The Ancient Sovereign



0Time flew by and in the blink of an eye, half a year had passed.    


To cultivators, this was but an instant, but to Han Yan and the others in the starry sky, it was completely different. In this half a point, Han Yan was flying ahead while Tian Yue and the rest were chasing from behind. After half a year of flying, Han Yan had already arrived at the area outside of the Star Region where the Center of Star Domain s converged.    


Suddenly looking over, the astral band was completely enveloped in clouds and mist. This feeling was as if he had arrived at the holy land of immortals. However, the mist contained a strange energy. If one's divine sense was unable to enter the mist, one wouldn't be able to see what was inside it. However, the spectators could vaguely sense that behind the clouds, there was an unusual level of danger. Cold cold qi was continuously being released.    


Han Yan floated in front of the clouds, looking at the people chasing after him with an abnormally calm expression.    


Tian Yue and the rest, stopped three thousand kilometers away from Han Yan in the middle of the starry sky. Everyone's eyes were shining with excitement, obviously thinking, if they were to kill Han Yan, how would they split the Dragon Subduing Cauldron up? At this moment, they completely ignored the threat of death. With such a state of mind, even if they were to die, they would not hesitate to do so.    


Tian Yue's eyes flashed as she said seriously: "Han Yan, now I want to see where you can run to." It wasn't that he hadn't thought Han Yan would fly into the astral band, but when he thought about it in the blink of an eye, he felt that it was impossible. The degree of danger in astral band was even more terrifying than fighting with others. In a battle, the probability of survival was at least thirty percent, and entering the astral band, the probability of survival was not even ten percent. Simply put, it was no different from courting death.    


Han Yan laughed indifferently, his gaze sweeping across everyone and asked: "Why should I run?"    


When everyone heard this, their expressions all changed. Some people thought that Han Yan wanted to fight them to the death. Some people believed that Han Yan wanted to use a strong spell to escape. Even more people believed that Han Yan had already reached the end of the line. However, no matter what they were thinking, their goal was the same: to kill Han Yan.    


Tian Yue coldly snorted, disdain flashing past her eyes as she said coldly, "Han Yan, since you don't want to leave, then let's fight! Let's see if we kill you, or if you kill us. " After saying that, he paused for a moment, then changed the subject: "However, if you are not completely confident, you can hand the Dragon Subduing Cauldron over. I can assure you, as long as you hand it over to us, we will let you go. How about it?"    


Han Yan did not immediately answer him. Instead, he spread out his wrist and the Dragon Subduing Cauldron floated in front of him. He glanced at the Dragon Subduing Cauldron and laughed, "Since all of you want to obtain the Dragon Subduing Cauldron so badly, I can give it to you. Whether you have the ability to obtain it will depend on your ability. " His right hand suddenly pushed forward, and the Dragon Subduing Cauldron whizzed, flying straight in the direction of the heavenly moon.    


At this time, Tian Yue had already become crazy. Other than Dragon Subduing Cauldron, there was nothing else in his eyes.    


Seeing the Dragon Subduing Cauldron flying towards her, Tian Yue was overjoyed. Just as she was about to quickly fly over, she was stopped by Nine Yang Spiritual Master who was beside her.    


With this pull, the rest of the cultivators had the chance, and continued to fly towards the Dragon Subduing Cauldron.    


Tian Yue's face sank. As she shook off the hand of Sage Jiuyang, she said angrily, "Jiuyang, what is the meaning of this? "Why did you stop me then and there?"    


Sage Jiuyang shot a glance at the Dragon Subduing Cauldron that was flying over, and reminded her: "Brother Tianyue, you should know about Han Yan's character as well. He is such a smart person, how could he possibly take out the Dragon Subduing Cauldron? Fine! Even if we do not, he is trying to make us fight for the Dragon Subduing Cauldron, and will have us suffer heavy casualties. Then, he will take the opportunity to take the Dragon Subduing Cauldron back. "    


These words made a lot of sense. Under normal circumstances, Tianyue could listen.    


