The Ancient Sovereign



0When everyone heard these words, they were thrown into disarray. Wang Juan was the first to object, "Little Sister Liu Yue, you have to think this through. Marriage is something that happens throughout your life. Don't make the wrong choice on a whim."    


Liu Yue seemed to have already thought about it, and said: "Sister Wang, I know what I'm doing, don't worry."    


Hearing her words, Wang Juan said nothing more. "Then congratulations to the both of you. I wish you happiness in the future."    


Zhang He was extremely satisfied with this result. He smiled and said to Han Yan: "Elder Brother Han, congratulations …"    


Han Yan was currently immersed in his comprehension, and basically did not hear what the others were saying. After a moment of shock, he asked, "What did you say?"    


"Elder Brother Han, I really admire you. You can still comprehend it at this time." Seeing Han Yan's blank expression, Zhang He laughed bitterly, "Just now, Liu Yue has already agreed to marry you."    


After hearing this, Han Yan was also stunned. He looked at Liu Yue and asked: "Have you really thought this through?"    


Liu Yue nodded and said affirmatively, "I've thought it through."    


Han Yan secretly sighed, he did not want to do this, but since things had reached such a stage, he had no choice but to think of a way in the future, a way to end this bet. Thinking about it here, Han Yan looked to the sky and said, "It's getting late, let's go eat moon food first! If we lose time, we will starve for the next month. "    


Everyone was hungry, upon hearing Han Yan's words, they immediately walked towards valley mouth.    


After a while, everyone came to valley mouth, with a single glance, they could see that valley mouth was filled with cultivators, the number was definitely more than 8,000, which meant, almost all of the cultivators had come. More than ten servants were standing at the valley mouth. They took out medicine bottles from the storage bag and threw them to the people in line.    


With so many slaves lined up into ten queues, Han Yan and the others were also lined up at the back of the line.    


Very quickly, it was Han Yan's turn. Coincidentally, the servant in charge of giving Han Yan food was Poison Scorpion Zhang Ming.    


When Zhang Ming saw Han Yan, he quickly recognized him and said smilingly: "Brat, your luck is really good. You could eat right after entering the medicine garden …" As he spoke, he took out a white medicine bottle from the storage bag and handed it over to Han Yan: "There is a Pill here. Remember, after the Pill finishes eating, remember to put the medicine bottle in the basket in front. "    


Han Yan nodded, and after taking the bottle, he opened the cap.    


A fragrance wafted out from the bottle. It was like a cooked grain. It was not hard to see that the Pill was made from crops and did not have much nutrition. It also did not have any effect on a cultivator's cultivation. Han Yan poured out the Pill and placed it on his palm. The yellow Pill was only the size of a thumb. Han Yan used his consciousness to observe the Pill for a while.    


After consuming the Pill, Han Yan followed the crowd and walked forward, arriving outside the valley. Seeing a basket placed beside him, he casually threw the medicine bottle into it. With a light clink, the medicine bottle fell into the basket, not breaking at all. It could be seen that there was a formation within the basket. Even if the medicine bottles collided with each other, it wouldn't shatter.    


After the Pill consumed it, a strange energy appeared in its blood vessels, and quickly spread to its entire body. As the energy moved faster and faster, there was suddenly a surge of energy in his body. Han Yan's eyes flashed, he walked to Liu Yue's side in a few steps and asked: "After eating, what do you want to do now?"    


Seeing that Han Yan didn't seem to understand anything, Liu Yue burst out in laughter and said: "Did you want to ask me if I wanted to go back to work after resting?"    


Han Yan naturally did not think that way. They were slaves, how could they have any time to rest?    


"No, I wanted to ask you, are you going to work now?" Han Yan said, "If I go now, should I go to that land?"    


Liu Yue did not immediately reply to Han Yan. Instead, he pointed to the few servants in the distance and said: "Do you see them? You must get something from them when you start working on the first day, so they will naturally tell you what you need to do when you start working on that piece of land in the future, as well as how many hours you need to work every day. "    


Han Yan nodded, and then walked towards a servant not far away.    


When the servant saw that Han Yan had arrived, he asked with dissatisfaction after hearing a voice from his nose: "Kid, what's the matter?"    


Han Yan immediately cupped his fists and bowed, then asked: "Sir servant, I just came here, and want to …"    


The servant did not wait for Han Yan to finish speaking, and said: "You are the new one from three days ago!"    


"Yes." Han Yan answered truthfully.    


The servant looked at Han Yan for a moment, until Han Yan felt uncomfortable, then said: "I don't care about your matters, go look for Zhang Ming!" As he said that, he pointed at Poison Scorpion Zhang Ming who was giving out food for the month.    


"Looking for him?" Han Yan's brows twitched, and did not ask anymore, as he walked straight towards Zhang Ming.    


He had just arrived in front of Zhang Ming, so he could easily see through his intentions and waved his hand: "Can't you see that I'm busy right now? I'll talk to you when I'm done. "    


In desperation, Han Yan could only stand to the side and wait.    


Roughly an hour later, all of the monthly food had been distributed. Zhang Ming walked in front of Han Yan and said, "Kid, I admire you a lot." With that, he seemed to feel that this was not the place to talk, and waved at Han Yan, bringing Han Yan to a forest outside the valley mouth.    


After arriving at the forest, Zhang Ming said, "On the first day, I went to work. I needed to retrieve an agricultural tool and obtain the place where I could work. Then, I learned how many hours I needed to work every day …" After he finished speaking, he looked at Han Yan, his eyes shining brightly, waiting for Han Yan to speak.    


