The Ancient Sovereign



0The next morning, the bell within the sect rang out three times in a row.    


The three bell tolls meant that all Qi Cultivation stage disciples inside the sect were going to gather at the plaza outside the hall. For a moment, light flashed across the five mountain peaks, and one figure after another rushed to the plaza. In the time it took for an incense stick to burn, over five thousand Qi Training stage disciples had lined up neatly in the square. The doors of the great hall opened, but as the crowd had expected, Sect Leader and all the elders came out, but only one person came out.    


Daoist Master Hong walked out of the great hall alone. His gaze swept across the five thousand disciples as he said in a clear voice, "Ladies and gentlemen, you are the future of the Tianming Sect. You bear the responsibility of protecting the Orthodoxy and the Empire. After three years, there will be a competition between Qi Cultivation stage disciples, and the first person will become a Eldest Brother among the Qi Cultivation stage disciples. The first person will become a Eldest Brother among the Qi Cultivation stage disciples, and the first person will be rewarded with one top-grade magic tool, ten Gongji Pellets, and the second person will be awarded one top-grade magic treasure.    


Of course, the top hundred disciples can all receive a single Gongji Pellet. "    


When the disciples on the square heard this, their blood began to boil. Just what kind of pill was this? To a Qi Disciple level 10 disciple, it was his dream. As long as the spiritual energy in the body reaches a bottleneck, breaking into the Foundation Establishment stage can increase the success rate by more than three levels. Not only that, even if the Gong Foundation failed, the medicinal properties remaining in the body could still change the body. In the future, when the Gong Foundation failed, the success rate would also increase.    


He raised his right hand and pressed it down, signalling for everyone to be quiet. Then he said, "Of course, in order to allow everyone to cultivate better, the sect has prepared some things for you guys. Each of you will receive a hundred Spirit Gathering Pills, fifty Pills of Fasting, and ten low-ranked Spirit Stone."    


Although Spirit Gathering Pills and Fasting Pills were also precious Pill s, they were able to be obtained from the Pill's room every month. Relatively speaking, low rank Spirit Stone were much more precious and could only be exchanged for one per year. It was said that every Inferior Grade Spirit Stone had an astonishing amount of spirit energy. As long as the spirit energy was absorbed, it would allow a Qi Cultivation stage disciple to increase their cultivation by one level.    


Han Yan's eyes flashed, this was a chance, if he could take this chance, his cultivation would definitely increase by a large amount.    


In front of the palace, Daoist Master Hong Dao suddenly raised his right hand and pointed to the crowd: "Han Yan, come out."    


Hearing that, everyone revealed puzzled expressions, those who were familiar with Han Yan even more confused, what happened to Sect Leader was him? Why was he called a Qi Disciple level 2 disciple? There were also people who thought that the Sect Leader wanted to punish him at this time. Han Yan's heart was perturbed, he frowned as he walked towards the main hall. The ninety-nine steps were extremely tiring. Every step he took seemed to require all the strength in his body.    


After a while, Han Yan walked to the front of the hall and waited for the Sect Leader to punish him. However, Daoist Master Hong Dao said in a clear voice, "Regarding Han Yan, everyone should be very familiar with him. I won't say much about his talent, but what about his cultivation? For such a talented disciple to cultivate day and night for half a year and reach the second level of the Qi Disciple stage, how many of you can do that? "    


Adept Hong's words echoed outside the great hall, echoing within the plaza, echoing within the mountain peak.    


After all the disciples heard this, they lowered their heads. There were several hundred disciples that had just entered the sect. It was not because their aptitudes were lacking, but because they did not train day and night like Han Yan did. The reason Dao Master Hong called Han Yan to the front of the hall was to tell everyone that no matter how poor a person's aptitude was, as long as they worked hard to cultivate, they would still be able to increase their cultivation.    


