The Ancient Sovereign



0After hearing that Liu Gang wanted to challenge someone, everyone's face changed. He actually wanted to challenge the last place. Some disciples even laughed out loud. Liu Gang was also at Mortal Realm Stage 7, so he could easily challenge higher ranked disciples. Such an opportunity was a waste, and many people felt it was a pity. Of course, there were also many disciples who were not optimistic and believed that the cultivation of the top hundred disciples must be very profound. Wanting to successfully challenge them was simply not an easy matter.    


Peng Yue's silhouette flickered as he landed on the stage. He cupped his hands and greeted, "Junior Brother Liu Gang, this way please."    


Liu Gang also cupped his hands and said, "Senior Brother Peng Yue, congratulations on entering the top 100."    


Peng Yue was already prepared for battle. Hearing Liu Gang's words, he smiled and greeted, "What are you congratulating me for? Maybe I'll be successful in challenging you later!"    


Liu Gang forced a smile and said: "I don't have that book, I just want to see how big of a gap there is between me and senior brother."    


The two of them continued talking nonstop. Zhang Daoqing, who was in charge of the stage, could no longer bear to watch anymore. He coughed and said: "You two, let's begin!"    


Peng Yue patted the storage bag on his waist, and a three foot long flying sword appeared in front of him. The sword emitted a faint yellow light, and it was obvious that it was a top-grade magic tool.    


Liu Gang also took out his own magic tool. It was also a flying sword. However, the light emitted from the flying sword was dim; it was only a mid-grade magic tool.    


Most of the disciples of the Tianming Sect used flying swords as their main magical equipment. This was because flying swords were the easiest to master and were also the best magical equipment to control.    


Peng Yue shouted in a low voice, "Flying Light Sword Shadow." The flying sword in front of him suddenly moved and transformed into eight sword shadows, flying straight at Liu Gang.    


As soon as he made his move, the surrounding people all felt a chill run down their spines. The top 100 disciples were truly amazing. This technique could only be cultivated by disciples with Fifth stage of Qi Refining Stage or higher. It was extremely difficult to cultivate, and one would need at least three to five years to succeed. Especially when one reached the realm of Sword Shadow, which allowed one to cast three Sword Shadow at the same time, it was even more difficult. Disciples with poor aptitudes might never be able to cultivate successfully in their entire lives.    


"How amazing, Senior Brother Peng Yue actually managed to produce eight sword shadows."    


"Senior Brother Peng Yue reached Qi Disciple level 6 three years ago. I'm afraid he spent a lot of time and effort on his Flying Light Sword Shadow during this period of time."    


"I wonder if senior brother Liu Gang can block this attack."    


Liu Gang had already given up on attacking and chose to defend himself.    


Liu Gang's magic tool flew towards one of the sword shadows, and with a clank, the flying sword fell to the ground. Looking at the seven flying sword shadows, Liu Gang yelled in a low voice, "Earth Wall." A ten-foot-tall wall of earth appeared on the ground in front of him. The sword shadows flew into the wall and violently shook the wall. In the blink of an eye, the wall was destroyed.    


The moment the wall broke, a sword shadow flew out from the wall and headed straight for Liu Gang.    


At such a close distance, Liu Gang had no time to cast any large-scale spell and could only use one spiritual energy shield.    


The spiritual energy shield was just a low level spell and its defensive power was too low. The sword shadow directly pierced through the spiritual energy shield and flew into Liu Gang's chest, disappearing without a trace.    


Liu Gang's body shook and he instantly flew out of the arena. The instant he fell to the ground, he spat a mouthful of blood. His face immediately turned pale. With great difficulty, he stood up and clasped his hands towards the arena, "Thank you senior brother for your leniency." If Peng Yue hadn't shown mercy just now, he would've been severely injured and unconscious by now.    


Peng Yue cupped his hands and said, "Junior Brother's earth wall cultivation is not good enough. If I were to probe deeper, my sword shadow would be unable to penetrate it."    


This was just a polite remark. Anyone with a discerning eye would be able to tell that there was a huge gap between the two of them.    


