The Ancient Sovereign



0The jade pendant was crushed, and a light crackling sound could be heard. Then, a beam of light shot into the sky, its speed extremely fast. In the blink of an eye, it had reached a thousand li in the sky.    


Han Yan quietly looked at the scene in front of him, he did not have any plans to make a move.    


The unfettered drunkenness at the side seemed to have thought of something and his face darkened. He hurriedly said: "Senior, quickly stop him …"    


Han Yan acted like he did not hear anything, and indifferently looked at Zhuge Yuntian who was thirty meters away.    


The streak of light flew into the skies and disappeared.    


Zhuge Yuntian secretly heaved a sigh of relief, then looked at Han Yan, and said word by word: "Senior, if you have the guts, don't kill me.    


Han Yan coldly snorted, and said: "I also want to see what other method you have."    


Just at this moment, a ray of light quickly rushed over from afar, in the blink of an eye it had arrived at the forest where Han Yan was, and then transformed into the appearance of an old man. The old man looked to be in his fifties, and he was slightly bent over with a walking stick in his hand. However, this old man had a pair of eyes that were filled with spirit. It was completely inconsistent with his age.    


The old man's cultivation was not low, and he had already reached the level of mid spirit transformation stage. From the robe he was wearing, one could tell that he was not a cultivator from Carefree Star, but from another planet. The moment he landed, without even looking at the two around him, he asked Zhuge Yuntian: "First Young Master, why did you call me here this time?"    


Zhuge Yuntian clenched his teeth, stared at Han Yan, and spoke word by word: "Senior, help me kill him."    


The old man smiled and said, "It's just killing a person. How does Eldest Young Master want him to die?" Saying that, he turned around and looked at Han Yan. However, the moment the old man saw Han Yan, his pupils shrank as though he had seen a monster. His legs staggered and he almost fell to the ground.    


Zhuge Yuntian's eyes were filled with puzzlement, and immediately asked: "Senior, what's wrong with you?"    


The old man wiped the cold sweat on his forehead, and cupped his hands towards Han Yan: "Pavilion Lord, why have you come?"    


"Pavilion Lord?" This form of address was not unfamiliar to Han Yan.    


From this title, it could be seen that the other party was a disciple of the Wuji Sect.    


Back then, after the Wuji Pavilion had tidied up, there were many disciples in the pavilion, many of whom Han Yan did not recognize.    


Han Yan's eyes flashed, and landed on the old man's body, and asked: You're a disciple of Wuji Sect?    


The elder nodded his head and formed a few seals with his hands. With a flash of light, he transformed into a middle-aged man. It was obvious that the old man had used an illusion technique to change his appearance. Compared to before, the difference was like heaven and earth. Other than the change in his eyes, there was no other sign of him anywhere.    


Han Yan's brows twitched, he felt that the person in front of him had indeed seen him before, so he asked: "Why are you here?"    


The old man laughed bitterly and spoke honestly, "Your subordinate's name is Zhang Guang. Back then, Ancestor said that you and the Sect Leader were causing trouble, so he ordered your subordinate to come to Carefree Star to help one of the clans to annex the Xiao Yao Family. "After all these years of hard work, it is finally about to succeed …" The following words, he did not say, because he did not know either why Han Yan came.    


Han Yan roughly understood the whole story, and nodded: "Ancestor Wuji is already dead, you can go now …"    


When these words reached Zhang Guang's ears, it was like a clap of thunder on a sunny day. He was stunned for a long time before saying: "Pavilion Lord, Ancestor is really dead?"    


Han Yan did not reply him, but said: "You can leave now!"    


Zhang Guang laughed bitterly, cupped his fist at Han Yan and said respectfully: "Pavilion Lord, this subordinate will leave now." As he said that, he took out the Highest Grade Compass and flew towards the sky.    


Zhuge Yuntian was stupefied. He never thought that such a scene would actually happen, and even more so, that the other party would have such a great background. Thinking about how Zhang Guang had called him Pavilion Lord, no matter how foolish Zhuge Yuntian was, she knew how high his cultivation was. Zhuge Yuntian was finally afraid, and his body couldn't help but tremble.    


