The Ancient Sovereign



0Zhu Shuang happily kept the chaos stones, and continuously nodded at Han Yan. This kind of expression made it seem as if his father-in-law was looking at his son-in-law. The more he looked at him, the more satisfied he became.    


In a moment, Zhu Shuang continued, "Your name is Han Yan, right? "Since you are so good at being a person, I will give you a beautiful job." Saying this, he changed the subject and said, "However, I only have ten first class servants here. It's too late to change them at the last minute." "How about this. First, you stay here as a slave for a few days, and then I'll find an excuse to replace you with a first-class slave. What do you think?    


Han Yan wanted to say no, but he understood that in this kind of situation, even if he refused, the other party would not agree. Not only that, it would also leave a bad impression on the other party. Thinking about that, Han Yan did not put on airs, and cupped his fists: "Thank you, Master Manager. I will do my best, and do my best to handle the matter at hand."    


Zhu Shuang saw that Han Yan was very tactful, without saying much, he patted the storage bag on his waist and took out a vermillion jade pendant, and then activated a few techniques on it. Then, a few words appeared on the front and back of the jade pendant. There was a word 'Zhu' in front of him, which meant that Han Yan was from the Zhu Family. On the back was more words, with the word 'slave' carved on it, representing Han Yan's identity, and below that was Han Yan's name.    


After completing all of this, Zhu Shuang handed the jade pendant over to Han Yan and said: "Bring this along with you in case the adults come to check." The 'adults' he was referring to were people on the commander level. There were more than ten continents on the Heaven Wind, and every continent had a manager like Zhu Shuang, who was in charge of managing all the affairs on the continent.    


As for the commanders, they would come down to check on the slaves and servants when they were in a good mood or when they were bored. To put it simply, they were just putting on an act. Under normal circumstances, they wouldn't even check if the slaves were wearing the jade pendants that symbolized their identities.    


Han Yan received the jade pendant and casually put it on his waist.    


Zhu Shuang took out a medicine bottle from the storage bag, then took out a yellow Pill, and handed it over to Han Yan: "Swallow him, and you will become an official slave of Zhu Family."    


Seeing the Pill, Han Yan's pupils shrank. From his many years of understanding of the Pill, he could tell with a single glance that this Pill was definitely not a good thing.    


Just as Han Yan wanted to reject it, he saw an impatient look flash past Zhu Shuang's eyes, and he quickly took the Pill and swallowed it. In the human world, there is a saying that is very good, that when the ruler lets the subject die, the subject has no choice but to die. Han Yan was currently in a situation like this, he did not have the ability to refuse, if he were to forcibly refuse, then the only outcome would be death.    


Seeing Han Yan swallow the Pill so easily, Zhu Shuang was also startled, and then asked: "Many people either refuse to swallow the Pill, or even ask about the Pill's medicinal properties when they have obtained it, why didn't you ask about it?"    


Han Yan answered without even thinking: "If Master Manager let me swallow it down, how could I have a reason to refuse? After all, this is something that every slave must do."    


The shock in Zhu Shuang's eyes became even stronger, the more he looked at Han Yan, the more he refused. However, his identity was not ordinary, and he had seen a lot of people. Although cultivators like Han Yan were rare, but it was not like he had never seen them before. After being shocked, Zhu Shuang did not put it to heart.    


After a while, Zhu Shuang said in a heavy voice: "I know that you really want to know about this Pill, and after you swallow it, I should also be able to tell you what kind of Pill it is."    


"The name of this Pill is Spirit Sealing Pill. is to completely seal off the spiritual energy in your body, making it impossible for you to use it. " As Zhu Shuang said till here, he changed the topic, "Perhaps you would ask me why I have done this? You know, there are too many slaves like you in Windstar, at least tens of thousands of people. So many slaves are also a huge force, if there is a riot, there is no way to control it.    


"On the continent, there are countless fields of medicine, countless mines, and countless forests. Without slaves, every day will have a huge impact." Zhu Shuang seemed to think that he said too much. After coughing lightly, he said sternly: "Alright, as for the situation here, I won't say anymore. You will understand in the future."    


At that moment, Han Yan's body suddenly trembled, and a sharp pain came from his dantian. Soon after, white mist rose from his body and the spiritual energy in his body was dissipating at an extremely fast speed. In the blink of an eye, it was completely gone. Han Yan did not look like a cultivator at all, but more like a mortal without any spiritual power.    


Han Yan's face was filled with pain, he clenched his teeth and stared at Zhu Shuang, his eyes filled with complex emotions.    


Seeing Han Yan's painful expression, Zhu Shuang also felt bad. He sighed and said: "Little brother, you gave me so many things, I should not have let you swallow the Pill. However, if I don't do this, the higher-ups will blame me, and both of us could be killed. So, I hope you can forgive me for a while. "    


As he spoke till here, Zhu Shuang paused, and then changed the subject: "However, you don't have to worry about the side effects of consuming Pill for the first time, that's all. Your cultivation has not dissipated, but it has been suppressed in your Dantian. As long as you do your job well these few days and become a first-class servant, I will give you the antidote. At that time, you can continue to train. "    


Han Yan didn't know if those words were true or false, but he knew that Zhu Shuang was right. Pill could indeed seal spirit energy.    


Not only that, Han Yan could also see that the cultivation level of the person who made the Pill was not low, and the medicinal power was extremely strong. With his current cultivation, there was no way to stop him.    


