The Ancient Sovereign



0On the stone bed in the room, Qin Rouer was nestling against Han Yan's wide chest. There was a faint blush on her beautiful face. Her current appearance was as enchanting as it could get. Suddenly, she gave Han Yan a kiss on his face and said: "Wooden, in a while, someone will come to take me away, but Rou Er doesn't want to go, and only wants to stay by your side. You promised Rou Er one thing, okay?"    


Han Yan subconsciously asked, "Where are you going?"    


"Don't ask me where I'm going first." Qin Rouer stared at Han Yan, and said with a stern face, "First promise me one thing, is that okay?"    


"I'll promise you one thing!" Han Yan showed hesitation on his face, but then smiled and said: "Tell me first, what do I need to promise you."    


Qin Rouer took a deep breath and said slowly: "When it wants to take me away, you must stop it and tell it. I am your woman, and they cannot take me away, do you understand? "    


Han Yan nodded his head, then shook it and said: "You are my woman to begin with! Why did they want to take you away? "    


"This …" How could Qin Rouer explain this matter? Even if she wanted to, she would probably be unable to explain it clearly in a short amount of time. Therefore, she said: "Don't ask me about this, it's so complicated that you won't understand.    


"What is it that I don't understand?" Han Yan pointed at his head, as if to say: There is nothing in this world that I don't understand.    


Seeing that Han Yan had revealed such an expression, Qin Rouer was angry and resentful, as he said in a low voice, "Don't ask me, they have already been waiting outside for a long time." As she said that, she moved her wrist and released a technique. A light green light flashed on her body and a moment later, she walked down from the stone bed and looked deeply into Han Yan's eyes. It was as if the man in front of him was deeply imprinted in his heart. He then walked towards the door of the room.    


Wang Yaner and the rest waited outside for nearly an hour, and seeing that the best time to escort the bride was almost here, they did not even see Qin Rouer's figure. Wang Yaner could not wait any longer, he said to the people around him: "I wonder what is happening inside, let's work together to destroy the array, and charge in!"    


Chen Xiaomeng hesitated for a moment, then said: "This isn't the best way to enter!" She paused before continuing, "Besides, we don't even know if it's true or not. High Priest said that the man was severely injured, and if he wanted to wake up, it would take at least a hundred years. It has only been three years, how could he wake up? "    


The woman at the side also advised, "Yan'er, you don't need to think too much. We might have really thought too much!"    


"My brother told me that there is nothing in this world that is impossible. Even if we kill wrongly, we cannot let it go." Wang Yaner's mood was terrible, she coldly snorted and said, "If we don't go in, and the man really wakes up, I wonder what will happen!" As he spoke, he gave a meaningful glance to the crowd. Then, he raised his right hand and was about to cast a spell to forcefully destroy the formation on the door.    


But, just as Wang Yaner was about to cast his spell, with a creak, the door opened.    


Qin Rouer was standing in front of the door, her hair a little messy, her beautiful face still blushing red like a peach blossom.    


Seeing Qin Rouer in such a state, and thinking back to what happened just now, everyone was even more sure that something like that had really happened.    


Wang Yaner's expression became even more unsightly, but at this time, on a joyous day, he was unable to get angry, and could only forcefully suppress the anger in his heart. She cupped her hands at Qin Rouer and asked: "Princess, how are your preparations going?" She thought, even if Qin Rouer really did that, she should leave with the rest, at least she should have taken care of the situation.    


However, the following scene was something that Wang Yaner would never even dream of, he only heard Qin Rouer slowly say: "I'm not prepared for anything, if you all want to bring me away, you all have to obtain my husband's consent."    


"Husband?" These two words were like a thunderbolt that exploded in everyone's minds.    


Everyone was stunned, their eyes filled with disbelief. Wang Yaner's face became abnormally ugly, one green and one purple. She could not hold it in any longer, and angrily said: "Qin Rouer, do you know what you're doing? The Patriarch has already promised to betroth you to my brother, but you! "How dare you carry my brother on your back …"    


In the face of Wang Yaner's angry words, Qin Rouer took a step back and said, "Even though the Murlocs's marriage was ordered by my parents, this matter can be done without my parents' consent." She paused for a moment, then continued: "There is a record in the ancient records that if Murlocs and Human Men truly love each other, we can first not tell our parents, but when we get together, we can then tell our parents."    


Wang Yaner laughed coldly, and said aggressively: "You're right, but those things happened in the Middle Ancient Era, are we still allowed to happen like that now?"    


At this time, Qin Rouer seemed to have gotten over it, and said: "That's right, that really did happen during the Middle Ancient Era, but how do you know that the Patriarch won't agree to it now? If Clan Chief really does not allow me to do so, why did you leave his life behind, and why did you arrange me here?    


"You, you, you …" For a moment, Chen Yan'er was speechless, not knowing how to refute.    


Chen Xiaomeng, who was at the side, could no longer stand it. Sighing, he said, "Princess, let's not continue arguing over this matter anymore. There are a lot of people waiting for us outside! If this matter gets out of hand, we won't get away with it. Let's not talk about whether the clan leader would agree. Even if he did, wouldn't he become the laughingstock of the clan if things went on like this? Even as a princess, I am afraid that you will still not be able to die peacefully! "    


Qin Rouer seemed to not hear her words, and said disapprovingly: "So what if we blow up this matter, so long as we do, the Patriarch would not dare to rashly make a decision."    


