The Ancient Sovereign



0life continent was currently cultivating inside the forest of life. After more than a thousand years of constant cultivation, his cultivation had recovered quite a bit, but it would still take a very long time for him to recover to the realm he was in back then. Without the Fountain Of Life, Cheng Hui's strength would also be greatly reduced. Every time he thought about the situation back then, he could not help but get angry.    


This morning, a ray of light flashed inside the forest of life, and a figure quickly rushed over, in the blink of an eye arriving in front of Cheng Hui.    


Cheng Hui opened his eyes and looked straight ahead. When he saw the person who had arrived, he was slightly startled, and said resentfully: "Galio, what are you doing here?"    


The person Cheng Hui hated the most right now was Galio, he hated him the most. He wished he could kill Galio now, but he knew, with his current cultivation, he was not able to do so. Cheng Hui didn't think that Galio had come here for any good reason. He quickly stood up and vigilantly looked at Galio as he spoke word for word: "I advise you to quickly scram out of here, so as to avoid physical pain."    


Galio's expression was indifferent, and did not worry in the slightest as he looked at Cheng Hui, and smiled: "Cheng Hui, we should forget about the grudge we had back then. How do you want to die?"    


Cheng Hui was startled again, obviously not expecting Galio to say such a thing, as he coldly said. "Galio, there's something wrong with your head! With your current cultivation, you want to kill me? I think you must be tired of living. " After he finished speaking, he subconsciously released his divine sense to sense Galio's cultivation, and when he realized that Galio's cultivation had recovered, he opened his eyes wide, and could not help but exclaim: "How is this possible, how can you recover your cultivation?"    


Galio laughed, he did not intentionally hide his cultivation, and said: "In this world, there are only things that you cannot think of, there is nothing that is impossible."    


After all, Cheng Hui was the Sovereign of Life and this was also the forest of life. He quickly sensed a very weak life force coming from Galio's body, so he was very familiar with this aura. When he thought about the disappearance of the Fountain Of Life, Cheng Hui's face darkened, and he asked in a stern voice: "Galio, you stole the Fountain Of Life?"    


Cheng Hui was so angry! He had already made up his mind. As long as Galio admitted to stealing the Fountain Of Life, he would contact the other Sovereigns to kill this fellow.    


Galio shook his head and waved his hand. "I didn't steal your Fountain Of Life and there's no need to."    


Cheng Hui snorted, and asked: "You're still not admitting? Alright, let me ask you, why do you emit the aura of a water of life? Didn't you consume a large amount of water of life after recovering? "    


"That's right, I swallowed the water of life, but the Fountain Of Life was not on me." Galio did not deny it. These words were said by Han Yan earlier and the reason why he said so much was to delay time. Han Yan and the four Divine Beasts were already killing the remaining Gods in the Life Element. As long as they killed those people, they would be able to deal with Cheng Hui.    


The pitiful Cheng Hui didn't know that Han Yan and the four Divine Beasts had returned to the God Realm. He thought that only Galio had come alone to show off his current strength. If Cheng Hui knew that Han Yan had returned, he definitely would not waste so much time talking to him. He would pay the price and quickly leave this place.    


Galio laughed coldly, the killing intent in his eyes soared and he said angrily: "Galio, you can refuse to admit it, but I must warn you, you have committed a grave mistake and have already betrayed the gods. We have the right to kill you." After saying that, he patted the Universal Bag at his waist, took out a jade tablet, and was about to crush it to inform the other Sovereigns.    


Galio did not stop them. He smiled faintly and said, "You can contact them, but I don't know if you can."    


Cheng Hui glared at Galio, and did not take Galio's words to heart. His wrist moved and with a bang, the jade token in his hand exploded. Following that, a huge amount of energy was released. Just as Cheng Hui formed a technique to inform the other Sovereigns, he was surprised to find that the sacred art lost its effect, and was stunned in place.    


Galio had been paying attention to Cheng Hui's every move the entire time, but he was actually very nervous in his heart. Although Han Yan had told him that there were already powerful formations laid around the forest of life and that Cheng Hui was unable to contact the other Sovereigns, he was still unsure. At this moment, seeing Cheng Hui's abnormally ugly expression, Galio's hanging heart was finally at ease.    


Galio laughed and mocked: "Cheng Hui, have you contacted them yet?"    


Even if Cheng Hui was stupider, he still knew that Galio had done something. He said in shock, "Galio, what did you do to make me unable to send a sound transmission to them?"    


Galio sneered, and asked back: "Cheng Hui, after you lost your Fountain Of Life, there was a problem with your brain, how could you not be able to think of it?"    


Cheng Hui indeed did not know the reason behind this; his thoughts were simply too one-sided, and believed that this was all done by Galio alone. Cheng Hui couldn't understand, everyone here was a Sovereign. Even if Galio recovered his cultivation, but Galio cultivated in the death attribute sacred art, he was still unable to isolate the sound of teleportation.    


