The Ancient Sovereign



0Han Yan raised his right hand and pressed it against the cage, as pure Spirit Qi was released from his hand. The originally swaying cage was restored to its original state in an instant. Then, an even more unbelievable scene appeared. Han Yan made a move toward the Heavenly Dao Imperial Jade Seal, and a flowing light flashed from the jade seal. A drop of sparkling liquid flew out, and out of the cage, and landed in Han Yan's hands.    


Han Yan opened his mouth and swallowed a dozen or so spirit liquids, the spirit energy in his body instantly recovering to its peak condition.    


Heavenly Light Purple Dragon's eyes were wide open, filled with disbelief. The Heavenly Dao Imperial Jade Seal was still under him, how could he take something out from it? When he saw what Han Yan had taken out, his body trembled as if he had been electrocuted, and he shouted out: "Spirit Liquid, there's actually Spirit Liquid inside..." In his ecstasy, he quickly spread out his spiritual sense and tried to sense the inside of the Heavenly Dao Imperial Jade Seal, wanting to retrieve the spirit liquid inside.    


Once Heavenly Light Purple Dragon succeeded in extracting the spirit liquid, he would be able to borrow the spirit liquid's energy, increasing the amount of spirit energy in his body by an unimaginable degree. At that time, forget about defeating the Heaven and Earth Cage, even if Han Yan used the Heaven Splitting Seal, he would still be able to defeat it. Although the Heavenly Light Purple Dragon had good intentions, the outside of the Heavenly Dao Imperial Jade Seal had an extremely mysterious power that blocked his spirit sense outside. No matter what method he used, he was unable to open it.    


The Heavenly Light Purple Dragon had a deep understanding of formations and he did not believe that this energy could obstruct his mind from entering and raising his spirit energy. He wanted to break it in one go but the result caused him to widen his eyes. The moment this ability touched the Heavenly Dao Imperial Jade Seal, the Jade Seal suddenly released a terrifying power, rebounding the spirit energy that it released. Unable to defend in time, the Heavenly Light Purple Dragon was struck squarely in her face. Her body swayed and almost bumped into the Heaven and Earth Cage.    


Heavenly Light Purple Dragon looked at the Heavenly Dao Imperial Jade Seal below him, then looked at Han Yan, and said in shock: "What kind of treasure is this, without your Spiritual Sense Imprint, how can it be controlled?" Speaking to here, he was still unwilling, taking advantage of the opportunity that Han Yan had to speak, he roared, and condensed a huge amount of spirit energy into his claws, fiercely striking towards the cage.    


Heavenly Light Purple Dragon was wrong.    


Han Yan did not plan to speak at all. His mouth moved a few times, showing an appearance as if he wanted to speak. He only wanted to ask Heavenly Light Purple Dragon to launch a sneak attack. Seeing that the Heavenly Light Purple Dragon had truly launched an attack, Han Yan snorted, and a huge amount of energy surged out from his body into the Heaven and Earth Cage. In the next moment, the Heaven and Earth Cage released a blinding black light, and the defensive power was immediately increased by several fold.    


When Heavenly Light Purple Dragon's claws landed on it, the Heaven and Earth Cage was like a boulder, moving not the slightest bit.    


Not only that, the cage also released a huge force of rebound, immediately pushing Heavenly Light Purple Dragon to the side.    


Heavenly Light Purple Dragon's body heavily crashed into the cage, the illusory image once again scattered and turned into a Soul Power that spread out.    


Han Yan's hands were swift as he pointed at the Heaven and Earth Cage, causing the light on the cage to disappear in a flash. Then, he suddenly raised his hand, and instantly condensed into a huge spirit force hand, grabbing towards the Soul Power that was trying to escape, and in the blink of an eye, grabbed all the Soul Power in his hand. Han Yan's eyes flashed, and he bellowed: "Gather."    


Under Han Yan's control, Heavenly Light Purple Dragon's soul forcefully condensed together, transforming into a small purple dragon the size of a palm.    


This small purple dragon was no longer as arrogant as before. After being heavily injured, its body had become extremely dim, as if a gust of wind could blow it away. Not only that, the Heavenly Light Purple Dragon was still gasping for breath, his face full of pain. He raised his head to look at Han Yan, and that gaze was as though he had seen a monster, and he said in shock, "How is this possible? How exactly did you do it?"    