Han Yan had been watching the competition intently this whole time. He could clearly feel that when the seven sword shadows flew towards the wall, only one of them disappeared. In that split-second, Peng Yue only sent out a sword shadow and severely injured Liu Gang. Liu Gang was right. If Peng Yue hadn't shown mercy, then things wouldn't have been so simple.    


Peng Yue defeated Liu Gang with ease. Zhang Daoqing smiled, and said to Peng Yue: "How about it, can you still continue?" Peng Yue was one of the disciples that he was most proud of. That move just now was very clean, without the slightest bit of delay.    


"Master, disciple is fine." Peng Yue cupped his hands and said.    


Zhang Daoqing nodded his head, and said clearly: "Is there anyone else who wants to continue?"    


Below the arena, the crowd was silent. Each and every one of them were sighing with emotion. The top 100 disciples not only had profound cultivation bases, but they had also cultivated their techniques to an unimaginable level. Not only that, they also had different magic tools. Just now, if Sun Gang had a top quality magic treasure, he would have been defeated in the end.    


Han Yan also understood one thing, in a competition of equal cultivation, magic tools were the key to victory.    


Following that, a few more people came forward to challenge. The result was the same, not a single disciple actually succeeded. And the challengers were all at the very end, not a single one of them dared to challenge any disciples above rank 90. Two hours later, when no longer any disciples were challenging, Zhang Daoqing, who was in charge of the stage, spoke out: "Since no one wants to challenge anymore, we will proceed with the challenge of ranking in the next hundred, the rules are the same."    


Just as Zhang Daoqing finished speaking, Peng Yue's figure flashed and landed on the stage once again. He cupped his hands and said, "Disciple Peng Yue wishes to challenge rank 76, Zhao Qiang."    


As soon as these words were spoken, everyone widened their eyes. Peng Yue was ranked 100th, yet he actually wanted to challenge the 76th place.    


However, thinking about it in the blink of an eye, it wasn't impossible. After entering the top 10 ranks, their cultivation levels would all be at the 7th level of the Refinement Stage, so the difference wasn't too big. As long as their magic tools were of a high quality and their cultivation level was high, they would have a chance of winning. For a moment, everyone was nervous, waiting for the competition to begin. Not a single one of the top one hundred disciples was weak; even the worst would have high-grade magic tools. After all, after reaching the seventh level of Qi Cultivating Stage, they would have the qualifications to choose an ideal magic tool from the Spirit Treasure Pavilion. Even if he didn't get a good magic tool, his master would still give him one or two.    


Zhao Qiang's figure flashed as he landed on the arena. He cupped his hands and said, "I've long heard that Junior Martial Brother Sun's Flying Light Sword Shadow has reached the eighth level. I can tell that its power is extraordinary. Please."    


Peng Yue didn't waste any time on idle chatter. He quickly took out his magic tool, and the moment he made his move, it was already filled with flying swords.    


Zhao Qiang's face was full of confidence. He waited for Peng Yue to attack before he took out his magic treasure. It was a red jade the size of a palm. It was as smooth as jade and it emitted a scorching aura. He grabbed the red jade and held it in his hand. At the same time, he shouted, "Sea of Fire!" The space in front of Zhao Qiang instantly became scorching hot, turning everything within ten meters into a sea of fire. Countless yellow flames flickered like fairies.    


After the sword image entered the sea of fire, it wasn't able to move at all and began to melt at a speed visible to the naked eye. In three breaths of time, the seven sword images turned into bursts of spiritual energy that disappeared into the sea of fire. The last sword image flashed with white light, turned into a flying sword, and quickly flew back. By the time the flying sword had returned to Peng Yue's side, the tip of the sword had already melted. One could see just how hot the sea of fire had become.    


He tried his best to stand firm on his feet, then said, "Senior Brother Zhao Qiang is indeed powerful, the Fireball is actually cultivated to the tenth level of the sea of fire, I admit defeat."    


Zhao Qiang was waiting for these words! After Peng Yue admitted defeat, he waved his right hand, and the sea of fire disappeared without a trace. He then cupped his hands and said, "Peng Yue's disciple, you have let me win."    