At first, Adept Hong Daozi didn't believe in Han Yan's speed of cultivation either. After all, no matter how talented a person was, the level of cultivation they reached was completely proportional. It was impossible for a disciple with a poor aptitude to obtain such a good result in half a year. He had secretly investigated, but had not found anything. In the end, he could only believe that Han Yan had obtained his current cultivation level because he had trained day and night.    


Daoist Master Hong Dao1 took a deep breath and said again, "I believe everyone understands the meaning of 'the heavens rewards the diligent'. As long as you work hard in cultivation, you will definitely be able to achieve good results. "In three years, I hope that everyone can cultivate day and night. Each of you can raise your cultivation level by three levels, or even higher." Afterwards, Adept Hong said a few more words before letting everyone leave.    


When the disciple left, Spiritual Master Hong Daozi gave Han Yan a deep look, and didn't say a single word.    


Han Yan didn't know why Daoist Master Hong Dao1 looked at him like that, but he understood in his heart that Daoist Master Hong Dao1 wanted to send a message to him through that one glance. Could it be that he saw through the Heavenly Dao Imperial Jade Seal, or that he discovered my secret? No, impossible, if he found out my secret, he couldn't possibly not ask him to clarify and take away the Heavenly Dao Imperial Jade Seal.    


Even though he had his doubts in his heart, Han Yan's face did not show any expression. With a flash, he ran towards the chore house.    


Arriving in front of the chore house, Han Yan finished collecting the items. Just as he was about to leave, a familiar figure appeared in front of him.    


Sensing that Han Yan had noticed him, the person turned around and said with a smile, "Han Yan, I didn't expect that after half a year, you would actually become an official disciple."    


Han Yan walked up to him and cupped his hands: "Senior Brother Tang."    


Tang Xiaofeng waved his hand and said: "You brat, why are you being so polite with me? Congratulations!"    


"Congratulations on what?" Han Yan was startled, and puzzled.    


Tang Xiaofeng chuckled, and said: "I have been in the sect for so many years, yet I have never seen the Sect Leader praise anyone in public, and you are still the first." As he spoke till here, he thought about his meeting with Han Yan, sighed, and said: "I still have to thank you that time, if not for you, I would have died a long time ago. Those junior brothers and sisters who offended me, had their cultivations abolished and were expelled from the sect."    


Han Yan remained silent and slowly walked forward.    


Tang Xiaofeng continued to speak, "To be honest, I am also very surprised that you have reached the second level of the Refinement Stage. Without a spiritual root of at least seven stars, it would be very difficult to cultivate to such a level within a year. "Don't tell me that you are constantly cultivating day and night. I don't believe that only Foundation Establishment and above cultivators can do this."    


Han Yan was afraid that if the other party were to continue speaking, he would definitely suspect something, and might even think about it. He changed the topic: "Senior Brother Tang, why are you here?"    


Tang Xiaofeng said: "We are still waiting here for you, you are the famous person in the sect, it is hard for me to even see you once." Then he thought of something and said: "Do you have any plans for the last three years?"    


Han Yan scanned Tang Xiaofeng with his divine sense and discovered that he was already at the level of Fifth stage of Qi Refining Stage. "What other plans do you have?    


Tang Xiaofeng slightly smiled, and said: "The higher the cultivation, the harder it is. The first three stages will be completed in a year, but the latter will be different, especially after the fifth layer. It's normal for one to be unable to break through for a few years, and I hope to reach the sixth level of the Refinement Stage in three years."    


Han Yan's heart tightened and he could not help but ask, "Is it so difficult to reach the fifth and sixth levels?"    


Tang Xiaofeng did not answer, but looked at Han Yan in shock. After a long while, he finally said: "Now I believe you. "From the fifth to the sixth level, there is a divide between the Qi Cultivation stage and the next stage. Once you break through, you can continue to cultivate. If you can't, you will only be stuck at this level for the rest of your life." He knew that Han Yan did not understand, and continued: "Cultivation must cut off the mortal world, and the fifth level is the key to cutting off the mortal world.    


The Sect Leader had said those words before, but he did not think that the matter would be so important, Han Yan asked: "Did you cut it off?"    


