The Ancient Sovereign



0Yuan Hu's cultivation had already reached the peak of the Fourth Cycle, and there were not many people who could kill him in the Tian Luo Sea Area, although he usually followed Ouyang Yutian's orders, he was extremely stubborn, and rarely respected others, even when facing Ouyang Yutian. But at that moment, Yuan Hu was convinced. Facing Han Yan, he felt like he was suffocating. This feeling was very clear, as if once they fought, there was no chance of survival.    


Yuan Hu was sure that if he fought with Ouyang Yutian, perhaps he would not die, but fighting with Han Yan, he would definitely die.    


"Good, good, good!" The veins on Ouyang Yutian's forehead bulged, he had already lost all reason in anger, and said angrily, "You all actually refused to listen to my orders, then I'll let you all see, I can heavily injure him once, and kill him." After he finished speaking, he turned around to look at Han Yan, and said with a cold smile: "Han Yan, since you're courting death today, I'll grant you your wish.    


At this time, Ouyang Yutian was only boasting, and he also didn't have the confidence to kill Han Yan. However, how could he, who was already so angry that he lost his mind, have the heart to think so much? He let out a low shout and quickly formed hand seals, preparing to use his most powerful spell. The Celestial Seal s were unleashed one after another, quickly gathering together and forming a Aurora Seal.    


Once the Aurora Seal was released, Ouyang Yutian snorted coldly and said, "Han Yan, don't you know how to use the Aurora Seal as well? I want to see whether your Aurora Seal or my spell is stronger. " With a shift of his consciousness, the Aurora Seal floating in front of him flashed, and flew straight towards Han Yan with an astonishing speed. In the blink of an eye, it arrived in front of Han Yan.    


Just as the Aurora Seal arrived in front of Han Yan, the space in front of Han Yan suddenly distorted, and a grey figure suddenly appeared. That figure had not even fully materialized when it shot out an arc of light towards the Aurora Seal. An arc of light flashed, and collided with the Aurora Seal. A loud sound was heard, and the two magic techniques simultaneously dissipated.    


At the same time, a disdainful voice rang out, "Old man, I let you run last time. Let's see where you can run now."    


The figure gradually became clear, and revealed the figure of Xiao Hui.    


Although the Xiao Hui was still a Level Six demon beast, his aura was much stronger than before. He had already reached the peak of the Level Six demon beast and was not far from breaking through.    


When everyone saw the Xiao Hui, they all stared with their eyes wide open. Many people could not believe that the rumors were true.    


When Ouyang Yutian saw the Xiao Hui, his eyes focused and his body trembled as if he had been electrocuted. Then, he thought of something and his face became abnormally ugly. But at this very moment, with so many people watching, as the alliance master of the Tian Luo Alliance, how could he escape without fighting? Even if he was not a match for the Xiao Hui, he had to continue fighting.    


Ouyang Yutian coldly snorted, patted the storage bag on his waist, and took out a fish net the size of his palm. The fishing net was completely black, and when the sunlight shone on it, it emitted a cold light. Ouyang Yutian then activated a technique on the fishnet, causing it to flash with a ray of light and disappear. In the next moment, it appeared on the head of the Xiao Hui. Following that, the net enlarged at an astonishing speed. When the net became as big as a house, it directly enveloped the Xiao Hui.    


The Xiao Hui's eyes were filled with disdain, as it shouted towards the fishing net that had fallen down, "Soul Devour." Then, under everyone's disbelieving eyes, he suddenly opened his mouth, and a massive suction force came from his mouth. At the same time, it was shrinking extremely quickly. When it arrived in front of the Xiao Hui, it had already shrunk to the size of a palm.    


The Xiao Hui laughed and swallowed the fish net into its body. After chewing it a few times, it swallowed the soul imprint on the net. He then opened his mouth and spat out the fish net, then chuckled to Ouyang Yutian: "To be honest, your magic treasure is really not that good. It's not bad for your soul, take out a few magic treasures and let me devour them."    


Soul devour. Although everything could be swallowed, not everything could be eaten into one's stomach. Only the energy body was required.    


Although the Xiao Hui had swallowed the fishing net into its stomach, it had only done so to devour the soul within the net.    


This spell was one of the Xiao Hui's Innate Supernatural Power. No matter how powerful the treasure was, as long as it was swallowed by him, the soul imprint on it would be digested. Without Spiritual Sense Imprint, the treasure could not be controlled. When ordinary treasures were swallowed, their owners would receive light injuries. Once the Spiritual Sense Imprint on the Intrinsic Magic Weapon was consumed, the owner of the treasures would not receive light injuries.    


When everyone saw this, their pupils dilated and they were dumbstruck. They were inwardly shocked at the strength of the Xiao Hui.    


Ouyang Yutian's body, which was floating in midair, slightly swayed. He had clearly suffered from light injuries. He was not an idiot. When he was chasing and killing Han Yan ten years ago, he knew how powerful the technique of Xiao Hui was. But unexpectedly, after the Xiao Hui forcefully devoured the Spiritual Sense Imprint on the treasure, as if nothing had happened, the aura released from its body was already at its peak condition.    


The Xiao Hui seemed to have seen through his thoughts, and laughed mischievously: "Old man, your broken treasure wants to consume my spirit energy too, so I advise you to save it! Even if you really want to do this, you should at least take out two powerful magical equipment! This kind of rubbish magic treasure is not challenging for me at all. If you are so poor that you only have this kind of magic treasure, I can lend you two … Hey! Why do you look so awful? Are you sick? Sigh! If you're sick and still want to fight, then come out and fight. Seriously, I advise you to return to your old age! "Stop embarrassing yourself here …"    


Ouyang Yutian's face turned green and purple, obviously on the verge of exploding with fury. When the Xiao Hui finished speaking, he could not hold it in any longer, roared angrily, and said angrily: "If I don't kill you today, I'm not called Ouyang Yutian." With that, a powerful aura burst forth from his body. This powerful aura spread out rapidly in all directions with him as the center.    