Even though Zhuge Yuntian was the eldest young master of the Zhuge family, he did not have any backbone. He kneeled on the ground and begged, "Senior, please let me go …" As he said that, he kowtowed towards the stone floor. Every time he kowtowed, his forehead would heavily hit the ground. After a few times, his forehead would turn bright red.    


Han Yan seemed to be an emotionless and cold-blooded creature as he looked at the scene in front of him and said, "I don't want to kill people …"    


Hearing this, Zhuge Yuntian's heart was overjoyed. He hurriedly said: "Senior, I knew you wouldn't randomly kill an innocent person. I'll piss off right now, you can piss off now …" As he spoke, he curled up his body and exerted force with his feet and actually rolled to the side. Not long after he had rolled away, Han Yan's voice once again reached his mind, "Just because I don't want to kill anyone, doesn't mean that you can leave now …"    


Zhuge Yuntian's rolling body stopped as he said in puzzlement: "Senior, you …"    


Han Yan didn't pay attention to his words. Instead, he looked at the unfettered drunkenness at his side and asked. "What did he say to you just now?"    


He turned to Zhuge Yuntian and said in a stern voice, "This miss is in a good mood and does not wish to kill you. Now that there are two results in front of you, one is for you to self-destruct, and the other is for my subordinates to kill you …" She mimicked it perfectly, and even the tone of her voice was the same.    


Zhuge Yuntian raised his head and looked towards the sky, his eyes filled with despair. He muttered under his breath, "I never thought, I never thought I would actually die like this …" With that, he raised his right hand and slapped his head. However, just as his palm was about to smack down on his head, a light flashed beneath his feet and he turned into a beam of light, shooting straight to the ground.    


"Earth Escape Technique …" unfettered drunkenness's face sank as he shouted, "Senior!"    


Just as she shouted out, there was a loud bang. The ground not too far away suddenly cracked, and countless stones flew out. After that, the dust cleared and a young man covered in blood was seen lying at the bottom of the pit. The young man was severely injured, but he had already lost a lot of breath and was not far from death.    


Han Yan raised his right hand, and used a few techniques on the young man, sealing his cultivation, and said: "Bring him back to the clan!"    


Hearing this, the unfettered drunkenness was startled, and puzzled. "We won't kill him?"    


Han Yan coldly snorted, and said with disdain: "What use is there to kill someone who doesn't even have the courage to commit suicide? I'll bring him back to pay respects before I use him!"    


Although unfettered drunkenness did not understand the meaning behind Han Yan's words, he still followed what Han Yan had said and grabbed him, before flying up into the sky. The road here was extremely smooth, the unfettered drunkenness explained the situation on the planet to Han Yan during the past thousand years, and similar to what Zhang Guang had said, it was just that he described a few more details.    


A thousand years ago, Zhang Guang came to Carefree Star and secretly helped the Zhuge family develop their strength to train some super powerhouse. Indeed, within a short span of a thousand years, the Zhuge Family could nurture so many powerful warriors. A thousand years of training had laid a solid foundation. The Zhuge family had the power to annex the Carefree family, while the other alliances with the five families were just a cover.    


However, Zhang Guang at least had some humanity in him, and was only secretly cultivating his cultivators. He did not kill any of the people from the Xiao Yao family. Perhaps he could also tell that his master Xiao Yao Zi did not seem to be someone who had betrayed his sect. It was only because of the pressure from the Ancestor Wuji and the need to eliminate the Xiao Yao family that he chose to do this.    


Three hundred years ago, when the Carefree clan discovered that the six clans were ready to make a move, and the clan's strength was deteriorating, they thought of a method to have the beautiful women of the clan enter the other six clans to investigate their background. At that time, a total of six people had gone, and unfettered drunkenness was only one of them. Once the six clans took action against the Xiao Yao clan, the six would return the favor.    