With his cultivation being suppressed in his Dantian, the current Han Yan was no different from a mortal, it was just that his body was slightly better, and his strength was greater. Perhaps, this was the effect that they wanted. After all, there were too many things to do as slaves. Without strength, there was nothing they could do.    


After a while, Han Yan's body was covered in perspiration, drops of perspiration trickled down his forehead, and landed on the ground, splattering all over. Not only that, Han Yan's clothes were already completely drenched, and when his clothes stuck to his body, they were extremely thin, giving off an unspeakably uncomfortable feeling. However, Han Yan's willpower was beyond ordinary. Even though he was feeling very uncomfortable, he didn't say it out loud and endured it.    


When Zhu Shuang saw this, he could not help but admire Han Yan. Thinking back to when he had become a slave, he painfully kneeled on the ground and rolled on the ground after consuming a Pill. In the end, he even fainted. All these phenomena happened on almost all the slaves, yet not a single one of them appeared on the opposite party.    


Zhu Shuang was more or less sympathetic, but he was the supervisor. No matter how sympathetic he was, he wouldn't act rashly.    


"You don't need to do anything the first three days before you become a slave. Go back and rest first!" Zhu Shuang frowned, he turned from the storage bag at his waist to an jade slip and passed it to Han Yan, "Although your cultivation has been sealed, you can still release some of your Strength of Spiritual Sense and imbue it into the jade slip."    


"This jade slip has records of where you live. You can go now." After saying that, Zhu Shuang seemed to have thought of something, and threw a vermillion storage bag to Han Yan, and immediately said: "Oh right, after you have become a slave of the Zhu Family, you can't wear the previous storage bag on your body anymore. From now on, just use this! This storage bag contains a lot of clothes and daily necessities. In the future, you must wear these clothes.    


Han Yan took the storage bag, clasped his hands at Zhu Shuang and said: "Master Supervisor, can I go now?"    


Zhu Shuang waved his hand and said: "Go!"    


Han Yan cupped his fists again, then turned and left the room.    


Zhu Shuang stared at Han Yan's back for a long time before she finally said, "This person is extraordinary, just what should I do?" After a long time, he still couldn't think of a good idea. Sighing, he left the room. "In a flash, he turned into a streak of light and soared into the sky, disappearing into the clear sky in the blink of an eye.    


At this moment, Han Yan also felt the situation behind him. He lifted his head and looked at the sky, a cold light flashing past his eyes. After swallowing the Pill just now, even though his entire body's cultivation had been sealed inside his dantian, his Strength of Spiritual Sense was only half sealed.    


Han Yan was smarter than others, in the blink of an eye, he understood what was going on. The Pill's medicinal properties could only seal broken renewal stage cultivators, and could only be customized for Space Breaking cultivators. Simply put, no matter how high the cultivation of a Space Breaking Stage cultivator was, after he consumed the Spirit Sealing Pill, his cultivation and spiritual sense would be sealed, leaving behind only a strand of spiritual energy. And this strand of Qi, without any attack, could only barely open the storage bag.    


However, Han Yan was different. His Strength of Spiritual Sense was close to that of an early stage space insight cultivator and the medicinal power of the Spirit Sealing Pill was not enough to seal his entire consciousness. Perhaps the cultivator who refined the Pill did not expect such a monster to appear in the Windstar.    


Not long after Han Yan left, a heart-wrenching pain came from his body. This kind of pain was as if countless ants were biting at him. It was simply not something a human could endure. Han Yan clenched his teeth, and persevered onwards. He nearly fainted several times along the way, but he had to endure it forcefully every time.    


After a while, Han Yan suddenly realised that every time he endured, his Strength of Spiritual Sense would increase a little and the effect of the medicine on him would decrease.    


After discovering this phenomenon, Han Yan was ecstatic in his heart, maybe this was the breakthrough.    


In order to test if what he had just said was true, Han Yan gritted his teeth and quickly walked forward. The intense movement hastened the evaporation of the medicine, and the pain within his body became more and more intense. The pain was excruciating and Han Yan bit his lower lip unconsciously. He did not even realize that his lower lip had been bitten open and bled profusely.    


Time slowly flowed by. To Han Yan, every breath felt like a long time.    


After an unknown amount of time, Han Yan could no longer hold it in and sat on a rock to the side, gasping for air. After half an incense worth of time, Han Yan felt a little better, clenching the jade slip tightly in his hand, he imbued his consciousness into it. Then, a huge mountain appeared in his line of sight.    


This mountain peak was precisely the place Han Yan was at, the Fire Spirit Mountain.    


Fire Spirit Mountain was the tallest mountain on the Fire Continent and also the one with the densest spirit energy.    


Around the peak of the mountain were countless medicinal fields that spread out in all directions. Half of the slaves on the continent worked in these fields. The place where they lived was in the valley at the foot of the mountain. There were countless caves in the valley, and although it was called a cave dwelling, it was actually no different from the cave where the barbarians lived. There were no chairs, chairs, blankets, or even a spell formation.    


Finishing reading the description inside the jade slip, Han Yan laughed bitterly.    


The humans here were called slaves. In fact, they were no different from real slaves. It was indeed difficult to survive. However, in order to increase his cultivation, in order to become stronger, in order to find the Star Tear successfully. The only thing that Han Yan could do now was to endure. He believed that there would be a day when he would part from the clouds and see the moon.    


At this time, Han Yan did not realize that above him, two white clouds had appeared, and on the clouds stood two cultivators.    


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