But at this very moment, the Dragon Subduing Cauldron was right in front of them and anyone could snatch it away from them. Tian Yue definitely would not think of these factors, so he coldly snorted and struggled free from Jiuyang's grasp and said: "Jiuyang, don't forget to say something. Those who starve to death are cowards and those who are cowardly, I want to get them now. Even if there is a conspiracy, I will accept it. " After he finished speaking, he took a step forward and rushed towards the Dragon Subduing Cauldron like a bolt of lightning.    


Adept Ninesuns sighed as he looked in the direction towards which Skymoon had departed. He murmured to himself, "Aren't you afraid of your stomach bursting?"    


Dragon Subduing Cauldron s were extremely fast, and in the blink of an eye, they had already flown a thousand miles.    


There was only a total of five thousand kilometers of starry sky between Han Yan and Tian Yue, and adding all of them together, there was only a total of four thousand kilometers left. In other words, the distance between Tian Yue and the rest of the Dragon Subduing Cauldron s was only a short one thousand kilometers. Tian Yue had become extremely crazy. Her cultivation level was the highest, so she was naturally the fastest. She had already left everyone far behind.    


The distance between Tianyue and the Dragon Subduing Cauldron got closer and closer. He laughed loudly, "Dragon Subduing Cauldron, this is my …"    


The distance between the two became even closer. 300 miles, 100 miles, 50 miles, 10 miles …    


Just as the heavenly moon was about to reach the Dragon Subduing Cauldron, the palm-sized Dragon Subduing Cauldron suddenly released a blinding light. At the mouth of the cauldron, a stream of light rotated and a round ball the size of a soybean flew out. The ball was as long as the wind and its speed was unimaginably fast. In just half a breath, it had grown to the size of an adult's body and the ball was still expanding …    


A distance of five kilometers, for an expert like Tianyue, was a matter of seconds. However, between him and the Dragon Subduing Cauldron, a huge monster suddenly appeared and blocked his path, preventing him from catching the Dragon Subduing Cauldron. Tian Yue let out a furious roar and punched the sphere in front of her. The fist flashed and rumbled. One by one, the fist shadows landed on the sphere like lightning.    


Following that, a loud sound rang out, and the starry sky shook slightly.    


After the loud explosion, dust filled the entire sky and the yellow earth covered the sky, blocking the cultivators' line of sight.    


Just now, he clearly felt that the fist shadow did not land on a spell, but on the ground.    


What kind of sphere could emit all the dust in the air?    


Suddenly, Tian Yue thought of something. She thought to herself, "Could it be that this sphere is a planet?" However, thinking about it in the blink of an eye, it seemed impossible. How could a planet become a ball?    


Thinking up to here, Tian Yue coldly snorted, and said with disdain: "Han Yan, no matter what tricks you use, I will definitely get this Dragon Subduing Cauldron." With that, he waved his sleeves and a powerful gust of wind came out of them and blew away the dust in front of him.    


The starry sky returned to normal, but the scene in front of her caused her pupils to constrict, and she continued to retreat.    


The expressions of Sage Jiuyang and the other cultivators behind him were similar. All of them were dumbstruck, their mouths gaping so wide they could drop a fist. One had to know that the crowd was an expert who had experienced hundreds of battles. What kind of situation could scare them to such an extent? It was very simple. They saw a huge planet that was smashing towards the heavens. The distance between this planet and the heavenly moon was less than half a mile.    


An entire planet, even a half abandoned planet was shockingly large, what if it smashed into the bodies of the cultivators?    


No one knew what kind of result it would be, but everyone could guess that it would definitely not be easy for Han Yan to obtain it at such a crucial moment. For a moment, everyone's expression changed. Sage Jiuyang and the other cultivators who did not fly to the Dragon Subduing Cauldron were secretly glad that they did not lose their heads from the treasures. The cultivators that were halfway there moved on and flew into the distance.    


At this moment, the Sky Moon who was the closest to the planet and had no time to escape was at a loss on what to do.    


