Yan did not gift the jade slip, with the relationship between the two of them, Cao Li would definitely help. That was why Cao Li thought that it was not a big deal, and replied him with sound transmission: "Younger Brother Han, don't worry! As long as I live, I will definitely protect the safety of Murlocs. " He paused for a moment, then continued: "As for this jade slip, I still cannot accept it."    


Han Yan's brows twitched as he said: "If Senior does not accept this jade slip, then why did you agree to my request just now?"    


Cao Li revealed a puzzled expression, he did not know why Han Yan said those words.    


Han Yan said seriously: "Senior, your lifespan is near, if you don't comprehend the dao heart, I'm afraid you won't be able to live for long."    


Hearing that, Cao Li nodded and sighed: "That's right! "My lifespan is nearing the end. Even if I have comprehended Dao Heart, I'm afraid I won't be able to breakthrough for the rest of my life …"    


Han Yan smiled slightly and said: "Senior, don't worry, there is life force in your Dao Heart. As long as senior can comprehend a Dao Heart of yours, even if your cultivation has not broken through, you can live for another thousand years. And a thousand years is enough for you to break through to your current cultivation level.    


Cao Li's eyes lit up, and she cried out involuntarily: "Really?"    


Han Yan nodded his head, "Absolutely true." As he said that, he handed the jade slip over to Cao Li.    


This time, Cao Li accepted the jade slip and placed it inside. Following that, a scene that no one believed in occurred. Cao Li suddenly knelt on the ground and kowtowed to Han Yan: "Younger Brother Han, your great kindness cannot be expressed with words. From today onwards, my Cao family will not bow down to the heavens and earth. We will not respect the strong, we will only respect your parents and Han Yan. "    


The scene just now happened too fast, so fast that Han Yan couldn't even react before he was done.    


Han Yan knew that Cao Li was a stubborn person, so he didn't use any kind of spell to help him up. Instead, he said, "Senior Cao, if you take me as your friend, then cultivate diligently. We might meet again in the vast star field in the future." At this point, he saw the confused looks on everyone's faces. He briefly explained some of the situations in the Star Domain. As for the part of the star map, he didn't say anything. After all, it wasn't certain whether the star map was real or fake. If he said it out loud, it would harm everyone.    


Everyone talked for a while, then Zhou Yang appeared in front of Han Yan in a flash, and laughed bitterly: "I don't know if I should call you Younger Brother Han, or Senior Han." After all, that was why Cao Li called Han Yan his brother. His cultivation was far weaker than Cao Li's, if he were to call out Younger Brother Han now, he would definitely be overestimating himself.    


Han Yan waved his hand and said, "Brother Zhou, I, Han, will never forget the kindness of saving my life back then."    


Zhou Yang let out a long sigh, then asked: "When are you leaving?"    


Han Yan raised his head and looked towards the sky, and said: "We'll leave now."    


Everyone was startled, and Cao Li and Zhou Yang said at the same time: "Leaving so quickly?"    


Therefore, he nodded and said, "Everyone, I will leave first. If fate wills it, we can still meet in the vast star field." After he finished speaking, he thought of something and retrieved a jade slip from the storage bag, passing it over to Cao Li and the others, and said: "This is the refining method for the Star Plate. If I'm not wrong, without the Star Plate, even if we fly into the sky, we wouldn't be able to reach any other planets."    


Everyone was wild with joy as they cupped their hands and thanked Han Yan.    


Han Yan's body suddenly flashed with light and flew up to the sky. It was shockingly fast. In the blink of an eye, it turned into a black dot and disappeared. In the next moment, Han Yan crossed the nine heavens, and floated ten thousand kilometers in the air. He lowered his head, looked in the direction of the Murlocs, took out the compass, and left.    


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