Han Yan did not pay attention to his words, and instead asked: "Are you convinced?"    


Dragons were born with insolence and arrogance. If they were made to submit to them, it would be even worse than killing them.    


Therefore, under normal circumstances, when a dragon encountered such a situation, it would choose to commit suicide.    


Heavenly Light Purple Dragon was the same, he coldly snorted and said: "Despicable human, with this little ability of yours, you think you can make this king submit to you? If you have the guts, let me go and we'll fight. "    


Han Yan opened his wrist and let go of Heavenly Light Purple Dragon. After that, he took three steps back and said, "Even if I release you, you won't be my match."    


"Is that so?" Heavenly Light Purple Dragon snorted, he raised both claws and pointed at Han Yan. Just as he was about to use the dragon race technique to kill Han Yan … Suddenly, flowing light flashed around him as he shot toward the door. He wanted to break through the formation in the courtyard and escape. Because at this time, Heavenly Light Purple Dragon knew in his heart that although Han Yan's cultivation was not high, his technique was deep and unfathomable. If he was not heavily injured, he might have been able to fight against his opponent. He was currently severely injured, and the spirit force in his body had not even reached ten percent, so even if he used the dragon race's forbidden technique, he would not be able to kill Han Yan.    


Although the Heavenly Light Purple Dragon had good thoughts, he still underestimated Han Yan's strength. The moment he arrived at the front door of the courtyard and was about to break out of the array. A figure suddenly appeared in front of him and said coldly, "What, you want to run?" This voice was cold and heartless, and it carried a domineering aura. Upon hearing it, one would be tempted to submit to him.    


Heavenly Light Purple Dragon's body trembled. He subconsciously took three steps back and said in shock, "You … you … you …" He could not believe what spell his opponent had cast to be able to be so fast. He was a dragon, and his speed was much faster than an ordinary Demonic Beast. Even though he was heavily injured, the other party was still unable to catch up to him.    


Han Yan did not reply, but the Xiao Hui said, "Old man, didn't you say earlier? I have the blood of a divine dragon and a White Tiger in my body. These two divine beasts are the fastest, and the speed of me fusing two divine beasts naturally inherited their advantages. " After he finished speaking, he snorted coldly and said with disdain, "Old man, are you convinced?"    


Heavenly Light Purple Dragon laughed bitterly, and said: "I have indeed underestimated your strength, but to make me submit to you, is impossible."    


The Xiao Hui snorted coldly. Just as it wanted to speak, it heard Han Yan say: "It's fine if you don't agree, but we can make a deal." The reason he had done so earlier was because he wanted to tame Heavenly Light Purple Dragon. Because dragons were born arrogant, if they were not tamed, even if the Heavenly Light Purple Dragon knew the secrets of the Highest Grade Compass, he would not tell himself.    


He never thought that even after doing so much, the Heavenly Light Purple Dragon still did not submit.    


Since he could not accept it, he had to use a new strategy, and that was why Han Yan said such crude words.    


Heavenly Light Purple Dragon rolled his eyes, looked at Han Yan with some astonishment, and asked: "Human, what tricks are you trying to play now?"    


Han Yan's expression was solemn as he said in a serious tone, "You don't need to think too much into it, I just want to cooperate with you. If you feel unsatisfied with the cooperation, you can reject me. I will let you go now, what do you think? "    


Heavenly Light Purple Dragon's face was filled with disbelief, "Is there such a good thing?"    


Han Yan nodded: "It's indeed such a good thing."    


Heavenly Light Purple Dragon did not answer Han Yan's question. After thinking about it for a long time, he said, "You should first talk about how to cooperate!"    


"Very simple. Tell me how to create a top-quality Imperial Jade Seal, and I'll give you what you want." Han Yan did not waste any words, and his instincts told him how to cooperate.    


"It's that simple?" The Heavenly Light Purple Dragon was puzzled, "What's so good about Highest Grade Compass, can't they just increase their speed? As long as my cultivation reaches a certain level, this compass will be useless. "    


"You might be right." Han Yan replied with a question, "But I haven't reached the stage where I can traverse the Star Regions without the use of a compass. Do you think I should get a compass?" At this moment, from Heavenly Light Purple Dragon's words, Han Yan was sure that the other party knew the method to refine the Highest Grade Compass.    