However, Tian Yue was, after all, the tower lord of the Sky Night Tower. At such a critical moment, he thought of a way and immediately shouted out, "Disciples of the Sky Night Tower, listen up! Help me destroy this planet!" After he finished speaking, he felt that it would not be difficult for the masses to defeat an entire planet with their power, but once the planet had collapsed, it would release smoke that would fill the entire sky, which would be difficult to stop Han Yan from escaping.    


When Tian Yue thought here, she shouted again: "Everyone, don't panic. If we panic, Han Yan will definitely take advantage of the chaos to escape."    


The moment he said that, the cultivators of Sky Night Tower all bellowed and started forming hand seals towards the planet. The rest of the cultivators also recovered from their panic and looked around vigilantly to prevent Han Yan from escaping. The situation could be considered to have stabilized for a moment as countless strands of spiritual energy struck the planet. Although the planet was still continuously growing bigger, its speed of flight had slowed down, gradually increasing its distance from the moon and the sky.    


Tian Yue secretly heaved a sigh of relief, then he looked at the disciples of the Sky Night Tower, signalling them to continue attacking the planet. As for him, with a flash, he flew to the side. In the blink of an eye, he had circled around the planet and arrived at the place he had previously flown to. At this time, the heavenly moon once again saw the Dragon Subduing Cauldron floating in the starry sky. Just as it flew forward, it saw a light flash from the mouth of the cauldron, and another ball the size of a soybean flew out.    


Tian Yue's eyes widened when she saw this. She cried out involuntarily, "Another planet …"    


When these words came out, other than the disciples of the Sky Night Tower who were attacking the planet, the rest of the people immediately shifted their gaze towards the Dragon Subduing Cauldron.    


Just as the heavenly moon said, another planet flew out. Everyone was still wondering why there were two planets in the Dragon Subduing Cauldron. Black light flashed from the mouth of the cauldron. One after another, planets flew out. In the blink of an eye, four of them flew out and headed in different directions. As he flew, he rapidly grew in size.    


With so many planets flying out at the same time, everyone was stunned, momentarily at a loss as to what to do.    


Tian Yue was shocked in her heart but her expression remained calm. She coldly snorted and said, "Han Yan, don't tell me you think you can kill us just because of this?"    


Han Yan did not answer and only looked disapprovingly at the crowd. He looked coldly at the group of dead people.    


Tian Yue's gaze flickered incessantly. With a low shout, she suddenly accelerated towards the Dragon Subduing Cauldron, wanting to grab the Dragon Subduing Cauldron in her hands before the planet could be enlarged. However, just as he increased his speed, the Dragon Subduing Cauldron flashed with a light and flew towards Han Yan at an extremely fast speed. In a flash, it arrived in front of Han Yan.    


Han Yan extended his right hand forward and caught the Dragon Subduing Cauldron in his hand, then coldly laughed: "Alright, I won't play with you guys anymore."    


Just like that, the thing that they were about to get their hands on was lost right in front of their eyes. Tian Yue was extremely furious, as she gritted her teeth and said, "Han Yan, we are surrounded by our people, do you really think you can escape? When we destroy the planet, it will be your death date. " After he finished speaking, he said to the group: "Fellow daoists, I know that you all want the Dragon Subduing Cauldron, but before we obtain it, we must first destroy these planets …"    


broken renewal stage cultivators did indeed have the ability to defeat half of an abandoned planet, but if they wanted to defeat them in a short period of time, they were still unable to do so by themselves. However, the number of cultivators in the surrounding area was astonishing. As long as they worked together to attack, it would take them at most an hour to turn these planets into ashes. After everyone heard this, they all flew towards five different planets. Each planet had nearly two hundred cultivators in front of them.    


Tian Yue did not participate in the attack. His divine sense stayed in front of Han Yan the entire time as he said fiercely, "Han Yan, I want to see how you're going to run …"    


"This question should be asked by me." Han Yan laughed coldly, and said, "I, Han, also wanted to see how you two would run, but unfortunately, I can't see it anymore." With these words, he suddenly turned around and drilled into the clouds.    



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