The Ancient Sovereign



0In the past few days, Han Yan had only drunk a little bit of chicken soup, and it could be said that he hadn't even touched an inch of rice, and his stomach was already unbearable.    


He quickly ordered Xiao Cui to bring some food, and quickly finished it. Then, with Xiao Cui leading the way, he went to see his extremely stingy uncle.    


Arriving at the front of the palace, Han Yan did not see his uncle. From a servant, he found out that his uncle had something to do and told him to wait here. Although Han Yan was suspicious, he didn't ask any further. Just like this, another two hours passed before Eldest Uncle finally returned to the palace with a glowing face.    


Han Tianlong's current mood was as good as it could be. The matter had gone smoothly, with just a little bit of silver, he was able to settle the matter.    


Seeing Han Yan, Han Tianlong smiled slightly and said: "Nephew! How is your body? "    


Even though Han Yan had woken up, he did not have the slightest bit of strength on his body. The reason he came this time, was to find out what exactly had happened in the few days he was unconscious.    


After his first uncle sat down, Han Yan politely asked: "Uncle, what happened after I lost consciousness?"    


He didn't waste any time and went straight to the point.    


Han Tianlong was in a very good mood, he smiled and said: "Nothing much, after you got injured, your father asked me to bring you here."    


Han Yan did not believe that the matter could be so simple, but he knew that he would not be able to get anything out of it, so he said: "Uncle, then my condition ?."    


Han Tianlong laughed out loud and said: "I'm fine, it'll be fine in a few days. You don't have to be so courteous to me, you can tell the servants what you want to eat."    


When he said this, the servants outside were all stunned, thinking in their hearts, "Master is an iron rooster, when did he become so generous?"    


Actually, Han Tianlong did this just to let his conscience be at ease. After all, he wanted to swindle his own brother of a lot of money, and more importantly, he even stole something more valuable from his nephew.    


These words not only caused the servants to be stunned, even Han Yan thought that he had heard wrong, and said stupidly: "Uncle ?."    


Han Tianlong thought that this brat had something to say to express his gratitude, so he waved his hand and said: "Don't be polite with me, we are family after all. If there's nothing else, let's go to the kitchen to eat first!"    


Han Yan nodded, he turned and left the Palace, just as he turned the corner, he heard a young man's voice coming from the Palace.    


"Dad, when did you become so generous?"    


"Fei'Er, why did you come back? Weren't you studying in the capital?"    


"It's the holidays, so I came back with mother."    


Hearing this, Han Yan also knew who this youth was. He was his uncle's son, and his name was Han Fei.    


Han Fei was only one year younger than Han Yan. They had met once when they were young, but after not seeing each other for all these years, they might not even know each other.    


However, according to his father, that boy was extremely intelligent. He could understand anything after just a single look. His eldest uncle had put in a lot of effort and even steeled his heart, spending a large amount of money to send him to the capital's best academy to study.    


Han Fei's voice came out from within the palace once again, "Father, why are you so good to him? This isn't like you at all!"    


Han Tianlong looked at his surroundings, carefully sending off the servants in front of the door, then said to his son: Let me tell you a piece of heavenly great news.    


Han Yan was about to leave, but after hearing these words, he stopped and hid in a corner, wanting to hear the good news.    


"Actually, he came this time because he was injured. The doctor said that he won't be able to live for more than a month, and your father used silver and the steward of the branch altar of the Orthodoxy did something about it. The qualification to take the Tianming Sect examination is now yours, Fei'er, you will become an immortal in the future!"    


Han Yan's body suddenly shook as though he had been electrocuted, and smashed against the top of his head like a thunderbolt from a clear sky. Following that, he felt an intense pain all over his body, as he spat out a mouthful of fresh blood.    


After Han Fei heard this, she became extremely excited and hurriedly said, "Thank you, Father. Once I become a disciple of the Orthodoxy, I will need the City Lord to personally pour some wine for you."    


Han Tianlong also chuckled and said, "That's true. At that time, not only will the City Lord come, even the county governor will welcome you personally."    


Just as the two were imagining things, a figure suddenly ran in from the front of the hall. Before the person could stand still, they heard a voice, "You ? You... Why are you doing this to me! "    


Seeing the Han Yan who suddenly appeared, both father and son were startled. Han Fei sneered and mocked: "You won't be able to live for long, what's the use of having this qualification? "Why don't you give it to me? When I become an Immortal, I might be able to save you in passing."    


Although he hadn't interacted with Han Yan for a long time, he had heard his father speak a lot about Han Yan's family background and how he wanted to curry favor with his family. After listening for a long time, his impression of Han Yan did not improve at all.    