Han Yan was clever, he immediately understood the meaning behind the other party's words, and straightforwardly said: "Name your price!"    


"Awesome!" Zhang Ming clapped his hands, and without wasting any words, he said, "We have three types of agricultural tools here. The first type is the most common kind, the kind that most cultivators use. As for the second method, it required a certain amount of spiritual energy. With a certain amount of spiritual energy in the tools, it would be much easier to use, and the amount of energy required would be small. However, there is one drawback. Every year, there is a need to replenish spiritual energy. Otherwise, it would be no different from the worst agricultural tools. "    


"I think you were also a rich and powerful person back then, so these two farm tools naturally aren't suitable for you." Zhang Ming changed the topic and immediately went back to the main topic, "There is a formation within the third type of farm tools, it is very easy to use, there is almost no need to use up your energy. You should know that the energy inside the bowl can only last for a month. If you use this kind of farm tools, you will be able to endure for a year. "Not only that, your work speed is also very fast. Most people would need at least twenty hours to complete their mission, and you would need at most half of that time."    


"He called himself here to sell the third item. Judging from his posture, he probably won't buy it." Han Yan thought about it and bluntly said: "Name your price!"    


Zhang Ming was waiting for these words. After hearing Han Yan finish speaking, he said: "The cost of this kind of farming equipment is extremely high, and it's something that will last for a lifetime. To buy it once, and consume it for the rest of your life, naturally the price would be higher." He paused, patted Han Yan's shoulders, and said: "After all, we can be considered to be acquainted. The price I'll give you will naturally be cheaper. How about ten Top quality spirit stones? "    


Ten Top quality spirit stones could be considered a very high price. Although Han Yan had many Spirit Stone on him, he had taken out a lot of them previously. But since the matter had come to an end, Han Yan could not bargain. He slapped the storage bag on his waist, took out ten Top quality spirit stones and gave them to the other party.    


After Zhang Ming received the Spirit Stone, he smiled slightly and took out three things from the storage bag, passing it over to Han Yan.    


A hoe, a scissors, a bucket.    


Zhang Ming treated Han Yan pretty well, and explained in detail: "This hoe is used to hoe grass, and the scissors are to prune the leaves and leaves that are either dead or not needed. As for the bucket, one is to water it, two is to water it with fertilizer." He saw that after Han Yan understood, he changed the topic and continued: "The land that the slaves cultivate is usually in the mountains. The terrain is steep and it is hard to walk on. "If you want to grow medicinal herbs in the hills or plains, then …"    


Hearing that, Han Yan naturally understood that the other party was asking for money. How much is the Plains? "    


Zhang Ming was also a straightforward person, and said: "There aren't many medicinal herbs cultivated in the Plains Region, and they're very close to the valley as well. Just now when you bought the farm tools, I naturally wouldn't give you too high of a price. His words were rather polite, but there was an irrefutable tone to them.    


Han Yan took out another ten Spirit Stone s, and after he gave them to Zhang Ming, he said, "You also need to use the Spirit Stone to buy them during your work time, right?"    


"Smart. Talking to a smart person like you is easy." Zhang Ming laughed and said, "You are right. Generally, slaves work around five hours. If he used Spirit Stone s to buy it, it would only take eight hours. Of course, you have to complete everything within eight hours. Once you have completed everything, you don't need to stay in the medicinal field like they did, you can walk around as you please, and even return to the valley. "    


As he spoke till here, Zhang Ming changed the topic of his conversation, and said: "However, the time you buy, is not one lump sum, but in years. Simply put, ten Spirit Stone would be needed every year. If you give it this year, you won't have to give it next year. Then I'm sorry, but after next year, you will need to work for more than five hours a day. "    


Han Yan's brows moved, and said: "More than five hours?"    


"That's right, it has been over five hours." Zhang Ming nodded, "Perhaps you want to ask me, why do you need to work more than five hours normally? The reason is very simple, because the place you work is in the plains. "Under normal circumstances, the working hours in the plains would be around six hours …"    


Hearing that, Han Yan immediately became angry, he suppressed the anger in his heart with great difficulty, clenched his fists and asked: "Sir servant, this does not seem to be fair!"    


Seeing Han Yan's furious expression, Zhang Ming did not get angry, and said: "Brat, what you're thinking is wrong. Imagine, a rich slave, would he still care about these rules? Although it is a little unfair, but if you deliver the Spirit Stone on time every year, wouldn't everything be fine? "    



"In the first year, we needed ten Top quality spirit stones, and every year from now on, there will be one less." Zhang Ming explained in detail, "Ten years later, you don't need to deliver the Top quality spirit stones, you just need to hand over the middle ranked Spirit Stone. In another hundred years, you will only have to give it to the Inferior Spirit Stone. If you don't have enough Spirit Stone s during the battle, we aren't unreasonable people either. You can use heaven and earth treasures to exchange with us for Spirit Stone s.    


Zhang Ming explained in such detail, how could he not understand, since Han Yan was not an idiot.    


Just that, Han Yan was furious in his heart, this was not a trade, this was a scam. However, in the blink of an eye, the other party was a slave while he was only a slave. Even if an unequal situation occurred, he could only clench his teeth and swallow it back into his stomach. Han Yan's fist tightened even more, and after that, he took out ten Top quality spirit stones s and threw them towards the other party, and said: "Bring me to the work area!"    


Zhang Ming received the Spirit Stone, glanced at Han Yan, and coldly said in his heart: "Brat, I'll let you be proud for a while. When you don't have a Spirit Stone to deliver, it'll be your death date …"    


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