Thinking up to here, Cheng Hui's brows twitched, and he asked once more: "What exactly did you do?"    


"It seems that you've really become stupid. Since you don't understand, then I'll tell you the truth." Galio looked at his surroundings, and said in a deep voice, "There is a powerful spatial formation set up around life, and there is even a time attribute divine technique within the formation. Naturally, your sound transmission technique cannot spread out."    


Cheng Hui naturally knew of the power of the Space divine abilities and the Time Arts, but the Space Sovereign Ge Yun had already been killed, and the Time God Ge Yun and Ge Yun's relationship wasn't good either, so how could he help Galio deal with him? Cheng Hui's brows moved, as if he had understood something. He said in a cold voice: "I understand, you must have had Wang Long and the others set up an array. They are merely Highgod, how powerful can the array they set up be? Let's see how I break it."    


Cheng Hui growled, as surges of immense power were released from his body, and instantly covered the entire forest of life. Following which, under his control, the surge of energy crazily attacked the surrounding formations. Cheng Hui thought that it would only take a few breaths to destroy the array, but the next scene caused him to widen his eyes.    


This wave of energy, no matter how it attacked, was unable to destroy the formation. Cheng Hui sent out a strand of his consciousness to sense the strength of the formation, but to his astonishment, he discovered that the formation was so strong that even he could not imagine it. Cheng Hui gasped, only now did he realize the seriousness of the situation. He was already unable to control the situation in front of him, and said in shock: "You, what exactly did you do?"    


"I say, are you done yet!?" You actually asked the same question three times, and I've already told you the reason. Galio said while smiling. He felt really good in his heart! The more Cheng Hui panicked, the happier he became, and the gloominess in his heart could finally be relieved.    


Cheng Hui was indeed a little afraid. He had been a Sovereign of Life for so many years, but this was the first time he had lost his head in fear. Cheng Hui went silent for a while, and in the end, chose to compromise, and said: "Galio, the grudge between us has yet to reach the point of being irreconcilable. Besides, you and I are both Sovereigns. Even if you recover your cultivation, you still wouldn't be able to kill me.    


"Turn hostility into friendship?" Galio seemed to have heard the funniest joke in the world, and laughed out loud, "Cheng Hui, I didn't hear wrong, right! You want to forget everything that had happened between us? "    


Cheng Hui decided to take a gamble. He let out a sigh and expressed weakness: "That's right, I want to forget all the grudges between us. Not only will I let bygones be bygones, I'll also give you a portion of the Blood God Pill I've gotten all these years. He then took out a pill bottle from within the Universal Bag and said: "If you agree, these ten Blood God Pill will be yours."    


Galio was silent for a while, then said: "Alright, I promise I won't pursue the past anymore."    


Cheng Hui secretly heaved a sigh of relief, and threw the pill bottle back to Galio. "Galio, you can leave the forest of life now, right?" Although he said that, he said in his heart: "Galio, you won't let this go so easily. In the future, I'll make you taste it multiple times. If I don't destroy your body, then my name is not Cheng Hui. "    


Galio withdrew his Blood God Pill and did not leave as he said, "I promised to let go of all our grudges with you, but I did not promise to leave. I'm still waiting to watch a good show!"    


Hearing this, Cheng Hui's heart thumped, and he subconsciously asked: "Galio, what do you mean by that?"    


"What do you mean?" Galio laughed mischievously, "You will understand in a moment, the fall of the gods was just the beginning. You were unlucky enough to offend me, so you had to be the first to fall …"    


Cheng Hui's face darkened, he immediately retreated three steps and asked anxiously: "What are you trying to do?"    


Just at this moment, a light flashed in the air, and five figures appeared out of nowhere in front of Galio.    


Galio immediately ran to a person and cupped his fists: "Master, I have already completed your task."    


Cheng Hui's heart surged with great waves. He really could not imagine that Galio, the mighty God of Death, would actually call someone else Master. Cheng Hui hurriedly looked over. When he saw Han Yan and the four great divine beasts, he once again widened his eyes in disbelief as he said, "Han Yan, the four great divine beasts, didn't you all die?"    


Han Yan sneered, and said: "We did die once, and yet, we are alive again. Are you disappointed?"    


Cheng Hui finally understood everything, he took a deep breath and said: "I understand, the Fountain Of Life was stolen by you."    


Han Yan waved his hand, and said coldly: "Don't be so vulgar, what do you mean stealing or not, I'm just taking it for a use."    


For the first time, Cheng Hui felt that life and death weren't within his control. He didn't want to die, so he hurriedly said: "Han Yan, if I submit to you, will you let me go?"    


"One errand boy is enough for me, it's no use even if I have to ask for so many." Han Yan looked coldly at Cheng Hui, his eyes looked as though he was looking at a dead man, and said gloomily, "Speak! How do you want to die? "    


Cheng Hui's face was ashen, his face turned green and purple, then he thought of something and said sinisterly: "Han Yan, don't force me. If you dare to kill me, you will have to pay a heavy price …"    


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