The Ancient Sovereign



0On the treetops, all the slaves had gone down to work, and the servants followed, supervising all the slaves.    


Han Yan and Zhang Ming were exceptions. They did not want to enter the mountain like the others, but instead wanted to enter one of the valleys at the foot of the mountain.    


This valley was not too big, with a radius of only 10 miles. The ground was quite flat, but there were a few rocks here, each as tall as a person. There were over a thousand stones here. Furthermore, this place had never been mined before. To work here, the first thing he had to do was to move all the rocks out of the valley, and the second thing he had to do was to flip the ground before he could plant the medicine.    


Seeing the scene before his eyes, Han Yan was immediately stunned, and said: "This is where I work?"    


Zhang Ming nodded his head, and said: "The mountain region is where the true plains are, although this valley has a lot of rocks, the ground is still considered smooth, and is much stronger than normal places."    


Although the difference between this place and his imagination was huge, it was still okay. Han Yan did not say anything, but said: "Do you want me to clear all of these stones as well?"    


"Not only are these stones to be cleared, the ground must also be overturned." Zhang Ming's brows twitched, and said. "However, I can't help you with the things here, no matter how many Spirit Stone you bring out, I'm powerless to do anything. You better take care of yourself!" Saying this, he took out a bag of seeds from the storage bag and threw it at Han Yan: "Within three days, you must clean up this place and plant the seed. If there is anything you don't understand, you should take a look at that piece of jade slip that Master Manager gave you." After saying that, without even looking at Han Yan once, he took a step and flew out of the mountain range.    


After Zhang Ming left, Han Yan looked at the valley in front of him and laughed bitterly.    


With so many stones in the valley, normal cultivators wouldn't even be able to clear them in a month, let alone three days. There were too few things that he could use, so he could only take them out piece by piece. Han Yan was in a good mood, since he was already here, he did not think too much about it. He thought about how he went to the mountain to gather medicinal herbs when he was young, he rolled up his sleeves and walked over to a big boulder.    


In the following time, Han Yan almost never took a break as he continuously carried the stone out of the valley. Originally, Han Yan needed three days to finish everything. In order to not arouse the suspicions of the servants, Han Yan purposely slowed down his speed, otherwise, two hours would be enough.    


After he finished moving the stones, Han Yan started to clean up the broken rocks on the ground. There were astonishingly many shattered rocks here. With every few steps, he would come across a pile, and it was not an easy thing to sweep all the shattered rocks out of the valley. Han Yan took out a gunny sack from the storage bag, threw the broken rocks inside and started to quickly clean them up.    


Time flew and in the blink of an eye, evening arrived.    


At this moment, all the servants had gathered together and were chatting with each other.    


One of them remembered what happened in the morning and could not help but ask: "Brother Zhang, you must have gotten quite a few Spirit Stone from that brat this morning, right?"    


Zhang Ming slightly smiled, and said: "It was all thanks to Brother's opportunity, otherwise I wouldn't have been able to get anything out of it." He paused for a moment, and continued, "That kid is really rich, he didn't even think about it, and took out thirty Spirit Stone s. However, I did not arrange for him to go to a very good place. " After which, he chuckled softly.    


These words immediately aroused the interest of everyone. The person who had spoken earlier hurriedly asked: "Brother Zhang, what kind of place is this? Tell me."    


Zhang Ming smiled slightly and said: "Do you guys still remember the valley that no one is willing to go?" He saw the crowd nod and continued, "I arranged for that boy to go into the valley. As you know, there are big stones everywhere in the valley, and there are still a lot of gravel in the soil. No matter how strong he is, it would be impossible to get those rocks out in three days."    


"Brother Zhang, you are too sarcastic!" Zhou Chuang said, "He gave you the Spirit Stone, and yet you treat him like this. Isn't that a little too immoral?"    


Hearing this, Zhang Ming coldly snorted, and said: "What's wrong with that, I've been looking down on that brat for a long time. Don't look at how respectful he is talking to me. He probably wants to beat me up in the dark. From the way he clenches his fists and the killing intent in his eyes, I can tell that he wants to kill me. That's why, I want him to die faster. "    


Zhou Chuang nodded his head and said: "You're right. Isn't it a little too much to kill him for such a small matter?"    


"What's too much?" Zhang Ming coldly snorted, and said, "Don't worry, I won't kill him so quickly. Since he won't be able to complete the mission within three days, I'll find an excuse to teach him a lesson, and give him another mission. If he doesn't finish, I'll give him a whip to eat. A few lashes will be unbearable to him. At that time, I will let him rest for a few days before he works, and then we will arrange some difficult missions. Several times, even if he is a god, he will probably die! "    


When these words came out, everyone's scalps could not help but go numb. Someone said, "Brother Zhang, aren't you being a little too ruthless by doing this?"    


"A man without poison." Zhang Ming had his own thoughts, and said, "This kid is not ordinary, he can yield and submit. If he stays here for too long, maybe he will be able to cultivate the medicinal herbs to the tribute level. This kind of medicine was directly given to the alchemist to use. If he falls for them, he will definitely be transferred over there. Once his status rises, he will become a disciple with another surname or an envoy with another surname, do you think that with his personality, he will not retaliate against us? Will I still have a good day then? "    


When everyone heard this, they all nodded their heads in succession. Only one of them sneered and said, "To treat a noble like a lowly person, can't you do something good?"    


