The Ancient Sovereign



0This Power of thunder and lightning was abnormally pure. After Han Yan absorbed it into his body, its power might not be as strong as the lightning from before, but it was not much weaker. Han Yan was sure that if he used this Power of thunder and lightning technique, he would be able to kill cultivators of the same cultivation level in an instant. However, Han Yan had just subdued this Power of thunder and lightning, so it would take a very long time to master it.    


At this moment, Chen Yue and Qin Xiong, who were about to go and save Han Yan, were slightly startled when they heard his words. Then, they sensed that the aura in Han Yan's body was quickly increasing. The two of them only had one thought in their minds: This Human Men is too strong, there are only impossible things on his body, there is nothing he can't do.    


Qin Xiong's mouth moved twice. In his heart, he wanted to say something, but he did not, and asked Qin Xiong who was beside him: "Do you really think he can refine that purple lightning bolt of light?"    


Chen Yue laughed bitterly and said: "He is not a reckless person. If he did not have a certain amount of confidence, he would not have said such a thing."    


"This person's cultivation is unfathomable." Qin Xiong finally let out a breath of cool air and said, "If his six cycles is successful, he can definitely bring us out of this place?"    


Chen Yue's brows twitched as he sent a sound transmission to him: "What, before this, Brother Qin did not believe that he had the ability to do so?"    


After all, Han Yan was only at the Third Cycle of cultivation. Although he had displayed great strength before, and was also proficient in array formations, he was still an expert in array formations. However, the formation originated from the ancient times, so ordinary cultivators could not break it. Even the people who were proficient in the formation in the ancient times could be counted on one hand.    


Therefore, Qin Xiong could only say that she was skeptical at first, but now, she was absolutely certain of it.    


Hearing Chen Yue's words, Qin Xiong laughed bitterly and said: "I really didn't believe it in the past, but now I do."    


Chen Yue laughed heartily, and said: "To be honest, I really am a little envious of you."    


Qin Xiong's eyes flashed with surprise, he did not feel any sort of envy, and could not help but ask: "Right now, not only am I missing the position of Clan Chief, I am also a homeless person, what is there to be envious about?"    


Chen Yue shot a glance at the nearby Han Yan, but didn't immediately reply. "Your daughter has good eyes, to actually have taken a fancy to such a genius." If he can reach the Soul Formation stage, then maybe he can help you reach the ninth cycle. " As he said this, he thought of something and sighed, "Why does Xiao Meng not like him?    


Qin Xiong was startled again, and asked puzzledly: "You want Xiao Meng to follow him?"    


Since Chen Yue had said these words, he was prepared to not hide the things that happened with his daughter, and said: "That's right, I do have that intention, but that girl is unwilling. You know my temper, so you never do anything that would make things difficult for your daughter. He paused for a moment before continuing, "This child's body is special. If I'm not wrong, it should be the legendary Sky spiritual root. Xiao Meng is also a rarely seen Earth spiritual root. If Xiao Meng can get the same amount of benefits as his dual cultivation, then so can I. "    


Qin Xiong's eyes were filled with astonishment. What surprised him was not Chen Xiaomeng's spiritual root attribute, but rather Han Yan's spiritual root, was actually the legendary Sky spiritual root. It had to be known that the spiritual root of the Sky spiritual root users were abnormally complex and were almost impossible to cultivate in the early stages. Under such a difficult situation, if a normal person's Sky spiritual root cultivator wasn't discovered, or didn't step onto the road of cultivation, they would have died. It was precisely like this, even though quite a few people with Sky spiritual root had appeared over the millions of years, those who truly walked the path of cultivation and also reached the level of Nascent Soul were extremely rare, and each person carried countless miracles.    


When Qin Xiong was still in shock, he thought that it was very likely that Han Yan's storage bag had a top quality treasure that could speed up one's cultivation, and understood what was going on. He smiled bitterly and said depressingly, "He is truly infuriating. Such good luck is all concentrated in him alone. I really don't know if I should be envious or jealous."    


You don't have to be jealous." Chen Yue analyzed it and said, "For a person with extremely weak spiritual roots to be able to walk the path of cultivation and possess such a powerful cultivation, besides having a supreme treasure, the amount of effort that they have to put in is unimaginable. We only see his brilliant side. Did you notice that every time he shows a confused expression, a killing intent always appears from the depths of his eyes? If it's someone who has never experienced a bloody sea of hatred before, they wouldn't reveal such a gaze.     


Qin Xiong thought about it for a moment, and just as Chen Yue had said, he replied, "You're saying …"    


Chen Yue nodded. "That's right, if I haven't guessed wrongly, before he steps onto the road of cultivation, or even after he steps onto the path of cultivation, he will definitely be enduring unimaginable suffering."    


Hearing that, Qin Xiong had a lot of thoughts, and said: "On the road of cultivation, although one values talent, perseverance is also extremely important. Without great perseverance, it was useless no matter how talented he was. Our Murlocs is too talented, but we ignore the practice and always seek to enjoy, as well as those useless benefits. If we could train as hard as some humans and become a group of super powerhouse, we probably wouldn't have rushed out of Ten Directions Continent back then. "    


"We still have a chance." Chen Yue said in a serious tone, "As long as we can persuade him to kill Zhang Yong, we will have the chance to return to the Ten Directions Continent."    


Qin Xiong's face revealed joy, and he said excitedly: "That's right! How could I have forgotten about that? As long as we can persuade him, we can return to the Ten Directions Continent. "    


Returning to the Ten Directions Continent was the dream of every single Murloc, especially the clan leader, High Priest and the others.    