That was the reason why the scene from earlier happened.    


When unfettered drunkenness spoke to here, he took a deep breath and said, "Senior, three days later, they will launch an attack. At that time …" She was a smart girl and could already tell that Han Yan was here to help the Xiao Yao family. It was just that she didn't know how she was going to help them. Was he going to intervene in this matter, or was it just like Zhang Guang, who was secretly helping.    


If it was the former, then the crisis would be resolved. If it was the latter, then the entire Footloose Clan would be destroyed.    


Therefore, unfettered drunkenness urgently wanted to know how Han Yan would help the Xiao Yao Family.    


Han Yan did not immediately reply, but gave an ambiguous answer, and said: "You'll know when the time comes."    


After hearing this, unfettered drunkenness immediately lost his confidence and hurriedly said, "Senior, don't just watch me become Zhuge Xu's concubinage. Actually, we have never met before with dual cultivation." On the surface, she said that she had never used the dual cultivation. But in reality, she was telling Han Yan that she was still a little girl.    


After saying that, the unfettered drunkenness saw that Han Yan was not moved, a look of puzzlement flashed past his eyes, and then he said: "Senior, you came here alone, how can you come here without someone to take care of you? How about this, from tonight onwards, body of concubine will serve you by your side, what do you think? "    


She was very confident in her appearance, but she didn't expect that Han Yan wasn't interested in her at all.    


Han Yan waved his hand and said, "I know what you're thinking. You can sacrifice anything to save your family, right!?" He bitterly smiled: "I'll tell you the truth!" "Since I've come this time, I won't watch as the Xiao Yao Family is destroyed." Suddenly, he changed the subject, and asked: "What is your relationship with Xiao Yao Zi?"    


"Xiao Yao Zi?" "That's my grandfather. Since Senior is also a disciple of the Wuji Sect, you should know my grandfather, right?" Then, she thought of something as tears welled up in her eyes. She asked seriously, "Senior, from what Zhuge Xu said, Grandfather is already dead. Is that true?"    



Han Yan sighed, nodded, and said, "This time, the reason why I came back is to send Master's ashes …"    


unfettered drunkenness was already sobbing soundlessly as she choked with sobs, "How did grandfather die, I must avenge him."    


"The person who killed Master has already been killed by me." Han Yan's voice wasn't loud, but it was unusually heavy.    


"Grandpa …" The unfettered drunkenness's feelings towards her grandfather were very deep and her emotions fluctuated greatly. The spirit energy in her body dispersed and her body, which was floating in the air, directly dropped to the ground. But at this moment, unfettered drunkenness was in deep grief, she did not realise it, and her eyes were empty, as if she had lost her mind.    


Han Yan reacted quickly and in a flash, he embraced unfettered drunkenness in his arms and began to cast a spell to stabilize his emotions.    


unfettered drunkenness seemed to be tired, as he closed his eyes and fell asleep in Han Yan's embrace.    


Looking at the sleeping woman in his arms, Han Yan sighed, stepped forward and flew straight to a huge city in front of him.    


The city in front of him was shockingly large, with a radius of ten thousand kilometers, it was as if a gigantic dragon was crawling on the ground. The city wall was about 500 feet tall and made of thick limestone. Every 10 feet, there was a cultivator standing there. All of these cultivators were in the golden core stage Realm, they stared straight ahead, guarding the surroundings for any movements.    


There was a powerful array outside the city, and with Han Yan's cultivation, he could tell at a glance that the array was made by the Ancestor Wuji. It wasn't hard to break the formation by force, but if they did, countless cultivators in the city would die. If the formation was broken, and it did not conform to Han Yan's style, he hesitated, then walked straight towards the city gate.    


Just as he arrived at the city gate, a general like cultivator on top of the city wall saw Han Yan. When he saw the unconscious woman in Han Yan's arms, he let out a furious roar and said angrily, "What did you do to her …" Saying that, he waved the long blade in his hand, flying straight at Han Yan, as though he was going to kill him in one strike.    


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