Zhang Ming's face sank, and said angrily: "Li He, what do you mean by this?"    


This third class servant called Li He was the same person who did not participate in requesting Spirit Stone s from Han Yan when he came to the valley three days ago. He was an honest man, he never framed people, and he never coveted cheap, immoral things. It was because of this that Li He said these words when he heard the words of the lot.    


Although Zhang Ming's position was higher than Li He, Li He was not afraid of him. He fearlessly looked at the other party and said word by word, "You should be clear of the meaning of my words."    


Zhang Ming knew this very well, but he was a second-class servant, and when a third-class servant spoke to him in such a manner in front of so many people, he felt utterly humiliated. In order to recover his face, Zhang Ming snorted coldly and said angrily, "Li He, you've done this wrong time and time again. I've never said anything. If you refuse a toast again, I'll definitely teach you a lesson!    


Li He laughed coldly, and said: "Zhang Ming, you are only a second class servant, what's your prestige? In a situation where I haven't made a mistake, you don't seem to be able to touch me either!"    


Zhang Ming's face darkened, he clenched his fists and said: "I cannot touch you, but I can arrange for you to be responsible for missions that cannot be completed."    


Li He immediately sneered, and said: "No matter what I do, I have to report it to the Head Supervisor. If your request is too excessive, do you think the Supervisor would agree?"    


Zhang Ming was furious, but he couldn't think of a way for a moment. Suddenly, he thought of something and said, "Do you really think I can't deal with you? Now, I will let you be in charge of that kid's affairs. If you are unable to grow medicinal ingredients of higher quality or higher by the end of the year, then, not only will that kid die, you will also be demoted to a slave! "    


Hearing this, Li He was startled, and said angrily: "Zhang Ming, it's already eight months, and there are only four more months until the end of the year. In such a short period of time, it would be difficult for him to clean up the rocks in the valley. How was he to grow medicinal herbs? Even if it can be cultivated with difficulty, the first year's harvest would definitely not be good. How can it reach the level of Superior Grade or above? "    


There were a total of six levels of medicinal herbs. According to the density of the medicinal herbs, they could be divided into the following categories: tributes, Exquisite, Exquisite, Superior, Intermediate, and Inferior.    


Amongst them, the highest quality medicinal herbs were the hardest to grow. Not only did it require exquisite planting techniques, it also needed careful care. In addition, the weather was also very important. If within a year, there were too many cloudy and rainy weather, no matter how good the cultivation level was, it would be very difficult to get the quality of the herbs.    


Under normal circumstances, the medicinal herbs grown were of high quality and low quality. If a slave was able to grow low-grade medicinal herbs, then he would have to suffer the whip!    


However, if he was able to grow medicinal herbs that were of superior quality or above, he would still be able to obtain a certain reward.    


For example, if a slave cultivated high-quality medicine, they could rest for ten days every year, and they could pick any one of these ten days. If the best quality herbs were planted, they could rest for a month every year. Not only could they be freely chosen for a period of time, but during this period of rest, they could also be managed by a servant.    


If he could grow the tribute, it would be even more impressive, and he would be able to meet the alchemist directly. If one performed well in front of the alchemist, they could become an apprentice alchemist. On the surface, if one's appearance was good, one might even have the chance to become a disciple with another surname or envoy with another surname. Of course, no matter how bad his performance was, he still had the right to rest for a year. During this year, as long as you don't leave your home, you can do whatever you want without any restrictions.    


Of course, it was extremely difficult to cultivate high quality and high quality herbs. If one was lucky, then a very small number of slaves would be able to reach the Exquisite and Exquisite grades, and in the last ten thousand years, only a few would be able to reach this level. As for those who had grown medicinal herbs, aside from the two who had performed too badly and remained in the slaves, the rest had all become apprentice alchemists.    


Li He was once a slave, but later he was promoted to a third class slave. He knew how difficult it was to cultivate medicinal ingredients that were higher quality than that, hence he was furious and said angrily: "Zhang Ming, don't go overboard."    


Zhang Ming coldly snorted, and said: "So what if I'm excessive? If you have the ability, get him to grow the medicinal herbs for you. At that time, not only will he have the chance to become a disciple with another surname, you can also become the head steward. If you want to cause trouble with me, come look for me when you're promoted to head steward! "Haha …"    


"Haha …"    


After a round of laughter, Zhang Ming waved his sleeves and said: "Brothers, let's go, let's see how many stones that brat has moved that day."    


This topic had once again aroused the interest of everyone. Many people began to laugh and talk about it.    


"Those stones weighed several hundred jin. No matter how powerful that kid is, I'm afraid he won't be able to move many kilograms."    


"Yeah, he wants to move all the rocks out of the valley, unless the sun comes up from the west."    


"I feel like even if the solar energy comes from the west, he won't be able to move the rock out of the valley, haha …"    


"Hahaha …"    


In that moment, everyone laughed out loud once again. Using the Space Breaking, they flew straight towards the valley where Han Yan was.    


Looking at the retreating figures of the crowd, Li He fiercely glared at them and followed. Li He understood the temperament of these people, if he did not come, these people would definitely humiliate Han Yan. If Han Yan did something irrational under his anger, both he and Han Yan would be dead.    



In the blink of an eye, everyone saw the valley in front of them. Just as he landed on the ground, someone exclaimed, "Heavens, how is this possible …"    


Once those words were said, everyone looked into the valley. When they saw the scene in front of them, they were dumbfounded.    


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