"In this match, Zhao Qiang won. His ranking will remain the same." Zhang Daoqing quickly walked in front of the disciple and asked with concern, "Peng Yue, are you alright? "Take this." As he spoke, he took out a Pei-Yuan Dan.    


After consuming it, no matter how many injuries a disciple had, he would be able to recover in a short period of time. Not only that, it would also have the effect of strengthening the body, removing the impurities in the body and increasing the speed of cultivation. Of course, most elders could not afford to bring out such a Pill, and only Zhang Daoqing, who was in charge of the Pill room, could be so extravagant.    


Zhang Daoqing turned around and quickly flew towards the front of the hall. He then said to a middle-aged man: "Senior Brother Liu, I didn't think that you would bestow the Fire Spirit Jade to this disciple."    


Liu Ye smiled slightly and said: "Junior Zhang, didn't you also give your Shadow Devil Sword to your disciple?"    


The two of them started to call out, Spirit Master Hong Dian frowned, and said solemnly: "My two junior brothers, I did not choose the top hundred disciples by just comparing their cultivation, I have clearly seen the treasures among the storage bag."    


All the elders were captivated by his words. Zhang Daoqing asked in surprise: "Sect Leader Senior Brother, you have successfully learned the Eye Cleansing Art?"    


Dao Master Hong nodded and sighed, "The Eye Cleansing Art is one of the three great sacred arts of our sect. I have just cultivated it to the basest of my abilities, and can only look at the magic tools used by our sect's disciples, the storage bag s. You all do not have to worry, your cultivations are on par with me, so it is impossible for you all to see your storage bag s without any evidence in your mind, and of course, treasures and such cannot be seen. "    


When everyone heard this, they calmed down. If they could see anything inside the storage bag, then what secrets would they have?    


Daoist Master Hong looked at the square and swept his eyes across the top seven disciples. He then said, "The challenge will continue. Who else wants to challenge me?"    


Of the top seven disciples, besides the first place disciple that couldn't be challenged, all of the other top six disciples wanted to challenge him. The eyes of the last five disciples fell on the second place, Zhang Long. Seeing that he had no intention of challenging him, they silently sighed and gave up. With their cultivations at their level, victory or defeat was possible. If they were to win, then it would be fine. But if they were to lose, wouldn't that be very embarrassing? After all, there were so many junior brothers watching!    


Everyone thought for a while and decided to give up.    


Zhang Long really wanted to challenge her. He had already cultivated his Eighth Stage of Qi Refining Stage, it was almost impossible for him to defeat Qi Hao who was at the tenth level of the Qi Disciple Stage. Three years ago, he was defeated by Qi Hao in the sect's Eldest Brother selection, and not only that, he was mocked by many. After three years of hard work in cultivating, he still had not reached the ninth level of the Refinement Stage. He felt that the gap between him and Qi Hao was growing larger and larger.    


He also didn't wish for the crowd to challenge him. He was well aware of the strength of the top seven. Even if he challenged them, the chances of victory were close to zero. There were more important things to do, and they were waiting for the first seven disciples to do. They did not want them to waste time here, so they said: "Since no one wants to challenge us, this Eldest Brother Competition will end here."    



Just when everyone thought that they could leave, the fourth ranked Zhang He suddenly said, "Sect Leader, Sect Leader, Disciple has something to say."    


Daoist Master Hong had already turned around. When he heard Zhang He's words, he turned around and asked, "What business do you have with me?"    


Zhang He cupped his hands together, "In the past, when the challenges had ended, the first seven disciples would have to choose a disciple that they wanted to challenge. Why is it that it has been cancelled this time?" If it wasn't for the fact that Han Fei had been winking at him and that he had accepted his things, he definitely wouldn't have come out at this time.    


Sage Hongdao frowned and said in a deep voice, "Zhang He, who do you want to challenge?"    


"This disciple wishes to challenge Fallen Leaf Peak's Han Yan." Zhang He's gaze swept across the area below the stage, and finally stopped on Han Yan's body.    


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