Heavenly Light Purple Dragon asked again: "I can tell you how to refine Highest Grade Compass, but what can you give me?"    


Han Yan extended his right hand forward, and white light flashed on his palm as Heavenly Dao Imperial Jade Seal appeared. After that, drops of pure spirit liquid flew out from the Imperial Jade Seal and floated in front of him. In but a few moments, there were a hundred drops of spiritual liquid. Han Yan looked at the elixir, and said to Heavenly Light Purple Dragon: "If you promise me, this is your deposit, and I can give it to you right now …"    


Not only could the spirit liquid recover spiritual energy, it could also speed up the recovery of one's injuries.    


This kind of treasure was not only needed by the cultivators, the Demonic Beast also needed it.    


Heavenly Light Purple Dragon pursed his lips, his eyes shooting out rays of golden light. He really wanted these hundred drops of spirit liquid, to be able to tell the method to refine the Highest Grade Compass, no matter what, he felt that he had fallen into their trap. Just as the Heavenly Light Purple Dragon was hesitating, Han Yan waved his hand and the hundred drops of spirit liquid disappeared, "If you don't want to cooperate, I will send you out right now!"    


Han Yan took out her jade teeth, and made a hand seal at the array formation. A gentle white light revealed itself on the door.    


As long as you enter this white light, you will be able to leave the courtyard.    


Heavenly Light Purple Dragon looked at white light and then looked at Han Yan. In the end, he clenched his teeth and said: "Alright, I will cooperate with you." He really wanted the elixir too much. Not only was it related to his injuries, it was also related to his fate. If he hadn't been seriously injured, he might not have agreed even if the other party had given him even more spirit liquid. He was heavily injured and his cultivation was on the verge of regressing. If he really left the courtyard and was met by another cultivator, the result would be unimaginable and he might be caught again. Unless it was absolutely necessary, he wouldn't choose to take this step.    


Han Yan's mouth revealed a faint smile, and said: "If you tell me the Highest Grade Compass's diagram, I will give you the spirit liquid." As he spoke, he waved his hand, and the white light at the entrance of the courtyard disappeared.    


Heavenly Light Purple Dragon was startled, and said: "Didn't you say to give the deposit first?"    


"Are you stupid!?" The Xiao Hui did not wait for Han Yan to speak and spoke first, "If we give you the spirit liquid and you do not tell us, then swallow it and run away, how will we find you?"    


Hearing this, Heavenly Light Purple Dragon laughed bitterly. He had thought of this just now, but did not expect the other party to see through it.    


Heavenly Light Purple Dragon took a deep breath and said in a deep voice, "Give me a blank jade slip and I will insert the refining method into it. You can study it for yourself!"    


Han Yan patted the storage bag at his waist and took out a jade slip, throwing it over to the Heavenly Light Purple Dragon, and said: "I hope that you do not randomly enter any information. If I find out what went wrong, our cooperation will end here …" As he finished speaking, the domineering aura around Han Yan's body suddenly weakened and an enormous killing intent instantly emitted from his body, enveloping the entire courtyard.    


Sensing this killing intent, Heavenly Light Purple Dragon's heart tightened. He was sure that the other party had killed an extremely large number of people, and they had even killed those who had a higher cultivation level. Otherwise, it would be impossible for them to release such a large amount of killing intent. Thinking about how Han Yan had defeated him and used a string of scurrying techniques, Heavenly Light Purple Dragon suddenly felt that the human in front of him was not simple at all.    


Since we have already reached this step, there is no point in talking about it. The Heavenly Light Purple Dragon nodded and said, "Don't worry, we dragon race will never be like you humans and think about how to scheme against others. Since this king has promised you, I will definitely put the refining method of the compass into the jade slip from the beginning to the end. "    



After an hour, Heavenly Light Purple Dragon had finished entering the information, he said to Han Yan: "I have already completed the method to refine the Highest Grade Compass, you must first give me the spirit liquid, then I will be able to give it to you."    


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