Han Tianlong's tone was comparatively more tactful, as he said with a smile: "Nephew, think about it, you are currently too ill to treat, even if you were to take the examination, you won't be able to do so.    


Han Yan was extremely furious in his heart, and shouted out: "Entering the Tianming Sect is my only hope, my injuries, only the immortal can heal them, you all are forcing me to a dead end!"    


Han Tianlong rubbed his nose, and said in a low voice: "How could it be so easy for a deity to help you? Rather than hoping for a deity to help you, it's better for you to count on Fei'er to become a deity to save you."    


Han Fei also followed up: "Cousin brother, it's better if you accept your fate. If you go, you will also lose face for our Han Family."    


He turned around to look at Han Tianlong, and said: "Father, let's not lower ourselves to the village people.    


Han Tianlong really doted on his son, and when he heard his son say such words, he also felt that it was natural. "Now that the quota is already for Fei'er, even if you go to the division of the Orthodoxy, it will still be useless. What does a villager know to actually want to cultivate immortality? Truly ridiculous."    


Looking at the two's figures disappearing into the distance, Han Yan felt as if a knife was being twisted in his heart, that was his immortal fate, and yet his big uncle had snatched it away, was he going to give it up and return home to wait for death?    


Han Yan remained silent for a long time, before finally clenching his teeth and thinking: So what if I have stolen my immortal affinity? I want to go see the immortals, even if there is only a sliver of hope, I want to try!    


Han Yan had been stubborn since he was young, and he had a willpower that far exceeded that of an ordinary person.    


In the early morning of the next day, Han Tianlong and his son sat on the carriage and headed towards the altar of the Orthodoxy in Tianfeng City.    


The so-called division of the Orthodoxy was actually a service for the Orthodoxy. They were not true disciples, nor did they have the qualifications to cultivate Daoist techniques. They could only be responsible for gathering intelligence and transporting materials.    


Their status in the Orthodoxy was extremely low, but they held an extremely high position in the Empire. After all, they were people who directly communicated with the Orthodoxy, and the orders issued by the Orthodoxy were also announced by them. Their authority was even higher than the Emperor Board.    


Not long after the carriage left, Han Yan came out.    


After Han Yan came out, he mixed into the crowd and quietly followed behind the carriage.    


Everyone in the Ming Empire believed in the Orthodoxy, and the altar of the Orthodoxy was a place where the people prayed to the heavens. No matter how small the matter was, people would all come here to pray to the heavens.    


Normally, this place would be bustling with people.    


This morning, after the Orthodoxy had announced the opening of the examination, more than ten thousand people came in two hours. There were officials, there were commoners, and even the city lord had brought his daughter here.    


There was a huge plaza in front of the branch altar of the Orthodoxy that could hold tens of thousands of people. When Han Tianlong arrived with Han Fei, the entire plaza was already filled with people. Seeing this scene, even Han Tianlong who had messed around in the official mall for so many years was shocked, "So many people!"    


The two of them got off the carriage and walked forward. As Han Tianlong was wearing an official's uniform, the commoners beside him did not stop him. They watched with envy and envy as he led his son to the front.    



When he was still more than thirty meters away from the door, Han Tianlong did not dare to step forward, because those in front of him were all officials, and every single one of them were higher ranked than him.    


At this time, an official standing at the very front turned around. When he saw Han Tianlong, he faintly smiled and said, "Old Han, you have come too."    


Han Tianlong's face lit up, and immediately pulled his son along to the side. As they walked, he said: "City Lord, why are you here too."    


Mayor Ling Tian Xiang smiled slightly and said, "Of course, how could I not come for such a big matter? It's a pity that I only have one daughter who is blessed with immortal karma. Otherwise, I would really want to bring a few more."    


He then looked at Han Fei and said: "You also brought your son over?"    


Beside him was a woman wearing light green clothes. She had a oval face, and her large eyes blinked, making her look very adorable.    


Han Tianlong immediately cupped his hands together and complimented, "City Lord, your daughter is not something my son can compare to. The Orthodoxy will definitely choose her." He had been in the government for so many years, and he knew the same thing.    


Ling Tian Xiang also knew that he loved to clap horses, so he called him over. He wanted to listen to his clap once in front of all the officials.    


Ling Tianxiang smiled and said, "You're right. Immortal has already seen her before. She said that she's extremely talented and will definitely be able to enter the Orthodoxy."    


No matter what, he was still the lord of a city. He had to find a backdoor for the immortals to see if his women had the qualifications to do so. Since the immortals had agreed, he brought his daughter here, otherwise, wouldn't he lose face in front of so many people?    


At this moment, the door to the division of the Orthodoxy opened and an old man dressed in red robes walked out. His hair was white, but his eyes were bright and full of life.    


This was an Immortal of the Orthodoxy!    


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