Within the Murlocs, only the patriarch and the High Priest knew why they had to return to the Ten Directions Continent. This was because there was a secret that ordinary Murloc s did not know about, and that was an ancient treasure trove. Legend has it that the Murlocs was able to collect a large amount of things, whether it was Refining materials s or cultivation manuals, they were all astonishingly numerous, and there were even some Pill that were successfully refined. These things had always been kept in an extremely secret location. When they first left, they were chased by humans and had no time to take them away. And the Murlocs Elder who brought this group of people here swore that if they did not have the power to return to the Ten Directions Continent, they would never open the treasure.    


Although their talent was still there, their souls had fallen and were no longer as hardworking as when they first started cultivating. Of course, Chen Yue and High Priest did not forget about these things. They had always been training diligently, but their talent was limited, and in the end, they could only reach the eighth stage.    


Chen Yue's words once again ignited hope, and their faces were filled with excitement.    


Not far away, Qin Rouer flashed his body and arrived beside the two of them. Seeing their excited expressions, he could not help but wrinkle his brows and ask in puzzlement: "Father, Uncle, what's wrong?"    


Qin Xiong hesitated for a moment before waving his hand and arranging a set of soundproofing array. He then solemnly said: "Rou'er, there is an extremely important matter that requires your help. I don't know if you will be able to provide any help soon, but this matter is related to the future of Murlocs." His voice was not loud, but it was extremely solemn.    


Qin Rouer was startled, the surprise in his eyes became even stronger. This was the first time in his life that his father had used this kind of tone to talk to him. Qin Rouer was, after all, a Murloc. Since this matter concerns the future of the Murlocs, she could not reject it at all. As long as I can do it, I will definitely do it. "    


Just as everyone was talking, Han Yan suddenly bellowed from not too far away. The sound was so loud that everyone within a hundred miles could hear it clearly. Then, Han Yan's figure flashed as he rushed into the sky. His speed was unimaginably fast, and in the blink of an eye, he disappeared from the crowd's line of sight.    


When the crowd saw this scene, they couldn't help but stare with widened eyes. There was only one thought running through their minds: Could it be that he wanted to go through seven cycles?    


One must know that it was already extremely difficult to complete three cycles in a row, yet Han Yan had actually completed four cycles consecutively.    


Qin Xiong's eyes flashed, and immediately asked: "Should we help him?"    


Chen Yue laughed bitterly and said: "If you want to complete the seventh transition, the rate of failure is extremely high.    


The two of them looked at each other, and could tell what the other was thinking from their eyes. Just as they were about to leave for the salty sky, Chen Ye's brows twitched as he exclaimed, "Not good!"    


Qin Xiong's face was full of confusion, and asked: What's wrong?    


Chen Yue's eyes were filled with worry, he anxiously said: "Zhang Yong has already found out where we are, and is currently leading a large number of Murloc Warriors to attack the array, and not long later, the array will be broken."    


Qin Xiong glanced in the direction Han Yan left in, gritted his teeth, and said: "He probably has a great chance of going to the Seventh Cycle, even if we go, we won't be able to help much. We might as well go and save Xiao Meng. If the formation is broken, Zhang Yong will definitely be able to find this place. At that time, we will be in even more danger. "    


Chen Yue was extremely concerned for his daughter's safety. Even though he wanted to help Han Yan very much, he didn't have the time to do so and nodded: "That's fine, let's go bring Xiao Meng here first before we fight with Zhang Yong. I hope the formation can last until he completes the seventh circulation."    


To deal with Zhang Yong, the two of them had no confidence at all. All their hopes rested on Han Yan.    


In the nine days, although it seemed as though time was passing slowly, it was still much faster than the ground.    


Although the group had only been here for a few hours, a few days had already passed on the ground.    


As soon as the three of them returned to the Mi Heaven Fog Formation, they heard a roar, "Qin Xiong, I didn't expect you to still be here. I have already set up a formation around here. I would like to see where you guys are going to run to today. "    


The one who spoke was Zhang Yong, and the reason why he was unable to kill Qin Xiong and the rest was because of the damned array formation, if not for it blocking him, he would have already taken down the Spirit Sealing Tower. Zhang Yong was an idiot when it came to array formations, it was completely out of proportion to his cultivation. In order to research array formations well, he went to the mortal world once a few years ago and bought a large number of array formations to study carefully. Needless to say, he had truly comprehended a few tricks. Although his arrangement was far worse than Han Yan's, it still far surpassed his.    


Zhang Yong was very smart. After he found out where everyone was, he used a whole day to set up an extremely large array, trapping Han Yan's array inside. That was why he got all the Rankers to attack the formation set up by Han Yan in order to kill everyone after the formation was broken.    


At this moment, cracks had appeared on the formation. It seemed that it wouldn't be able to hold on for long.    


Chen Xiaomeng looked at the formation that was about to collapse, his eyes filled with worry. When he saw his father and the others approaching, he immediately shouted: "Father, the formation is going to collapse!" Her voice was still echoing in the air when suddenly, a loud sound reverberated through the air. The surrounding array formation immediately collapsed, and her voice was drowned out by the loud sound.    


At the same time, a flowing light flashed in the air and Zhang Yong instantly appeared beside Chen Xiaomeng. Following that, Zhang Yong's arm moved as he embraced Chen Xiaomeng and laughed loudly, "Chen Xiaomeng, don't even think of escaping. After I kill them all, I'll bring you back to sleep with me."    


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