Tang Xiaofeng laughed bitterly and said helplessly: "How can fate be cut so easily? I have cut off most of it, and there are still some that I have not cut off."    


The two of them walked forward on foot. When they arrived at the intersection, Tang Xiaofeng said: "I'm going to the Broken Cliff Peak, be careful on your way."    


Han Yan rode on his flying sword and quickly flew towards Fallen Leaves Peak. On the way, the words of the Sect Leader and Tang Xiaofeng constantly flashed past his mind. The Great Dao is merciless. Did one really have to sever all ties with the mortal world to cultivate? If it was really cut off, wouldn't it be a Taoist without feelings? If that was the case, then what was he supposed to be training in? It was fine if he was an emotionless immortal. But since he was here, once he steps onto the road of cultivation, there was no turning back. Han Yan did not believe that he would not be able to continue cultivating until he cut off all ties with the world.    


Returning to the cave, Han Yan took out a Spirit Gathering Pill from the storage bag and swallowed it. Then, he took out another low grade Spirit Stone. The Inferior Grade Spirit Stone was white in color and was only the size of a palm. Although the spirit energy was dense, it was not pure. Han Yan thought for a moment, then took out the Heavenly Dao Imperial Jade Seal from the storage bag, with a thought, the Heavenly Dao Imperial Jade Seal started to absorb the spirit energy, the lower tier Spirit Stone's spirit energy rushed into the Imperial Jade Seal at an astonishing speed, in a short while, the Spirit Stone turned into a pile of white powder.    


At this time, the Spirit Gathering Pill in his body also had an effect. Since he hadn't broken through the bottleneck, he felt a little bit more relaxed. Han Yan's heart tightened. Since he was unable to absorb spirit energy at the bottleneck, why did the situation loosen up after consuming the Spirit Pill? Could it be that he didn't need to use a technique to open up the next level? Thinking of this, Han Yan closed his eyes. Using the spirit energy produced by the Spirit Gathering Pill, he entered into cultivation.    


Ten days later, Han Yan opened his eyes once again and the sticky impurities that had once again appeared on his body, similar to the time he had broken through. After ten days of hard work, Han Yan finally broke through. He was not excited in the slightest, he left the cave to clean himself briefly, and then returned to cultivating once more. He set himself a goal: within three years, he must reach Fifth stage of Qi Refining Stage, or even an even higher realm.    


Time passed quickly like a white horse passing by. Spring passed and autumn came. Three years' time passed in the blink of an eye.    


In these three years, not a single Qi Cultivation stage disciple from Tianming Sect left the cave, and all of them bitterly cultivated. Some people have gained a lot, while others have gained very little. Of course, everyone was training so hard for the same purpose. After three years, they would be able to enter the top one hundred. In that case, he would have the chance to become a foundation-building stage cultivator. If he couldn't enter, he wouldn't be able to become an elder in his entire life.    


dang, dang ?    


As the bell tolled three times, all of the Qi Cultivating Stage disciples simultaneously opened their eyes.    


Inside an Immortal's cave on Daylight Peak, Han Fei's eyes flashed as he said excitedly, "I've finally reached the seventh level of the Qi Training stage, a bit faster than I thought." Suddenly, a resentful expression rose up in his heart as he said resentfully, "Han Yan, I still remember what happened three years ago. Let's see what realm you have cultivated to in these three years. I definitely won't show mercy the next time we meet."    


In a cave on Fallen Leaves Peak, Xie Hu drooped his head and said with a depressed look on his face, "Sect Leader is too ruthless. I have trained day and night for three years and have only reached the 3rd level of the Qi Cultivating Stage. This was the result of consuming a large amount of Spirit Gathering Pills and using so many spirit stones. "5th level of the Refinement Stage is simply impossible!" At this point, a figure flashed across his mind as he excitedly said, "Three years ago, he reached the bottleneck of Qi Disciple level 2. I wonder what level he has reached now.    


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