"But …" Chen Xiaomeng still wanted to persuade her otherwise, but looking at the resolute expression in Qin Rouer's eyes, she swallowed the words that was on the tip of her tongue.    


Wang Yaner snorted and said: "Xiao Meng, stop wasting your breath on her. Let's take her to the Patriarch and see what she has to say." As he said that, he extended his hand to grab at Qin Rouer's wrist.    


Qin Rouer dodged three steps back and said: "You guys don't have the ability to bring me away." Sometimes, women were more stubborn than men when it came to matters that were true. Qin Rouer, who had always been a kind person, was abnormally resolute at this time. Her body was emitting a huge aura, obviously wanting to fight with everyone else.    


Wang Yaner was angered to the point that he could not take action, but just as he was about to do so, Chen Xiaomeng grabbed her and said sternly: "No, we are not a match for the princess."    


"Humph!" Wang Yaner flung his arms angrily, and spoke to the guards who were already staring at the two sides: "What are the two of you still standing there for, quickly go and tell the patriarch about what happened here."    


The two guards had wanted to leave a long time ago. Watching the girls argue was the most painful thing in the world.    


At this moment, after hearing Chen Yan'er's words, the two of them hurriedly turned around and ran in the direction of the pagoda gate.    


Outside the pagoda's door, everyone was discussing something in a low voice. As time passed the smiles on everyone's faces became less and less until they were replaced by doubts. It had already been almost two hours and there was still less than half an incense stick of time before the time for the marriage ceremony. Why hadn't everyone come out yet?    


Zhang Yong was the most anxious in his heart. He was most afraid that something bad would happen at this moment.    


As the saying goes, the greater the hope, the greater the disappointment.    


This time, Zhang Yong came with a heart full of hope. If he was unable to smoothly pick Qin Rouer up, losing face would still be a small matter. In the end, he could no longer hold it in and said to Zhang Liu who was beside him, "Go find someone to sneak in. See what exactly has happened inside." As the groom, he could not enter at this time and could only allow others to enter.    


Zhang Liu waved his hand and said, "Brother, are you kidding? The wedding procession has already gone in. At this time, you let me find someone to go in. If we are discovered, we will be scolded to death. I will not go look."    


Zhang Yong hesitated for a moment, then sent a sound transmission to him: "Zhang Liu, don't you feel that something is amiss?"    


Hearing this, Zhang Liu could not help but be surprised, "What's wrong? I don't think anything happened!"    


Zhang Yong secretly cursed the moron, then said: "It looks like the best time to escort the bride is here, but the princess and the others still haven't come out, is there really no problem?"    


"That's true!" Zhang Liu nodded and agreed, "Did something really happen?" After saying that, he thought of something and said once again, "That's not right! It is possible that the princess has been dressing up for a long time and has wasted a bit of time, why don't we wait a little longer and maybe she will come out soon! "    


Zhang Yong glared at Zhang Liu, lowering his head to look at the ground, not saying a word. The person he trusted the most was Zhang Liu, because Zhang Liu kept his mouth shut. No matter what he told him, Zhang Liu would not reveal it. The others, on the other hand, were different. Although they had a good relationship with each other, there were still some hidden secrets that could be leaked out.    


Inside the Spirit Sealing Tower, the atmosphere became heavy. Qin Rouer's figure flashed and he walked towards the room. When he turned around, he didn't even look at them, as if he didn't see them.    


Wang Yaner's temper was not good to begin with, so how could he endure it now? But the moment they entered, they saw Han Yan lying on the bed naked. With a startled cry, she turned and ran out the door. Just as she ran out of the door, everyone saw her blushing red face, Chen Xiaomeng immediately asked: "What's wrong?"    


Wang Yaner covered his face and said, "No, nothing …"    


Chen Xiaomeng frowned, he hesitated for a moment, then stood up and walked towards the door. As he reached the door, he stopped. At this time, she had already thought about what had happened. Thinking back to the scene just now, coupled with what her father Chen Yue had said, the smart girl already understood what was going on.    


Han Yan woke up, but he was already dumb.    


These thoughts flashed past Chen Xiaomeng's mind. She thought for a moment, then said: "Princess, make him put on his clothes. I want to go in and chat with you guys later …"    


When Qin Rouer heard this, he immediately looked towards Han Yan, only to see him standing on the bed, pulling up his pants. He was so angry that he nearly carried his pants on his back, and asked: "Why did you only get dressed now?" Even though she said that, she secretly heaved a sigh of relief in her heart. Luckily Han Yan had put on his clothes, otherwise, Chen Yan'er would have taken advantage of him.    


Han Yan had an innocent look as he said gloomily: "Earlier, you were constantly swinging around on my body, and afterwards, you were even lying on my body while speaking. Also, I didn't expect someone to come looking for you so early in the morning, and then suddenly barged in. If I knew it would turn out like this, I would have worn it a long time ago. "    



Han Yan's voice was loud, adding that the door was only halfway open, everyone outside could clearly hear his voice.    


When the crowd heard this, their mouths slightly open. Their eyes were filled with surprise, and they only had one thought in their minds — — Princess, she actually took the initiative to offer herself?    


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