Seeing this scene, everyone knew that Ouyang Yutian was going to use a powerful technique, so they immediately retreated, and only stopped when they were five kilometers away.    


Amongst the crowd, many people were discussing in low voices.    


"Do you think the Alliance Master can beat them this time?"    


"I think it's a little suspenseful. Everyone is clear about Han Yan's strength just now. His cultivation is not inferior to the Alliance Master."    


"Although Han Yan is powerful, that Demonic Beast is even more terrifying. If they really fight later on, at most Han Yan and that Demonic Beast can get on one, and then they can …"    


"I really didn't expect that not only was Han Yan still alive, he's actually this guy who's been strong for more than ten years …"    




As everyone spoke to here, they sighed in succession, their eyes filled with worry.    


Ouyang Yutian had been the Alliance Master for so many years, although the lower officials did not have a good impression of him. However, among the top officials, other than a few people like Yuan Hu, most of the cultivators were personally chosen by him. It could be said that he was loyal and devoted to him. However, in front of them, even if they were sincere, they would not act impulsively and use their lives as a joke. After all, they were not loyal to such an extent.    


The disdain in the Xiao Hui's eyes deepened as she mocked: "You aren't called Ouyang Yutian in the first place, you should be called trash …"    


"You …" Ouyang Yutian was furious, "You're courting death!" With that, his figure flashed as he carried the woman in his arms and rushed straight towards the Xiao Hui.    


Han Yan's brows twitched, and said to the Xiao Hui: "Let's do it!"    


The Xiao Hui answered, and then with a flash, appeared in front of Ouyang Yutian, releasing a shocking claw strike at him.    


Six arcs of light were unleashed rapidly, and in the blink of an eye, they arrived in front of Ouyang Yutian. The moment it landed on his body, a bloody light flashed on Ouyang Yutian's body, and he disappeared into thin air. In the next moment, Ouyang Yutian appeared in front of Han Yan, and laughed out loud: "When you're fighting, you can run, but don't tell me that I don't know how to fight?"    


Compared to teleportation, no one could be a match for the Xiao Hui. The reason why Ouyang Yutian was able to escape from the Xiao Hui was because he had used the blood escape at the very last moment.    


Ouyang Yutian had just arrived in front of Han Yan, and threw the woman in his hands out. At the same time, he patted the storage bag on his waist and a blood-red awl flew out. The long awl was only half an inch long, and its entire body was blood-red, as if it had been refined in blood. Ouyang Yutian then used a few techniques on the awl, in a flash, it flew right behind the lady.    


Ouyang Yutian laughed crazily and roared at Han Yan: "Go to hell!"    


With the current situation, if Han Yan were to make a move, the woman would definitely die. If he saved that woman, he would definitely be injured. If it was someone else, that would be fine, but she was not only someone that Han Yan knew, she had also fought together with him before. Han Yan hesitated for a moment, and then in a flash, he arrived in front of the lady, and pulled her into his embrace.    


At the same time, the awl also arrived in front of him. Han Yan snorted, and grabbed the awl in his hand.    


When the long awl fell into his hand, the sharp tip broke through Han Yan's skin, causing his body to tremble, almost falling down from the sky.    


Seeing that, Ouyang Yutian laughed out loud, and said: "Han Yan, aren't you strong? Didn't you want to kill me? "I want to see how you're going to fight me …" Just as he finished speaking, he saw Han Yan's figure become blurry, and his face darkened as he looked behind him. When he saw Han Yan floating behind him, he immediately widened his eyes and cried out: "How is that possible? Weren't you heavily injured?"    


Han Yan let out a cold snort, raised the awl in his hand and said: "Do you think this kind of treasure can injure me?" With a flick of his wrist, a huge force was released. The long awl in his hand collapsed and disappeared into specks of bloody light. Han Yan raised his hand and formed a Dao Soul Extinguishing Finger before him. As his cyan light flashed, he opened his mouth and spat out a divine intent. The two magic techniques quickly merged and flew towards Ouyang Yutian.    


The distance between the two was not more than thirty meters, yet Ouyang Yutian had sustained heavy injuries. He simply did not have the time to react, and could only watch as the Sky-Destructing Finger entered his body. The moment he entered, Ouyang Yutian congealed all of his spirit energy, wanting to destroy the Sky-Destructing Finger, but unexpectedly, a wave of Power of thunder and lightning suddenly spread out in his body, causing him to lose the ability to move in an instant.    


Han Yan's figure flashed, he appeared in front of Ouyang Yutian and struck him with his palm, forcefully sealing his cultivation.    


The Xiao Hui then came to Ouyang Yutian's side as well, begging him, "Old man, can you let me eat this guy?" As he spoke, he licked his tongue, looking like a greedy cat.    


Han Yan acted as if he did not hear, sealed Ouyang Yutian's cultivation, and separated his soul from his body, then took out his Soul Calling Back Streamer and threw it into the Black Banner.    


The Xiao Hui muttered in dissatisfaction: "Boss, using such good food to refine it is too wasteful, wouldn't it be better if I ate it?"    


Han Yan laughed indifferently, he glanced at the crowd and said: "If you want to eat, there are a lot over there."    


Hearing this, the Xiao Hui's eyes flashed, it turned around and laughed: "Which one of you wants to be my food, I can let him die happily."    


When everyone heard this, their faces darkened and they hurriedly ran away. Each of them ran faster than the other. In just a few breaths, all of them had escaped.    



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